Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 17, 1910, p. 5

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J Notary Public o Main Street Farm Security Or loan on Duncan A COLLECTOR Bolton Hewitt Decorator Millards and Dp Oil si DENTIST pi I- Wilkinson Block Newmarket In MARRIAGE LICENSES I At tie Office Newmarket Private at residence If NEWMARKET LATEST DE3IGNB IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Elsewhere CASSIDY A Dr J Boyd in medicine of Toronto also Liceaslate Oolite of and Royal College of Surgeon Former clinical Eye Unl- College Ear tad London England Main and Timothy No may be had at any hour fee or night by calling at or Furnace Work 3 of Our Specialties Set the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Steele of New Fruits all frigs Dates Peel Layer Oranges etc Alto all the MEW CANNED GOODS Corn Pet Salmon from the Beat Are wellaborted and the that money bay Try Our OUR BREAD Weight Bun Plea of til Every t HeEd t3 good COOKED HAH to or Ho v Joseph photon I I Local Womens Institute S of the North York Womens Institute will be held the Town Hail Aurora on June l7th19l at tte purpose of electing DiBtrict offi cers also transacting other import- All ladies will come J Wednesday Half- Holiday shop of the town announcing that of July and August j J tice will save the trouble and annoyance of trying to do popping on Wednesday afrnoona months named Dont for get Laid at Rest The funeral obsequies of the late Mrs A or Saturday last were attended by several friends from a distance as well as town peo ple Rev Mr Cornell officiated on the occasion The pallbearers were Messrs J Davis Cane Webb Geo- Wood and Phillips- Interment in New market Cemetery One by one the older citizens of Newmarket are fast joining great majority who have passed away to the spirit land Agricultural- Excursion We again remind the general public and especially the friends of Agricultural Society of the ex cursion to and on the Georgian on Wednesday next The rates are very low for an all- day outing For timetable and prices of tickets see Mis This ex- curson promises to be one of the most enjoyable the Association has held for years and we no doubt will be largely patronized A com mittee of the Society Board has made special arrangements for the accom modation of all who take advantage of the outing For Three Years Dr Miles Restorative Nerv ine cured me of a- period of nervous prostration of over three years duration and the Anti- Pain Pills are as necessary to us as the roof of our house They have been household rem edies with us foi- many years J LOUGHRAN Catherine St Philadelphia Penna Much sickness is due to nerv- pus troubles Headache diz ziness epilepsy and insanity are nervous troubles Then there is a large class of disorders which arise a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part as weak lungs heart stomach kidney bladder eyes etc Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves and nerve cells to assists the ate nerve force Price at your druggist you If ho not to wo forward prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto He end price Farm Produce Excellent market Saturday and big crowd in town The prevailing prices paid were Eggs lft21c doz Butter per It Cream per quart Chickens per lb 1820 Apples per 20c Potatoes per bag Tomato Plants Asters Celery 15c Cabbage per Cauliflower for Flower Plants Rhubarb 5c Onion Live Spring Chickens per 20c Old Hens per It Live Ducks per lb 12c Live Geese per Live per lb Pigeons per pair Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb Sheepskins 50c100 Tallow Your Chance for a Holiday Trip Return tickets at single fare will IO issued by the Grand Trunk Rail way System on account of Dominion Day between all stations in Cana da also to Detroit and Port Huron Mich Niagara Kails and Y Good going June and July 1 Return limit July Secure tickets from any Grand Ticket Agent General Sessions Sentences Thursday of last week was sentence day of the recent General Sessions Court when Judge Winchester meted out the following Rev George M Atlas theft for gery and uttering a forged document six years in Kingston conspiracy one ycar- Athol two years less a day Milton Worth Lhorbe conspiracy sentence postponed Alfred J unlawful wound- J i R Manchester employed at liquor store was In the back yard on Saturday when a wagon drove in The driver the dog muzzling order was up against the wall breaking four feiven some time ago to prevent thchs and crushing his shoulder spread of rabies North Toronto au- f- A relay race is to come off have put dogs out of the at Island Saturday night There way Although there would have Pairs entered for the con- been some considerable indignation had all the towns of Ontario followed certainly wonderful how the Torontos example but a good- race has worried along to the many anxious mothers in regard to Doctors now tell us their childrens welfare would have tna children in creadles is clapred their hands for Babies according mod- A department clerk stated I era ideas should go to sleep tially to a chum at a bargain counter a stationary germproof bed When you hear a sweet young antiseptic pillows and thing filing another- sweet youni spinstertfaat she has bought two ol oId Coyne was everything you can make up your by a detective why he took mind that a wedding trip is contemi the cash drawer of his aunt plated at no distent date replied Because I wanted sister to It now looks as if North Toronto round here will soon be annexed to the city an- beginning early other reason for the necessity of auxiliaries have been add- separation from Toronto A Branch of the city daily states that the residents of Womens Missionary Socie- Town of North Toronto are ty the number up to 123 in all City Toronto people Toronto district The Toronto Conference passed a After two trains had passed over resolution of sympathy with Rev Dr tracks crossing oh Jones Sutherland in his serious illness and ast evening going opposite a similar message was sent to Rev directions a man named Charles Robertson conspiracy in obstructing police and burglary four years Joseph wounding one year Joseph wounding one year Laura Payne procuring two years in the Mercer Robt W conspiracy four years Sylvester Brown perjury suspended sentence Edgar Hughes indecent assault- sentence postponed Charles Close indecent assault six months J housebreaking sus pended sentence Bertha Wilson theft suspended sen tence J Keepin false pretences sen tence postponed Frederick Boldsbn theft six mos Dr George Young Tea thousand invitations were is sued by Ward- One Conservative As sociation last Wednesday to heir picnic at Beach Park on Satur day June These include in the mam residents of Ward One and re presentative Conservatives from all over have consented to come include Mr George Tate Hon Lucas and Mr Garney The Methodist Conference tabled the resolution relative teaching There a large attendance at the I patience of men will soon funeral of Smith on i the exhaustive point in regard day to big hats- was the statement of a Within a very short time after his citizen recently and lather and sister arrived in Toronto they are now Ireland Archibald abominably out of all character Castle of Armstrongs Point was found lying unconscious between two sets of rails and bleeding from a gash on the head He is now at tKe Hos pital On Saturday last the corner stone of the new Howard Park Methodist Sunday School was laid Mrs the city The speakers who performed the interesting cere- Rev agar is the pastor Laymen and some of the clergy had a clash in the Methodist Conference in regard to certain preachers views on to theological certain portions of biblical inspira tion a young Irish carpenter passed awai on Saturday at the Weston Sanitor- His father and sister were at his bedside on Saturday afternoon and left him in good spirits after they left he died Another conductor was injured on Saturday by falling backwards from the footboard of his car Albert New was collecting fares on his car about clock that morning when he fell alighting on his head He is now improving at the Hospital Nearly passengers including railway employees immigrants ex cursionists and men handled in the Union Station on Sat urday The hulk of tbe extra traffic was made up of Grand Trunk Rail way employees who came in from London to the number of There I wen- two special immigrant trains at am and 7i0 pm with about passengers aboard A large number of citizens of came down by special to Connect with the boats to Niagara theft suspended Surn J astern District Orangemen at the f ir annual service held Hosea assault suspended Church Sun sentence sentence Holy Trinit flay morning The lodges met at the street entrance to Gibson A Shannon receiving three Allan Gar years Hen sentence an Gardens and proceeded in size David Draft on Saturday took a dose of some patent mixture sold as a panacea for all pains He soon be came unconscious and had to be rush ed to Grace Hospital He was un conscious for hours but is getting better now He has a wife and one child A retired post living In received a letter of thanks from Queen Alexandra in ac knowledgement of a recipe hi sent her to cure bronchitis A couple of llamas were presented I to the Zoo last week by Miss Fidelia Splendid five attractions at Hait ians Point these days I Terrible was scene on the last Friday lust as the train was pulling into the Union sta tion Alex Kinard a retired com mercial expired in his berth The Jewish Feast of Pentecost commenced on Sunday morning and I will he celebrated by the Jewish of this city This festival com memorates the giving of the ten commandments on Mount I At the free flower show of the City Horticultural Society last Friday and Saturday over vases of flowers were on exhibit The whole formed Henry CrOmbfe receiving suspended UfiXSttiT t Way Hon vi Wrd has received here from I More than usual interest was en owing to the number of noted this term cases that had been tried ooe Owen Sound June Frank fell the wharf and the steam er Godfrey at oclock last night and was drowned He was walking with a companion when he stumbled over an obstruction and fell headlong the water it Big Fire in Seat tie Seattle Wash June Twoscore hurt property worth more than destroyed and th heart of the city in ruins are the results of a fire vhicii starting at midnight Mass ed fiercely til rough the early hours of today The rumor that twenty lives had been lost in a lodginghouse can not be confirmed at this hour Sweeping up the waterfront it destroyed lodginghouses stores warehouses and hospitals Twenty of those were in a lodginghouse that went up like tinder by the side of the gigantic warehouse When the flames were finally got In check six gutted every thing between Battery and Cedar street being In ruins While the more substantial business section was saved in the district there were dozens of business houses Che big Pacific Hospital was one of the that went up In the light of conflagration the patlentw were taken the hospital while tbe flames the upper Wagons automobiles and buggies were pressed as ambulances and with the aid of every regular ambulance fn the city the patients many of them in a critical condition were rushed to safety It Is in London that the Duke of will Earl Grey a In the spring of Children I A Dangerous Dandruff WILL MAKK CANADA A BALD NATION IF NOT CHECKED elded that the law will be allowed to Pasteur the great French Phy sician of Paris said believe we shall one day rid the world of all diseases cause by germs is caused by germs a fact accepted by all physicians is the root of all hair evils it were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause there would be no baldness Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germs and remove dandrufl in two weeks or money back N L Rogers Co guarantees it ft vill stop itching scalp falling hair and make the hair grow and abundant It puts life and lustre Into the hair and prevents It from turning gray ft is the hair dressing par excel lence daintily perfumed and free from gseaja stickiness It Is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair A large bottle costs only cents at leading druggists everywhere and in Newmarket by L Rogers Co The girl with the auburn hair la on every package is CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Croup Coughs or money fcicb Sold by ROGERS now confined city Mil is active through his coun sel Mr to have his sen tence commuted to penitentiary When King George came to the throne a few weeks ago he marked his ascen sion by issuing order all death sentences should be Commuted to life- imprisonment The King being asked to extend this to Despondcnl through ill health Mrs J Grayson aged 50 years took a dose of crude carbolic acid in an attempt to commit suicide She in a critical state at the Hospital Noticing the house where Mrs Taylor and her daughter bad not been opened for a day or two the po lice broke In found the moth er unconscious anI the daughter In the last slaves of exhaustion posi tively starving to death They were removed to the Infirmary where daughter the mother may recov er Tje worst feature is they found Mrs Taylor had in he bank and In hag hanging to her neck Only a small quantity of food was found in the house A clear case of Insanity The Council bylaw incor porating as a village passed on Saturday morning The way of the transgressor is hard John Shaw who was sentenc ed to four years In the penitentiary for an indecent completely down and wept when ho was being manacled for the journey on the cars to Kingston Deputy Sheriff and Consable Severs had In charge While returning from viewing the remains of Smith last Saturday night about Miss Ed na John street fell in a fit in the grounds of the Orange The program for the Queens Own pageant to be held the week of June In connection with the Bomlcentcnnlal reunion complete It embraces the whole week some thing different every night unexpected frequently happens CrossCountry Flight From New Philadelphia and Return New York June Charles K Hamilton arose from Governors Is land in this morning and sped without a break miles to Philadelphia in a remarkable cross country flight under the auspices ol the Mew York Times the Phila delphia Public Ledger He made the trip- in one hour and minutes leaving Governors Island at and landing at Philadelphia at Alighting at aviation field he deliv ered letters from Governor Hughes and Mayor to Governor Stu art Sand Mayor accepted messages of congratulation from them to bear in return and started for New York again with only a brief intermission for food fuel and oil He had flown approximately miles of his return journey when a sluggish motor drove him descend in a swamp near South Y at pm The propeller was broken there In landing but after re pairs had been made Hamilton re- burned his flight at and landed at Governors Island at Thus the return trip was made In one hour and minutes at an estimated average of miles an hour which breaks the record made In the flight from Albany to New York Ottawa June The Cabinet- Council- today endorsed the trade agreements reached between Hon Mr acting on behalf of Canada and the Consuls of Italy Belgium and the Netherlands ailing for their re spective countries whereby Canadian Intermedial rates on a specified list of Items Included in the FrancoCan adian trad treaty are extended to In return for favored nation treatment of Canada by them I EWMARK 1 STO a You Can Save Money By Buying Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc -WW- a j Jtt i4fi Mm i mm ml i LI Store closes Wednesday afternoon during July and August Toronto Jobbing House ftii IM r mm a VST NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to His Home for Weeks Heavy worV severe and evil habit In youth brought on rlcuje Veins When I worked hard the aching would become severe time My family but I dreaded 1 was often laid up for a week a I me an operation was but soon l k upon all dtorsas better than iitiyalcljo me operation was my only hone tried several found out all I hey wanted was my asked why I twilcso much and my condition me to consult Kennedy is I totd my Knuedyaa he had taken treatment from and knew they were square and skillful 1 wrote them and got The New Treatment My was somewhat stow and during the first months treatment I was somewhat However I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with complete cure earn SI- a week In macblno shop before treatment now I am earning and never loose a day I with all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment LOCUST HAS YOUR BEEN DISEASED BLOOD POISONS the most prevalent and most serious diseases They sap the very life blood of victim and unless entirely eradicated the system will cause complications Beware of Mercury It may suppress the symptoms our NEW cures all blood diseases MIDDLE Imprudent acts or later have broken down your system You feel symptom stealing over you and Will you heed ibedaugerslgoalsi to marry- Has New Method Consultation No matter vho has treated you write for on honest opinion Free of Charge Free Manhood Fatherhood Illustrated Diseases of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PRIVATE No names on boxes or envelopes Confidential Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT vitally you not you used Are you a victim Have you lost hope Are you Intending 1 1 1 1 your blood been discard Have you any weakness Out will cure you It has done for other It will do for you Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor Ont you desire to sec us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit sec and treat no patient in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor OnU Write for our private address w- H la understood that the Worcester Juno clal Government will waive all claim to succession duty on the property the late Dr Smith repre sented the Grange which the de ceased with characteristic beneficence lias given to the city the grounds to bo used as a public park and the residence as an art gallery While an aviator was attempting an exhibition at the Agricultural Show manageable and swooped down up on a crowd ol spectators que woman and injuring several otier person The aviator was practically uninjured Positively cure Dyspepsia Promote Digestion Money back if they fail to cure At all or direct from a Box COLEMAN MEDICINE CO Toronto 7- WA ml mi

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