Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 2, 1910, p. 3

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rzr THE EHA FRIDAY DECEMBER Seats IS OH Ol A the regular Monthly Meeting of the will Tuesday of- Dec at pm at the home of llrs Hughes J Albums For Post Cards or flcoughtons Drug Store Views at Bazaar The Presbyterian Bazaar will tale place on the of Dec Make a note of the date On the Brink of Town subscribers are getting very to know how our continued ends They will be gratified text issue 4 Sunburst of Pearls Would be a most acceptable From 1600 up at Atkinsons Jewelry Store Talent Sale Although it was a very disagreeable iy the cleared over SIT at fceir Talent Sale in the Methodist last Friday afternoon Womens Institute The branch of the North York Womens Institute will hold the annual meeting on Dec 3rd at the home of Mrs A Haines St The report of the Wo mens Institute Convention will be given with other Christmas Papers Roll Call at oclock sharp Initials Engraved Free On any article bought at Atkinsons Mirrors ji 00 to at Watsons Business Change Mr J Patterson who has been chemist for the Rogers Co for the past five fears or more has bought out the business and took possession yester day morning Mr Patterson is a popular young man and very rife to business We wish success Brleflets December the month to renew your subscription to papers and ma gazines for next year There is no better way of building up our town than giving to our home business men our entire and exclusive patronage The more we help each other the more we help the town Just enough snow for fairly good sleighing in town They had inches in Keswick on Tuesday Town Council next Monday night Get your corporation accounts in Persona Christmas Cards Dont Overlook the fact that you should place your order at once A large assortment at Drug Store atten- Church Pastor Alex will occupy the pulpit on Sunday Dec at am and preach upon Four Spiritu al Men In the evening Rev Jesse Coming Here The advance agent of Ladies Choir was in on Wednesday and made arrangements for an evening in some time in February under the auspices of the Willing Workers of the Presby terian Church- There are in choir and they sailed from Cardiff Wales last September They now touring the Canadian West and- are said to be exceedingly good To Introduce Baking Powder into more homes we will sell our regular 1 lb tins for until Jan 1st Prosser The Central Grocery Public Library Institute Last Friday the York District Li brary Association was organized in Newmarket two sessions being held in the Young Mens Club Rooms The attendance was small there be ing less than a dozen Library Boards represented On motion Mr A J Dales of was requested to act as Chairman pro tern and Mr J A Cody of Newmarket as Secretary His Worship Mayor Pearson deliv ered an address of welcome after which the following were appointed a nominating committee Messrs Johnston Jacob W A Sil vester Miss Mary Duncan and Miss Pearl Resolution Com Revs Simpson and Cornell Messrs P Pearson and A Hunter and Miss The address by Mr Snyder of on How we started a Library on Modern Lines was fol lowed a meeting of the Executive High School Hoard A special meeting was held at the Secretarys office on Tuesday evening when various matters of detail con cerning the new building were such as carpenter plumbing electric wiring etc Carpenters insurance risks were renewed and the secretary was instructed to place a permanent in surance on the new annex of 000 soon as completed Gibson of Toronto a prominent Bap tist clergyman will occupy the pul- The election of officers resulted as follows President Secretary Miss Florence Weston Treasurer Dr Fortune Newmar ket Executive P A Dales Jas Don J Evans 1 5020 pit and speak on the work of the Society Everyone invited The Exercises will take place in the church on evening Dec yesterdays beef roast into an is tfring hash by one of our Pood Chop- a fa and at will be remembered by one another a new plan is to be carried out The names all the are to be placed in a box a scholars week or two before Christmas Then each scholar will draw one name and is expected to put a present on the tree for that scholar whose name he drew said present not to exceed cents in value Then the school in addi tion will present each scholar with a box of candy Simplicity will char acterize the entire proceedings Fobs Over 25 to choose Sleighs j to from at Watsons Winter Sports Snow Shoes Toboggans Skates and Hockey Supplies at I H Another Preacher Passes Away I Rev William who for a Presbyterian Church quarter of a century was pastor of Next Sunday morning Rev esse Street Presbyterian Gibson secretary of the Upper Church in Riverdale died at Red- Canada Bible Society will preach at Hands California on Nov in oclock his year Owing to a serious Islington Miss Weston grant wnrreuuKuii Council met at Bal- on the all present previous read and confirmed Bills were presented by J Sheridan work A gravel J Barker gravel J BriHinger S Williamson gravel Y Sons cedar McCormack Barker Gravel The- following claims were made for sheep killed by dogs J Anderson sheep Rowe 1 sheep killed Clark sheep 14700 The Treasurer was instructed pay the bills presented the claims for sheep killed and dam aged was paid for kill ing dog caught sheep was assessed for lot 22 con omitted from the roll Assessment No Starr owner was erased from the roli being duplicate assessment Assessment No being part of lot con 1 was erased from the roll being duplicate assess ment j The Treasurer was instructed to refund S3 50 Statute Labor tax gainst Starr and as said work has been performed A ByLaw was passed instruct ing the Clerk to hold the Munici pal Nomination at Hall and appoint Deputy Returning and Poll Council adjourned to meet Vandorf Hall on the day Docetmber COUNCIL Council was held in Simpsons Hall on Saturday Nov Members all present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed following bills were passed and ordered paid J Billings months pay J McGoldrick Win Mount road grant at of BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL- THOUSANDS Furs are higher this season than they have been for years having bought very early this season direct from the manufacturer in Germany we are selling Furs even cheaper than ever Our storm collars and range from 400 to and are fully per cent cheaper than Emb Handkerchiefs at each regular 25c Mens Initial Handkerchiefs in linen and silk Ladies Fancy Collars from He to Mufflers of all kinds from 5c to Ladies Chamois Gloves at 50c pair houses arc selling the same for I Boots and Shoes We are agents for Mcphersons and many others of the best makers of w Boots and Shoes ante the wear of every pair wo eell We are selling a very nice flip per for children at per pair Get a pair before they- are all gome S5i Hi Nuts and Fruits have nil ar rived in stock are the very best procurable Fresh Cooking Figs 5c per Choice California Prunes lb Griffin and Fancy Seated Raisins 10c Large Bar Laundry Soap Canned Red Pitted Cherries Corn Flakes 3 for 25c A UNION Live Stock Market A The annual meeting of the Branch will be held in the Pres byterian Church on Thursday evening of next week the address to be giv en by Rev 1 Simpson it hoped there will be a large at tendance as the prayer service in the other three churches in town will be withdrawn on that account he was compelled to resign his log Pearson Newmarket Addresses then followed by the oth er gentlemen on the program Mr A P Hunter of Rev Cor nell of Newmarket Mr A Cor nell Principal Newmarket Public School Mr Inspector Public Libraries Toronto and Mr David Williams editor of the Bulletin All the addresses were excellent and many useful hints were given in the management of Public Libraries It was greatly regretted that the attendance was not much larger The 1900 Washer Would make a pretty nice Gift to Mother Hardware sells them Local Option Variaus municipalities where Wood Edwards gravel Municipal World supplies J Reilly road grant gravel Black cement tiles reps to bridge Dr Dr Stevenson Toronto General Hospital Williams J Kitchen bill J Kitchen hardware J Milliard Phillips- Wells That the lowing wire fence bonus be 3500 35 1000 j paid The highest price paid in Toronto this week for export cattle was as against last week The butcher trade however was fairly- brisk and the best load of heifers in the yard was sold for kill ing at per The best load of butcher cattle brought from with common and medium stock selling at to Cows and bulls were about per cwt higher than last week One choice bull weighing lis sold for per cwt Feeders and stockers were easy Prices were nominally quoted at to for and from to for good feeders ers brought from to Trade was brisk at the City Mark- on Tuesday some sheep and lambs being disposed of very quickly Prices were quite firm at per cwt for Iambs and sheep Hogs arc just a shade firmer on the local market- than they were last week the top price off cars being quoted at to 735 For hogs fed and watered after delivery in To ronto to 710 is quoted and on board cars at average country points to 675 NOVELTIES To complete your Costume Carry the LISSUE Handkerchief stops cotjhs cores coljs heals lnps cents W C The Ladies Store Newmarket In Town is of cobweb fineness and feels like silk White and several charming coloured patterns to harmonize with the gown The finish and colours are absolutely guaranteed to suffer no harm from washing 20c each glove size 1 5c each OUR GUARANTEE Every Handkerchief Is guaranteed Indelible colours superior quality and permanent finish If found otherwise you can obtain six handkerchiefs for every one that fades or runs in washing Brushes Of every description nail brushes air brushes cloth and tooth brushes it Drug Store I F On Tuesday evening the semiamual election of officers of Pyramid Lodge Ho US was held resulting fol- ows J VO L Andrews Benton If 1 PO Verne Cane The Lodge is preparing for a splen did At Home to bo held shortly Iter Christmas pastorate in October Before going to Toronto he was stationed at Newmarket Horn in Ireland he came to Canada when quite a young man He studied at Princeton and also at Knox Col lege and for a lime was engaged in mission work in New York Rev Mr Frizzeli was an exmoderator of the Toronto Presbytery and at the time he was stricken with paralysis was President of the Ontario Sunday School Association an earnest advo cate of temperance and also took a deep interest in the work of the Lords Day Alliance on The late pastor had many friends friends among in Toronto especially and was beloved by his for whom he labored faithfully well Local Option bylaws will take place next January are asking for I an expression of opinion from the business people of and the following Is a copy of the testi monial sent to the Pioneer Toron to last week The residents of New market have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the usefulness and of Local Option Bylaws Doing away with treating and roo drinking has been helpful to so briety domestic comfort public or der and prosperity Local Option has been of decided advantage to the Municipality and has now many warm same g John John Wilson 192 I Stewart Breedon Perry Jhn Quant Scott Win M J A Henry Colin Campbell A Pen field J J in first congregation achieved I and Billiard Table for Sale Practically new for Samuel May Co make Handsome table to Birds Eye Maple Cherry and Ma- Roche Co During his pastorate he always lent bis influence in the direction of good government and was strong in his belief that ministers should serve on Hoards of and similar public bodies In he offered himself as a candidate in the First Ward but was unsuccessfpl At that time Rev was the the second Anthem In such a way as to he at the nominal tion meeting this was the cause of those who did not at support it This Iras been firstclass elation provided by the temperance people of Newmarket I Iambic ton J J Kehoe Sheardown J Marshall It Germain Win A Ireland Baldwin J- Names Business Pearson Mayor Coal and Wood Merchant Geo Vale Bookkeeper or the Davis Leather Co A Widdificld Win Keith Reeve Smith Farm Implement Agent a Hardware Merchant 3J0 JO 110 Newmarket Markets Kail Wheat per Oats per- bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Bran per ton Shorts ton Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per do Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per ll Geese per Turkeys per lb Dec 1010 bush SO a 30V- 57 24 00 00 40- 0 150 NORTH 75 leader in a movement for Rogers Druggist I verse of the National I v Hunter Dry G Methodist Church congregations last The sermon by Rev J Thomas in the morning was listened to earnest attention as was also the by the pastor in the evening Kearly every seat in the choir is filled again and Irwin is giving some fine organ selections The Methodist Sunday School was at the Class Con ference for Central Ontario in To ronto this week by Mrs J Gard ner from the Ladles Class Mr Wilkinson of the Mens Own Bible lass and Mr Stuart Quick from the Class I hey were all de lighted with the will report to their several classes next Sunday evening Mr Parker of To- onto a new General Conference Of ficer was to address the congregation At the regular session of the school Sunday afternoon Mr Jesse Gibson agent of the Cfper Canada Bible Society will the child ren Next Sunday evening be Mens Meeting The Bible Clans will have charge of the music and the sermon will be delivered by the pastor Large attendance anticipat ed Those who wish to occupy their regular seats will require to go Subjects Sunday am the Family of Heaven pm Young Mens Service One Young Mans Wise Choice The pastor calls attention to the fact that next Sunday being the brat m the month the usual Fellowship Service will be held the school- room some opposition Friz is survived by his Widow daughter of the late Alfred Stevens of Newmarket one daughi y foods Merchant Cents Furnisher James Sutherland Dry floods Mer chant J ft Agent Druggist Roche Co Dry Merchant Mrs Fred Morgan and oneson El vidge Grocer William all of whom reside Red- Undertaker lands Atkinson Jeweler Optician The many friends of deceased in McKay Justice of the Peace and vicinity will deeply sympathy with the sorrowing in their bereavement as Mr Frizell was greatly respected here Where Can You Find A more useful Assortment of Gifts than can be found in the uptodate Hardware A call at will well repay you Boy Your Gifts Cut Bowl Store While our Stock is com plete And truly a finer Stock of Jewelry for the trade has never been shown in In Pearl goods and Diamonds we always lead This year we have a larger stock to choose from than we have ever shown before at prices to suit everybodys purse We handle a large stock or Sterling and Ebony Goods Glasses Spectacles Fountain Pens and Jewel Cases You require no personal invitation Its to your in terest to Come and See Jftw lii Ticket Agents Cana dian Pacific My Issuer of Marriage Licenses retired pressHerald High School Principal Osborne Tinsmith Plumber F Grocer Fisher Bookkeeper for the Of fice Co Jackson ExMayor and Justice of the Peace J Blacksmith Knowles Grocer Manning Blacksmith P Whitney Roman Catholic Priest Eves Member of Town Coun cil Lumber Merchant Charles Gentleman Grain Merchant J Station Agent- The Win Cane I Sons Co Ltd per Cane Manufacturers of If F Gardner Foundry Schmidt Office clalty Co Ltd Howard J A Collins Gentleman The Davis Leather Company limited per J Assistant Of fice Specialty Co Ltd Barrister etc Wilkinson Dentist Cody York Grocers Jackson Newmarket Era A Brighton Beach train Jumped a switch at the Manhattan end of the Brooklyn Bridge at the evening rush hour and blocked traffic for hours Children Cry FOR CHERS AS TO R I A Cannon Henry That the owing sheep claims be paid Boys John Kelly 407 Lemon Phillips That A Davis be appointed roadoverseer in lieu of John Dunning removed Phillips That this council approve of the made by the Reeve re tile made by- Williams and I hat said tile be paid for in accordance with said Inspection That be given the sum ol for food supplied John an in digent That the sum of bo granted to grade hill lots con Well ington Mew Com That the west halves of lots in the con be placed in a separate road division Phillips That Wm Williams be ih Bum of CO for tile 0 els cach wells That the surer be Instructed and is hereby authorized to advance to the Trustees of Police Villago of the sum 00 three hun dred dollars on the levy of the present year Wells Lemon That whereas Council having established a by the account of Robert While for gravel for road purposes to the extent of to per yard said account having pre- vljusly passed this Council Be It therefore resolved that In the Interest of Justice and fairness to the owners and of pits within the Township that all accounts presented for gravel ex cept of on and subscriucnt to June and during the remainder of 1910 be suplomonted to a Uniform of lcta cubic yard and that the Treasurer is hereby auth orized to pay said amounts In ac cordance with this On motion Councillor Wells de manded Yeas and Kays which resulted as follows Yeas Wets Kays Lemon and mlon lost That the Council grant sun of to gravel 10th con opposite los 32 Mr J A Armatring furnish the gravel and Mr can this grant if he though it and hit Wlson be On motion Council adjourned ai McBrldes Hotel King on Thursday Dec Toronto Markets Dec Fall Wheat per bush l HIV Goose Wheat per bus Oats per bush 38 Peas per hush Barley per bush I lav per ton JO Butter per lb 20 Eggs per -10- 0 Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb 150 Turkeys per lb 0 Geese per lb 16 USE THE NO PHONE 500 lbs PURE CLOVER ar Snap for One Week Only For Spot Cash Buyers Sixty Bags Standard Granulated Car Lot Price 485 for Pound Bag 25 Pounds Dark Cooking Sugar for 100 Look through our Crockery Department a Regiment of Bargains Unpacking Tons of New Goods at Less than City Prices See our Monday Display Any Article Phone W HOWARD t Hir Rril choc brushes with the finest hack and bristles A all toilet accessory and present that will give pleasure in to Holiday and Other Stationery This is the kind you want because it is the best in quality and will express your personality The quality this paper the kind you will appreciate Put your best thoughts on it to CO An necessity if refinement that we have In beautiful and artistic designs In silver and ebony to Embodying refinement and taste These leave no thing further it- bo sought A present that lends adornment as well as usefulness to you for this appro- Manicure Sets Ideal Dressing Cases Mother sister oo present sweetheart will thank 25c to Dressing Mirrors Perfumes with a Message ffeLf5fSX scents that you appreciate In cut glass bottles at to HrA in I with en appreciated by any woman MANY OTHER GIFTS TOO A DRUG STORE NEWMARKET

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