I A- t THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE 3 1910 indicates weakness of thestom- nerves which control the desire for food It is a sure sign that the digestive organs need the help of EC m V fold Everywhere la ceats Two Houses for Sale In Good locations in Town Apply to ROBERTSON For Sale Brick House 12 rooms domestic water and cistern stable on lot Apply to Box 146 Newmarket FOR SALE lilfe around toe Hut AND TO BRADFORD Carp is now being caught by the hundred- One of citizens inform ed The Witness that he succeeded the other day in capturing ICO in a short time and with very little trouble Science has seemingly invented a new method ofcatching them as our fish erman walk on the marsh with long rubber boots and club the fish they being unable to escape quickly thru the weeds 0 mm WHAT IS YOUR TNG TO I ZEPHYR The Rev Mr had four baptisms in the Methodist Church Sunday last after deliv ering a splendid sermon That boy who is in high school The Globe of Monday remarks It ought to be his mind what is now incumbent on the Railway he is going to do in tbe world Do Commission to take hold of question you ever discuss the matter with him of suburban passenger rates If the ever guide him into thinking serious would give Newmarket and about it for himself Aurora a rate to Toronto similar to If not you are handicapping him at the Metropolitan its bank account the very outset of his career- Next would be largely augmented without year he will either be in high school additional cost or will have started to work for wages and whichever he will then be The murder McLaughlin at disadvantage- is to the penalty of his awful Every boy by the time he is of high crime at Whitby on Wednesday July scno age should have some definite He bartered life for plea- 0 he would like to make sure and now must pay tfcc penalty Having this firmlv in a terrible warning to men of like ne can study with a passions also to women who allow this problem of their themselves to occupy somewhat reaI in relations with married men tbat are s0 shiftless in- in the world It is only On Tuesday last the eighth natlftal that hoys will never of peace South Africa was th t chosen for South Africas Natal Day f s- mi By Fruitatives OnT Feb about a year ago our daughter Ella fourteen years was taken with terrible pains the right side The pain was so severe that we had to carry her to bed We at once put her under the care of a firstclasa doctor who pronounced it a case of Appendicitis and advised an operation We to a hospital in Kingston where she was again examined by an eminent specialist He said she had Appendicitis and must be operated on at once it unwanted to save her life As we had taken her to Kingston to have this done we were ready but our daughter was afraid and cried and begged so the Fire Wood in any form to suit purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG For Sale Eight Roomed House situated on Huron street Newmarket with first Furnace and all modern con veniences For further information apply to A J DAVIS Newmarket For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with 215 feet frontago building lot Hard and soft water on the place Must be sold as the owner has gone West Apply on the premises THOS Superior Newmarket sister our er over Sunday Youth will always he youth and the call of the body will be loud er than the quiet whisper of toe mind But that is not saying that the aver- boy will not think and not want to think about this 7 part suu As a matter popular teach- tude of the people well for the We are Very to report the S iliness of Mr Coil Mr George and family of Good Hop Natal the Transvaal spent Sunday with Mrs and the Orange River Colony became fc of Albert j united in Legislative under one n Mr Sloan of Toronto visited his Government The sympathetic Mr William had his house broken into and Mr is minus some of his best clothes For Sale Brick Cottage with Six Rooms One- Acre of Land Cistern and Well at door Wood Shed Stable Driving Sheds Hen Ren and small fruit on street just south of Industrial Apply to Win Lane Box NewmaruH House for Sale Comfortable House with three lots on the corner Pearson and Court streets Furnace Domestic Water and Horse Stable High School and Friends College in close proximity A very desirable home House and excellent Cellar Apply to Newmarket For Sale That valuable property on Huron Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine with shade trees and hedges Flowing Furnace Stable A Grand Home for any Person For Particulars see DBNNE J Executors of The Mount Albert Telephone Com- have extended their line north is given out that to Mi and P Crosbys and Ontario Government has decided expects to finally reach Cedar Brae nlIrnorous veteran land claims located in North Ontario This decision lias been reached on account of failures to comply with the regu lations and the further fact that of these have got into the hands of speculators who arc 1he Oddfellows of holding them to the will hold a joint excursion settlement The cancellations will to Niagara Falls on the of June include several hundred lots Hassan shipped an extra fine load of heavy horses to Winnipeg despatch from Ottawa dated last the week making the fifth car so Monday states that Dr J this season- Mr was Dominion says to a winner at Richmond Hill where there was no immediate prospect of he showed Victor the relaxation of the regulations re- stallion securing the dog muzzling in first for best stallion and the Ontario Manv politicians been Live Stock Insurance Companys making requests for the abolishing or swiffitate prize a silver modification the or cup valued at A lawn social will he held this prescribed area he muz- day evening on the Methodist Church rabies is still- prevalent grounds The fact that it is the until it is stamped out the regu- Kings birthday will add to the must remain in force interest of the occasion A sacred concert is to be given in the Arctic explorer the Christian Church here on Tuesday is now the larthcst landholder in North America An Ottawa press despatch says He has next NO ETON On Wednesday May at oclock a event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs fames Fry when their daughter Violet was united in marriage Walter Sloan of Linton The cere mony was formed by Rev Mr Gibson Lloydtovvn The bride was gowned in seeded pearls of white silk mull veil and lilies of the valley and carried a bouquet of white roses and maiden hair ferns She was given away by her father and attended by sister Miss Laura who car- been awarded by the Dominion Gov ernment in return for the payment of one dollar a tract of land containing acres at Pond Islet on the north coast of Baffins Island The inycouncil deeding the land sets forth that it is given In recognition his services ik connection with the ex pedition of the steamer Arctic An Ottawa despatch the iilt announces the incorporation of a big sugar Company the Limited with a capital of half a million dollars The Company authorized to make and sell sugar and to acquire the concerns of the about it The trouble is they dont always think as experience has taught you to think To the boy life is all very much of a game He thinks it would he a fine thing to get into the big game where men are the players Rut he does not think sufficiently of the particular part he is to play in the game Make it plain to him that in life as in football men are useful only as they fit themselves for a certain posi tion He knows that an excellent quarterback might make a dismal failure if he attempted to play center Ask him if he does not want to choose his position in the game of life train hard and play it with credit and dis tinction Dont put this matter off Dont let it drift until the day when face to face with life your son is armed only with ignorance Then he will be obliged to take what he can get Instead help him to prepare himself to get what would The op portunities limitless so far as natural aptitude and inclination are concerned There was a time when ambition asked of inclination whether the future should behold a famous lawyer eloquent or distinguished phy sician Today these are the common places of ambition in youth The wonders of science can be made to appeal to the imagination of a boy so that in alone a score of careers beckon Farming which was the accepted lot of the un ambitious can be made marvelous in the eyes of the youth who loves the outofdoors Let him choose freely suggesting only when suggestion is necessary then watch him work with asm to fit himself to play his part in the game of life pitifully that we postponed it for that day Luckily for us and for her an uncle came in with some and insisted on Ella tskiug them Good results were apparent almost from the first dose and the continuous treatment cured her saved our daughter from the surgeons knife and today she is enjoying the best of health J FOX Father FOX Mother Words cannot express the gratitude of Mr and Mrs Fox And Miss Ella will always remember discovery of an eminent physician and the only medicine in the world made of fruit for or trial box At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price tives Limited Ottawa J Causes Sickness NO MORE going manufacturers Mr merchant and Mr A McMiUbn of Mrnitreil The Company was Valuable Properties FOR SALE a bouquet of pink roses and Preserves etc I maidenhair fern while Robert Sloan business as of brother of the groom per- dominion Company and the same duties for him The gars and Limited The in bay window was decorated with an corporators are Messrs Ram- arch of evergreens and white- Ko Jackson under which the bridal parly stood After the ceremony the sat down to a sumptuous dejeuner going ayay suit was taupe diagonal serge wiMi large picture hat On Fri day night Miss Fry was joyfully sur prised to receive a Kitchen shower from her lady friends Among the many costly presents may men tioned a handsome cathedral chime clock presented fforn the rector and Congregation of AlbanJsyChnreh of which the bride was The happy couple left on a wedding trip to Midland arid other points AGED MEN HAD GENIUS ted in the Canada last Sat urday Mr Jackson above- mentioned is a native of Newmarket and the eldest son of the Era editor The Company is among the big going concerns of Montreal Disraeli said Old age is unknown genius Dante was almost when he com posed his famous epic Milton was and blind when he wrote LVst greatest poem Residence how occupied by the formerly- known as the Fed eral and homestead A most substantial build- frig built under old English ideas with modern Improvements bath electric lighting- Pease hot wa ter and hot air Furnace etc etc ALSO The Two Stores in the centre of trade formerly as the Cald well block now under lease to Messrs ft Martin Co for nearly years to run Apply to ROCJiB CO shipped a Car Wednesday consist- A treatise the Horse and His Diseases can so he had free at drug stores or writing for it to tin II coming eight Mr Join load of iiogi valued at One of the lot While a youpg holy was Into town on Saturday to market villi a and rig some person threw a fire cracker the horse The away the young lady was thrown out ail badly shaken Up and dozen which she had in life broken ft is cer tainly about time something and an end to this lire cracker to put nuisance For the first time for 7 is worth while to remember that Kendalls Spavin Cure has been in use for nearly half a and its popularity is greater now than ever before If it had not stood the test it would have been out of mind long ago This old favorite horse liniment is on sale stores and general stores everywhere The excellent hen he on by Dr ii A Ken dall Co at Falls Vt AtwoodOnt May Mrs Rob ert May died suddenly at her home yesterday afternoon while writing ft letter She had been to church as was her custom and pat tool of din ner as usual She loaves a seven children composed when he pro- great husband a number A heard years ihe of town have worth ten explosion which was for miles occurred at ftt noon on Monday caused by Harness Shop MR J JONES Owner of New Harris Shoo is doing well Now the time to examine your give him a call Also J Set Plow Harness 9oo it v if May a fatal shooting accident occurred near Cot Hill in the northern part of Want ing County John an- Im migrant hoy years old who lived with Dan a farmer had a rifle vas after He probed a hole with of the rifle which wm ihm0 Charged bullet going through the lads died almost Instant- 1 Children FOR FLETCHERS CAS TO R I A Hie pleasure of listening to a band town players under the leadership of Mr ihos The death of Mr Robert photographer of place occurred at- Hospital Toronto on Saturday morning alter an illness of about nine weeks duration taken to the hospital for treatment but failed to rally Mr Andrews met with se rious accident while working In the Agricultural Works here on lie was sawing some with a circular saw when the piece he was Sawing slipped and his hand same In contact with the saw and three his fingers cut oil The wound was partially dressed here he was taken to the Hospital he is at present Less- than a yeatjigo hli Mr Ivlgar An dre met with a similar accident by which he had all of fingers sever ed on bis right hand just Mow the jiut the boiler exploding in saw mill and considerable lain age to buildings situated nearby was done Hows This We oner One Hundred Dollars Re vard for any caw of Catarrh cannot be cured by Halls Catarrk J CHENEY CO Toledo the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm Saldino a VJolesale druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and surfaces of the system sent free Prise eta per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con- Up at Ion Robert Brownings Ring and Rook was when he was over fiO Tennyson was nearly wrote the liar I Oliver Wendell Holmes was lessor at Harvard at HO Michael Angclo completed the of St at Titian finished his Supper at and at West completed his jesl picture Death Oil the Pale Horse Haydn produced his sublime Cre ation at while Verdi was the score of Sir Isaac New ton wrote a preface to at while Sir when over- HO swept the heavens with a true range of vision J lad stone and Bismarck were the controlling powers in poli tics when both were past years of age Von at won the battle of Sehan while Thiers President of France was when achieved his diplomatic victory over Cromwell was to fame at while Washington was of middle age when he look of the con tinental army Ulysses was nearly when he emerged the tannery at Galena 111 to become one of the greatest generals of history Nelson Make Farragut and Dewey were beyond three score when they achieved their fame the Japanese military lead- erf won his greatest victories over powerful past and all Ids corps commanders were over Japans greatest who did more than any other man to make Japan what it is tolay was busy planning still greater achieve ments lor country when assassinated at wear stylish dresses with untidy underdo tiling 1 urn Should bo extract ed Onoo Tor I Do nt bo too and consult MAY bo saved mnttor la worth Ouradvlo you nothing 1 K SSOR TO TORONTO Is greencolored powder pack ed In tin cans ready for use In sweeping a carpet take one or two according to the dust Sprinkle where you are- to begin not all over the iar- pet then sweep as you always do The powder is swept ahead of the broom and falling on the carpets absorbs the dust leaving the carpet clean and bright The dust not thrown Into the ir to settle back on the carpet and WHY YOU SHOULD USE DUSTBANE IT LABOR IN SWEEP ING IT SAVES ONE HALF YOUR DUSTING IT SAVES YOUR CARPETS AND RUGS IT SAVES DAMAGE BY MOTHS IT SAVES TAKING UP CAR PETS IT SAVES YOUR HEALTH IT SAVES YOURiONEY- It Costs Nothing totry We are authorized by the man ufacturers of DUSTBANfi to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound They want you to use this on trial tor one week At the end of this period if not found tory wo will take it back and there will be no chargt for quan tity used Sold in barrels half barrels and quarter barrels for stores schools banks churches hotels and public buildings A- Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at this Office ftWpSffl PROVIW Is known as Garden of Saskatchewan Wo are Agents for the Sale of 160000 acres of Choice Land in Famous The easiest thing to cultivate is suspicion Children FOR FLETCHERS Special Excursion from Toronto Every Two Weeks EXCEPTIONALLY RATES to J A BARTON A CO I Purchasers For Further Information and Maps call or write Agent Newmarket College Street- TORONTO S I l I E A L luse