Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1910, p. 8

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is 8 Outdoor Sports and T it J Every athlete every every swimmer every canoeist every man or woman who loves outdoor life and exercise should keep a box of handy is a purely herbal prepar ation which as soon as applied to cuts bruises bums sprains blisters etc sets up highly beneficial opera tions First its antiseptic properties render the wound free from all danger from blood poisoning Next its soothing properties relieve and ease the pain Then its rich herbal blams penetrate- the tissue of healing Barb ed wire scratches insect stings sMn diseases such as eczema heat rashes ringworm babies heat sores places sore places all come within power It also eases and cures piles- All druggists and stores Avoid imitations si around the Bub AND TO i I A Today Canadians Are Doing It With Fruitattves i A- Famous Fruit Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON For Sale Brick House 12 rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box 146 Newmarket FOB SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The ti ra ker is on the farm Apply to Wi ARMST For Sale Eight Roomed House situated on Huron street Newmarket with first eltss and all modern For further information to A J DAVIS Newmarket STOUFFVILLE The annual Public School at A grounds Lake will be held on Saturday June Old Boys Reunion July 1st Base Bill Match Stouflville Go vs Stay at The community was shocked on hearing of the death of Mr Robert Windsor who died at on Saturday May Deceased was very well known here he and his wife having resided here for almost fifty rears The cause of death stone cancer followed by heart trouble He was in his year and was known always as an honest industrious citi zen AURORA Arrangements for the 1st of July celebration here under the auspices of the Aurora Fire Brigade are pro- progressing favorably An excellent program of siorts is being arranged The car Tuesday evening ran into a rig just north of the Tannery bridge and smashed one of the front wheels and bent the front axle The occifpant of the rig was thrown out and had a narrow escape from being killed It appears the horse became frightened at the approaching car and could not be controlled and ran front of the car Curtis of Oak Ridges last week got drunk and then proceeded Council to abuse his mother and sister with Jf the Tow he lives turning them out of on doors and abusing them He Was YEARS AGO THE EGYPTIANS CURED We are apt to consider the age we live in as the most wonderful age that the world has ever known It is in many respects Yet the ancients surpassed us in some things Engineers of our 40story skyscrapers still marvel at the massive pyramids and the sphinx So too the Egyptian physicians of years ago used fruit juices as a medicine for treating blood trouble liver and kidney disease and stomach weakness Their method of mixing fruit juice as a medicine is also one of the lost arts A known Canadian physician however perfected a method of utilizing fruit juices which is one of the greatest discoveries of modern medical research Fruitatives is the natural cure for Chronic Constipation Biliousness Indigestion Torpid Liver Kidney Disease Pain in the Back Bad Com plexion Rheumatism Nervousness Headache and Neuralgia a box for or trial box At all delers or from Limited Ottawa Whitchurch Council Court of For Sale Brick Cottage with Six Rooms One Acre of Land Cistern and Well at door Wood Shed Stable Driving Sheds Hen Pen and small fruit sit uated on street just south of Industrial Home Apply to Lane Box For Sale That valuable property on Huron Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees hedges Flowing well Furnace Stable A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars see J Executors of Estate Farms for Sale In Saskatchewan Enquire particu lars from HUGHES Local for A Barton Co Toronto Terms Easy Free Trip to purchasers GET READY FOR IT When wanting FIRE LIFE ACCI DENT or LIVE STOCK Insurance I can do the business for you alright Have always A NUMBER OF HOU GHS AND LOTS FOR SALE to Loan on first mortgages on farms W Hughes Agent as brought before J Walton J P here and by him committed to stand his trial in Toronto On Monday the Grand Jury brought in a true bill and will have to stand a trial before a Jury for his offence The Volunteers on church parade headed by the Aurora Band presented quite an attractive appearance in their new uniforms last Sunday The caps are a noticeable change from the old helmets Mr J A was in town last Monday he being the Secretary j destroyed or removed from the Town- the King City Telephone Company were erased from the roll And the Court adjourned sine die Council organized Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed- Hills were presented from Regan damage to crop and feme drifts 300 the of May and organized Court of Revision The Clerk presented the appeals of Walter lot 7 con C Tindall lot con Whitney Traviss lot con All three claimed to he assessed too high L Tindalls assessment was reduced Walter assessment was re duced Whitney assessment was reduced A number of tenants were inserted on the roll a number of names were added as voters A number of dogs that had been That John Mitchell be assessed tetont with Frank Crittenden That Boas Pollock he assessed tenant with George Pollock Davis be assessed ten ant with S Thai John Cunningham he as sessed owner in place of J that the assessment of A Grose be sustained Charles Chairman The Court then adjourned and council took up general business Minutes of previous meeting read confirmed Communications were presented from regarding Lake Shore road and side road between lots con also bills hereinafter with The following were paid H Astle of sheep killed by dogo J Nelson rep culvert on side road lots con Ingot Iron Co corrugated tile for culverts Hamilton as assessor M Hamilton poaceanoV 250 The Ckrk was instrucced to not ify Duncan King that 100 tile for culverts must be by June the 10th or Council will to order some other material One Hide handy reversible grad er was ordered approval from the Climax Road Machine Co to be returned to ihe nearest Railway it satisfactory and Co to pay all freight The labor was reduced one tli id and Mr appoint ed to arrange with Metropolitan Railway Co as to flitch in Con also to have share of work done A was passed to bor row sufficient funds to meet cur rent expenses until taxes are col lected Council then adjourned to meet again Aug 29th School Reports I THE BUM FIEND There- has been a new minister mov ed in the town Schomberg will soon be a centre of nationalities and reli gious institutions All Justices of Peace and other Crown officials in nearly all the towns were busy last week taking the oath of allegiance to King George V- Geo Cook building culvert be tween and con- A Preston reps washout Without doing so they arc disqualified from active official duty At the present time has a qualified at lot Justice of the Peace who has taken Stephens A Taylor burying dead animals lot con 2 fumigating A house re diphtheria 1100 tlie new oath a few days ago Mr J- A- Armstrong was in the city on business on Tuesday last Lacrosse Club will spend Morley washout con a week In Toronto playing the return matches in August We wish our lads good luck Mr in Mr William departmental store was in the city on Tuesday on very important business Mr Fred Chant transacted busi ness in the city on Tuesday of week Susan Harry were in the city on Tuesday last Mr William of Toronto is visiting Mr and Mrs J Pin ker ton here The Cricket on Thursday June to play a game with that market was largely at tended on Wednesday June 1st Marie Thompson Nora Max Jr Mabel Louise Miller Jr III Mary Lewis Cain Bert Hose Frank Jr Ross Coomer Long- hurst George Miller Henry Gladys Tower Mae Robins Jr flita Cain Ada Wright Willie Miller I Alma Thompson Jr I Edna Present every day Marie Thomp son Milne teacher frOOOf A King Farmer Convicted Win Edgar Hughes a young far mer from was found guilty by a jury in the Sessions last week of seducing a young girl named Elsie Yea t man The girl is a ward of the Home and had been sent to service at Hughes farm She said she was only thirteen years of age when the first occurred Last December when but fifteen years of age she gave birth to a child Previously she had told a story of at lot SO being attacked by a strange man in S Williamson yds gravel a bush but when questioned by the M making authorities Home she J Sons casting for mated Hughes saying that tile story road plow about the strange man was suggested Or Richardson and Hughes for the purpose of screen- By Charles The Rum Fienrr cast his eyes abrpad And looked oer alh the land And numbered its myriad worshinpers With his birdlike long right hand And the peoplei go Around and about with a buzz and a shout Forever to and fro Arid its hip said the Rum Fiend j For the I see Who offer themselves a sacrifice And die for the love of me There stood a woman on a bridge She was old but not with years Old with excess and passion and pain And she wept remorseful tears As she gave to her babe her breast Then goaded by its cry Made a desperate leap in the river deep In the sight of the passers by And its hip said the Rum Fiend hip hurrah She sinks and let her In life or death whatever she did Was all for the love of me You cannot keep well unless the bowels are regular Neglect of this rule of health invites half the sicknesses from which we suffer Keep the bowels right otherwise waste matter arid poisons which should pass out of the body find their way into the blood and sicken the whole System Dont wait until the bowels are constipated take They are the finest natural laxative in the world gentle safe prompt and thorough They strengthen the stomach will not injure delicate mucous lining of the bowels Beechams Pills have a constitutional action That is the longer you take them the less frequently you need them They help Nature help herself and Prepared only by Thomas St Helens Lancashire Sola by all Druggists In Canada and America la boxes cents There watched another by the hearth With sullen face and thin She uttered words of scorn and hate To one who staggered in Long had she watched and when he came His thoughts were bent on blood He could not break her taunting look And he slew her- where she stood And its said the Hum Fiend hurrah My right good friend is he He hath slain his wife he hath given his life And all for the love of me in reps con washout And every day in the crowded way Ho takes his fearful stand And numbers his myriad worshippers With his birdlike long right hand And every day the weak and strong Widows and maids and wives Blood warm blood cold young men and old Oiler the Fiend their lives Im away and dont let the fires go down Well if Mrs Coles can trust him with heri little ones another said l guess hell he safe with pur team and he may as well have that bit of hauling they say his mothers pretty bad oft So It went from one to another Later on he got steady employment Its been hard he said to me hard to keep away from the drink and hard to live down the reputation I have been makingl for years But when temptations come I think of those who have trusted me who trust me now Ij think my mother and all the lonely nights she waited for me when I never came home I tell you doctor he said stronger than any pledge stronger than threats punishments is just knowing that somebody believes in you that your keeping straight means something to r There are many of fixing thorn No two alike And lot us toll you How and Why and If WO ami upon your tooth rnattor somebody that loves you Youths i HOW CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED bet 15 A 16 con him The childmother with her The treasurer was instructed to nay skirls and childish comely appear- the bills presented J Mice and manner made a pathetic Deputy Clark was instructed to ex- figure in the wincssbox Hughes amine road plaiicratyl order necessary wife and mother were in court repairs throughout the trial Their family John appointed via one of the most respected in King master for village lots north of township I His Honor fudge Winchester Thompson to Hughes to go out on bail build culvert on con opposite lot to appear on June for sentence ofO were made on- lie roads as Prices butter eggs fowl follows to per lots the the jam Valuable Properties on the enclosure potatoes to Quite a number of Jews are in town is now unloading centre Mr James Kitchen was a business on Thursday tor- must pronounce FOR SALE Residence now occupied by the formerly known as the Fed eral Building and A most substantial build ing built under old English ideas modern improvements bath electric lighting Tease hot wa ter hot air Furnace etc etc ALSO The TWO Stores in trje centre of formerly known the Cald well now under lease to Martin Co or nearly tight years to run Apply to DAHFORD Hows This Marie Iune2 Soon af ter midnight entire plant of the Northern Foundry and Machine Co destroyed by fire Starting overheated in the boiler room The company affected in one of Independent Industries In this employing half a hundred men The loss estimated at mostly coveted by InBurance Children FOR FLETCHERS A One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cate of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh J CHENEY CO Toledo We the have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financial carry out any obligations made by his firm Wholesale Toledo o Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting upon the blood and mucoua surfaces the system free per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for c- stlpStloD A A A Hi con Jet ween lots Between lots Between hits Between lots Opposite lot Opposite con Opposite lot con Deputy Clerk pair bridge between con con con con con Acre pi tine Trip Across the Channel and Back to lots and Harness Shop MR H J JONES Owner of New Harris Shop Is well Now the time to examine your ind give him a call Also Set of Plow Harness OLD NEWSPAPERS For Bale at this Office London June Starting at about oclock last evening In a Wright the Hon Charles Stewart Rolls cyclist and stiii ted from a point near to Ver to cross the English Channel it 11 being his intention to reach France and return to England without a flic Clerk was instructed to notify stop The weather conditions were J A Allen to remove water running perfect from his springs opposite lots and a height ol about feet jj C0JJ he crossed the Channel at oclock Ash was appointed pathmas- and pasHl the little tor lor division con in village outside of Calais from which lieu of It Da vies Lessens on Council adjourned to meet at their transChannel lights He cir- July for general business cled over the village without descend- i a minute later was within sight the waiting throngs at Do- vex As he passed over Sangatte he dropped to which red white and blue ribbons were attach ed which read Greeting to the Area Club a Wright North Qwllllmbury Council The Council met Court of Revision at May all and sub scribed to the oath The following changes In the roll and Dropped from the Roll to there us finally aeroplane crossing from England to revised France Vice That P Temple be assessed ROLLS for lot l7EMtboirflW to Two tugs Were supposed- to com- off Bradahaw V the aeroplane but as a matter of That I- red bo for j i on building con Mr Duff be And it hip he says hipj hip hurrah For the multitudes I see That sell their souls for the burning drink And die for the love of me oto SOMEBODY WAITING FOR ME I met a man the other day said a wellknown physician whom I had long thought dead Poor drunken fool- a passerby had said to him as he lay in the sun by the roadside he wont live a month I pity his mother Last week I saw him strong and clear eyed a splendid specimen of manhood He too had heard the verdict pronounced upon him The words stung He could not get them out of his mind that night he went home to his mother He had not been in the habit of going home but she was waiting for him just the same Did you ever think of the waiting women all oyer the world The sacred vigils the loving longing hearts of mothers and wives of sis- j ters and daughters night and day over The mans waiting for him and welcomed him as only a mother knows how She made him a cup of hot epfTee and told him of little happenings in the neighborhood Mother he said suddenly you will help me Ill never drink an other drop He heard her oh her knees all that night and many a night afterward They were very poor and he had dif ficulty in persuading any one who him that he was trustworthy The first dollar he earned was by Staying all night with neighbors little children while the mother went to visit daughter who was III at a distance 1 dont know as I ought to trust them with you Jim Lent the moth ers said frankly but remember Ill bo praying for you all every minute Authorities of everv kind have fin- ally agreed that the outdoor treat ment is the only reliable treatment for the Great White Impure confined air interferes with the func tional processes of the lungs The carbonic acid gas is not properly re placed by oxygen the great lifegiver which cannot he absorbed in proper quantities In endeavoring trji culti vate the habit of living out of doors it may be difficult at first to main tain warmth One will not he bene fited when seriously suffering from cold The body should be kept warm and comfortable but this does not mean that one should indulge in coddling One should slowly but surely inure the body to what might ordinarily he regarded as exposure When taking the outdoor treatment do not the necessity of secur ing all the oxygen you can through aid of deepbreathing exercises If you expand the chest on each occasion as much as you can without pain or discomfort there is ho possible chance of your being harmed The expan sion lungs should always begin in the abdominal region and gradually extend up to the chest When a breath is taken in this manner the air is carried down to lowest parts of the lungs and gradually as the chest fills and expands thereafter all other parts- of the lungs are ex panded and strengthened From June Physical Culture NEW DENTISTS Causes Sickness NO MORE Some mischievous persona got in to the VMCA rooms at Owen Sound and destroyed the piano and furniture and broke the sporting tro phies castor A lor Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho ia a greencolored powder pack ed in tin cans ready for use In weeping a carpet take one or two handful according to the dust Sprinkle where you are to begin not all over tho lar- then you always do The powder is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the carpets absorbs the leaving tho carpet clean and bright The dust Is not thrown Into the air to settle back on tha carpet and ami tare WHY YOU SHOULD USB DUSTBANE IT SAVES LABOR IN IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR- PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOUR HONEY It Costs Nothing We are authorized by the man ufacturers to send you a can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to use this on trial or one week At the end this period if not found satisfac tory wo will take It back and there will be no charge for quan tity used Sold in barrels half barrels and quarter barrels for stores schools banks churches hotels and public buildings A Newmarket a known as tho Flower Garden of Saskatchewan Wo Agents for Sale of 160000 acres of Choioo Wheat Land in this Famous was- practically unattend ed for quickly on building lot con taiiccd by the aeroplane In return- P be assessed n for lot Con memorial which consists a That Mr Welle be for mentation of an aeroplane set In the on building lot con ground at the spot where That Mr Elliott assessed for in England took a few sweeps on building lot con a round and landed ninety minutes That Roy Morton We for alter starting on his trip on building lot con TKat Mann be aflaesaed Jot on building lot con 2 Era for balance of year cents Special xcursion from Toronto Two Weeks EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RATES ares to- all Purchasers For Further Information and Maps call or write A BARTON CO M HUGHES Local Agent Newmarket College Street TORONTO J

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