Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1910, p. 7

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1 Ml St Pauls Church IS OH IB Snaps at Binns The Ladies Aid of St hauls Range with tank Church will hold their annual sale of Range with High Shelf Fancy Work on Dec Further hole No 1 Oak Heater particulars later I At Home The Newmarket Military Band in- The New High School Debentures tend having an At Home in the sold for a premium of 563 and accrued Town Hall on Wednesday November interest Special music from Toronto for- Charles Street has been greatly the occasion Cards and dancing in proved by a new underground drain aid of new instruments See posters almost new SelfFeeder a dandy 1 New Coal and Wood Cook Stove 97 20 inch oven a gal reservoir 1 Curling The Cane Cons Co Curling Club held their annual meeting on Saturday Nov 5tb and reorganized for the ensuing season There is every prospect for a large Court for the Judicial membership and no doubt when the a tender on Monday before Mr Justice Brit- close this season Canes Curling York Assize Court Tender Accepted The At a meeting of the High School 1 County of York opened at Toronto Shield contest draws to Board on Monday evening the of a Toronto firm for certain plumb- ton The Grand Jury is composed Club will be in the limelight flee ing in the new High School building as follows Robert Cox Charles Den- of officers resulted as follows was accepted at It is A J Gilmour Wm Harris President Fred J Doyle sary to have the work done at once Fred K Herbert James Hewitt VicePresident Cane jr so that other tradesman proceed with- Arthur Samuel Jameson Secretarytreasurer Vern Cane out delay ana all the local A J Johnstone Edward Executive Luke Doyle Geo 20TH CENTURY CLOTHING PRIESTLEYS i DRESS GOODS North Yorks Greatest Store FOR LADIES HOME- JOURNAL PATTERNS We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of I t I r- tr ids too busy to undertake the work IN Particulars Later Christian Church was chosen foreman The dock et was not large five or six only The The pastor Rev Alex Mackenzie sma11 however did not indicate Will preach morning and evening on lessening of crime more cases Sunday Nov on the following being considered by the Arthur Fred Humphrey J Howard H and Charles Mr Her- Howard Lundy Skips Geo Trivett Luke Doyle ViceSkips Howard Fred Doyle topics II am Divine Birthmarks pm A Short Bed with a Nar row Covering The evening service is especially for nonprofessors to ail lower court than formerly Class Election and Surprise The Ladies Organized Class in the Methodist Sunday School held their annual meeting last Friday evening at the bright and commodious new home I China Hall Grocery Methodist Church or Fellowship Meeting last Sun- teacher Mr Barker the was well attended con- Rev J Simpson being A cordal the aQ in charge Nearly every member was lent meeting I am the Bread of Life was the pastors text at the ports of the several commit- AU Stores Close at 8 p preaching service and he gave a very interesting and encouraging At a meeting of the merchants of impressive exposition followed by a membership of 30 the Town held fortnight ago there the reception of five new members and an attendance of was such diversity of opinion ex- the Communion Service In the the they contributed pressed that no definite conclusion the choir was filled with young to Missions among other dona- was arrived at Since them with one ladies and Miss Barker contributed a or two exceptions the Early Closing solo The pastor gave a very satis- ByLaw which provides that all factory exemplification of the The election of officers resulted bible follows as CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets NEW FRUIT lines of our New have a few Seasons Fruits places shall be closed at o- characters Mary and Martha com- 1 clock pm except on Saturday nights mending the good in both and the night before a holiday has fo unison with other churches the been honorably observed and is work- work of the Lords Day Alliance will j ing so well that the Council decided be brought before the congregation on Monday evening to allow it to next Sunday morning stancf The police will now receive j Subjects for next Sunday instructions to see that the ByLaw am The CornerStone of is strictly enforced Womens Institute Church pm Something for body Hon Mrs J D Simpson President Mrs Irwin VicePres Mrs John Gardner Secretary Mrs Jas Stark Treasurer Mrs Bowman Teacher Mr Barker Convenors of Committees Member shipMrs A Cornell Social- Mrs E Cane Devotional Mrs J Quality No I Finest Selected Raisins Choice Cuj- Hughes Just as the business was about con cluded the Superintendent of the Sun day School accompanied by a dozen and a half officers and teachers joined One of the most interesting Useful Articles the season was held last Sat- J u afternoon at the residence of about the house the company and wrought a complete- Mrs About la- Shine Liquid Veneer Jap- surprise upon Mr and Mrs Barker dies were present Mrs Lewis them at Hard- which is explained in the following of Yonge Street in the chair Mrs address A Starr read an excellent paper To Mr and Mr I If on Cheerfulness vs Worry Miss Obituary Orange Lemon and Citron j v iCleland contributed a good paper on Peels Drained and no sugar CHOICE TABLE FIGS both Layer and Pulled After a brief illness of pneumonia The officers and teachers of the I Newmarket Methodist Sunday School Canadian Authors a selection from which lasted only five days one Root Service being read by Miss the best known and most Cranberries and PURE CODFISH which we would be glad to have you call inspect BOSWORT The Leading Reliable meet here this evening to show their appreciation of your faithful services of Street A rcmiri- citizens of Holland Landing passed teach n rtr P three years and the person 01 a than 12 Rita Irwin was also much appreciat- The host very kindly served re- Landing on September been together at the close of the pro- cemented by 1 main gram on Quilting Bees and Paring last Monday in the p Sweet Mrs A- Mrs James Evans The instrumental by Miss Deceased was a dauchter of Only Yellow or Green Window Shades with best spring roller 25c each at Hardware Up 1813 In the deceased married Mr J Evans who with three sons and a daughter survive her The family are Walter and Esther of Hamilton Wellington of British Columbia and Marshall at home Mrs Evans was a consistent anil desiring to give expression to our sincere wishes for your future happiness and prosperity we desire you to accept this Fern Pot as a to ken of our and esteem We hope that though you have upon yourselves the duties of Prompt Phone Newmarket Curlers The annual meeting of the of Christs Church and for many years was secretary of thc housekeeping you will still find time FURS OF THE CO STYLE 0 1 1 There is nothing that gives Greater Dignity and Prestige than Tine Furs For instance a Fur or FurLined Coat will Give you- the Great est Comfort on the Coldest Days of Winter and will Add to your Attrac tive and Style We would like you to Come and See our J 1 vers and are Stylish in Cut and Remarkable Values at each Our Ladies Special Furlined Built of a Broadcloth Shell Lined with Alaska Sable Collar and Revere Price Each Elegant FurLined Coats that are Worth Double the Money we ask these Coats are of Lined Broadcloth Shells Trimmed with Alas ka Sable Collars and Price each Extraordinary Value in Ladies Coats These Coats only came in on Wednesday and are a Striking Ex ample of the Great Value Produced by our Buying Direct from the Manu facturer thus Saving the Jobbers Profits the Coats Comprise Broad cloth Beaver Diagonal Serges Cheviots and Tweeds Loose and Semi- Loose Fitting Styles all Sizes and all the New Colours Prices from Ladies Specials for This Week Special Lines of Skirts Latest Styles and Cut and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed Price from Special Lines of Stylish Suite of Attractive Designs these are worth your Attention at each Special Lines of Underskirts in Silk Regal Taffeta Moreen and Roman Satin Price from cents Special Lines of Not and Silk Waists in White Ecru Black and Pais- ley All Sizes and the Designs of the Very Latest Price from We Want you to See our Childrens Coats there are not Better Values in Toronto or Elsewhere Price from GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS best Seedless Muscatel Raisins Wo have 500 pounds to go pounds for 25 cents Silent Tip Matches regular cents packages for cents 100 bottles of Catsup regular cents to go for cents two for cents All cent packages of Breakfast Foods three for 25c GIVEN AWAY FREE Have you tried the French finest Blended on the market the price is cents a pound We give you free a French Drip Coffee Pot if you buy two pounds of this special Blend Wire Fencing Five Years Success With AMERICAN FIELD AND FENCES MADE BY The Canadian Steel Wire Co Ltd Come and Bee Quality and get prices For Sale By J README AD Near High School and have the disposition to assist us women heretofore in great work Wet Curling Club was the King George Hotel A large number wW he was held was shown by tbe connection with the of thc of enthusiastic curlers were present large number that attended the Masters service JACKSON floral tributes The following officers were elected Honorary patron Hon J Davis Honorary president S Cane F Doyle VicePresident Rogers Chaplain Rev A Representative SecretaryTreasurer Cross Council The president viceprcsi During reading of address u from family a cross from A and a spray from Dr Gillie the presentation a Brass lorn loi y a distance who were present tf were Br and Mrs and of I lam ton Mr and Mrs dent and and Messrs and daughter Mrs Scott P It s house A A Brunton all I Toronto and a Doyle J and J of Cobalt rt AuditorsMessrs J It Much is tell tor the Fire in Plow Works At oclock Tuesday night fire broke out in tbe Wilkinson Plow Works West Toronto and before it was extinguished had done damage to tbe extent of several thousands of dollars It is thought that blaze was started by sparks from the fur- I nace igniting tbe roof Telephone calls were sent to Avenue Keclc Street and Carlton stations but when the firemen arriv ed the whole roof was in a blaze building a wooden structure was moulding shop and scores of tbe patterns were destroyed The building being an old one proved a ready proy to tbe flames and the fire men experienced great difficulty in getting at the heart of the fire Thc loss will be felt most by moulders who be out of work for some weeks while building is Is Your Slin on fire On Tuesday Mrs Kingston Nov Donald Clarke to was overcome by coal gas Her aged son of Clarke of husband died next day Odessa who was kicked in thc Hospital ach by a horse is dead He was driving to school with two other children when the horse ran away kicking over dashboard The escaped without injuries Does it seem to you that you cant Orangcvillc Nov The jury in stand another minute of that awful fie Action of Mrs Margaret Marshall burning itch j widow of John Marshall who was That it MUST be cooled killed on June near his home That you MUST have relict Township by his horses Get a mixture of Oil of being frightened by automobile Thymol and other soothing of Dr J of Homings as compounded in Mills this morning brought in a cription diet for the plaintiff for dam- very first drops STOP that aw- ages which Dr must pay burning instantly Thc first drops soothe and heal Joshua Dobson near while assisting threshing oats The first drops give you feeling of accident The oats comfort that you have not enjoyed for little damp caused the months or perhaps years u lIlt to become Take our word on it clogged and the young man imdcr- or a trial bottle today look tbe congestion by pull- Write the- I I Laboratories Newmarket Ontario W husband and family Refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening was spent M a number ol box cars St belonging to the were in dan- W will send you trial but an engine was attached and drew them out of danger tic free ing out some of thc straw In so his right band got caught in tbe rollers with the result that the thumb and all the lingers sale by all druggists chopped Jo pieces There in much in a Name When it is Good Name If the Shoe You Wearing a Name a it finches your Tender Foot you will not Blamed for Giving iv the Name it Deserves Whether it Sounds Well or not If Shoe doesnt Pit you and it has a- Name Forget it When You Kind the Shoo tliat Fits from the Minute it is Put on that you Wear it Right Away with Real Comfort Take ful Note of Nome of That Shoe Remember it the Name of Friend If it is J it is a Faithful FriendTrue to its Comfortable Shape and Stylo to the End of its Long Life The Dresser who can Afford it Adapted to Every Occasioiand it Really Does Noes Not Cost Much after all for Shoe Wear out when it id Idle There are for the Street and the Salon vcrws are for OutDoor Business Light with Closely Trimmed Edge are for In- floor Affairs A Good Shoe GOOD FRIEND The Well Observed Etiquette of Social Occawons in tho Mark of Worthy of Cultivation f i For all OutDoor and Jn Door I V ICTUS if 0 are Made in tho Latest Styles In Every Type of Shoo the is up to the Highest of Service a iff The Mens

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