Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 17, 1910, p. 3

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Weeks 13 OS DC terra gaSH and lunge fisbing now In person opened yesterday Methodist Church pastor Rev will at the morning service next Snudftfi evening Re- Dr J Burnett of Dayton Ohio- who is a at tee Christian Con ference will preach Rain and Hail On Tuesday evening this visited by heavy shower which lasted over During the storm quite a heavy fall of hail came down The rainfall only cover ed strip of about two mills and a mile east of the town Buy Early New Perfection Blue Flame at you have be looking for Brieffets A good many people are very dila tory in returning books to Public J2 80 toe Wednesday and over yesterday noon nfttSS Presenting of Diplomas College day afternoon Good many visitors present High School Entrance Exams com mence next Wednesday Holidays will soon be here Ladies Straw flats 125 Your choice for on Saturday On Monday inurn- to Saturday night the whole stock of- Mens will he Fold at Price We hae only a few clerks come early We close at six Roche A Co Accident Two weeks ago today Mr John Cain struck his arm against a bar iron while at worn in the Of- fice Specialty factory and although be did not break the skin blood poi soning set in and last week his arm was swollen to a great size and was painful At latest accounts he is much better but is still quite ill Fly Time is Screen Time Doors and Windows to fit ail open ings at Hardware Store farmers Institute The annual meeting of tie North York Farmers Institute be held in Town Hall Newmarket on Monday June at After the business session a special Seed Meeting will be held in the in terests of good seed and the eradica tion weeds addressed by Mr Geo Prospect Botsford f lore Telephones Residence Boyds Livery 172Boyd E A Residence Timothy Bros Hardware Main Geo Residence Prospect A P Residence Prospect 29 Newmarket Hotel Co Main nog Construction Co Second Specialty Co Lot st 155Phillips Residence Alain 168 Wilson Mrs J Residence Queen- Jap 4 Lac A varnish and stain combined re news everything wears like iron It is sold at Store S A of Warkworth On- Accident Mr King- is laid oil work for a couple of weeks owing to an while working on the Canal on Monday A broke caus ing one of the horses to get down Mr King saw the situation and tried to slacken the chain so as to relieve the animal but when something gave away his left hand was caught by the chain and badly lacerated Saskatchewan of M Hughes for special rates for any day excursion Conservative Picnic July 2th is the date fixed by the York Conservative Association for annual Picnic to at Jacksons Point Among the speak ers invited to lake part we under stand are Sir Jas P Whitney Cochrane Messrs Garner p P J p Downey P P Ifoyle P P and the local member Our Conservative friends calculating on a big time Church Choir Recital Last Wednesday evening was held the Choir Concert in the Methodist Church Without a doubt it was the best Concert the Choir has given for many years Un der the efficient and careful training of Miss Veda Campbell the Choir cer tainly made an excellent showing Throughout the entire concert the program was rendered in firstclass style and was thoroughly appreciat ed The attendance was fairly good and no doubt the sultry weather was responsible for there not being a crowded house as was expected The program commenced with the redundant chorus Fling wide the gates from The Crucifixion by Sfeiner and was rendered with great effect This chorus was accompanied by Mr A on his violin Al together the Choir rendered four num bers every one of which commanded The applause was so insist ent after one of them that the ch repeated it This was Now Tramp Oer Moss and Fell with beautiful well taken by Miss Fisher Mr of Toronto sang no less than eight times and each selec tion was a gem flisplaying the won derful control and compass of his powerful voice Miss of London gave five elocutionary selections in which she displayed her ability and voice manner Her re L v I THE BIGGEST I fiery hue disappears the belching flames are scarce discernible and the outburst no longer inspires J r The schoolboy who has not been called coward is a rare specimen terror and alarm says the Religious Telescope Genexj ally he has been so designated because of a refosal to engage in conduct WHY PEOPLE DONT GET ALONG j which he knew was wrong The influence of his home training- or of reason some of us doesnt the instruction from the teachers along said Uncle Eben is we desk bad fallen upon the good ground down of automobiles of his heart and was in the process of when we be a forth a harvest of good deeds There axe those in every school who are ready to propose un becoming conduct If not courses- are thoroujhIy If a USE BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL I j BELHAVEN 3 FASHION BOOK Wtt boy wb desires to Maintain a Mr is postponed until the of his companions is bantered to iZiXzT do a wrong thing and refuses the JuIy a natural plan of the one who proposes is to call him baby or a goody- goody boy or to charge he is tied NEW GREY MIXTURES The cheapest place in the trade i inches Pure AllWool regular for yard or nch Serge all shad regular for yard AIW guaranty inch Self Coffl Stripes AllWool all ttrt new shades regular 66c J w for yard WASH inch Cotton Cashmere- all shades regular 15c while they last yard S to his mothers apron strings and Thursday June 23rd Cookes that he ought to assert bis independ- Pefferlaw will hold their 2nd ence and manhood annual Excursion to Sparrow Lake- Every boy has a desire to be a hero All who went on this on fast If his companions can make him year were delights with the days believe he is coward by Jeers and outing and particu with trip taunts and cynical smiles he may be to Ragged Rapids up the Severn constrained to go with them though River which is one of features subsequent reflection will show him See bills for partfeu- the folly of the entire course The boy who reaches manhood without being drawn into wicked- FRANKLIN is to be commended Parents and all others who are interested should yourself Fuzzy is cap- take pains to reenforce instruct of writing again to instill correct principles and who go fishing on holidays to cripple the force of unkind epithets had better be careful of how and used by those enticing to wrong tty on the lookout COTTON DELAINES Polka Dots and Figures yard Our Wash Goods display this season Is the best ever shown in this part of the country The newest fabrics are Cotton Diagonals Satin Stripe Silk Finished Linen Su Dress Ducks Vesting in Black and White only Chambrays in Plain Striped and Checks Muslins in Checks and Stripes Pique Dimity Persian Lawn anU many other good things We shall be pleased to show you even if you are not prepared to buy UK 103 I W A Cans Pork and Beans for PotUd Red Cherries per tin 12 Bars of Jedd Soap Bars of Borax Soap and cake of Infants Delight Soap for Choice Pink Salmon per tin Ms Bulk Pickles per quart N LEMON The real coward is the one who is afraid to do right The bravest boy or man of them all is the who fears to do what is wrong or which has the appearance of pointing in He direction of wrong Another- pen has put the truth in these words The biggest coward of all is the man who is not afraid of doing that he knows to be wrong A character which is firm sturdy wellrounded is a priceless possession The man whose life has been shot through with every dart and arrow may have proved himself a daredevil but the chances are that he is the weakest in will and the filthiest in thought and the foulest in speech and the most variable In purpose if indeed an aim in life is not altogether lacking NATURES BEACON LIGHT Tne traveller from Eu rope to Egypt or Syria on approach ing that strange group of islands known as the Liparis decries on the distant horizon a strange red fire sometimes regular and persistent If the night is clear and cloudless as the vessel draws nearer to the group it is seen that this flaming signal is not an ordinary lighthouse though termed the lighthouse of the- Medi terranean but a blazing outburst of fire from that ever active safety valve of the earth But though the eruptions of this never quiescent are stated to be occasionally fine and grand yet they cannot compare witi those of neighbor Vesuvius A great out burst of this roaring ever gaping fur- to imitate char- is indeed an Impressive in a very acceptable and sublime spectacle Now tongues edition of Tobes and forks of bloodred flames blaze mayor is always Mr Woodruff is home from for the summer Mr spent Tuesday of this week in the city Mrs Mainprize and Mrs Cook spent Friday afternoon with Mrs Hammett Times are looking up around here as autos are seen quite frequently We are sorry to report that Mrs W is again on the sick list Dont forget the Garden Party at Mr on the Mr Harry is engaged in the services of Mr Glenville for May the busy season Mr Stanley Watt was home attend ing the funeral of her grandmother I am afraid the rumor of the June wedding at Mill Race is only a bluff The Rev A J Toye is attending Conference this week The many friends of Miss Stella Cook will be much pleased to learn she is able to be out again after her recent illness A number of our young people at tended camp meeting at Dixons Hill on evening We are pleased to see the name of Mr E Hastings among the suc cessful ones in his second year course in medicine Elgin is the son of Bi Hastings of this place and we are always pleased to hear of the success of any of tho young men Congratulations School Reports- Report of King Quite a number this vicinity were at the Garden Party at St Johns on Wednesday June Mr Joseph Sutton proprietor of Harris Black Rogers Willie R Pratt Webster L Black III Morrison Rogers EW Cutting Cutting Webster Webster Harrison B Cutting Pratt Clarke W Webster Cutting J Webster B the Queens Hotel is putting improvements on premises Mr William Dennis had his smoke stack raised on Wednesday which was blown down some time ago Mr- of Newton Robinson is spending a few days with his son Mr Fred here They both leave for the west In the near future Miss Kitchen of Toronto is visiting her uncle Mr Joseph Kitchen for con- j carter Pt Robs G Robinson I Harrison V Q Cutting Not Graded Pottage A Graham Newton Average attendance 31 May Fee Teacher The Specialty Dress Goods Millinery House j- Smart on HATS In order to make room for our MIDSUMMER we are ottering very attractive values MART STREET Regular and for Dress Hats for every occasion nicely trimmed with Flowers Chif fons and Grasses Regular tor Smart shapes neatly trimmed everyday wear for You will find an air of distinctiveness about our MIDSUMMER A which add so much to the style of the wearer phone 117 Established Live Stock Market Slight advance in export cattle this Public School Hoard Regular meeting Tuesday even ing Present Dr and Messrs Clark and Man ning Of Mr Br unions resignation as Trustee a- till next meeting ie of Miss Ferguson a teacher was accepted regret and the Chairman was authorized to see Miss- Monument was most bring ing tears to the eyes of some in the audience Mr Barker our local bari tone never appeared to better ad vantage and his second selection LightHouse Bell was equal to a professional talent The platform was very prettily dec orated with tropical and other plants and at the close Artist took a snapshot with the choir and organ In the rear The net proceeds of the Recital will about Choir Committee entertained those who took part on the program refreshments in the School Room immediately thereafter- Ottawa June Executive clem ency has been refused in the esse Of Walter Ross sentenced to be hanged at North Bay on June 21st and also and Miss the of Robert Henderson sen- son a to securing them for vacancies in Principals report for Ma a total attendance on the roll of an average of Non resident fees for May On motion Mr Law was reengag ed for the ensuing year at his present ft was decided to purchase a full of eight Maps at cost of from the Atlas Supply Co of payment to be nezt Sept charges prepaid moving and repairing of the coal wag In the hands of Furniture and Repair on Tfe following bills pasted IK etc horse on Hon waterpipes 7JU register 9 cartage on Godson labor at trees The Finance Committee report that looking into the question of baiaTiCe of Codys salary to May they find she absent from the school through during that part of the year prior May 1st and did no leach during the month of May v- that she be paid to May fVvJuctlng time lost In feo the four a1lovcd Report adopted to be hanged at on June Era for balance of year cents I red forth high in the air from terri ble vomitory of fire reflecting their fiery hue on the great rolling volume of smoke which is travelling out to sea which now appears as a vast glowing incandescent pall a wreath in gyrating aerial ocean its lurid billows ever swirling and eddy ing its bloodred hue now palpitating into a vivid intensity and now sink ing Into a more sombre tint as the flames of the volcano alternate in energy And now with a roar of thunder a discharge of red hot stones and masses of rock is volleyed high in the air resembling from a distance a of skyrockets or other pyro technic display i And visible from the vessel enter ing the Bay of Naples red streaks arc discerned trailing down the side Of the agitated mountain which though apparently so narrow and thread liky arc reallv glowing rivers of red hot pouring out of the fiery furnace ever raging beneath us and over the craters sides In cataracts of seething and viscid mol ten rod which from time to time- reach the vineyards and olive yards on the slopes of the mountain and en tomb the fertile soil beneath a deluge which in a lev days la hard stony rock And then as the dawn approaches and the light of day gradually drives away the shades of night the weird few days The Football played at St Johns Garden Party between and resulted a vic- being top price Butchers torv for the latter cattle selling from 525 to 550 Sheep from 525 to and Spring lambs from to Veal calves from to Hogs 900 oil cars at Toronto The following arc the players of the Lady Grey Tennis Smart Chantler Weaver Coffey and and Misses Butler Walton Smart and Mrs Kay Weaver and The prices paid at the market last Wednesday were as Ne wnwrket Markets June Fall Wheat per bush 0 0 lows butter eggs fowl Oats per bush 34 apples anil potatoes per bush 50 CAPITAL ALI PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches at all important in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be as NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS The Rev Fathers Walsh Whitney Peas per bush and were visiting at the Bran per ton parsonage here on Tuesday last Shorts per ton Mr Harry was out on the Hay per ton line of Kin on Friday afternoon J Butter per lb Mr Ford Lloyd of City was Eggs per in town on Thursday transacting Potatoes per bag business A LAUGH in r A laugh is just like sunshine It freshens all the day It tips the peaks life with light And drives tho clouds away The soul grows glad thai hears It And feels Its courage strong A laugh Is lust like sunshine For cheering folks along A just like music It lingers in the heart And where its melody is heard The Ills of life depart And happy thoughts como crowding Its joyful notes to A laugh is just like music For making living sweet 0 00 15 CO18 00 20 35 40 pa Chickens per lb Toronto Markets June 1910 Fall Wheat per bush Gooae Wheat per bush 0 37- Barley per Oats per bush Rye per bush Peas per hush Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per 20 25 Potatoes per bag 40 50 Chickens per It 20 Turkeys per lb 21 70 0 22 50 55 The choosing of a useful appropriate gift v ill be easy by your seeing our display It includes many sugges tions in Silver and Cut Glass Will be pleased to enow you and quote you prices CO end Railway and TfcketB Marriage Phone OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office Agents for Bread a three pound loaf full tad the quality never falls always superior also a variety of Fancy Boston Brown etc Bottles Pickles English bottle lbs Dried Apples bright per lb Bars Sunlight or Lifebuoy Soap for CROCKERY DEPARTPJ1ENT Special values in Toilet Seta for 14 days Se our Window Soma genuine snaps all at greatly reduced prloes See our Table of Specials at any article Some and 40c goods HOWARD i I l On the Bargain Table Tomorrow below the cost of manufacture in France We dont ask you to buy them but you to come and look at them if you are disappointed in the figure named tell you are not pointed tell your friends Tomorrow WE CLOSE AT OCLOCK

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