gg i THE NEWMARKET AUGUST 1MB SUFFERED THREC YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured his Kidney Trouble Eete3 1111191 There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr A Thomas of Sudbury one of those who know it He writes over three years I suffered from kidney disease First I thought I had sprained back for suddenly the pain would caich ihc ray back and would be impossible for me to straighten myself up for several minutes A dull ache across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy and passing it caused a burning scalding Tried medicines but they failed was advised to try Dr Morses Indian Root Pills as they had cured my wife Tears before A few boxes affected complete cure I now enjoy the of good health which is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney trouble it dangerous as well as too painful That reliable family remedy Dr Morse Indian Root Pills has cured thousand will cure you It equally effective curing constipation and its attendant bSiouness indigestion and sick and in the a box at your druggists Q T Time Card GOING NORTH a p Toronto 545 Newmarket 247 705 956 AHandale ax 1025 1050 GOING SOUTH I Leave Toronto ar p 535 850 1010 755 a Vr FOURTEEN CALLS In eight hours reoeived by our Employment Department on Wednesday July 6th indicate the chances we have for placing competent young people in good office positions We cannot supply half the calls we receive for lack of material If you want a good training and a good salary when ready attend our school Central Business College Toronto Shaw Principal Free catalogue mail ed on request BEST TO i J SERVICE Four Trains from Toronto am- 1215 605 pm pm Bala Sleeper carried on pm train Fridays ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES OF THE GREAT LAKES Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen Sound Special train from Toronto 100 pm sailing days Meal berth Included boat The Most Pleasant and Cheap est Route to and Atkinson Newmarket hi LTV i IM- P Compulsory Arbitration re- London Free Press Con plying to some eroticisms which have been made adversely to toe Act because of the failure to prevent the strike of the conductors and trainmen goes on to saV It would be just as well to be entirely fair to the Act That it has imperfections there is no doubt That it has accepted a good deal of credit to which it is not entitled is equally true that its intentions are altogether good and that it has not been without fruit cannot be gainsaid Apparently the only government measure which would have pre vented the present unfortunate break between the railway com pany and its men would have been a compulsory arbitration hoard In this extract the Free Press while pointing the unfair line of attack upon the Gov ernment in passing the Act is equally unfair in its censure for not making arbitration compulsory The Act referred to is very generally re garded as large advance in the way of labor legislation as proven by many successes but to have gone fur ther and made arbitration compul sory is still open to a wide diversity of opinion To compel thousands of men to submit to terms might deem unsatisfactory would he tyranny and to enforce a mandate of compulsion under such circumstances might result in the in carceration of thousands of honest persons who objected to work fouthe wage offered To compel an arbitra tion seeking to find a satisfactory solution to given disagreements might not be out of place nut to compel submission to the conclusions reached on pain of punishment of the dissatisfied of either of the he manifestly wrong to both employers and employes To be satisfactory the arbitration should be mutually agreeable to all the par ties interested and this is a cardinal principle of the Act a Prisoner THE CONQUEST OF WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY NOTES It was asserted at a recent Drug gists Convention in Pennsylvania that the Malay jungle plant of India is a certain cure for the opium habit An instance was given of a woman opium fiend of years standing who used nearly a pint of- laudanum per twentyfour hours who had been treated for ten weeks and completely cured at a cost of only while the usual treatment cost The dis covery of a plant to cure the disease of John Barleycorn is next needed for antilocaloption habitual Greenhouses Carnations Sweet Peas and Anerarlaa Geraniums etc Now is the time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown order solicited Raspberry Strawberry and Aapargua Roots for sale FALL TERM OPENS AUG 23TH ELLIOTT TORONTO It unquestionably firuVclaas In all Departments Write today for our Handsome Catalogue The announcement was made public last Friday that in view of the large number of candidates for the recent Entrance Exams who fail to make the number of marks to unable them to pass this year through alleged of Some of the questions the Hon Minister of Education has authorized Boards of Examiners thru- out Ontario to grant at their discre tion pass standing to candidate who have made less than forty per cent In any one subject hut who have made sixty per cent the aggregate marks It is hoped this will ease up the supposed of some of those who missed their anticipations thereby It now looks as if a- shakeup may follow the investigation regard ing the finances of the Ontario made by Dr A Voting After examin ing the treasurers datement fie finds that for a council meeting held at Kingston in- July 1007 which lasted four days one member collected ses sional allowance ior nine days seven teen members for eight days two members for seven days and seven members for six days Or Young al so points out for a counsel meet ing held in Toronto July and lasting our days eleven members drew allowance for eight days one member also collected lor nine days one for seven days and fourteen mem bers for six days For council meeting of four days in Toronto Ju ly one member collected for nine days seven for eight days four of seven days fifteen for six days Other councils were equally ex pensive TOAST AS MEDICINE Father Point July Dr and- Miss Le Neve were arrested at tljis morning on the ss Mont rose two off Father Point The arrest was dramatic- in a sense Scot- land Yard Inspector Dew boarded the Montrose disguised as a and as as was pacing the deck with Surgeon Stewart of the Montrose he saw the pilot boat approaching pull ed by four seamen He remarked that there seemed tobe a good many pilots in the boat but aside from this made no comment He continued his promenade but five minutes after he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to face Inspector Dew This is your man said Dew to McCarthy and the latter arrested Crippen at the same time giving him the usual sta tutory caution In a few minutes the were on the man lor whom the police of the world have been searching for the past three weeks As for Miss Neve when arrest ed she fainted in her cabin still dressed in the boys clothes When Dew touched on the shoulder all the latter said was am glad the suspense is over The anxiety was top great for me to bear was immediately taken to cabin while Miss Neve remavned in room 5 in a state of collapse This is the room that John Philo Robin son merchant of Detroit and John George Robinson student had oc cupied Neve was given girls clothing as soon as the arrest was made Within ton minutes after the arrest of Dr and Miss Le Neve the forty newspaper men who had been cruising about the harbor at Father Point on the tender Eureka received a signal from the Montrose and clam bered aloft by the ladder route in a drenching shower In a few minutes the Montrose was on her way to Que bec Dr Stewart in describing the ar rest said that while been very nervous since the Gulf was reach ed he did not seem to be apprehen sive of the short stop at Father Point until he saw the boatload of men pull ing for the ship then he turned pale Inspector Dew walked up the deck and when he got near where and Dr Stewart were standing ho stopped and beckoned to He did not falter for a moment but walk ed straight over to where the sleuth from Scotland Yard was standing Dew took him by the arm and led him to the captains room under the bridge where the arrest was made by Detectives McCarthy and Denis As the steel bracelets clamped his wrists he looked at Dew lor a mo ment and said he was glad the sus pense was over Then he was quickly led down to a vacant cabin where he was searched The first search his clothing revealed only a ten- dollar bill a watch and a pencil No revolver not even a was found Pinned to his undershvrt however were five ladles diamond rings and diamond pin Miss Neve when searched also had in her possession a splendid diamond brooch Sitting in the cabin handcuffed and Coat less presented a curious spectacle There Is no doubt that the man has been eating his heart out with apprehension for the past days although ft equally sure he felt that the blow if it fell would fall at Quebec and not Father Point Soap jelly for washing flannels and fine woollen goods is easily made Shred a piece of yellow soap into a saucepan of warm water and let It simmer by the side of the fire till dis solved Add sufficient of this to warm water to made a nice lather If too strong the flannels will be hard If Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE HOTEL Applea Banana CARLOAD Every Saturday Beat ltd Prop Quality Olive Oil direct from OLD NEWSPAPERS For Bale at Did you ever wonder why toast Is recommended for Invalids said a The reason Is that toast Is bread What makes fresh breid trying for Invalids is the starch in it Starch is very hard to digest It needs a good stomach to take hold of the soggy In bread and change it to strengthening stimulating dex trine IVJt when you cut bread tbl and toast It brown the fire Itself changes the starch to dextrine That In fact is what the brown color In toatt catea the starch Is gone and dextrine has taken Its place The stuff Is predicted So we feed our invalids on toast a a thoroughly as any of the most famous breakfast fo Epilepsy Spasms St Vitus Dance I suffered for many years from what some people call epilepsy Dr Miles Restora tive Nervine cured me and you can imagine how thankful I am I COFFMAN Coldvyater Mich My daughter was cured vith Dr Miles Restorative Nervine after having been afflicted fits for five years PETER Springfield Mass For a year my boy had spasms every time he got a little cold Since taking Dr Miles Nervine he has never had one of these spasms MRS MYRTLE DAGUE Rochester Ind My daughter couldnt talk or walk from St Vitus dance Seven bottles of Dr Miles Nervine entirely cured her MRS NANNIE LAND Ethelj Ind Until my son was years old he had fits right along We gave him seven bottles of Dr Miles Restorative Nervine He has not had since he began on the fifth bottle MRS DUNTLEY Wautoma Wis at your Ho you If ha not to we forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL Toronto J PR Tuesday Sept Preparation Day Grounds and Buildings open All articles to be exhibited except Live Stock must he on the grounds and in building this day at the Judges will commence their duties of inspection and decision 9 ADMISSIONADULTS 15 CENTS Wednesday Sept Grounds open to Visitors 1100 am Entry books close All entries made day subject to rule five 130 pm School Childrens Procession to grounds headed by tho Newmarket Military and other Bands 200 pm Speeding in the Horse Ring will commence and continue during the alternoon 230 pm Special attractions in front of Grand Stand ADMISSION TO GROUNDS CENTS CHILDREN 15 CENTS Thursday Sept am Grounds and Buildings open to Visitors 1100 am Entry books closed All entries made this day subject to rule five in the Horse Ring will commence and continut during the afternoon pm Special attraction In front of Grand Stand ADMISSION TO GROUNDS 25 CENTS CHILDREN 15 CENTS Exhibitors will kindly read the Rules and Regulations on Pages to 6 particularly as the Directors are most desirous of obtaining and maintaining the utmost harmony between themselves and Exhibitors but must necessarily enforce the rules Printed forms for entries as well as the Prize Lists may be obtained on application either personally or by letter to the Secretary Keith Newmarket 3 Committee of ManagementsMessrs and J Mat- thewson CLASS SPECIAL PRIZES FOR HORSE RING Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd 3rd 230 Pace and Trot Mile heats best 3 i 5 Purse Divided 2 Free for all Mile Heats best 3 in Purse divided 7500 Entries for above events must be made with the Secre tary on or Saturday September 17th Entrance fee 5 per cent of purse to accompany entry and 5 per cent of purse additional from winners Four to enter and three to start in each race National Trotting Association Rules to govern 3 Pair of Driving Horses driven to a buggy or road wagon Exhibitor must be the owner of at least one this pair but will be allowed the lege of exhibiting with his a horse which is not owned by him provided owner of same is a mom- of this Society 1st given by Sellers Fur Co Toronto goods to the 2nd given by James Smith Moorish Palace To- Best Gentlemans Driving Horse to he driven to a buggy or road wagon Special given by Mr i A Proctor Cup value to be won by ex three times at Newmarket Fair before be- coming his property Winner of Cup will bo giv en possession of it but must give satisfactory curiey that he will return it to the Society by Sept 1st Lady Driver 1st given by Ltd To ronto goods value 2nd by Win Publishers Toronto goods t Best Roadster in years old 1st given by Toronto 2nd by Grills Co Toronto one hat value Best Dark Grey Horse Gelding or Mare suitable lot delivery purposes 1st and 2nd special given by The Simpson Co Toronto Best Farmers Team special given by the Anglo- American Fire Insurance Co Toronto policy for value 1000 CLASS 2SPEED1NG IN THE Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Pace and Trot Mile heats best 3 in 5 Puree divided 75 00 Three Minute Race Pacers or Trotters for horses that never won a race over prior- to Aug 1st mo J mile heats best in 5 Purse Divided 3rd Prize I B Entries for the must be made with the Secretary on or before September Entrance fee per cent of purse to accompany entry and pur cent of purse additional from winners to enter and three to start in race National Trotting As- Rules to govern CLASS HOUSES Judged Sept 22nd 1st Prize 2nd Prize 1 Stallion in harness Bred 1st given by ol Toronto 2nd by Howard grocer Newmarket Span In Harness given by The- Davis Leather Single Mare or Gelding in Harness under 15J high 1st given by Canada Brokerage Co Toron to 2nd by Grocer Newmarket Single Mare or Gelding in Harness hands and over 1st given by A V Queens- Ho- 2nd by A General Merchant New market pair shoes value Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal this year 1st goods by Dunham Furni ture Dealors and Undertakers Aurora 500 and 200 cash added by Society 2nd by T A Agent Aurora Spring Colt or Filly 1st given by Geo A Co Toronto one blanket value 2nd given by A Boyd Livery Newmarket i Continued on page 8 5 i I J AVERS VIGOR Stops- railing An Dressing Destroys ndruftf Makes Hair Grow Ingredients I hair food a hair tonic a hair dressing CcmsuftyourdcOTrKuttheMrafrprool J a Have on Hand a Large Stock of White Pine Norway Spruce Hemlock etc Special Sizes to Order Doors Sash Flooring Moulding and All Kinds of Inside work Ash and Georgia Pine Run to Order Dressing Resawing Sticking Turning and All Such Work THE STORY OF AN ELM That romance not entirely dead in this world is shown by the story of Miss Eliza Anne an aged Toronto lady who passed away re cently Miss came ol one of the oldest families in a family which held positions of Im portance when it was Muddy York in the early days of the nineteenth cen tury The homestead whtere she died was located on street near the entrance to the Canadian Nation al Exhibition This and other insti tutions she had seen grow up around her and what was once a lonesome ru ral spot near the waters of Lake On tario gradually became part of a great modern city the old homestead remained the same as it was in the days of Us isolation embowered by trees and the quaint old fences such as are seen in many an old hamlet in tlm sections of the province today In a field alongside the grounds there was and still is a vast elm tree fenced with an ancient snale fence It stands within fifty feet of where half a- million people every autumn disembark from the street cars to visit the exhibition and many have been puzzled by this landmark Vna rapidlygrowing resi dential commercial district Years ago when Miss Eliza Anne was a young girl in the pret ty frocks of the- midVictorian she had a lover who courted her un der the boughs of this old where a rustic seat was formerly placed He was an officer in the British army and it will be that at thalt time Canada was garrisoned by British regiments His was ordered away to foreign service and the parting of the I place under this old tree- saw him again and it certain that her dream of love was over She made provision that spot the parting taken should be preserved in Its original state Despite the fact that hundreds of residences have been built in the neighborhood and that many offers were made for the field an which the tree stands Miss would never part with it The whole tract stretching to Lake Ontario was at one time property and nil this Miss parted with from time to time This plot with its elm tree remains as it did on tho day she parted with her lover SatunViv Night HE COULDNT IT All flushed and breathless the well- dressed young man picked up the hat he had been chasing the street and leaned against a lamppost to rest Another also breathing heavily came running up and took the hat out of his hand Im much obliged he said For what That is my hat Wheres mine then Hanging hehind you at the end a string Then for the first time the man remembered his hatguard Suc cess Magazine Thats the only way you can afford to keep them because any lameness means less work and less profit to you Spavin Splint Curb Sweeney Ringbone Swelling or Lameness prevent your horses from working Simply use Kendalls Spavin Cure It works while the horse works takes away the pain reduces swellings makes legs and joints sound and strong leaves no or white hairs because it does not titer Spavin Cure has been the horsemans standby for years and is used all over the world Burns Ont Sept I have used Kendalls Spavin Cure and it cures Oil Keep your horses sound as a dollar Get Kendalls today and you will have it tomorrow if needed a bottle for When you buy ask for free copy of our book A Treatise On The Horse or write us Br a HOT ill CO V Vj The flies that are now in your kitchen and dining room were probably feasting on some indescribable less than an hour ago and single fly often carries many thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body it is the duty of every housekeeper to assist in exterminating tail enemy of the human race Kill flies in such immense quantities as cannot be approached by any fly killer Sft J