J t I WANTED slik Good General Maid Apply to Ross at Orchard Beach Like Simcoe 2w23 potes House for Sale On Mai street domestic water etc Apply to F Irwin or to Mccracken Newmarket To Rent Passengers from the P steamer Empress of Ireland who left London England at noon on Friday the 3rd Inst reached Toron to at last Friday morning This means that these passengers journey ed from London to Toronto in sU and threequarter days and marks the advance being made in rapid ocean transit It is indeed an age of pro gress all along the line Toronto Mar The latest drink says the Wilson Star is the comet cocktail furnish or guaranteed to make an Pleasant front room or fc The Toronto on Monday last carried motion to memorialize General Conference as to guarding Methodist doctrine in col- leges and pulpits An Etqbicoke farmer named was fined 55 and costs by Mr JP -v- r r ietv Column L Miss is up from the city visit ng hex mother Soules is visiting relatives in town Miss Edwina Currey had a birth- i boarding elsewhere Box Era Office 1 It If- I r J Newmarket High School TENDERS Will be received up to the evening of July 2nd for extensions to Newmar- let High School two stories and basement stone and brick Slate and iron roof Modern plumbing in basement Tenders will be received in a lump or separately for the various trades Plans and specifications may be seen on or after June at the office of the architect O E Tench Queen St Newmarket 22 ordinary come moon with a tail as big as the middle of the road and sir of these well you dont care whether you see the comet or not We are glad that this comet cocktail was not invented be fore local option town other wise all the navies working on the canal would be in town every night to see the spectacle Wanted Boy about years for Mens Wear Store to learn business to Martin Co Apply For Sale for Sale with two beautiful lots Has fruit trees and barn Very for retired farmer Apply to Era office Barrie June 13 Eugene Beckwith years of age an employee in J J- Carters stave factory Fesserton was tried before Judge to day and found guilty oE a crime against his daughter aged years His wife is dead He has another daughter aged and a son aged 11 All three have been placed in a home by the Childrens Aid Society protested his innocence but the evidence was strong against him Judge Wismer sentenced him to four years in Kingston Penitentiary Mrs Neal andthe baby visited friends near Toronto over Sunday Gould of Uxbridge aunt Dr Wilkinson is visiting in town this week House to Let An international carnival took at Niagara Falls on Tuesday last and a couple of sensations mark ed event First an unknown man committed suicide by going over Luna Falls while hundreds people looked on in terror The second was in connection with a tight rope per former who hung by his teeth for over an hour in suspense over the middle of the river caused by the sagging of the wire He came to a stop almost directly over the current A rope shot from the bridge across the cable was caught by the performer and made fast to the cable thus offering an aven ue to escape Down this rope he slid to the steamer below The carnival was a great success the crowd was immense Seven hundred floats took part in the afternoon pa- Plans maybe seen at the office of military from O Tench Architect for the a Umfai States new addition to the Newmarket High hundred gaily decorated biles took part in the parade In Specifications are being prepared the evening the gorge of Niagara was illuminated for two miles with fire works This carnival is to be made On Church street the 3rd of July apply to JACKSON Possession For par- Notice to Contractors and will be completed by Wednesday June ready for Contractors ex amination Definite date for opening tenders will be announced next week an annual event The Toronto Hoard of Trade City Council and a few County represen tatives took an autocar jaunt for several miles over highways leading success out of the city and which formerly day party last Tuesday afternoon Tuesday lor shooting a valuable fox- j ExAlderman Schmidts hound owned by Mr Joho Fleming mother is here from Rochester on a proprietor of the Hotel visit Judge Winchester says there was Board of Directors of the no graft so far as he could see in Specialty Co meets in New- managing the affairs of the Toronto mar Exhibition years covering to While stepping into a barbers chair at Queen street west last Tues day James Jordon a young man suddenly collapsed and fell to the floor He was taken to St Michaels Hospital where the doctors worked over him for some time before he re gainedconsciousness The case is puzzling the medicos The total number of who have left Toronto this season is twentysix hundred which is one thousand in excess of the number last year An interesting point in the vexed question of a husbands liability for his wifes wearing apparel was decid ed this week by Judge Denton in the County Court when he dismissed an action brought by firm of furriers against a husband for over worth of furs by his wife after she had left him A grant of SI towards the cost or entertaining the delegates to the International Convention of the YMCA to held in Toronto on October and 31 was voted by the Civic Legislation and Recep tion Committee Mr Borden Opposition Lead er at Ottawa was in the city Wednes day accompanied by Mr for St Annes after the wow Mr Borden is the man who takes a salary from the Government to oppose them in Par liament The Montreal catastrophe this week has stirred up the municipal authori ties of Toronto and now every tank in the city must be inspected yearly The AttorneyGeneral has signed ar order releasing Daniel Graves who was committed to Kingston jail for belling liquor the second time with out a license for four months Two Buffalo toughs have this week on charges of grand larceny Over of the Sons of held an excursion to on Wednesday- i W Rowel of this city has been appointed recording clerk of the Worlds Missionary Congress at the gathering in London England The openair Horse Show Parade on Dominion Day promises to he a grand Torontos army of canines- must The Great Annual Under the auspices of the Newmarket Society will take place Wednesday June Via Railway to PENETANGUI8HENE And a Delightful Hail of hours among the of the Georgian Bay For TimeTable and Rate nee large bills Special accommodation for at the Pene- Hotel For further particulars ee large bilk- JOHN PROCTOR H Com KEITH men as they journeyed commented as follows Worst In the Province Outrageous Shameful etc For years these same roads were the West in Ontario but tollgates were upon them and the fees collected kept them in excellent repair The men however who then composed the Board of Trade and City Council of Toronto were just as Hitter in their hostility Vllgates as they now appear to be at the dilapidated con dition of these same highways Toll- gates were relics of barbarism they declared and they fostered the cry to abolish the gates The roads not be maintained if we do said the County Council but the agitation to remove the gates fi nally succeeded and the of those who opposed the removal of the gates is being more than realiz ed So it has been along the line The result of allowing the city to have control of the County Jail and more recently the Court House have increased County expenditure for the citys gain as well as caused delay in County business and County loss City men are big in theories hut when it pomes down practical utility well they aint in it were as the York Gravel roads i continue to submit to the muzzle un- Speaking of their present condition til next Sept at least The Board of the World says these Control has decided to take no ac tion until the hot months are over Ward Four Conservative Picnic will lc held at Heights oh the of July John of Thornhill one of the oldest pioneers in York County a man whose name is a household word in the county passed away on the at the age 31 years A grand will take place on the bay here on Dominion Day Eight war among other craft have already entered Gold medala are offered Two of Torontos old and honored firms are about to unite their busi nesses and become a great depart mental store for highclass drygoods furniture They are the A Murray Co and the John Kay Co A cablegram was received at the office of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church here this week an- nouncing tho death of Rev E J Car son a Canadian missionary at King China Rev Mr Carson suc cumbed to an attack of typhoid fever Major Collins told the Board of Control that the school children of the cifry had or Alexander this being In the of Chief Inspector J Hughes and the citizens had subscribed about which was in City Treasurer Coads hand It Ik expected the order for tho work will be given out shortly THINK ABOUT IT what the Home Paper to you and It all Interesting news the community of your and friends the churches and everything which you are directly Dont you tMflk the Home a good to have Something New Mr Sutton has made arrangements to be held In his store Tuesday June which will prove very Interesting to the citizens of this town The International Varnish Company have arranged to have one of their expert men attend the store and illustrate in a practical manner the many to which the wellknown household lac quer can be applied An interesting souvenir will be given to every lady attending ABSENTMINDED A Canadian farmer noted for bis went to town one day and transacted his business with the utmost precision He started on his way home however with the firm conviction that he had forgotten some thing but what it was he could not recall As he home the con viction increased and three times he stopped his horse and went care fully through his pocfceVbook in a vain endeavor to discover what he had forgotten In dte course he reached home and was met by bis daughter who looked at him In sur prise and exclaimed Why father i where have you left mother V BE WHOLESOULED is a good thing wherever you find it We get so much of sickness and calculation that It Is refreshing to find now and then a man who has none of the veneer or polish that constitute the business makeup of so many There are some people who shake hands with you and smile whom you know wish you In Jericho or care as little about you as a South Sea Islander There Is an occasional hearty openhanded man or woman who take a genuine plea sure out ol making your acquaintance and exchanging Ideas Some of these are called soft and are frequently in it is true but they have a satisfaction that can never belong to the sinister calculating fellow who catalogues you according to whether you are of use to him or not Tho man who Is sound In head and simple in heart is taken In but he gets into places that no coldblooded ever the life sees A sound heart Is the flesh It Is worth Mr and Mrs- Maw went to the city owing to the death of their sistetinlaw Miss Bertha Wallace of I ndsay 1b spending a couple of weeks with Mrs Manning Miss Carmichael of London was the guest of Mrs Hewitt while in town this week Mr and Mrs A were up to their lake cottage at Orchard Beach over Sunday Miss Jennie Linstead of spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs J P Second street Miss Charlotte Simpson returned this week Ottawa herc the was visiting her svster Mrs Go Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent a couple of weeks vaca tion with their son Mr Walter die Mr and Mrs W Patterson are away this week at to at tend the wedding nuptials of his bro ther Miss Ethel of Toron to is visiting Mrs Greenwood Mrs Geo Simpson and other friends in town this week Mr and and daughter lhsjo bis aunt Mrs John Montgomery a day or two this week Mr and Mrs and family of Chicago have been visiting with his mother at Holland Landing They left for home yesterday Mrs Ross and Miss Ross returned from their trip to Montreal and Quebec on Saturday evening last and had an enjoyable time Mr Watson and family were up to their lake home opposite Snake Island over the weekend Mr Wat son is building there this season Mr H Goodwin of the Bell Telephone Co was away to Hamil ton over Sunday to Visit a brother who had severely injured in an accident during the Mrs McManus attended the meet ing of the County Executive of the W C T U in Toronto on Friday and Saturday The next County Convention will held in this fall Miss C Anderson of Newmar ket passed Civil Service examination at Ottawa this week with standing marked at No We congratulate Miss A on her success in winning marks tho full complement In renewing for the Era Mr Wal ter of Alameda writes The paper comes regularly every week and no paper is more appreciat ed I can assure you We are all en joying good health at present Mrs J Jackson of Is visiting her mother Mrs and at this week Today she accompany Mr Jackson and other relatives to Or chard Beach and will remain with them for the balance of the month Mr Arthur Oliver who has had a class In piano during the year leaves tomorrow for Montana and California for the- summer Ho will resume his work in Newmarket firtst Wednesday in September Stu dents- who desire to arrange for les sons for next year may address letter to Newmarket Five young ladies came out from the city Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs J of Pros pect avenue They were her nelec Miss Roland who has Just graduated from the General Hospital and took honors Miss Pearl Allen who passed with honors Miss Emma Hamilton a nurse of four years Mlsa Margaret Hamilton and Miss Allen THIS STORE CLOSES Wednesday at 12 July August IT PAY AT I THIS STORE CLOSES 0 OClook Daily Saturdays r IE Everyone in business naturally shows off his wares to the best advantage and there is nothing wrong in so doing if the goods reliable and Some clothiers press out their clothes with hot irons crease them beautifully and hang them artistically in the windows passersby say Butclothing that has little to recommend it but a smiling face is sorry clothing indeed to live in for half a year or more Much of the clothing sold today is beautiful to look at but weak unsound ready at any time to go to pieces inside It is machinery clothing put through the mill at top speed and pressed into shape to cover poor workmens hips a Said a man the other day Well somehow your clothing seems altogether different from any I have seen anywhere else and Ive been around Of course its different It is not only tailored by hand but its cut and built to stay by nipping off her nose is the sunset So we have the whole day If not In a nutshell in a Pie ooo- PREACHERS FAREWELL A certain bad received a call and wa taking Brothers and sisters He I came to say goodbye to you I dont think the members of this church are popular In Heaven for Done of you ever die get no salary Your donations are carpet slippers and wormy apples I dont know whether you have any thing to eat at home because 1 have never been Invited there to sec Ive lost my for chicVen you hold your trousers with nails and your dresses with pins for I get all the buttons on the contribution plate And now dearly beloved I am going away to prepare place for your corning I go to bo chaplain of the penitentiary IP a great deal more for It own sake WHAT SING A SONG OK SIX PENCE MEANS You all Know this rhyme hut have you ever heard what it really means The black represent the twentyfour hours The bottom of the pie Is tW world while the top crust Is the sky that overarches The opening of the pie Is the day dawn when the birds began to sing and surely such sight is fit for a King The King who Is represented sit ing In parlor counting out his money Is the sun while tho gold pieces that slip through his fingers are the golden sunbeams The Queen who s ts In the parlor is the moon and the honey is tho moonlight The Industrious who is in the garden at work before her King the sunhas arisen Is the day dawn and the clothes she hangs out are the clouds The bird who ends the song THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Foruire Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John HMillard Phones and 8Thla is the timebf year that you scarcely know what to eat Call and see if we cannot fbc up your appetite We always carry a large of the Choicest Florida and California Fruits and Vegetables In Season Wo have Lot of Plants for tho Garden Pins Apples for preserving as prices are firmer We have them at different price Q tub tomb At Lebanon NHJune Ernest aged 22 years second son of Frank I It Is sure to suit you a I9f i a J Undertalciiig MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET V Prompt Wo hate largeat and beat Stock of Four Hundred Thousand Feet to Select from Full Line of Doors Sash and Trim yon are thinking of building let figure on W H V Otkr by piono or from John Turner By Boy