Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1910, p. 3

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V NT peeks Itoeal Items WHAT June 22nd is the date al Excursion the Society and it Art JpS recreation Excursion to the Ontario ucder the aus- fcorth York Farmers In- Wednesday JS at the is Fare from Newmarket train leaves here at a- Dress Goods and Silks Table tomorrow cost o manufacture in France ask you to buy come and look at themU you in the figure named vou are not disappointed Roche Co Correction In the advertisement for tW sale of tie Thomas Glover farm we wish to point out that toe farm contains acres instead 125 and parcel two Is in East not North Ed Methodist Choir Recital next Wed nesday Dont forget the date June The old lattice walk leading from Main street to the basement entrance to the Methodist Church which has done service for so many years has been replaced by a cinder path tem porarily to be followed by a grano lithic Accident Master West delivery boy for Sir while deliv ering parcels last Friday had the mis fortune to have the horse step on his foot He was fortunate in not hav ing any bones broken but the wound was very painful and he had to lay off work this week on account of the accident m Mj Womens Institute The annual District meeting of the North York Womens Institute will be held in the Town Hall at Aurora on June 17th at pm for the purpose of electing District offi cers also transacting other import ant business All ladies will be welt come- Showers on Sunday said Old last Saturday and the shdwr came sure enough A good many big hats failed to reach the church Town flags were flying on the Kings birthday last Friday Wednesday HalfHoliday The merchants of Newmarket have decided to continue the Wednesday halfholiday this year during the hot months of July and August This has been the practice here for the past three years and has been greats appreciated and enjoyed by the y merchants and their employees We USE BAKING POWDER AND NEVER FAIL v FASHION BOOK With Pattens Delineator NEW GREY MIXTURES inches wide Pure AllWool regular for 35c yard inch Diagonal Serge AllWool all shades regular for yard 44 inch Self Cold Stripes AllWool all the hew shades regular GOODS The cheapest place in the trade buy your for men women and children and every pair guaranteed WASH merchants and their employees we therefore ask our townspeople and 36 Cotton Cashmere all shades regular 15c while they last farmers to make a note of the above the past quite a parties have passed the town on their way to summer resorts the cottages up at Orchard Morton Park and Jacksons ast filing upa little ear ner than Every Farmer have on his barn our Vistl per foot Hardware Home Circle Wednesday night the members expect to receive visit from the Supreme and large number of mem- tie local Circle a to be present Church Choir Recital On Wednesday evening next the 15th a grand church choir recital under the auspices of the Newmarket Methodist Church Choir will take place in the Church auditorium The choir will be assisted by Miss Jean Carmichael an elocutionist of renown and Mr Ernest tenor soloist of Toronto The pub lic are promised an entertainment of more than usual interest Miss Veda Campbell will preside at the organ To commence at sharp r Holiday Blessing An article intended for this week in regard to closing stores factories and Other places of business for a halfholiday during the weeks of July and August and a special appeal to close all places of business at six o clock pm from Monday to Friday and to close at pm on Saturday has been crowded out We have conversed with numbers in reference thereto and the opinion has been gen erally favorable There will be more gain than loss by the movement We Are Sole Agents For a highgrade Var nish and Stain combined It wears like iron a tin Sports The Juveniles have started in ear nest This seems to be so for after a hard tussle with the Aurora strong men socalled Newmarket started in the Championship Series with a big cross opposite their name as winners of the game they played at Aurora last Saturday The weather was ideal and the game was played in great style of course taking into consideration that this is the first game of the season Plug seems to have been in the lead as far as the casual spectator could esti mate but the credit can by no means and to assist to make the halfholi day a success by transacting any business they may have to do on before 1215 oclock during July and August as the merchants have agreed not to sell any goods COTTON DELAINES Polka Dots and Figures 10c yard- Our Wash Goods Display this season is the best ever shown in this part of the country The newest fabrics are Cotton Diagonals Satin agreed not to sell any goods ijSSSlffi Persian and many other good things break their word or agreement lor the want of some little article you should have bought Wednesday morning or you can get on Thursday Shop early OQO We shall be pleased to show you even if you are not prepared to buy 250 Cans Pork and Beans for Potted Red Cherries per tin Bars of Soap 6 Bars of Borax Soap and cake of Infants Delight Soap Choice Pink Salmon per tin lQo Bulk Pickles per quart A UNTON r Town Council Mr and Mrs J of I Dakota are visiting the formers father Mr Miss Muriel Van spent Sun- Council met on Wednesday evening day with friends in Newmarket I last The Mayor in the chair Miss Conkc ol Victoria BC be entirely heaped on his shoulders Members present Messrs Road- is visiting Mr and Mrs JH he whole team made an ideal and Cane Hunter Rogers Doyle i field this week plendid showing The score at half- I ime was for Aurora so it can he Minutes of last meeting read and Minutes of last meeting read and almost taken for granted this a re urgently request- W S A monthly meeting of the market had good reason to blow its own trumpet returning home with a score of Jimmy New market acted as referee with the strong arm The following is the line up Newmarket Verne Bert Epworth Epworth Geo Racine Bernard Carl Martin Blair George Barber Anderson Field Captain Ernie Doyle Aurora P A chard J Brown Council in committee Mr Eves in the chair In re communication from Mr asking the Council to take over a street of feet in width run- Behold What is it Warm weath er I do believe We are pleased to report that Miss Ruby who for some time has been laid up with rheumatism is slowly improving Dr Gordon of Earls- court spent Thursday with his pa- The Specialty Dress Goods Millinery House Smart Then and Sow W So reVided near a letter is conveyed was held at the home of Mrs A E Widdilield on Wednesday last Mrs A nderhill F Irwin president in the chair Af- M Smith lte on tcr the ordinary business has been Roe Buchard Chares P of the the following address which CaptainB fjeth from Millards Lane Referred rents of this place The Doc is a to Solicitor fine tallow and tis a pleasure to see The following accounts were order- his face even tho for a short time to be paid Miss Lizzie of spent Gore Insurance Co insurance over Sunday with her sisters Edith on Town Hall and Nellie at Mrs J M DRO S Master Robert and Mr bylaw Ed Petersons children who have P J Anderson been laid up with the mumps for the Duncan DR0 past week or two are getting around Duncan capturing and alright dogs 1400 Mrs is visiting her Duncan posting bills Mr of Uxbridge Robertson waterworks this week Can Ex Co charges 25 l Mrs Sam is on the sick HATS R in during the all Spplanted by socials and kind red homegatherings Millinery Reduced for choice at CM Hughes Mrs Excursion In anoUier column will be found an of a cheap trip to Ni agara Falls conducted by the Sons Bank and A Hand ale Jane if A special train will call at at am can procure return tickets to Toronto fen two days for SI and for the Falls MM This is a fiance for f- across the opportunity for those who Niagara Camp were men in camp our under Col Allan o go o Falls if so desired Ml tickets any train next in- forget to take the Tuesday Referee Newmar ket There is an Exhibition game sclie- for 1st oi July between the Juveniles and Aurora The- Juveniles regret the loss of one of their star players Spot who has gone to We ail wish him success As far as we can understand the Intermediates will soon be of to ivt earlier I to play the First of the stairs of our acquaintance your home j Season duties prevented your mingling u us as much as you have latterly The time has arrived the feel that we have only learned to will have to make an vrur real worth us you are effort to become the winners of was read by Mrs J Davis and Mrs made the presenta tion Dear Mrs As this will in all probability I be our last meeting together under present relations we your friends and fellow workers in the feel we cannot let you go from us without expressing our sincere love and our appreciation of the cheerful efficient and willing manner in which you have worked with us during the past four years We regret that during the Jas Robertson water metre 1811 T Y freight on above Co switchhandle 235 up with 1 met the Farrows on W ln 1 Salvation Army had a big time Saturday Sunday with the Band -arc- In It Is not he j wiiii be to Point on the Metropolitan is We shall miss you greatly in our meetings and from our homes where it has always been a real pleasure to welcome you but the have set us of consistent Christian living and the influence of your very personality with us As you go to your home have assurance of our wl and our payers that he flood Father will continue to von and Mr Seal in your work We to accept this small rift s of the happy that have always ween us Mrs Irwin president Mrs A E presentation consisted of a diamond cut glass water pitcher Mrs Neal was much affected by this of regard from the ladies of the Methodist Church made a suit able acknowledgment their and kindly solicitude lor her future re- existed 114 Karri empty School have Point J Away of old r person Mrs- A -J- away to the spiri rvuidav Dcceaarfl 6th and known iiA tor her deeds of love chanty She of Pearson who resided Of occupied by on a portion of which now stand when the Bra atarted in During the the writer of this is able to many of kindness pcrJormed that the world kfisv little of- has gone to her leaving many sorrowing to lament departure Funer al winners of the Shield now on view in A hardware store and after Saturdays game it has been the general com ment around town that the Juvenile have a firstrate team and prospects are reported to he favorable to that end Next Juvenile game will be at Bradford on June Eagerly the sports are waiting anticipating an easy victory for the Newmarket boys No doubt tho Juniors or Interme diates will now take a lesson from Saturdays game and step in line Now dont all Speak at once The Town League is now gradually materializing at least that is what I understand from rent comments from certain points remarked a young sport re cently Baseball is so slow Well the Baseball Club caught the echo of this casual comment and they forthwith awn challenge to any team in Newmarket or vicinity adding Dont you think young man that Baseball is slow well convince you to the contrary After this challenges should flow in from quarter Bradford A A A arc holding a grand athletic meet on Dominion Day IN THE SWIM Can Ex Co express on above Davis Leather Co Bell Tel Co Canada Foundry Co Can Jen Co Freight on above ExpressHerald printing ace 11158 A Sons sundries A Thompson jCochenour Martin Co J Murphy cartage J Bowman cartage Millard gravel J Duck gravel A cinders J Cutting cedar poles W lawson gravel 50 list this week being laid pleurisy Mr and Mrs Ed Quant of Church ill called at Fine View on Friday last Owing to the rain church attendance was small on Sunday night Cet all turn out next Sabbath Mr is a splendid speaker and de serves a good congregation Mrs Phi is recovering severe attack of bronchitis I Dont forget the Union School at Mussulmans 18 Big time expected Races football baseball etc Dixons Hill in attendance JJ Mr Chas visited at Mr Sam last week Yum or number from this place tended the football match between last Sat- Good game Eves Master Oliver whose toJS K hands were severely by falling a Are is slowly improving but still terrible pain at times A bylaw was Introduced to close -oo- part of lydia street and was read for In order to mate room for our we are offering very attractive values SMART STREET Regular and for Dress Hats for every occasion nicely trimmed with Flowers Chif fons and Grasses Regular lor Smart shapes neatly trimmed everyday wear for 189 You will find an air of distinctiveness about our MIDSUMMER MILLINERY 1 which add so much to the style of the wearer phone LUNDY Established 1817 fiw 9 CAPITAL ALL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 4 lo Pay sheet new walks Fay sheet Pay sheet Fay sheet Pay sheet Andreu new walks I new bridge fi Ego and firxt time Council adjourned Newmarket Markets Branches at all important centres Canada and in Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Dank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS PINK ORCHARD Fall Wheat per Oats per bush per bush The members of the Friends church Peas per bush gathered together last Thursday Bran per ton for the purpose of cleaning Shorts per ton the Churrb The men looked after the Hay per ton outside work while the women at- Butter perm tended to the inside work thing was left in fine order June bush Every- Eggs per do as a re- Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb The choosing of a appropriate gift will be made easy by your seeing our display includes many sugges tions in Silver and I I fr Will be pleased to show you and quote you prices- CO Railway of Marriage Licenses Phone A 414i suit of their labors Miss I of Holt visited her sister Mrs last week Miss Hall Newmarket vis ited with Miss Elsie Penrose recent- Mr Arthur Hurt versity Toronto is spending a week per bush with Mr and Mrs Peas per bush Rev Mr Colling of Toronto Hay per ton preached In the Friends Church on Butter per Hi Sunday owing to the absence of Mr Eggs per do who was attending con- Potatoes per hag JO 0 23 00 0 15 0 0 0 Toronto Markets June Fall Wheat per bush loose Wheat per bush Barley per bush Victoria per bish at Chatham Chickens ft Turkeys per In JO 0 0 39 54 0 0 0 28 40- 0 21 0 it Agents for Barrio Bread a three pound loaf full weight and the quality never fails always superior also a variety of Fncy Brown etc dox Bottles Pickles English bottle lbs Dried Apples bright ck 5c per lb 6 Bars Sunlight or Lifebuoy Soap for CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Special values in Toilet Sets for days our Window Soma genuine snaps all at greatly reduced prices See our Table of Specials at any article Some renter and goods W HOWARD I A We intend to clear out every piece of Silk we have in stock and have marked them below Cost to make- sure that they go Black White Cream and Colored Come in and see them Compare them with samples you get from Toronto See which is the Best Value t I

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