Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 2, 1910, p. 7

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sards them be a as use I the lla i 5 and LE ER J J i THE ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1910 i 1 This Space Belongs to HALL IN Weeks Hews what eonta on about Christian Church The pastor Rev Alex Mackenzie will occupy the Sabbath Sept and preach upon the following themes am A Perfect Saviour pm Christianity a Revolu tion Particulars Later Another Telephone Line The GTR have installed a tele gram system along their line between Toronto and North Bay For the present it is used for asking questions relative to empty cars on the tracing of baggage etc but it is understood that ultimately it will be used for the despatching of trains Figure It Out Heres a puzzle that puzzles every body Take the number of your liv ing brothers double the amount add to it three multiply by five add it to the amount of sisters multiply the result by ten add the number of deaths of brothers anl substract one hundred and fifty from the result The right figure will be the of deaths the middle will be the num ber of asters and the left will show the number of living brothers Tty it and see The school will reopen on Tuesday morning Sept 6th and the trustees Bincerely hope that parents will see that their children attend on opening day and regularly every day thereaf ter Board adjourned to meet again Sep tember Colon I Theatre The Manager of the Moving Picture Show is getting ready for the com ing season by enlarging too premises and adding one hundred new opera chairs He is also making arrange ments for putting On a show Satur day morning for the benefit of the farming community Evidently the the Colonial is well patronized Experiments at OAC with Notice to Experimenters Spring Sown CropB We ask that each of the four thousand and more of Ontario farm era win are experimenting with fodder crops roots grains grasses clovers and fertilizers which were sown in the spring of the present- year will kindly report the result a his experiment as Boon as after harvest j Weather Conditions of the Past Year At the Ontario Agricultural Col lege at the early part of the autumn in 1909 was compara tively dry the winter was normal the greater part of March and of of the present year was very fine Hay was cold and backward Juno was pleasant with occasional showers and July was somewhat warm and comparatively dry It is probably safe to say that the wea ther conditions of the Province were on the whole somewhat similar to those here stated Results of Experiments with Autumn Sown Crops at the On tario Agricultural College Experiments have been conduct- I- Hall Grocery CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets II you intend going camping or for a days outing give us call let us put up an order of canned Heats and Campers Supplies for you such as Lunch Tongue Vienna Beef Ham Loaf Roast Beef Sardines Condensed Milk Condensed Coffee Quick Jelly Powders Ail a Bottle of Olives for Dessert Also you are buying FRUIT JARS ft will pay you to give us a call as we have a few odd lines we are Selling Cheap to as to lower our NEW LEMONS NEW SWEET ORANGES SPANISH The Leading Reliable came up behind l SJjS lh i with Winter Wheat Winter frightened the new horse Emmer About two Bowling Two rinks came down from from Bradford last Friday and took away the scalps of our men who lost by shots the score Brad ford 63 Newmarket On Satur day afternoon the Newmarket Bow lers nothing daunted journeyed to Bradford and returned victors by shot the score being Newmarket 34 Bradford The first game of the series between the Town and the Office Specialty played on Tuesday evening was won by Town Score Town pts Office Specialty The second game of the scries will be played this Friday evening al Lepard- Shoemaker The following is clipped from the Preston paper the groom using a son of Mrs Arthur Cook of Newmar ket A very wedding was at St Clements church at eight pm yesterday when Miss Alice Shoemakes became the bride of Mr if both of this place The marriage ceremony was perform ed by Rev Father the pres ence of immediate relatives The bride was attended by her sis ter Miss Isabella Shoemaker and UK- groom was supported by Mr Arthur Boyle Mr and Mrs- will remain residents of Preston taking up their home on King street where Mr ard has conducted a barber shop with marked success for the past year Their many friends join in hearty fe licitations Upset Last Friday Mr J C and Mr Silas Armitage went out into East Gwillimbury and bought a for the Industrial Home farm and were leading it home behind the buggy When they were Mr Watsons farm on Huron St an au them ant He made a spring to get out of the Hairy Vetches way ran against the hind wheel of Wheat the buggy and upset it into the I hundred and sixtyfive varieties of ditch throwing both occupants out I the Agricultural College within As soon as the buggy upset M twentyone years All Armitages horse which Mr varieties have been carefully test- was driving stopped but the other a years after horse tried to away Mr Arm- il dropped and the most promising sorts have been continued in future tests In fortythree varie ties besides a number of selections and hybrids were under experi ment Of this number twelve var ieties have been grown for less than five years and thirtyone for five years or over As each of fourteen varieties has been grown for at least fifteen years the average results of these are of special value j Below we give the average weight of the different varieties per bushel for years and the average yield per acre for years Variety Pounds bushels Ml age however hung onto him j Fortunately nothing was broken The buggy was righted and they went on tlieir way Both men men felt a little sore the next day but outside of that were none the worse for their Prompt Delivery Phone LABOR DAY Return Kckets at single fare be tween all stations In Canada good going Sept 2nd 3rd and re turn limit Sept League Convention The next District Meeting con nection with the Methodist Churches in the Bradford District will take place in Newmarket on the and of September when ministers and laymen all the Churches Are to be present The Annual worth League Convention and the Annual Sun day School Convention of the Dis trict will bo held on Thursday Sept commencing at pm Ad dresses will he given in the afternoon by Rev A Addison Rev J ROMAN CATHOLIC KUCHA To Montreal return from September 3rd to In clusive Return limit September topic also Wilkin- Harvesters Excursions Winnipeg South Saskatchewan Saskatoon Swan iA at ions proportionately low itiver and Chicago aqd lev A introduced by Dr EL Bon The evening session commences at oclock Addresses will be given by C A and Mr J Secretary of Laymens Mis sionary Movement Delegates arc expected from all the and in the an Convention is anticipated Wilkinson Newmarket should notified not later than Kept of the probable number of delegate from each ap pointment that billets can be ar ranged fare to and Is cratch roN points beyond on the and TOO full information and tickets J A ten Lihtnin was the cause he burning of buildings valued at at Portage la Prairie Park lrdon Aug A and her mother wore injured Jby a savage bulldog while visiting a chicken fancier nam ed Willis ne dog attacked the child knocks her dovn and was tearing at her face when attracted her mother For some minutes a battle ensued in Mrs was horribly bit ten about the arms and body before she in rescuing the Utile irl child a hospital in a critical coHdltios Vale and Doyle Mr Vale in Separate School The Hoard of Trustees met Monday evening August Members pres entMessrs Roach Cain the hair Doyle was elected SecretaryTreasurer in place of who has been removed town- Miss Kennedy was reengaged a teacher for at an increased salary The following committees were ap pointed for the coming term Management Roach and Cain Finance Vale and Doyle Mclfale The management Com was request ed to get an estimate of installing electric light in Iheechool room and report at next meeting- The regular meetings the Hoard are to be held on the second Monday of each month in future John Cain engaged as caretak er for the corning school The thanks of the Hoard were ten dered Rev- Father Whitney for his gift of books for ure of the school King Council Council met at Temperance Hall at Kettleby on Saturday August Members ail present except Phillip Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed The following bills were ordered to be paid Joseph Hillings months pay Hiram yds gravel Marchant road work Geo Cutting yds gravel John reps to bridge Frank A tt ridge lumber reps to road Carman re moving stone oil road SI phenon reps to culvert Herbert Nightingale opening gravel pit Miss yds gravel Palton yds gravel 5100 Elmer Edwards yds gra vel shovelling in pit Jefferson road work Calvin balance on account re dam Fred Webster cedar DugganWells That the following sheep he paid being va lue of same John Aiming Hunt That the Reeve is hereby instructed to consult a Solici tor re communication from Railway respecting roadway render ed unnecessary by reason of the de viation on 2nd Concession for the overhead bridge That the following snow fence bonus be paid the same having been inspected by the Inspec tor John A Lynn Joseph Jennings SO Robert Annonr DugganWells That the Clerk is hereby authorized to not of Nor man arid M Mitchell executors of the estate of the late Riddle to meet the Council on the above es tate on Sept at oclock pm to consider the question of securing a gravel pit That the Clerk gel printed copies of for dis tribution granting a bonus of to parties destroying dog or dogs found worrying sheep LemonWells That this Council grant to improve is known as mill road on Concession Hylav No To grant a bounty of 5 for killing dogs found worrying or killing sheep or lambs Bylaw To appoint Collectors of Rates with the names of Ri Rutherford and A Hambleton as Collectors No To certain sums for County Township Special and Gen eral purposes known as Trustee rates received tlieir several readings and passed On motion of Councillor Lemon Council adjourned to meet at Wrights Hotel Nobleton Se1t Imperial Amber Early Genesee Giant Early Red Clawsoo Amber A Rudy Tasmania Rod A Geneva Kentucky Giant Turkey Red Tuscan Island Bulgarian Mcpherson The Dawsons olden Rushing il Through Dawsons Golden Chaff 602 49 Chaff which stands the highest in aver age yield of grain per acre of the fourteen varieties grown ill each of fifteen years produces a very stiff straw of medium length beardless heads with red chuff and white grain somewhat soft but about the standard In weight per measured bushel The Imperial Amber produces a large amount of straw which is somewhat weak a bearded head with red chaff and a red grain of average quality The straw of the Tasmania Red Gen eva Kentucky Giant Turkey Red Tuscan Island and is comparatively weak but the grain is hard and weighs well per measur ed ruehel ByLaws Carried Owen Sound Owen Sound Aug Voting took place yesterday on two bylaws for industrial purposes and both were carried One was to grant toward a shipbuilding and drydock plant- which Is being floated In Great Britain ami which will in volve an expenditure of The town will bonus the proposition for and take stock for sim ilar amount The arranging for cap ital is the hands of a prominent engineer who has been close ly Identified with Admiralty and oth er engineering projects in Great Brit ain The Government has given its assurance of the subsidy of per cent interest on the investment the location in Owen Sound harbor being favored owing to the short season during which navigation is closed here the average of the past ten years not being over ten weeks The other bylaw was to authorize a loan to a furniture man ufacturing company composed of local and capitalists headed by Mr Winchester of Stratford Owen Sound has the largest exclusive chair and tabic factories in the Dominion and the new concern is to supplement these industries and facilitate ship ping where assorted carload ship- are necessary a Palace Burned Ottawa Aug As the the purchase of the Hay of line by the which has just been announced from Toronto the con- of the Ottawa end of the Salt Lake City Aug Pal- Toronto line it is announced will acc built of alt and one bo begun almost inmediately A ca of Salt Lake further result of the latest move of and Mann will be the pletloo of the main line from Toronto to Ottawa several months earlier than originally expected With the linking up of Ottawa and Toronto the line will be completed from Junction north of Sudbury to Toronto and from there to Quebec making third great Ontario of about lOf mites of road the sconrc City was destroyed by fire today entailing a loss of Defective was the cause of the has been used for a number of years as an amusement re sort and its saucer track was one of finest of its kind in the world captain dead Aug 21 The plant of Engine Works was partly destroyed last night by a fire which originated In the Alaska Steamship Company moulding department Damage to was held up at of was done worth of very The Liner two passengers one of whom shot the eluding about valuable patterns AGENTS CENTURY CLOTHING AND PRIESTLEYS DRESS GOODS North Yorks Greatest Store We willingly return your money for any goods returned within a week from date of purchase I Week of treat uut summer The Last Chance of Your Lifetime Will Soon be Gone r We are already showing the very newest Styles in Fall Shoes for Men Our Fall shipments of Men Shirts and Ties have arrived and there are some dandy patterns and colorings Ladies Fall Suits and Skirts are Coming in daily and we are ready to show you the very latest styles and patterns Clothes in Mens J MENS STYLISH SHIRTS AND TIES We invite you to come and see our Fall stock of and Re gal Shirts the new patterns and colorings arc exclusive and every well dressed man will readily appreciate what we have got to show also our new ties ties that harmonize with with the Shirts are now readv for your inspection MENS NEW STYLES IN CENTURY CLOTHING FOR THIS We arc now ready to take your or ders for the Fall Suit or Overcoat the new patterns arc here See cuts for some of the very latest We want you to call and inspect patterns they arc great T tl I Nearly All In Men You that MR JEFFRIES was Nearly All In This is a Different Case This is a of All In And Fresh as a Daisy- HONESTLY You or any other Man Never Saw Such a Magnificent Array of itjf in Newmarket Since You Wore Short Pants But Whats the Use of Our Store Full of the Garments that Stylish Men arty Going to Wear Unless So were Tolling you now and we Ask you Largo Centres Know it to No Entrance Charge at this Exhibition Yet youll bo Clad to Your Money when you Sec the Goods and Read the Tickets IIUU of a The Mens Wear West Main Street Newmarket OF ONTARIO 1

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