Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 8, 1910, p. 4

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SUFFERS THREE YEARS Till Dr Morses Indian Root Pills cured his Kidney Trouble I I l There are few diseases that cause more acute suffering than Kidney Trouble and Mr A Thomas of Sudbury is of those know it He writes For over three years I suffered from kidney disease First I thought I had back for suddenly the pain worrid catch the of ray back it would be impossible for me to straighten up for several minutes A dull acne across the kidneys was always pres ent my urine was thick and cloudy arid passing it caused a burning scalding pain Tried medicines bur they failed was advised to try Dr Morses Indian Root Pills as they had cured my wife years before A few bores affected a cure I now enjoy the of good health which is due to this remedy Dont neglect kidney trouble its too dangerous as well as too painful That reliable family remedy Dr Morses Indian Root Pills has cured thousands end will cure you It is equally effective curing constipation and its attendant rib biliousness indigestion and sick and in purifing the blood a box at your druggists 10 T Time Card GOING NORTH a p 1145 GOING SOUTH Leave a p 100 Toronto ar 730 755 HOMES VIA TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr 519 3 31 J ilj 26 SepL THROUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TOHONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST lv Toronto pm on fibove days First and Cocbe Colonist tod to CPR or Toronto PAMPHLET ATKINSON Agent NewmjLrkd present and into Fall Term or In all department of Central College of Toronto Th largest moat influential school la Can ada for training young people and placing tfeem In good Catalogue free time Writ H Principal 395 Yonge street Toronto Perrins Greenhouses Sweet and Geraniums etc Now is time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work attention Pricea reasonable Outoftovn orders Strawberry and Roots for j Newmarket Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET Plr Apples Bananas CARLOAD Every Saturday Beat and Cheapest Prop OUve Oil direct from Italy A PRACTICAL famous ELLIOTT It pay for our kg OLD NEWSPAPERS For Bale at this I i Waking up a fatal Ending Cabinet Minister to an Altercation j An seems to obtain that Brampton July 1 On March 14th the farmers of Ontario are not keep- last George Barter left his home in up with the increased demand for Norwich England Arriving at St j a v John he proceeded at once to Fort produce and the business energy of I I i Credit where he secured employment the age Mr J of To- sfc Lawrence ronto not a hidebound Grit as the He as now in Brampton jail Tories call advanced Liberals but a on a serious charge of murdering a real oldfashioned Conservative workman named Michael L The man who lost his life who claims to know something about if nnn is an Irishman years of age a farming the Ontario Minister cooper by trade He a of Agriculture that the agricultural- dent of Port Credit for a few months 1 Barker is years old and was working in the same shop The trou ble which ended fatally was the out come of one of these thoughtless re marks which are heard every day among Halloo ists of this Province are not- keeping pace with the growing necessities and that there is inertia in the Department of Agriculture He further says This Province should establish leadership in constructive plans and getting along said Barker in passing Go on tide ebbing run see how His in enthusiasm which will command a following It is not too much to ask that the responsible Minister should be the leader and should show grasp vision enterprise that mastery of all that is involved in be ing the chief of agriculture which will command the respect of the en tire province and secure the hearty response from the community of farmers Considering Mr Flavelles political relation with the Conservative party no one will suspect any desire on his part to embarrass the Whitney Government but he evidently enter tains a strong conviction that the Department of Agriculture is not now being administered with that energy and wise consideration which charac terized it under the preceding adminis tration- The Board of Railway Commission- have been considering complaints of American Government officials boarding trains at St Catharines and questioning passengers as to their destinations Chairman de clared I wont admit that I have a from to Niag ara Falls Ontario any Yankee officer has a right to hoard the trail Catharines and question me as to where I am who I and a lot of other things The Medical Council got a black eye from Mr Justice Middleton a short time ago who quashed a against J Harvey of To ronto who was fined and costs by the Magistrate at Renfrew for fitting a boy with a pair of eye glasses The action was brought by the Medical Council who churned that Harvey was practicing medicine His lordship declared that the words practicing medicine do not apply i the case The Council have all ori ginal costs to pay before the magis trate and also in the appeal A Conservative official in the Civil Service at Ottawa appointed before the present Government came to pow er is under suspicion of The head of the Department make an investigation and the suspect leaves surreptitiously for parts unknown Whereupon the special correspon dent of the News Instead of giving praise to Hon Mr Murphy for hav ing unearthed the grafting fraud- up on the public treasury is treated to a doublecolumn dose of hypocritical congratulation and ironical cheers This is called independent Toryism Why not be honest and give the Min ister credit for having done his duty Detroit Mich July 3 The body of Frank the Cana dian Government official was found today floating near Trenton Mich a little village a few mile south Detroit by a Trenton fisherman This is the finfs of the tragedy and puts an end to the that thrite had hoaxed the polio by walk ing the big Detroit and Buffalo passenger steamer Eastern States leaving his coat and hat and a note to the effect that he had committed suicide June Mites Gertrude Luke only daughter of Mr and Mrs Luke of this town was drown ed in the bay here shortly noon today body has not yet been recovered At about olclock Miss Luke hired a rowboat at and out on the bay alone The boat not noticed again until about oclock Some of the men in the saw it floating unoc cupied about half a mile from shore It brought in but no trace of Luke could be found It Is sup posed that in changing her position in the boat she lost her and went overboard Miss Luke was about thirtyfive years of age Albert Rogers of is said to have been left by a wealthy Pittsburg man whom he saved from in Scotland some years ago- Cleveland July persona were killed and forty hurt In the wreck on the D twenty miles south of Dayton according to Information received here The train was tbe west bound twentieth century limited on the Dig Four which on account of a wreck at Sharon had been the Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton North of the passenger train collided headon with a northbound freight train at you longlegged Knglish answered Maugh at the same time striking at Barker with a hammer he had in his hand A fight followed in which the Englishman struck his assailant with his fist After the second blow an effort was made to clear the floor of barrels that were in the way when the unfortunate man fell to the floor dead The whole affair was witness ed by a couple of other workmen neither of whom thought anything of a serious much less fatal character would follow Barker who was ter ribly shocked went to the home of Mr Smith where he boarded and changed his clothes awaiting the ar rival of an officer to take him in charge He was brought to by Constable last night This is the story told by the prison er to your correspondent this morn ing amid sobs and tears which indi cated how sincerely he regretted the awful occurrence George Barkers parents are both living In Norwich England His father is a painter The young man came to Canada hop ing to better his position Dr Sut ton of will hold an in quest A SCOUR IN A SANDCART y To those who take pleasure in the study of records of the great past a journey from to Sakkatia and thence across the desert to is replete with absorbing in terest Proceeding by Nile steamer to which is reached in a couple of hours the traveller mounts either an ass or a camel or if he objects to the ungainly motion of those animals if he has been wise he has previously ordered a sand- cart a light vehicle with very wide flanges to each of the two high wheels and horsed by a sleek longtailed Arab in which he is driven like the winds across the desert Soon he arrives at the site of the ancient Memphis for miles the route is strewn with remains of pot tery broken columns and other inanets from that doomed great city of the past Passing many objects of interest including brick pyramids and the colossal statue of the Pharoahof the oppression and then journeying through groves of palm trees he now arrives at the tomb ot a series of lofty halls the walls covered with mural paintings pour- traying domestic life o the Egyptians hunting scenes agricul ture etc and although executed so far back down the long vista of the ages centuries even before the time of Abraham who perhaps visited It the colours are still fresh and bright Near this great- memorial mauso leum is the Tomb of the Bulls per haps the most extraordinary burial place in the world containing long rows of enormous sculptured granite sarcophagi in which the mummied sacred hulls are interred Again climbing up into the sand cart he continues his journey across the in terminable end of the desert Hut woe he to the traveller if a sandstorm arises especially if be while he is lunching for what ever precautions he may take every morsel of food will be gritty and un- eatable At length his journey nearly ended the traveller rests awhile under tho shadow of the great Pyramid that most mighty of all the structures over erected on this earth Aye those Egyptians of old a great race Yet notwithstanding their virile powers and their masterly abilities they believed that those pain pored bulls whose bodies they so revere inhumed could both control their destiny in this life and adjudge their fate In tho life to come Happily we Instead of addressing our peti tions to an ox or to a cat can with approach the Creator of the universes For by suffering death upon the cross on our behalf and as retribution for our tho Son of God has expunged from the record of Accuser every entry those who come to Him for eternal life WOLFES DYING VICTOR HOW WEATHER FORECASTS v I Arte And on that day no nobler stained the J Moat of the civilized countries are Than his who for his country laid dotted over meteorological life down at which observations of Who- for a mighty empire battled barometer temperature and wind are there taken twice each day and forwarded And strove from rivals brow to to a central office at which the data wrest the laurel crown thus gathered is used as a basis on Twice recks not but still weather forecasts are prepared heads the charge We have just reviewed the BuV ah fate guides the marks- anws which led to Toronto being mans fatal bail chlef station in With bleeding breast he claims a com- continues to be the rades aid I meteorological Office Toronto being We winlet not my soldiers the office of the Canadian see their leader fall jmeteorologieal system from which I emanate all storm warnings and fore casts and where all Canadian mete orological data are compiled Thirty- stations report by telegraph to eyes Toronto including Dawson City on the far north Victoria in the west Saint Johns Newfoundland in the east and Bermuda in the south Most of these reports are forwarded to Washington for ihe use of the United States Weather Bureau and in return Canada receives reports from some sixty American stations in tire morning and from nearly as many in the evening affording data for a very comprehensive meteoro logical chart of the North Amerioan Continent The reports which at all stations are filed at the telegraph of fice at exactly am and 8 pm Eastern Standard time are wired without delay to Toronto The most essential information re ceived from the various stations is the reading of the barometer as with this information alone without any thing regarding temperature wind and weather it would usually be pos sible to issue fairly accurate forecasts while with all possible information re garding winds and weather but the barometer lacking forecasts would be almost impossible In order to ren der the barometer readings at stations at different elevations comparable ob servers a correction to the barometer reading to reduce it to sea level and in order to show the exist ing conditions the more graphically isobars lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure arc drawn and the whole map this manner marked out in a way which shows at a glance where the bar ometer is high and where lowF writing on The Canadian Meteorological Service in The Can adian Magazine for July aOOOi Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children He will probably say Very very rarely Children do not need stimulating Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them He will ably answer Very very frequently Then ask about Ayers nonalcoholic Sarsapari as a tonic fo the young Follow his advice He knows Ayq The first great rule of health Dally movement of bowels this to not to Then ask him about Ays Sci for ftnifjii Full well he feels lifes When hark They they run they cry Who run The foe flash forth one gleam Then murmuring low he sighs- Praise God in peace I die News of the Victory in England Then bright the bonfires blaze At 1 hills And rends the very sky a peoples And even when grief broods the vacant chair The mothers heart still nobly gives her gallant boy And while broad England gleams with glorious light And merry peals from every belfry ring One little village lies all dark and still No fires are lighted there no bat tle songs they sing There in her lonely cofy in widows weeds A mother mourns the silent tear drops fall She too has given to swell proud Englands fame But ah she gave the widow smite she gave her all- Abridged from Duncan Anderson s The Death ot Wolfe If Since He Had the the ex- Little Willie was playing with next door when the latter claimed Dont you hear vour mother call ing vou Thats three times shes done it Arent you going in Not yet responded Willie pcrtvrbably Wont she whip you demanded the little girl awed Nawl exclaimed Willie in dig- gust She aint going to whip no body Shes got company So when I go in shell just say The poor man has been so deaf since hes the measles ooo PROTECT TIIE WIFE A should remember that his wife is a business partner She makes butter hoards the hands helps prepare things for market is a watch dog for the premises when he is away and sometimes assists with the poul try and garden and when he secret ly signs away money has helped to earn he is cheating partner as well as robbing his wife and it is an offence the law would not allow In any other copartnership nor should it in this There Is a law that pre vents a man from selling his farm without his wifes signature and it sounds as If a wife were of some im portance but it tive as a preservative of her home from the fact that he can mortgage Howard 100 Tbe readers ot this paper will It pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional tretment- Cure is taken Internal ly acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system there by destroying the foundation of the disease arid giving the patient strength by buUding up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing its work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for of testimonials Address J CHENEY CO Toledo 0 Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for stlpation oeox Do not throw out that old piece of furniture Its and the worse of wear true but some of your fondest recollections are associated with it Lacqueret the specially prepared Lacquer will restore its original beauty concealing the mars and blemishes of wear and tear and mak ing it as good feas new The next best thing to a Hew suite for any room in the house is a coat of the wonderful furn iture renewer BR fck Write Our free booklet Dainty Dec orator tells the story of Lac queret the home A postcard brings it Interesting and informing for it today Leading Hardwaro and Paint Dealers sell Varnish Co limited 2362 TORONTO- WINNIPEG V M filB tfPSVt Is sold In full Imperial measure packages FOR SALE SUTTON WEST June On Sun day afternoon a young man named Wesley Walter was drowned in Buffa lo Lake through the upsetting of a canoe Five men were killed ana eleven injured by the explosion of a gas tank In the saloon of Fid ward near Minneapolis Windsor June Twelve passengers on an electric car had a narrow escape from serious injury last House to Let On Church street at once JACKSON Lame Back To have a lame back or painful stitches means disordered Kidneys night when the car left the tracks and the sooner you have Kidnen near the Court House in Sandwich and Bladder- in perfectly healthy and plunged through a plate glass condition the sooner you will color We As far as we know there it and endorse other mens papers to HOW CANADA REGULATES ITS any extent without her knowledge or consent and thus dispose of fam ily possesslans and the can sell This statute Is mockery until it supplemented by making a mans signature as security Inva lid when written without his wifes approval and still another making it I legal for him to mortgage the farm to debts that she has no know- I of Blackburn and Jones the two prospectors who engineered the rush into Cariboo Lake district In search of gold were convicted of fraud at North Bay and released on deferred sentence Ono of King Edwards last acts was to send to Mrs a peasant who recently gave birth triplets A letter contain ing the postal order posted In London on May a short tlino bo- fore the Kings death Dclorne James fell from the loft Of his fathers barn in Dereham township and fractured skull The full extent of his injury was not and the boy attended school for a week Ten days after accident died Winnipeg June Fire broke out this afternoon in the Alaska Bed ding Companys factory in the north end of the city and damaged the building and plant to the extent of One hundred employees who were at work when fire was dis covered got out safely Grafton Va June 20 Arrfcn Mitchell aged seventeen years and Ulo aged fifteen were found dead today their bodies mang led by the side of Baltimore Ohio roan near a few miles from here The youthful couple left their homes evening for a stroll Search last night and early today ended in finding their dead bodies Afc Pikes Peak near in Whitchurch Township a very large camp meeting has been conducted during the past ten days by the There was some forty tents on the ground and campers were present from a number of points in Western Ontario to tho number of about On Sunday very crowds gathered ancf listened atten tively to the earnest appeals of different ministers who took part Splendid order was noticed at all services I TIME From early days ihe clocks of To ronto have been regulated by time obtained at the Observatory from star transits across the meridian and in more recent years the time service over the larger part of the Dominion has been- performed by meteorologi cal observers and paid forout of the meteorological appropriation By the present system the director of the observatory at University ob tains time by transit observations and the Observatory clock automati cally transmits signal to various parts of including the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Hallways which companies distribute it along their lines Quebec Observa tory gives time signals to that city and the director of the Saint John Observatory sends time signals throughout the Maritime Provinces Including tho dropping of time lulls In both Saint John and Halifax and the transmission seaward of a noon signal by wireless telegraphy for the benefit of ocean shipping About twice a month in order to make com parison between the time signals tent out from Toronto and thpso sent out from the various observatories tele graphic exchanges are made sig nals from outside stations being re corded electrically on the chronograph In the Central Meteorological Toronto thus assuring agreement and accuracy in the Dominion time P writing on The Canadian Meteorological Service in tho July Canadian Magazine Detroit July 1 Sophia before Judge Murphy for di vorce said she met Victor porth and went with him to Brussels Ont to bo married in 1007 He prom ised to take her London for the honeymoon she said and while in Toronto she handed him her money and a gold bracelet She has never seen since window in Scotts grocery store The car was travelling at a merry clip when it struck Something on tho track derailed it The passengers re ceived a severe shaking up hut none were injured June 30 News received today from Albert county tells a fatal brawl there at a dance early this morning Jameat Power aged an Intercolonial Rail way employee is dead and Thomas Connolly an Intercolonial fireman has given himself up to the police One witness says there was trouble over a girl that Power had gone to the verandah of the house and Con followed Urn this witness says striking him several times on the head and neck He fell and was car ried into house where he died twenty minutes later without making any statement What might have proved very serious accident occurred to Mr of Elgin Mills whilst as sisting at a raising on the farm Mr Albert Williams last Id lay ev ening Mr was aiding in carrying timber across the floor of the building and by some means missed his footing and fell through between the joists into the cellar be neath He fell upon his shoulders and hips between two boulders and was for somctimo unconscious We aro glad to state no bones were broken and outside of bruises and soreness caused thereby no serious harm is anticipated only one remedy that is guaranteed to cure you and that is PILLS If they dont make you a strong healthy person in two your money will he refunded box at all leading drug stores Eggs Eggs Eggs FOR HATCHING From two good pens of for guaranteed or setting replaced halfprice J Near High School Newmarket TAKE NOTICE that Samuel Sid- ford of the City o Toronto County ol York in the Ontario the husband of Ethel ford will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next Sessions thereof for a BUI of Divorce from Us wits said Ethel of the city Tomato In of la ihe Prelaw Ontario the of ad DATED a the City of County of York Province of Ontario the day April 1910 Rcrtinetfc Godfrey Pheiane Henderion Toronto street Toronto Solicitors for said Samuel The destruction ol the house fly is a public duty Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against him His filthy origin and habits and the fact that his body is generally laden with diseaseproducing germs makes him one of the greatest enemies of the human race If the housekeepers of Canada will use ft persistently this peril would be tremendously reduced I i BS p 1

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