1 iAf mi For Happy Thought Range with Mrs Jones water WANTED Girls for Clothing Factory A Boy to Learn Seam Pressing Apply at the Clothing Factory 2 Boarders Wanted In private family on Prospect ave nue No children Apply at- this of fice Thanksgiving Monday will be Canadas Thanksgiving Day and will bo observ ed we make no doubt with becom ing gratitude to the Giver of all Good from the Atlantic to the Paci fic During the past year Providence has smiled propitiously upon every hand prosperity has crowned the la bors of the husbandman At the approaching municipal elect- a local option bylaw will be submitted the electors of Guelph This will be- the first attempt to carry local option in any Ontario city ffirBJ To Farmers A Thoroughbred Chester White will be kept for service on lot in con- of East Terms 5w41 HUNTLEY For Sale in 35 Feeding Steers choice quality Enquire of on Saturdays Mondays and Thursday at Tates butcher shop as I Will be away from home Newmarket I JjHJ it Card of Thanks I desire to acknowledge with heartfelt gratitude the kindness of neighbors friends dur ing the sickness and death of my dear partner and also to those who expressed their sympathy by sending such a generous supply of flowers as well as those who assisted in the fu neral arrangements JOS Horticultural Society PUBLIC NO T I is hereby given that the Annual Meet ing the above Society will be held in the Fire Hall Newmarket ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1910 at oclock pm for the Recep tion and Adoption of the Annual Re ports Election of Officers Etc A general attendance is requested A Meeting of the Existing Board will be held at the same place on above date at oclock pm Martin Pros Keith Sec Perrins Greenhouses St Sheldon who wrote In His Steps and judging by the token at Mont real there are a host of people who will agree with the Mercury The Renfrew Mercury has reached the conclusion that the Sheldon who and peace and plenty everywhere are operated that blind pool was not the in abundant evidence The kind hand of Providence has shielded us from pestilence and war and material pro gress as well as commercial and in dustrial development marks the his tory of another passing of the century- If ever a people had reason for general Thanksgiving to the Almighty Giver of all our blessings Canadians that people Toronto is now grappling with tjbe question of taxing the salaries of Judges and Dominion Government of ficials It seems only reasonable that these people should pay their quota towards municipal government of which they get the benefit like ordin ary mortals HI Carnations Chrysanthemums Floral Design of every de scription made on shortest no tice Prices reasonable Out el town orders solicited A large quantity of Cabbage Celery and other vegetables In ter Pro Conference On Saturday last an interprovin cial conference was held in Toronto at which representatives from Onta rio Quebec New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Manitoba British Columbia Alberta and Nova Scotia were present it is understood a dis cussion took place with regard to a proposal to amend the British North America Act so that tbe number of representatives given to each Pro vince in the Dominion Parliament when it entered into Confederation will be the minimum Above the minimum the existing system to continue to obtain From what has become known it is probable the premiers of Ontario and Quebec will call a formal of Provincial representatives to discuss the above and other matters in de tail and to take definite action From the official statement given out the conference discussed three pro positions viz respecting incorpora tions of companies the insurance act and the fisheries case now before the Supreme Court at Ottawa Although somewhat informal the discussion turned largely with regard to the right of provincial companies to do business outside their respective pro vinces and to tax Dominion compan ies the Dominion jurisdiction to pass certain section of the insurance act and the reference to British Columbia and other Fisheries Some of the Provinces favored an appeal to the Privy Council on these issues With regard to the question of re presentation in Parliament the Mari time Provinces were much more in terested than the others but another conference will lie held when and other questions of interest will be further discussed and possibly an agreement reached o And now it is said that A late private Secretary of the Minister of Public Works who was discharged for giving out a letter written by Mr to the Minis ter of Education has brought an ac tion for libel against the Orange Sen tinel for that papers comments on the case calling him the traitor Judging from the criticism of the Mail and Empire of Hon Mr Gra hams observations respecting the Newmarket Canal our cotem seems to labor under the apprehension that the canal in question will prove a Society Hon E J gave an address at Pine Orchard last Sunday Mrs B Hewitt and Master Lowell spent over Sunday in Toronto Mr Fred Sax ton of Toronto was calling on old friends this week Mr and Mrs Serb Hcacock spent over Sunday In city Alderman Eves and bride are now located in his new house on Prospect Avenue Mr and Mrs R Schmidt had guests from Rochester NY over Sunday Mrs of Thornton cousin of Mrs is spending a couple of weeks with her Messrs Ed White and Jas Ep- have returned from their trip to the Northwest Messrs Jos Pipher and John Rosamond left yesterday for the wilds of on a deer hunt Mr and Mrs Chas Smith of New York City and parents of Mr J Smith are here on a visit Mr A Proctor formerly of the Forsyth House has gono into the hotel business again at Port Perry Bradford Witness Mrs Rumsey of Newmarket and Miss Rumsey of Ottawa were guests of Mrs George last week Mrs Geo Simpson sails for the Old Country on the 3rd of next month in company with Mrs Ash- worth of A Grand Rally of Sterling Stocking Values THE GREATEST HOSIERY SELLING EVENT EVER HELD IN NEWMARKET 9500 Pairs of Cashmere Woollen Hose for Ladies Girls Boys Little Children Now A display of Hosiery that will give you every opportunity to choose Stockings for seasons wear in variety and quantity that is not equalled hereabouts and at the same time demonstrates to the Advantage of buying Stockings at this Store For eight years we have exerted every effort to procure Hosiery at minimum cost giving yon value that has no equal in this district Our Hosiery Department has trebled its business during the last two years and this is the reason The Largest Range the Largest Stock the Best Value to be had anywhere try a Some of the Good Lines which is only a corner of our immense Stock Leader rival to Haggarts Ditch at Perth Miss Miss McCallum and Better wait till the value of the en- 1 Miss three of our public school teachers who attended the is tested before entering up on the lamentation business A press despatch from Ottawa on Monday last says In connection with tne establishing of new food standards by the Inland Revenue De partment an has been passed establishing new stan dards for meat and meat products in cluding fish New standards for milk and milk products and for grain and grain products will te promulgated shortly Convention spent over Sunday in To ronto Mr Brown of Charlotte- town gave the Era a call while in town last Friday He spent the day with his brother Mr Barney Brown Mrs Matthias has returned to the residence of her daughter Mrs Allan Howard after spending three months with another daughter at Grimsby Mrs Fraser niece of Mrs Geo Wood is spending a lew days with her on her way from Nelson BC to Let finish his work was the Liberal slogan a tithe last general election jand judging the speech Iowa where she expects to reside for of Hon Mr Graham at the reception a time demonstration in the Town Hall last Saturday and the public works foreshadowed the same rallying cry will be good enough for the next gen eral appeal to the electorate of the Dominion It is good enough to re peat in i von SALE Chopping Mill Property BY I feeders will be received addressed undersized up to and includ ing the day of November for the purchase of the Town Mill property as it stands There about 20 acres of land and water with good chopping mill fully equip ped with machinery and good water power There arc two good houses on the property The land is valu able pasture land Purchasers will state price and terms of payment Posteriori given when tender is ac cepted and purchase price settled The highest any tender not neces sarily accepted Sol for Vendors Newmarket There arc cases of typhoid tbwtti Miss Skinner is visiting with her parents here Miss Helen Deacon of is visiting with around here for a few days Mr Harry Wheel ton and Miss returned home Tuesday morning torn Toronto where they been attending the Teachers Convention Mr Joseph Brown is having his barter shop Miss Gertie has returned to Holly Park where she is visiting with her grandmother Mrs Miss Bella Smart of Toronto is visiting at her parental home here A nijrnler from here attended Brad ford Fair and also at on Wednesday Oct Miss P J of Aurora is re newing acquaintances in this vicinity A number of the people of this vi cinity were present at the Fowl at on Wednesday October Messrs Armstrong Ferguson Col- ley were in Newmarket on Thursday evening Miss was in the city On Friday Miss May Deacon was In Toronto Oct 22 Prince Francis Friday Of Teck brother Of Mary of Mis was in Toronto today Kin George and the Queen can- number from here attended relied their proposed visit Wood demonstration at Newmarket on Morton in where they Saturday last In honor of Hon A were to visit Manuel of Portugal and for his work at The Queen Mother today The Prince was suffering from I liunters from around and operations were lor their the fact that there were nearly one thousand people in Newmarket last Saturday did you notice how orderly the crowd was No one jostling here and there no profane language no commotion anl not a single constable on duty How do you account lor this It did not used so Well it is the result of Local- Option Everybody appre ciates it People can come to town do business attend a public gathering and go home sober with money in their pockets Isnt that something to be thankful for general public will be glad to learn that when a life insurance agent in this Dominion promises a prospec tive policyholder that the profits of an policy will reach a certain amount that promise will be legally binding on the company which the agent represents im portuned by agents knows that such promises arc commonly made and agents often give definite assurance in their eagerness to get business A decision by Judge the Mutual York confirms this question of lia bility of insurance companies to make good the assurances of their agents The decision is important Mr who for some years past has filled so satis factory the position of teller of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal has been ordered West Mr and Mrs P Hamilton have returned from a two- months trip through the West and are spend ing a few days with Mr and Mrs Hohson Millard Avenue Mr Neil Morton of Morton Park moved to town on Wednesday having purchased the house just vacated by Mr Ernest Brooks The latter mov ed into his new house on Victoria avenue Twenty young ladies were enter tained by Mrs Jackson last Friday afternoon to give them an op portunity to meet Mies Rita the new organist in the Church A large number of ladies the postnuptial reception of MPs It Fisher on Thursday afternoon or last week Mrs Hewitt assisted In the and Hewitt attended the door Calamities in Italy Little Darling This Stocking is for Children made of Soft Wool Cashmere Is 1 rib elastic knit seamless foot with colored silk toes and heels Colors are cream tan sky blue cardinal pink also black Sizes 6 1 Price 25c per pair No reduction for quantities Bonnie Scotch Worsted This is our Special Stocking for Winter Wear It is knit of fine pure Scotch worsted yarn rib down to the toe elastic soft and good wearing seamless foot Sizes 10 All sizes 25c pair SPECIAL A special lot of pure wool Cashmere as sorted ribs some gauge and some spliced knees soles heel and toe Sizes 5J to 9J These are worth regular and 40c Special 25c par Hunters Daisy This is a Plain Black Plated re Hose fine gauge fullfashioned legs seamless foot a good wearing hose Sizes 8J 10 Price per pair 3 pairs for This is a Plain Black Cashmere Hope all pure wool spliced toes heels soft knit seamless foot Has no equal in the trade Sizes 10 Price per pair Extra Rib This is a Pure Llama Wool 2x1 Rib extra heavy Cashmere knit spliced toes heel seamless foot 8 J Price per pair Hunters Dandy This Stocking is a fine pure wool plain soft weave and good wearing seam less foot Hunters is embroidered on every pair because its extra value at Here for per pair Hunters Queen This is a very flue pure Wool Cashmere Ilobe British make 11 ribbed Soft durable and elastic seamless foot full fashioned Sizes 8 J to 10 Price 50c pair If cannot get to the Store try our Mail Order System Carriage paid on all Orders and money back if you want it At Aj A I V as explained Mr Lawrence is to visit about ninety great cities stay ing eight days in each place It will commence on September 15 aad last until May 15 Another Sorrow in Royal Family Rome Oct The of life and property by the tidal wave and cane on Island of taenia and latchford against carinot aH I The exact nature of the dis turbance has hot been determined but it seems clear that the bulk of the damage at Ischja was caused by avalanches of rocks which been loosened by torrential rains It is A press despatch from Ha dateI Oct announced the ar-i- village I rival of the Canadian warship l arc slowly arriving Hon Minister of Ma- rine boarded the and was re- reived with seventeen guns in the i preserve of an Immense crowd and lhew churched were a concluding as loss crops Is laws then and a lhc Salerno coast Is in thc name of the cons I b ting of Canadian- in that of fC- timbers trees THE Undertaking House aa bay For Cash UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls to at John- Millard and Day Different of Specialised THE CRADLE every loyal ami truly patriotic citizen Some of Canada in that of the rising gen- j seeing in the flowing md committed suicide hunt about November J fit Mrs llev Smith and daughter of at performed in the hope ef fecting a cure night hope was up but the Kin Queen re mained at urging to extreme measures tlie sick mans life and Queen retired for lAjndon are spending a lew days a few rent when they were i Mr Pauleys hurriedly summoned and at tie beside when the Prince died at oclock The Duchess of Teck and prince and Princess Alexandria of were alto present and finally In that Empire In whose worldgirdling belt Canada An the bright and precious buckle The officers and men on Ml number The men all vol unteered specially for this service Both Lord and the Pro vincial Government Nova Scotia made presentations to adorn the war ship as mementoes of the occasion The England on October and reached Halifax on last The cruiser has a band on board In Newmarket on Octo ber to Mr and Mrs a son Tuesday Oct nth to Mr and Mrs J of Weston formerly of New market a daughter Agnes Grace to Mr and Mrs Noah liar man a son CLOSE In on October 1010 to Mr and Mrs George Close a daughter There was a large attendance at the Rally Day Service in the Christian Church on Sunday last Mrs Malum is spending- a lew weeks In Toronto Could Prove Nothing London Oct Ethel Claire Neve was acquitted on the charge of being an accessory after the fact In the murder of Belle Elmore in Old Bailey court this afternoon a The mud in Some the valleys below Mount is 20 feet deep Admiral Leonard the Minister of Marine narrowly escaped death to day while leading a relief party in Inch J a lie sank to his vaist in a I bed of fluid mud which flowed through the streets of town A rope was thrown to htm and he was pulled out This afternoon the known death list was although relief workers still unable to- gee near the ruins in many places to Investigate how many bodies lie beneath the wreckage too- Prov S S Miss Delia the latter trial that lasted less than North York Teachers Convention day which was held in Thurs- Era till Christmas for The most valuable in the and Friday world Is that of God in Mr Mr- Vim and Miss Yokohama Japan It Burnett spent a day last week In To- Ugh weighs tons and ftsot gold Era till to Jessie Sage spnt Sunday her It was for love of Mlfs IjC Neve that Dr now under murdered his wife The Crowns counsel Hithard couldnt that Miss Neve had knowledge of either inten tion or the crime 4 Oshawa Oct 20 The chief speak er this morning at Sunday School Convention now in session here was Mr Marion Lawrence International Secretary of the Sunday School As sociation Mr Lawrence outlined the plans of a movement now on foot to hold a united campaign of all the brotherhoods of every denomina tion In North America and to renew mens Interest in re ligion The plan of the convention THE TOMB In Newmarket on Octo ber infant son of Mr and Mrs RYAN In Newmarket on Oct 2th Edward aged years MACK KILL In East on Oct Frank rill aged years months and days Interred In Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday MECILI On Oct 24th at her fathers residence Mosley Street Aurora Miss Laly Superintendent the In Mexico Funeral service at oclock Oct 28th interment at Aurora Cem etery Handle Nothing Else and therefore wo Devote our Time and Attention to this one Class of Trade that Mart that is Handling Several Kinds Cannot Our are Right- and there is no Better Quality to be had Any- There is Another Inducement for you to Here We arc Giving Away Coupons with Every 10c Pur chase and over for that Beautiful Library now Displayed in Hardware window This Competition is Open to any Lodge School So- cities of all Kinds Churches Factories and Public li brary 102 Volumes of the latest Reading from Best Authors and is Valued at Bread Fresh Every Day a Phone 35 Rough Lumber and Inside Trim Saeh and Mouldings of all Kinds for Inside Trim J furniture MAIN NORTH NEWMARKET All will revive Ctrcful Prompt Try a Cord of ourVShort Hard Wood at a cord Highest Paid for Grain or Alsike W H E V Boyd- Order by phone 22 or from Trent It i J T ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO r r