Our Slock TGWAT ffttciunakr Optician The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County -Paper- I TERMS per annum it advance to the United States So Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance- OVER TO i WATSON JewelryStore Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor Newmarket Friday Dec 2 Ml Single Copies each NECESSITIES Oaf Toronto I 1 Not for the Ladies this time but very suitable for Men Every man who shaves and most of them do en joy a good clean shave What is more satisfactory than a first class shaving outfit Razor Brush Strop soap WE HAVE A DM Something for Nothing We will give FREE until with every Razor your choice of Shaving SoapStick Shaving Brush or one tin Powder These Razors are fully guaranteed to give satisfaction A HARDWARE AND BLACKSMITHS HARDWARE STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS AND FURNACES PLUMBING AND A PHONE 28 TINSMITHING NEWMARKET ONT Tray nor who was wanted in for breach of the liquor Act was arrested in this city towards the close of last week The has sent a letter to all physicians of the city requiring them 10 report all tuberculosis cases An effort will be made to grapple with the disease A Christmas banquet for boys is planned by Mr- J Wilkinson for Dec at the St Lawrence Arena There will be a struggle to prohibit smoking on street railway cars after the 1st of this month An inquest is being conducted touching the death of a small child of Leo Ballanger It is more than suggested that the child died from an overdose of soothing syrup The talk is that the child was given a tea- spoonful dose instead of three drops Inquest adjourned till The numerous elevator accidents which have occurred recently is of By GARRET SMITH I The story of certain doings 0 a New Years Eve of the future that after all are n more extraordinary than the telephone and wireless telegraphy of today would have seemed to a reader of From The Argosy New York Thank you I wont stop for a note now I have to catch a train I trust I can get what I want by telephone You dont know Mr you Continued from last week Professor FIcckner said the doc tor leaning forward pardon my I the Council to report on some scheme to remedy the evil The Presbyterian Mission at India report con verts in years and 157 during the past year MrVj McDonald of this city is president of this Mission Board The contributions last year amounted to Albert Dow aged who was caught in Hamilton passing counter feit coins was tried last week and sent to the Central for months Hard lines for a man three score and breaking in but if you find the wo man for whom youre searcnng I may be able to tell if she is crazy You seem to doubt the doctors story I do doubt his story replied think this is Mrs a prisoner and as sane as you or I The professor knocked on the is he spoke turning the projector so that the sound was directed at the outside of the tarred door Yes replied the woman in in a clear rational voice I In the lahoratocy in Now York lay an exact reproduction the drawn up in Ohio and to it Mr Brewster put his signature as tar v How about that woman Dr asked the professor tie anxiously of the nerve Perfectly sane doctor Ill take that j specialist the my path to CHAPTER A Mystery of the Sea Not a mop jit did Professor Fleck- waste for comment Thirty minutes left- till alarmed I am a be remarked half to himself friend This is Mrs stepping over to a bookshelf in the it not replied the professor of the room From it he took Yes this is Mrs Who are volume ivhichJhe hurriedly consult- yon came the reply I come from a relative of yours Harvey he murmured answered the professor I have back Thats the chief something of your secret and of the Intercontinental help you I have some am coming in Mali no 7 f THE receives Savings Deposits of and upwards and adds Interest to all twice a year Safe Convenient Profitable Assets 43000000 I BRANCH FIELD MANAGER ten have conn A little triangular plot of ground midway between Dunn Avenue and sound has been selected by the woman rose to face him her as a temporary borne for the eves cIt moment in rail Company Ive got to trace George our third and last object of search Our only clue is that three years ago he was with an engineering gang on this road was uii YEARS AGO the operation of the order for muzzling dogs running at large the police have destroyed over station a new sta- lnat the professor rattled i Frantically the professor grabbed tion will be erected at the King and keys against the the street directory on the ta- Street Junction at Itr a noise like unlocking and hie and turned to George Accidents happen very singularly opening a door- As the woman turn- Harvey His business office sometibies One day last week Miss Projected his image into town was given offices Sarah Woodcock aged while try- and thougli little startled of the Monorail but his home to avoid stepping on a Kitten as of his appearance merely Chicago she was corning down stairs fell to not notice the remarkable a of floor fracturing her felt arm method of his apparent entrance patience the professor threw over his The foreman of a Coroners Jury in Wc Wttst act quickly- said the and the next instant a Chica- Lucas case attempted to lecture professor Have you stylograph go street was again racing by or the Coroner Elliott the other day and paper screen In a moment It paused Ihc Coroner had him removed from Woman pointed to the articles the familiar coloredbottle sign of a the room whifh lay with a letterpad on the drugstore Then there was a waving imago of Your cousin Thomas Priestley Clio interior of the stone 011 the screen heir to all Uie family wealth has just and suddenly appeared a succession of in this city Hundreds of them anuvd of your whereabouts and sent magnified pages of a Chicago city apparently had no owners The city me to get you to sign a release of the rectory At liar shift- is well rid of them j estate went on the ami the professor placed Early on morning last understand that it reverts by a triumphant finger on the name of three houses were destroyed by fire grandfathers will to the United George Harvey with an address at in the district Damages States government at midnight to- No Michigan Avenue about Three families lost unless all the heirs sign off Without a delay of more than an most all their belongings To the relief and surprise of the instant Michigan Avenue was Hashed A deputation from the Kast professor and in fact Priestley back again and No found Then Day Nursery were introduced to the who was interested again spite of moment the lAittOn of the door- Hoard ol Control by Aid himself woman grasped the stylo- bell appeared on the screen magnified and asked for the usual grant of graph eagerly to huge proportions Wallace Christy Nothing can give me greater It just occurred to me said the that last year were cared pleasure she said if you can only the inventor that I can ring a get me out of this place For two doorbell from here just as well as years mv who is the night not Tins ray of course Can trans telegraph-operator- for the Monorail mil power currents of any intensity here has me prisoner It Is all I Utah All I have to do is to eon- a plot of Horace who with the and send a if he is my brother an arch devil weak charge through it ami hell I suspect that Thomas Priestleys rings a for while the mothers were away working this being an average of 20 every day Of course it must not be suggested that there were different babies the same babies came back day after day Rev J has been appointed to succeed Rev Canon Farncouib as rector of St Matthews Anglican Church First Avenue The latter has not been in perfect health for some time While not entirely relinquishing his pastoral duties ho has handed over the charge to his assistant lawyers in New York are in it You see they discovered a vious will of great grand the drew Priestley leaving all the too pre A li es late entailed to his oldest Jane my grandmother to he handed down to the oldest child in each generation of her Then my poor The officers class of the father Maurice oldest examined son of Jane ran wild and and cut- off our branch of the family Harvey in the South End Lumber Yard ft per Ton Goal Mined in America SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY P W PEARSON Phone or order to J -H- Bowman or J Murphy Own Hides will be on Wednesday evening Dec Friday evening Dec- J Gib The fol lowing have been appointed as a Hoard of Major Captains Allan Morrison and For the first time In Toronto a I Roman Catholic mission for Catholics Is lo be conducted next month St Pauls Church corner of Queen and Power Streets Mr J A tenor soloist at the Metropolitan Church for the I two years has been appointed the Church of the Redeemer A number people have been fined in the Police Court for shipping logs from the infected to uninfected dis tricts during the hunting ieason Others are being fined for allowing their dogs on the streets Six months Imprisonment was the feculence handed out to the Another with It brings Overcoat fiuI A an We have at the time full Km of latest New York styles on and the uptodate our shelves for dose to While down town make point to call arid WILLI YOUR JAILOR MAIN ST making the will that left the estate to his sou and sons heirs Now it seems the old will was not destroyed The lawyers and my brother Horace to let the terms of the present will lapse and the es tate go to the government Then they actually made would show that greatgrandfather Mad the second will because he wan deceived Into thinking my father was dead So 1 hoy hope to have the lat er will set aside and the original will hold They have kept me prisoner giv ing out that I am So Horace the next younger than I can get con trol of the fortune have In time to save It all Hut no What am I thinking of Horace will not sign It lean do no good And my other poor At that the door started to open and the professor projected out his image just in time to greet the butler Is Mi asked Ill see sir Your name the guarded response I am Professor said the caller Mr Harvey will know who I Pardon me but have you a card was now s home address do the professor rising No I dont Good night and thank again The visitor was gone before the sur prised host could rise to see him out The same a San Francisco drugstore was thrown on the screen and the searchray was going through the last pages of city directory There was no such name as in it Back through the directory ran the ray till it came to the Mortimer and the next instant the di rectoryboard of that building was on the screen A glance told the professor that the office of the division engineer of the Monorail was No on the twenty- sixth floor A twist the lever and the inside of that office folded before them- One of the groundglass doors bad Mr printed it in large black letters Immediately row letterfiles within this room flashed in- to view Then as if a snowstorm of letters were falling across the screen lh6r flashed before the little audience an enlarged series of the correspondence of Mr Finally toward the end of the Hies there appeared a letter to the en gineer addressed to a private resi dence in a suburh of the city A quick consultation of the map of San Francisco and its on a universal chart at the professors el- how gave him the location of this place and the next instant the lessor in projected image was Mr s doorhell Luck favored the searcher Mr was in and still up thanks to it being New Years and in less than two had written down for the a list of the ten section foremen of engineering gangs who covered his division One of those might lie able to tell what of George Then rapid search of mountain and valley for these ten men Most of them were in camps near small towns In five minutes the professor had located three of them aiid to each put the question you know George None ol them did The fourth however who was found in the bar of a little mountain saloon when he heard the query his glass down on the bar so sudden ly that it broke then he turndd to the questioner a face of unfeigned ea gerness George Fairweathcr peated I should say I was- a Particular friend Poor fdlfow Have of him I have not said I came to get news when you heard him He sailed a month la on the Eastern Princess replied man solemnly and if you read the papers you know just as much about where he is now as I do The as tern was one of the latterday mysteries of the great deep A month before she had sailed and hail been heard from regularly hy for two days Toward noon of the third day she thai she had met a severe storm and had been driven put of her course In the midst of this message com- mimical ion From Era of Nov urn Dec will be Thanksgiving in Ontario- At a public meeting in Holland Landing on Friday evening last call ed on a requisition of the ratepayers for the purpose of nominating gentle men to compose the first Council of the newly incorporated village reeve of East was called to preside After some discussion the following names were proposed Messrs John Parsons Thome Henry Bacon Clark Thos Lane Joseph Arm strong anil nine in all but only five wanted The announcement is made that Ab raham Lincoln for President of the United States next term is elected on a vote of for to against The death of John Ryan P LS of street is announced He passed away on the Inst aged 11 years The Township of King publishes a bylaw on which the electors will vote next January authorizing the Council to purchase land and erect a Township Hall Joseph Wood Town ship Clerk The place selected was near Kettleby The electors object- and vetoed the bylaw YEARS AGO From Bra Nov 1885 r was the next query That was a poser Professor had a Cardcase full of them but they were material cards in his ma terial pocket In New York Ho had a semiiuvoluntnry move to take out his cardease he re membered that while he might show a shadow card to the- butler he could not make it material enough so that the man might carry it in to his Im sorry he said hut I left my cardcase at my hotel by accident think he will recognize me by Julius makes the this week of being to Roche Co chants Hughes tax collector for New market asks all rate payers to pay in all rates before the of Dec Mr John of St was badly scalded on Wednesday eve ning Mr J of was in town two or three days this week Mrs Trent of Whitchurch has had a couple of apoplectic strokes re cently and is now quite critical Dr Stone assistant editor of the Guardian will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church next Sunday It is expected the Registry Office will be moved into the new building next week Mr Lloyd has secur ed the old office for the Division Court business Revs Madden and Jamieson of Sut ton have been holding special ser vices in the Methodist church at Vachell Complaint is made of the way the Fishery Inspectors of Lake Simeon are discharging their duty The re port says An inspector is paid a salary for protecting the fish while thousands are taken out of the- lake every day right under his nose Seines and nets arc to been in almost every direction hanging around in thickets also lights- in the lake almost every night Died in on the Mary mother of the late Michael Wesley aged about years A Great Station- Montreal Nov It was stated at the yesterday that the new annex now being built at the and had street headquarters would have he did of any re lic mine news the professor Where was he last ago for Mani- never been resumed Wireless rays a slxtceiislorey tower rising 280 had Hashed over seas In vain Swift feet from the foundations to the top cruisers had traversed every known of the Rapid progress is route of the Pacific All in vain being made Oil the work and over a No tract of the illfated ship was thousand tons of structural steel- found have already been riveted up Five the man they must hundred men are engaged and steel find now within fifteen minutes dead is being placed at the rate where he Is You pictures If he never seen mo Very well sir the butler and disappeared lib returned in a moment with Right this way sir The next moment the professor stood In the presence a keeneyed youngish man who was plainly of the King Edward Hoel for no one stealing goods and giving or selling must have us all the same io friends He think Dont fear said the professor over lie motto of honesty is the coldly Your brother Horace is over this visit at so late an horn best policy a good many limes dur- dead and we will get your other so noted a- man as Professor his six months in quod liters signature tonight We have Sir James who pass- rated him Write what I dictate at This is a strange call I know through this city on Thursday of once and sign it no Mine to said the professor ignoring the or- last week stated the had Jose Tomorrow I will Come back extended hand ol the host tot ready spent On real estate an release you reasons obvious to himself I hap- in Toronto and it not their in- Quickly overcoming the shock of this pe to be calling In tin- or alive was lost somewhere on the boundless Pacific probably dead bc- Ms waves if so must prove It and prove it before Continued o Tragic End io Honey moon St John NB Nov drowning accident occurred in the middle of the Ray of at oclock this morning when Robert of Round Hill returning with his bride from a honeymoon trip In Upper Canada was washed over board He with a waiter and a number of other passengers were standing cm the main deck on the starboard side of the steamship Yarmouth which of JOO tons a week Work will continue all winter and it is expected that the steel will be finished April when the stonework will he started It Is expected that the whole work will be finished by the end of when the station will be one of the very big railway terminals of the world Parisian Sage AN IDEAL HAIR TONIC i Parisian Sage is compounded on the most advanced scientific princi ples and nothing on the market to day can compare with it It accom plishes so much more than the or dinary tonics and does it so quickly that users are astonished the to allow It to remain brutal announcement tonight I very anxious to He added the time Is not far distant seemed to affect her little the woman locate a young friend of mine who When a train will be run- loo the stylograph and wrote as was recently a engine between Toronto and Vancouver j the professors dictation with this city as the termi nus Samuel Vlnlter a Boston tailor who eloped to this city with another mans wife left for on Friday after spending a month in cells hero Queen street between Church St and Ave Instead of being the old outofdate second hand Mores and small retail shops has became quite a pleasureseeking thoroughfare It now has picture restaurants Chinese restaurants hotels poolrooms bowling leys and shooting gallery lnt j that a change Ada FalrwcaUier Foy In full possession of my faculties and own tree will do hereby re lease all claim that I now have or hereafter may have on the es tate the late Andrew Priestley my greatgrandfather Ada Goodby Mrs I will see you said the professor and as the woman turned to lay asJdu tingmaterials ho vanished 1 curctcolda some where In your employ and It occurred to me as I was passing that you might be the means of giving me the Information I want If you will give the name and address of the in charge of the construction of Rocky Mountain Division I ran trace the man I want through him A pleasure to do any In my power engineer com wjth offices In the Mortimer Ban Ill you a note to or if you simply mention my when you write ho will be glad Accommodate youV was crossing the bay in a terrible Parisian Sage kills the dandruff northcaster and with tremendous germs and eradicates dandruff stops seas running when tho ship gave a falling hair Itching ol the scalp and sudden lurch and was wash- splitting hairs in two weeks or we head first overboard wilt refund your money The same sea struck Harold Warn- 1 Parisian sage gives a fascinating of a passenger who was lustre to womens hair and makes it washed along the deck striking and beautiful It makes the hair grow dislocating his shoulder luxuriantly It is the daintiest and Immediately stopped the ship refreshing hair dressing that Seaman were placed in the rigging science has produced and has not a and everything was done to locate particle of or stickiness In It tho missing man who- however never Parisian Sage costs cents at your rosoto the surface It was useless druggist or postpaid from the to launch a boat in such angry seas priotors Tho GirouX Mfg Co Fort After everything was done that Erie girl with the auburn could bo the steamer proceeded on hair Is on every package Sold and her way to arriving guaranteed by Norman Rogers shortly alter oclock bride Co with is Christopher J ft I assure you replied the man you want to A who was Daisy was crazed with grid Combs never be washed cleaned out- with hard and cloth Fresh meat should never bo allowed remain In Paper It absorbs the ARCHIVES OF if