SUFFERED THREE YEARS Till Or Morses Indian Root Pills cured his Kidney Trouble Wife- There are few diseases tliat cause more acute Buffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr A Thomas of Sudbury Ont is one of those who know He writes For over three years I suffered kidney disease First I thought I bad sprained my back for suddenly the pain would ihc nd would be impossible for me to straight TO I G0RMM3Y it mm i i j A EG f ml myself up for several minutes A dull aehe across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and passing it caused a burning scald pain Tried medicines but they failed was advised to try Morses Root- Pills as they had cured my wilt Tears before A boxes affected complete cure I now enjoy the bles sings of good health which is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney trouble its to- dangerous as well as too painful That old reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured thousand and will cure you It is equally effective fa curing constipation arl biliousness indigestion and rick headaches and in lurifirlK the blood a box at your is Mr Joseph an old and res pected resident of whatds now sailed New Gormley died Nor 6 He had- walked over to his daughters and back a few days before and re tired in usual health During the night he was stricken with paralysis from which he never rallied Mr familiarly known by ail his friends as Joe was an Englishman a kindly pleasant and unobtrusive man He was a member of the Church where the funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev Elliot and Rev P ley Mr- was years of age and leaves a widow and two daughters- Revival services are in progress at the Church in Gonnley in conducted by the pastor Rev Good of Mount Do You Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON Farm for Sale Lot 3 in the 2nd of East Good buildings Apply to H Newmarket Houses for Sale If wanting to buy call on Hughes Real Estate Agent House FOR RENT OR FOR SALE late for last week The Keswick Christian Church pur- pose giving a Chicken Pie Social at home of Mr Winch Monday evening Nov A good program of music and recitations is being provided and an enjoyable even- is looked for Everybody will be welcomed Mr Walt of Toronto spent Sunday under the parental roof We think that if some of our well- todo AND THE PAIN IS CONE My first experience with Dr Miles AntiPain Pills was a sample package handed me They relieved the pain so promptly I have never been without them since I have given them to many friends when they had hoar ache and they never failed relieve them have with neuralgia in my head and the first one I took re licved They have cured me of neuralgia would not he without them MISS LILLIE B COLLiNS R No- Salem Va Price at your druggist He should supply you If he toes not send price to we forward DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto AURORA Column Ontario Qolng Dry On ihe Continued from part get behind felows through premises You walk along as though Another great Local Option Cam- nothing bad happened When you are paign is progress in the Province gatcway On Monday 1911 toIS men you Messrs Sons shipped retired farmers would invest twentyfour large cases of plows to 80 and municipalises will vote upon the question of Local Prr- and the inevitable result would seem to Tie the stiH further weakening of the Liquor Traffic and strengthening of the Temperance For ces This year contests are in both ex treme Eastern and Western parts of the Province The Town of Am- in Essex County and the Town of Lancaster in Glengarry County will both vote together with many other places scattered in between- Eastern Ontario has more than its share of contests Every municipali ty in the County of Glengarry is in to the fight including the Town of Alexandria the Villages of Lancas ter and and the Townships jot Kenyou and Lancaster Just over the border the Village of Hill in County the Township of in County are also voting Other important Eastern points in which the battle will be fought are the Towns of Arnprior Perth Smiths Falls and the Villages of New- burg and Newcastle In the Northern part of the Pro vince considerable progress has al ready been made and if the cam- now on are successful it will mean the entire areas Among the j affiled I want whistle you pistol right 0 the wall and well have our cornered This extraordinary affair plainly the officer He hesitated a moment however Torys de termined tone had its effect As a rule Id say you people were crooks trying a new game on me- he remarked frankly with laugh but you looktoo honest and anyhow Ill try and see what the game is He turned and started down the street bidden and the next instant the images of Tom and Fleckner had been transferred to the yard where the crooks wore hiding and the images of magazinepistols were pressed to the of the real men Then the hel met of the officer appeared in l street Tom gave a low There was a cry and a brief struggle and the next moment butler and Pneak- Tim stood handcuffed before the officer and besides them were the triumphant shadows of Tom and the professor At their tacks these two- shadow- actors could hear suppressed ex cited whispers of the little company who were watching this Years Eve drama in laboratory which except for these occasional whispers Tom in his excitement had quite was Troubled with a cough A hard cold bronchitis of am chronic lung trouble There is a medicine made for these cases Ayers Cherry Pectoral Your doctor all about it Ask him what he thinks of it No can ever take the place of your doctor Keep in Eg touch with him consult him frequently trust him fiX No alc in this cough medicine i Aver Pills Sugarcoated All vegetable Act directly on the liver Dote only one Sold for nearly sixty yean Ask your doctor XHrttfc Written for the Era win t leaning up of large S e voting Sf The j is the Lords fie Made It 77 The things that now exist our Father made When nature shook at his august command The universe His mandates heard obeyed And hasted to fulfil on every hand The floating vapors massed To make the rolling seas And seeds in clouds flew past Upon the newborn breeze Implanting germs from worlds unknown Perchance from heavenly gardens blown The atoms through eternal space were hurled And rocks dissevered from decaying spheres Enough to make a new created world To be Called earth its circles days and years With marked revolving course Within a meted space Possessing central force To keep its orbit place In bounds secure with safe control Its path to run from pole to pole He said some of their capital in real estate in Australia this month They have the village and erect substantial been shipping their implements to on the lots they would not Australia for sometime and have With all enlarge our village bit find succeeded in building up a large pulled himself into his to FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the ready tenants for them as houses to trade with that country rent are simply out of the question j Mr Benjamin has thc The investment would pay double the farm known as that is given at the banks or HI St two miles north of Street to Mr sold his Phillips farm this place on Dyke The the neighbor- fin excellent cannot some citizen get ana pleasantly situated busy and form a joint stock Mr and Mrs Jesse Hi I born of For and erect a permanent structure Washington here visit- TT certainly pay as the interest is ing relatives In Kettleby and vicinity Interior Stable Fitting Cheap vcar 2 years since Mr Apply to the Towns of Battle Shadow part again and in a fen AnnWto i the Skating Kink Are JAmount realized is in Is on the to j cannot some ambitious citizen get arm and pleasantly sit J CANE Newmarket O 0 here Mr of has bought the Graham farm south of this mu nicipality and containing 20 acres for The barn and pigeon house of Mr Mitchell which he recently purchased Street north were destroyed by fire last oclock and family are BeaUtifUl BUlldirlg LOTS preparing to move to Toronto Mrs Hen went to Sale on Prospect avenue ket last week to spend it with her Splendid location First come first mother choice The annual exchange of pulpits in J E CANE behalf of the Bible Society will take about SO place on Sunday Dec and the a lnc intents About annual meeting on Wednesday even- Pigeons 200 chickens and two cows BrlCk HOUSe for 8ale Dec in the Methodist Church one belonged to Mr Cook The engagement is announced of buried Mr Cook had part of his furniture and household effects The origin of known Thc new barn Mr and Mrs A Jameson Welland- cement The marriage will take place stabling was built about two years in December of about It Special services are being conduct- For 8a 1 every evening this week except Saturday in the Methodist Church Murks Falls and Sutton There will not be much doing in thc Northwestern part of the Province the only fights being in the Village of Port Elgin and and Township of The City of is however the centre of a hot fight One of the strongest and best organizations in the Province in of the Citizens Committee In and he cam paign Is being systematically carried on along practical lines Present in dications arc that will swing into thc dry column in January Just near voting will take place in and Town ships Erin Village and Drayton Vil lage- weds told the officer who he was and it was s necessary to get at his cousin at once lie took care not to explain that lie was really over a- thousand miles away The wonderful invention was kept out of explanation altogether and the officer supposed he was talk ing to real men When he had finished the policeman turned to his prisoners You he said to tho butler will go to station with me Sneaker Tim have a chance at saving your again Ill take the law in my hands this once This gentle man must see Bruiser Horace at once and get him to sign a paper If he does hell pay you both well and Ill see thit you both have chance County has only three to get out of the city If he t St Jessie only daughter of the Furnace Urge lot tad good A of a Apply on the premises to Jameson only son Of rc Apply on or to House situated on with first bus Furnace sad all modern For further apply to A J DAVIS Newmarket Farm For Sale in Norwich Union at The pigeon loft was ft- valued at and insured for of this building Company will by Rev and Mrs A Mrs preached a very and th sermon on Sunday evening This will the Nor and we hope much permanent good J jnon lotal may be done Ine Homer pigeons were next I Tuesday was a great day for the ar flock in Ontario and Oddfellows of Stouihille The even- of that day was their third anni versary and to Celebrate the event acres in high of members were initiated tion in the of East Series of bring- They were insured for and and Mrrlie total loss Mr Mitchell also The striking feature of trttt lhtir roi embers up to which is not a bad a 3 years old iVyilyfiVC stalwarts of the Markhain branch journeyed up and it wa their degree who took charge of the four initiates Orarid Master Powell of Con King hundred acres more or all under cultiva- occupied places honor on Yonge Newmarket For further par ticulars apply on premises or to Martin Newmarket Jiif Farm for Sale comprised over birds These squab breeding birds cost per pair were a had chickens and a cow burned which with the pigeons were insured In the Norwich Union pie loss of pigeons also the chickens which were producing well and being at the best paying season is a great disappointment and loss to Mr Mil- cheli who had been in possession just a month The insurance we censes These are all in the Village of Grand Valley which place is look ed upon by both parties as a strategic point and will be the scene of a hard fought battle In Western Ontario thc most inter esting group of contests is that of the Township of Aldborough with thc Villages of West Lome and the Town of Moth- well If these places arc successful it will mean a big white spot in the map of Elgin County The hottest place in Province however is the County of Weiand Here a County Convention was held last spring at which it was decided to bring on a fight in every munici pality in the County as far as with the result that ten muni cipalities will vote in January in cluding the Towns of Port and Bridge at it least go means a Up and you know life sentence this you that time These gentlemen have heavy guns with them You will get on the ear with them at the comer and take them direct to Horaces hidingplace Ill ring up a plainclothes friend of mine Oil the quiet and hell follow to see you dont get away Youll coax to sign this paper and itll all he done in fifteen minutes Not a word Now be Thc evil shifting eyes of the prison er went from one ace to another for an instant then fell All right gents he said You got me where you want me Lead With the Townships of lumbers t One Stamford the A few minifies later the three en tered a dark tenementhouse and pro ceeded up an oldfashioned elevator to the top floor twenty stories high At rear apartment Tom knocked Well stay outside said tho professor Call us if you want us He and Tom then seemed to step back in the darkness of the hallway is the fewness of the attempts to repeal Local Option there were ill municipalities In Ham the hoard Brick Modern basement Good young Orchard of Winter Apples Good Well jjDd Cittern an everstanding pond Convenient to School PostOffice Church Only three miles from New market Prio terms ap ply to J or on premises- 43lf this month stand is adjusted on pigeons on have chickens and on cow Mr Cooks loss is under adjustment and will probably he on implements etc 17500 on cow covered vich Union on furniture in Canadian Insurance Company We The Sunday School workers in this are informed that Mr Mitchell will vicinity are anticipating a large at- replace the buildings in their former tendance at the Township Convention state The pigeon house will he to he held here on the 21th and built at once and the barn as soon as the weather will permit The I The Convention opens on Thursday pigeons have to be imported from evening at 7 oclock and Mr I- the Kastern States from the large to give the address of breeders such as the Plymouth Rock half lot con 2 King One welcome to which the President Mr ind Atlantic Squab Co Manner which repeal contests were possible hut in only was the matter to a vole and Only two repealed This year there tare 1 20 municipalities which Local been in force for three years or more and where a re- peal contest nifgit he brought in If tliis law were really a dismal failure as its opponents prophesied it be it might naturally he J Farm for Sale it might naturally be supposed that at the first opportunity the peo ple would get rid of It But this year out of possible repealing by laws will he submitted in only about These are as follows Village Townships of and With the organizu that thn Temperance Forces seem to have projector at this point and means of the ray they followed Tim j into dark little apartment into he was admitted by a slovenly woman In the hack room she said list lessly and Tim went through a blind door in the back of a little closet and here the man whom Tom and his fellow watchers recognized as the one they had encountered first in aloon went tight Again God spake Let there be light A vaunt ye spirits from your bulwarks strong They heard His voice their spread Forsook their haunts where they had brooded long The glorious orb oi day Burst forth in de blaze Chased all the gloom away Drew up the clouds haze The shadows like dim spectres sped To regions dark where hope is dead The moon and stars their borrowed light displayed firmament with spangled light And when the sun his evening exit made Like sleepless eyes kept watch through all ThO suns lifegiving rays Touched root and bulb and seed And soon earth displays enough for every need Of corn and fruit for coming man With lowers to beautify Gods plan The hosts of heaven list in great amaze As the GodArchitects commands resound And from their battlements in silence gaze To view the new circle round To be dwellingplace Of beings yet unknown A combination race In Godlike image shown highest best creative skill With garb of flesh soul and freewill The hills and dales and overflowing streams Where beasts may roam and feed and fish may swim The mighty forests where the sunlight gleams Through foliage dense where songbirds praises hymn The bulging mountains filled With treasures rich and rare All all for man God willed That each may have a share He meant that men should love Him best And promised to provide rest In great profusion and variety Thc marvels of thc earth were spread abroad The fiery mountains safetyvalves to be Whose deepdrawn breath in fearful fumes explode I The roaring waterfalls And gorgeous prairies wild The caves and canyon walls Which scenic grandeur yield which proclaim the power divine boundless love and mercy shine Revolving ages magnify Gods love But men have strayed from Him so sad Freewill He gave that they might freelv Their fealty to Him their hearts bestow Servo Him with earnest soul His kingdom their delight Till reaching heavens goal Me ever in I lis sight Where day and night shall cease to be This lifes brief span merged in eternity Richmond Hill Oct p broke loose See here lie said rather roared My father left me and the Ipther two only one thing a hate for to the point told the rich end of Priestley family his pal in a few words what hid hap- that nothing can kill We all three Cried of his meeting with Tom swore before he died wed never sign Priestley and the request that he sign any papers to keep that fortune for paper that would keep the fortune i the descendants of the man that cast In the family Then Fair weather off Well die before well do it No not if you rot in prison Tim ad I hope you do for a squealer fro stopped a moment and lock of fierce suspicion came his face test made his companion quail before Mm- To be Continued Grouse your sweet- baking It keeps tin before skin Wilder to reply During the evening ad dresses arc expected from Rev Walk- and Smith of Hundred Acres more or leas Fifty J Grove of is expected under Cultivation Driv ing House and Modern with tone Good Orchard Good of Iemonville and Well Spring Creek stopped with j Richmond Hill besides the Question Trout Only miles Drawer answered from Newmarket and Convenient to Friday mornings session opens at School Church Post Office Grist am Address will be given by Mr I Mill etc Suitable for dairying of and Mr v fruit growing or mixed farming and York of Aurora will teach the be Sold for a low figure for good for the following Sunday A reasons Apply On the premises or discussion on Method Teaching will follow and verbal reports from delegates afternoon MisvKmily Starr a and aggressive spirit that All My Pimples done if by mail to Huron For 8ale That valuable property on known as The Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine laVa with shade trees iod hedges Flowing Furnace and Stable A Grand Home for any For Particulars see J of Cedar valley will teach the Class and a Round Table Talk will be conducted by J the efficient secretary of is characterizing the Movement the probability Is a considerable to dry area of the Province Ontario after May next Girl Tells how a Skin Cleans Wash QQQ I was of my face j writes Minnie of haw It wan all full of pimples Ottawa Nov wars but after using has forwarded to the reerfnfdn I say that now there General of the Dominion a further Is no sign that and that was three The next time you cent pottle of dont feel just right let us buy Psychine from your druggist to give you to cure your indisposition 50- and prevent worse ailments contribution of towards the years ago Fund for the promotion has become famous as of physical arid military drill in and instant relielin eczema and schools brings the High all other serious skin diseases benefaction up to Provincial Sunday School overlook iA a million dollars the Interest elation of officers and f which at four per cent will yield ports will occupy balance of the f an annual sum of to he purities voted to prizes and to providing At the evening meeting which The fact that while Is qualified teachers mule and female opens with a Song Service at o- that it strikes clock two very excellent addresses or any other SCri- may be anticipated from Simp- trouble the toothing Oil of Win- id Rev -Glass- and other ingredi ents are carefully compounded there in no wash for the Kkln made that can this household being 111 it usually In a subtle fashion almost unconaclously Vet If you do not cheek your Illness It grows and grows And one sick A third of a century your dfugglal an order I for which made remarkable cures pay him regular retail price wj a bottle of woe Today It Is making remarkable flf cures i W win die Interim millions of bottles of ln tll thousands of these vc at of line day you nnd youre have been sold jj Hundreds of thousands of people made and kept well Why Because Is largely made up The greatest scavengers of body arc white corpuscles or phagocytes In blood These white corpuscles attack and of scientists ri6w know And we do confidence In that to this wonderful A confidence that- has best SOll of Newmarket This to be one the Township Conventions ever held- With this great school in the Township should be or every kind of skin trouble of pleasant to use perfect- To Farmers A will be kept for service on lot In con of Terms MM gates at once to Mr I so that all may bo eon provided billets No body within driving distance should the closing session The next meeting of the VtorWi Institute vill be held at the of on lor physical and military instruction The Department of Militia furnish- instructors from the permanent corps for the training of teachers The Governments of all the provinces except Quebec Manitoba and Al berta endorsed scheme and Instituted physical and military drill in the Public schools I A w termless the moat delicate skin and absolutely reliable Write the Laboratories Dept Toronto for a free trial bottle and prove its won derful For sale by all The last July among trainmen employed by the cost ltd unions be tween 150000 and to Mr J tWent Of the railway of the managed Increase and strengthen the phagocytes Rev MR 1911 Almanac Tho Hicks Almanac for that guardian Angel In a hun dred thousand homes is now ready Not many are now willing to bo It and tho Hicks Word and two are only One Dollar a Almanac prepaid or office should fall to send to Word and Works Company Louis Mo homo thorn dishing ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO eat up every of disease tiat In vades the body That when they are strong enough and In sufficient numbers theyre not strong enough then they an warfare until they are finally overcome by their rnoro powerful enemies Tte body becomes steadily sicker diseases and until actual disease sets In the white based our 30 years experience splendid preparation with a Thais why we have received hun dreds of unsolicited tes timonials thats we afford to buy and give away hundreds of thousands of bottle of that why benefits of the hundreds cures It has made Now wo had all sorts of so cures And a great many people havo endangered their health them years agobefore even science was ablo to tell had the right treat ment for disease vis herbs natures own remedies Now can tell to an t Tbtoftl Female Poor Appetite COUPON No Hi To Dr A SLCCUM Weak Decline Catarrhal Catarrh of Night 8 wests Obstinate lArngttUand I accept jourolTer to of pronounced 1 Have not of under jttle of Kindly advise my dnjjfglst Tcrt a l Jjrp6jHta of My TO WO l Street and i Ml lute certainty we certain j our strenstrion And -In- word -for- the direct white orohsgo- effects of Fill out iy our Because strenginen ana in- mo beneflelal crease the white corpuscles effects of Fill out tho us and f ML This pon I- not from J0 lellvcrUto