Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 10, 1910, p. 2

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Advertisements I Oar Toronto Mr- J Bond J P druggist street who conducted a drug 5 Wanted of S 0 the Boy about years for Mens Wear fact that the new towns Store to learn business which are springing up in the West store in before removing to Martin Co these days from the towns to- Toronto some twenty or more planted in other years in the older years ago sections of tie country in that the saloon and gambling joints are not I 9 For Sale found within their in House for Sale with two lots Has fruit trees and barn Very suitable for retired farmer Era office Cobalt died at his home in the city on Saturday last from the ef fects of a fit of apoplexy which he suffered some time ago He belong ed to the AM also the A OUW and the Canadian Odd-Fel- Mr Verne left this week to accept a situation at Mrs- Merrick of Toronto is vis iting with Mrs Cane this week st that the I Hague fisheries arbitration now in session will probably last till on a millinery business in NOtlCe tO Contractors end Four speeches are for many years lowed on each side and each speech Margaret Kirk young women Mr Walter of London is visiting at his fathers Mr L Mrs Proctor attended de- lows In religion he was a day at Kettieby Cemetery dist The mother of deceased inst from Newmarket and Emma Saint who are elleged to have deserted threeyearold Maggie Kirk in Plans may be seen at the office of will likely consume a week This Mr Tench Architect for the means a lot talk Sir Robert new addition to the Newmarket store a Specifications are being prepared the discussion and will be completed by Wednesday I I tenders will be announced next tion road from Slattern toP J pine up in New Ontario The THE ANNUAL MEETING of the North York Farmers Institute Will be held in the TOWN HALL NEWMARKET On Monday June 20th At pm After the business a special Seed Meeting will be held in the interests of Good Seed and the Eradication of ad dressed by MR GEO A of 2w S LEMON prisoners are now on the job men are being housed in construction camps and will be subject to the same discipline as that in force on the new farm at Guelph This is certainly better than keeping a lot of lawbreakers housed up and fed at public expense- NOTICE There will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION subject to re serve bid at Queens Hotel Sut ton at pm on MONDAY JUNE that valuable farm known as the Cameron Home stead and being Lot Con in the Township of acres more or less Ten per cent of pur chase price to be paid at time of sale the balance within three months thereafter Any further particulars made known on day of sale Executors JOSEPH Vathell P See the Soldiers 2 Days Trip to Niagara Falls By Rail and Boat THE S E OF AND ALLANDALE on will run to Toronto Tuesday June 14th Thence by boat to con- Sunny Alberta got stung on the 1st of June A Winnipeg despatch on that day savs that a heavy snow storm last night along the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway between Medicine Hat and Calgary over Southern Alberta has interrupt all wire communication between Calgarv and the coast and only one wire is working with Winnipeg The storm done no harm to growing crops York County Council Toronto June The June Session of the above Council foregathered to day Warden A in the chair and most all members present A number of communications and documents were presented ami refer red Among them was one from Mr Fred Principal of Mount Albert School in which he urged that the principal of Mount Albert was entitled as a matter of justice to he appointed a member of the Board of Examiners for the Entrance Examin ations The school received the let ter said half as many entrance pu pils as Newmarket which had three on the board and nearly many as Aurora or Richmond Hill the former of which had two and the latter three mem Iters For years the letter continued the northern township contributed towards thcex- of reading entrance papers and had come back to Roy Smith of was home over Sunday visiting his moth er Mrs D Lepard Mr Wm Holmes of the police force Toronto is paying his mother a visit during his holidays brought before Magistrate Mr Albert Thomas of the south- on Saturday on technical charges of ern part of the County was visiting vagrancy They were remanded till in town over the weekend Friday without electing or pleading Howard of Toronto and were remanded to the jail with- spcnt Wednesday in town with her brother Mr Wakefield Proctor The Conservative Association has decided to run the next municipal elections on political lines Now Buffalo are visiting their father Mr A Lang Newmar ket watch the result Mr J Eatons yacht Florence reached here on Saturday amid the blowing of whistles from other ves sels and cheering from people on shore It is the finest pleasure yacht ever moored in Toronto Harbor On Saturday last John Hay lately out from England was struck by a belt line car and died at mid night at the Hospital No relatives in this country A span of runaway horses took fright last Monday at a whistle in the Parisian Laundry dashed down Portland street and crashing into an electric light pole ripped it in two a few inches from the ground and broke several live wires which danc ed around lively on the street several minutes Nobody hurt however Mrs widow of this city left including land in Whitchurch valued at 1200 Under her will six are the bene ficiaries Rev Atlas trial lor sub ornation of perjury has been post poned till the September Sessions The lathers strike is over Lathers are divided into three grades and paid according to grade John Shaw lor criminally assault ing- a girl under years was sent to the penitentiary for four years As a man entered the city on Mori- day in an automobile from the west he was arrested and charged with stealing the auto from Buffalo The driver denied the charge and said he was given to bring the machine to a Special Train from Orillia not a cent had com- hack to 1 it had all been expended along the south and western fringes of the county some other informal business with the trie Railway pa and other pi to the Falls There will men in camp at Niagara camp and to the Falls Niagara this well worth teeing Train stops at Fare to Toronto Bradford am Holland Mrs LaSaile who has been in poor health for some months has gone to for medical treat ment Mrs and Miss Ross left last week on a trip to Montreal and Quebec where they are visiting friends Mr Fred of Toronto was in town on Monday calling on old friends He returned to the city in the evening Mrs J Jay Watson of New York City is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Daniel Phillips of Lawn Allan- left on Tuesday morning to enter upon his duties at Niagara camp in connection with the York Rangers Mr Percy of Toronto spent the weekend with his Mr Brock Currey at the latter rental home on street Mr Alhert Collins who has been on the sick list for some time does not seem to improve much A change of weather may make a differ ence Mr Jarnes Allan brother of Lieut Col Allan an old Newmarket boy dropped off here on Tuesday on his way to one oi Lake summer resorts Frank Kavanagh connected with the mail service on the P was in town on Tuesday last on a business trip He returned to chum pa- Earthquake 110 170 Landing am Newmarket am Aurora 933 am Toronto 1045 am Children over five years and under twelve half price Tickets good to return the same or following day Excursionists can re turn from Niagara or remain over in Toronto until any train the next day Committee at SCOTT The Great Annual Under the of the Newmarket will place Wednesday June Via to ANQUI8HENE Rome June A terrible earth quakethe worst since that of her destroyed and Messina today shook Central and I Southern Italy Hundreds are believed to he dead and many destroyed an town eight thousand people- is in ruins and twenty are known to dead there alone A seismic wave Is reported to have swept the gulf of Manerodonia on the Adriatic and grave fears are felt for a city of eighty thousand The first reports received here said the earthquake was felt through the Provinces of Campania and Calabria and in Sicily as well as in Apulia- The destruction of telegraph wires left the fate of scores In doubt A special emergency meeting of the Cabinet was called on receipt of the first information here and a relief plan immediately taken up The was received alrnoit at the same time at the Vatican The Pope Immedi ately retired to his private chapel to pray for the people of the affected dis trict Special services were held In the churches of Home A despatch from the dis trict states that more than one hun dred have been killed there by the earthquake Thirty ate known to ho dead at Callitri and are to be burled in the ruins of that town Troops arrived there at noon and are digging In the debris in the hopes of rescuing the victims Martial lav has been proclaimed throughout the whole stricken scene And a Delightful Hail of hour the many Inland of the Georgian Bay and nee largo accommodation arrange ments for excursionists Hotel For further particulars nee large bills the King Edward in Toronto t No less than eight street car con- 1 c e have been hurt during the and past three weeks One hurt on Lehman of Newmarket and died the next out of daughter of Philadelphia being obliged to use the steps of Mr and Mrs M Brown Dr of Calgary arrived here last week on a visit to the family of his fatherinlaw Mr J Millard and other relatives He left on the return trip last Wed nesday who is taking a special course in music and voice culture in Toronto spent the week end at the parental home on Church street to he city on Mon day afternoon Mr iambic of Montreal with acting improperly towards fa his and sister her open cars in the collection of fares Dr It W Bruce Smith has been appointed Medical Inspector of Asy lums for the Insane Prof Smith passe1 away at home the Orange on Tuesday afternoon in his year There are now three patients under treatment against rabies in the Gen eral Hospital There have been patients in all and yet some pcoplo think it cruel to muzzle their ca nines Curtis of Whitchurch charge He took me me out the Sale Register SATURDAY June An sale of Household Furniture Piano eta will take place at Butcher Shop at pm Duncan Auctioneer Mouse to Let 4 On Church street Possession JOHN PROCTOR given on the 3rd of July For par- of Com tlcuJars apply to KEITH JACKSON dence the latter said by the neck and put house He put mother oirt too She Is years old Curtis pleaded guilty to common assault and bound over to keep the peace The evidence disclosed that Curtis would he all right If he lived where local option obtained A store will likely be opened in this city where the goods manufactur ed by blind people will be sold Newmarket will preach in the old Chris tian Church here known the Tem perance Hall next Sunday at o clock We have material on the ground for the erection of a shed which we hope to have ready shortly for the convenience of the public 1 Mr T Is visiting relatives In Pickering Mlsa Snider of was a of the MIbsch Patterson for a few days Mr Jordan was a guest at the home of Mr Fairies Miss Annie Steel Of visit ed Mrs Otto Tranrner for a couple of days Mrs P Jones has returned to her home In Toronto Mr J- Simpson of Toronto spent a day with relatives There will be no service In the Method Church next Sunday noon the pastor being at Conference Mrs Joel Lemon is quite poorly Vc hope she may soon recover Ot Arc you looking for a soft a snap for an opportunity to get as much as possible and give as little aa the lav or your employer will allow If so change your plan of life while there yet time or the day Is bound to cornc when you will want to make the change and be unable to do bo M Era for balance of year cents Bank of Montreal here spent the weekend with relatives in town He proceeded on Monday to accompanied by Mrs Gamble who was visiting with his mother and grandparents here lor some days Mr A Hastings of the Pub lic Works Department was in town on Monday on business connected with the Office Specialty Co Mr Hast ings was formerly License Inspector for the City of Toronto and a good many years ago represented Old in the County Council of York Mr Geo- youngest sou of Mr Edward of Whit church who has been- takiqg a post graduate course at the School of Practical Science in Toronto has passed his final examination with firstclass honors and headed the list of students He now has the title of of Pa He left last Friday for Quebec where he has secured a position Mr Is only twen ty years of age and Is the youngest civil engineer In Canada who has se cured degrees THE CRADLE BOND In Aurora on May the wlfo Mr Bond of a daugh ter COOK In town on May 30 to Mr and Mrs Cook a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking fionse You can buy your tap For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phone 17 and PEABODYS OVERALLS WEAR LIKE A PIGS NOSE 1 WEAR CORSETS Jr3E THE Some Seasonable Bargains Picked From All Departments QUILTS EACH Double bedsized White Quilts regular each on sale at each LAWN BLOUSES 99c EACH Another shipment of Lawn Blouses the last well have this year worth up to each whale they last 99c each LINEN TOWELLING YD Heres a snap for early shoppers 500 yards Irish Crash Towelling re up to 8c yard on sale at yd JUNE SUIT SALE J I STOCKING STORE SPECIALS Hunters dandy a pure Cashmere Stocking in plain and ribbed at a pair Hunters Daisy the best Cashmere nose made to sell at a pair Hunters Princess a fast black and stainless Cotton Hose for Girls at The Bull Dog a strong Stocking for big and little at pr Little Darling in Black Tan Gar net and White pure soft Cashmere for children all sizes a pair REMEMBER HUNTERS FOR STOCKINGS Every June we hold a clearing Suit Sale of odd lines and broken si zes Suits that sold at and AH sizes but not of a line Made of Imported wor steds and tweeds All at one clear ing price 795 75c A LEG SEATS FREE 30 Mens Strong Tweed Pants heat patterns Well made and trimmed regular up to pair One sale at a leg seats free SOFT SHIRTS EASY PRICES A Grand Clearance in Mens Negli gee Shirts of the celebrated WG R and Tobke makes firstclass and all sizs 75c- DO YOU WEAR SOX PAIR 5 pairs Cashmere Sox black sizes to 11 Regular 25c a pair on sale 19c a pair pairs for THE ALTAR TRIVETTBURKE In St Johntf on June 2nd by Rev Father Whitney Mr Robs Trivett to Miss Alice Burke both of Newmarket In North the Rev T of on June 1010 Frederick J to Elizabeth R Hlllla T EI E3 I THE TOMB ROBERTSON On June Sarah Olivia Robertson widow of the late J Robertson and mother of J Rob ertson barrister Place St Thomas She was horn in Warwick England July Funeral private At on the May Mr Conrad aged years Interred in Sha ron Cemetery SUTHERLAND At the residence or his father Newmarket on Satur- day Robert Frank lin son of James Sutherland In his year irARTNEYAt West Toronto on Friday June 3 P Hartney In his year Deceased was a brotherinlaw to Mr John of this town Mount Albert on Saturday June 4 1910 Ra chel widow of the late Thos Crittenden in her year Interment in Mt Albert Cemetery COLE In Zephyr on Sunday June Mary beloved wife of Robert Colo aged 51 yro and iriofl Interment Tuesday In cemetery MCCRACKEN At Newmarket June Harriet Pearson widow of the late Alexander JMcCrack- In her year Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 3 oclock If you are needing seeds there are none better than Renniet Wo will eel you them at the price poor ones for 5c Dutch Set Onions at 10c per Potato Onions for American Wonder Potatoes for planting at per peck Good sound Potatoes for the table at per bag Applet from 10c per peck upwardf PURE MAPLE SYRUP QUEBEC AT XIAO PER IMPERIAL MEASURE Phono J Furniture Undertaking MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH will Prompt AtteoUon tl -T- have the largest best aaoorted Stock of Four Hundred Thousand Feet to Select- Full Line of Doors Sash and Trim It jtm are thinking building let flgore on W H V by pkone St or from John Turner Treol r I i

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