Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1910, p. 4

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rf THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE 1910 -y- i Unwarranted Criticism E On Thursday week Hon -Wil- Ham Minister of Public j Works visited Toronto and after I spending the day in examining itsne- harbor improvements was the honored guest of Toronto Liberals at a complimentary banquet in the even ing- With exceeding bad taste evet the Toronto News took occa sion to review the Ministers record of Children cough 5t night Give them AVers Cherry Pec toral Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough Good for any one with a cold or cough Good for easy cases hard cases good for acute cases chronic Cases Ask your doctor to tell you honestly and frankly just he thinks of thi old standard remed No alcohol in this cough medicine jcAvero- botn regards his Premiership Mr Botsford was Village Assessor for the year -ft- Walter of Aurora was presented with a complimentary address by the students of the medi cal department of Victoria on the occasion of his leaving the city to take up his residence in Aurora A lazy liver makes a lazy boy An active brain demands liver No better Some portions ot King and Whit- laxative for boys and girls than AVers Pills Ask your doctor about them He know Oil YEARS AGO Si 1 r A I From Era of June I860 opinion of rates one municipality with My 26 with the lor- other Twentyfour mills on the eVer in this section of Works Q Time Card GOING NORTH a m p Toronto 247 340 vwwn church were visited on New Brunswick and as a member of Times is of ithe Administration finally that it would be a grand th reaching the conclusion thatiToronio the world if it true as reported one corporation mav be actual- country Houses were demolished and Liberals were not honoring themselves that the German Emperor has con- less when advantages are huge timbers twisted llta lg honoring the Minister of Public ambition to inherit from than seventeen mills in some thingscattle killed fences blown hither and thither and acres of woods levelled to the ground The storm appears to have commenced its fury at the gravel pit on the Northern R R between two or three miles below Aurora and proceeded East to the 2nd Con of Whitchurch thence south east to the con Hail of almost biggest size some say measuring inches in circumference fell during GOING SOUTH Leave a p 755 100 158 Toronto ar 730 310 755 notwithstanding this uncIe Kin Edward VII the to discredit Hon Mr te So say all of spent the day with city officials us and complimented the people of To- on being alive to its possibili- A press despatch from Ottawa ties as to the development of their states that Hon P Broder Min- finally assuring them that ister of Marine and Fisheries has they might count upon him and also given out word the ships for the upon the Prime Minister and his oth- Canadian navy are all to be built in colleagues in the Government in the Dominion shipyards but whether aiding their endeavors of progress and on one coast or two could not at improvement The Hon Minister present say He further intimated went on a step further and assured that the Government mig j his entertainers that he was undertake- the manufactured the guns to recommend to his colleagues the for the navy- granting of favorable consideration to the application which had been Under date of Ottawa May a made for aid in the building of a dry press despatch states that a clerk dock and shipbuilding and ship-repair- the Department of Customs refus ing plant in the City Grossly at- to take the oath of allegiance to tacked as he was on the day of his King George It is said that he re visit to Toronto the wonder is that fused on the ground that the oath 1 other corporation Oar Toronto mm the XCURSIONS VIA but he displayed the llIC will be minus his salary till he takes the train sheds No in the oath look muC eves of the city authorities The TO WESTERN CANADA LOW BOUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr 5 Adj 923 3 Sept 6 SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toroolo on above 200 pm Cla Colonist Tourist Sleeper Apply to CPR Ascot or Thompson Toronto ASK FOR the Hon Minister of Public Works had contained passages similar to patience to to the citys wants in the coronation oath and objected Co have decide his manhood by overlooking the in- 1 will -t- ft tended attempt to discredit him the fact that Mr is able tocrry I High Constable is urged i his own Province politically is not a city daily paper to issue a special a bad record notwithstanding the order to all county cdnstables to an Opposition print who mate examples of all automobile upon disproved charges put vers who exceed the speed limit It forward Mr H says they have been known to scorch who was chairman at the Toronto Village at the rate of 30 The new racer hip amusement device of the kind in Can ada which replaces the figure porMon of stom In ket hailstones measuring five inches and a quarter in circumference were picked up The dwelling of Mrs Stocks was destroyed Mrs Allan her next door neighbor had her barn unroofed Mrs Mooneys house was next unroofed and outbuildings shat tered Mr Dunham Yonge street had all his buildings unroofed John Steward had his barn injured and nearly acres of hush land partially destroyed some trees being removed and the dipthedips destroyed by the Iranians Point fire last year was completed and placed in operation last week Mushrooms arc pretty plentiful in the market just now but they are nothing in size compared to one re ported to have been gathered during the past week in a field near Pitts burg US It measured over a yard and weighed no less FOR LIFE Mr J of Bildwin St Toronto yi 1 1 I cm my son Harold to when he id the five yein from which be never really recovered Some of the ben htm but with months of he in turn conib bronchitis nnd then month went by shall not soon forget months night coughs weaVenirg niht left my boy Ha bid no appetite my was waiting away Hentcne whole the Home for SicV Children and one bam greatly improved but cold winds of his feet again The doctor advised me to MuslcoVa hut heavy doctor stills had my financial resources such a step seemed out the question- At this point we tried that took plice words can express the thankfulness of his acd we saw the crisii was over that our hoy fighting his way back to life health PSYCH IN had mastered that which thi doctors had failed to check I- day Harold grew stronger and all through the although continually out of doors he failed to cold andbe futon flesh very quickly ssrbg my was completely cured and irto a strong sturdy lad PSYCHINE is the Greatest Strength Restorer and System Builder known to medical science and should be used for HAROLD NEW Toronto COUGHS COLDS WEAK LUNGS LOSS OF APPETITE WEARINESS and Dealers and Dr A SLOCUM Limited TORONTO torn the site rate for a like changing or two at any bodily from the place where growing Q St George suffered damage Mr Phillips a piano manufacturer had his home de- J worn BBS unroofed Craigs barn unroof- A large assembly greeted the eleven implements ggjgj graduates of the Training School for to Mrs May- living in Boston She was told she accepted she would molished James Stewards stables use oJ thrCe automobiles Nurses of the TorontoHospital for Incurables one evening last week Sir Mortimer Clarke the chair Total graduates to Hon Mr paid to 10 miles an hour If this a noble tribute to the distinguished true where is reeve He guest He eulogized for being ought to stop this scorching or step a tactful and energetic administrator down and out and also as one who bad ability to do important political work in bis own Province feel conduct and bearing The province of Nova Scotia has assured thati adopted a new Temperance Act to of the Hon into force on Dominion Day In sheds wrecked one being removed feet from its foundation George new brick house badly injured and barn roof shifted acres of bush belonging to James Lloyd partially destroyed and John woods damaged barn un roofed one cow killed and other damages All along theroute of the storm fences were demolished but no human lives were lost although ATKINSON Agent Flew from Albany to New York to arraignment of the ju nior Opposition organ at Ontarios capital- New York May Glenn flew from Albany to New York City in an aeroplane winning the prize offered by The New York World He covered the di stance of miles in two hours and minutes and came to earth as lightly as a pigeon- His average Speed for the distance miles an hour EUpases any record ever made by an aeroplane in long distance flight in its entirety his feat perhaps eclipses anything has accomplished In a besides winning the New Worlds 110000 captured a prize in his historic flight yes terday securing Scientific Am ericans cup for the longest flight in America with a machine He had previously won legs on the trophy and the flight gives him the cup Warning Since its introduction Into Canada the Bales of Parisian Sage have been phenomenal This success has led to many imitations similar In name out for them arc not the genuine Bee that the girl with Auburn hair is on package You can always get the genuine at Rogers Co Parisian Sage the quickest act ing and most efficient hair tonic in the world It is made to conform to Dr San- getbOftde of proven theory that dandruff falling hair baldness and scalp Itch are caused by germs Parisian Sage kills these germs and removes all trace of dan druff in two weeks or money back It stops falling hair and Itching scalp and prevents baldness And remember that baldness licenses at Halifax and likewise de clares if a majority of the electors of that city including thc women rate payers vote no license theji all licenses shall cease to exist Tho also contains stringent provisions against shipping liquors into the outside of Halifax Upon the whole it is a very radical measure A press despatch from Ottawa datjA Dominion plebiscite will he the last Monday states that the Gov- next move eminent has decided to take no action to cancel the observance of the Kings The Labor Therefore today Friday tion of Ontario was in annual becomes automatically a holiday for at last week passed banks and Dominion Government of- a few resolutions indulged in a lot under Bills of Exchange of confab and then adjourned Among Act the resolutions approved was one jdemning the present system of Chairman of the Railway franchise and demanding the is reported with haying j of the franchise to all adults expressed the opinion that an upper It is by tbe adoption of such rc-solu- in a railway Pullman shouldnt as this that makes people tirn cost as much as a lower berth The away from such municipal reform- Hamilton Herald queries Does holers What sense is there in giving think this hard enough to make him manhood suffrage to a class of people crystalie thoughts into action Thats the question An Ottawa press despatch states the iron and steel bounties paid by the federal government in the fis cal year ending March shows a to tal pig iron production of tons upon which the bounty amount ed to Of this total tons were made from Canadian ores on which a bounty of 70 cents a ton or was paid and tons from foreign ore the bounty be ing The steel and Iron tiesexpire on the ol December next The remains of King VII Veen who are here today and away to morrow They have no monetary in terest in the corporation and are not liable to help meet any obligation which this Association would give power to irresponsible vo ters to impose on the municipality An organisation which can rise no higher in Its conception of right and duty is manifest in the adoption of a resolution BO In prin ciple as to give power to impose mu nicipal obligations upon taxpayers without thc voter becoming a party to that obligation Ontario has very little use for and is repugnant to common sense A short Duke of Albany arid Clarence and of the Georges and other Kings appearing and not far from the royal mausoleum days They at where lie all that is or- particular unlcfl time ago the Hamilton have been laid to rest St George this observation Chapel Windsor near that of the to high and low tax rates in various towns and cities of the papers mean nothing hi particular unless you happen to know what the base of assessment is in each case For comparison they axe a delusion and a snare On more than one occasion we have pointed out the fact which our Ham ilton has so clearly em phasized The tax rate of a munici pality of so many mills on the dollar is far from giving a true index as to whether rate Is high or low one for the reason that some asses- make their valuations at about tal of his parents Albert the Good and Victoria the noblest of British Queens Thus an illustrious life at its close has an illustrious setting from the Training School is reported to number forty- Judge Morgan has sent out invita tions for the wedding reception of his daughter Miss Vera McCarthy and Mr Harold on Tues day June at avenue tint The ceremony will place g so badly that in the presence of the two immediate wen own cellar to light the sect known as the ol the furnace on evening Peace has last week and as he did not return booklet giving reason as expected members of the family went into the basement to see if anything was wrong The old man was dead Two or three boys outside of city limits were charged before John JI last Friday with rob bing birdsnests They were fined and costs A number of friends ol- Geo neat little whv he left the Quakers 25 YEARS AGO Era May 1885 Potatoes are cheap this year They tendered a banquet at thc were offered at cents a bag at thc King Hotel on Thursday North Find last Wednesday of last week on his return New street has been improved by from an extensive tour abroad grading Two horses were stolen from a Ed note Today we call New on Oxford street last week The street Park avenue owner heard on Friday that the I Tne annual meeting of thc Ncwrnar- were being held for him at Mechanics Institute was held dur- ling the past week Thc Librarian Subscriptions to the South AfricanI Jackson reports that- during Memorial Fund in this city now to- I year volumes had bccnWn cir- The library and furniture During thc past week were valued at Officers elect of freight were unloaded from steam- were valued at Officers Toronto harbor- elected for thc ensuing year were as Sixtysix years ago last week the follows Jackson President first telegram was sent I J Robertson 1st Thos 2nd VicePres Atkinson ont i SccTreas Directors J Dick- In there were tavern Leo censes in thc county of year thc number has decreased ami when local option went Into effect on May 1st there were only about 26 li censes in the whole county The Home name to With the June issue Journal changes it Canadian Home Journal During the past tvo years when this Womens Magazine obtained an assured place among Canadian there has been much confusion caused by germs those little hard working persistent devils that day and night do nothing but dig into the roots of the hair and destroy its vitality Parisian Sage is a daintily per- of relative taxation Bo- fumed half dressing not rtlckv or since the of r thc greasy and any woman who desires distinction between the home and for- luxuriant and can has boon still greater get it in two veeks by it cent- a large bottle MMW this magaxne and t he f of actual cash figures while dies Home Journal of Phi ade r US year the sie of the Horn knovi Journal was greatly enlarged and the faa asscSSrncn magalne Improved In every way and to pronounce on its sale became generally up on the l -i- of privileges and munici pal advantages enjoyed having lighted or nonlighted streets CURES ASTHMA Croup or money hick Sold by CO until finally it vas decided to make this name June is protection etc All Cation Number with many t Cat Bummer resort J llnK8 excellent stalled advice for when making comparisons women going abroad on what clothes to take and how to take them Tips to London and Back by William Penrose is a helpful and Interesting discussion of a subject that requires much finesse to handle well and yet so much to your pleasure and In travelling CAST For Infanta and The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the of A Liver the Whole System Dr Morses Indian Root Pills Pot Things Again A bitter ltc in thc mouth cot tongue on riling bowel alternately loose and conitipated ihcie mean that liver it out of order Instead of flow- to them lihitttrttUtivait aid digestion the bile ha been going all through the upsetting leaving the bowels constipated and making the sufferer perfectly miser able This fa biliousness The quick safe and certain cure Is Dr Morioa Indian Root They clear out the system stir up the lazy liver cleanse the stomach and bowels and purify thc blood bile returns its normal course the food Is again digested properly and 11 the dis agreeable symptoms vanish Doctors prescribe Dr Monts Indian Rett Piits and they are known through out the world as a proven cure for all digestive troubles They re equally effective In strengthening weak and curing rheumatism Made by H Comstock Co Ltd Ont and sold by all dealers at ft box 16 J Robertson and Win Instead of the timehonored June Feast the Sharon Children of Peace are making preparations for one of the best Garden Parties ever held in this section of country A beetroot sugar factory is talked for Newmarket Mr Dubois of Toronto has scut a sack of beetroot seed for free distribution among far mers in order to text the soil of country as to its adap tation to beet culture Some half dozen young men bad a skirmish with some of the circus men at thc depot last night and are now carrying the mark of their contact with the gang interfer ed with Rev John Drown was seriously af flicted with a kind of paralytic stroke on Tuesday and slight hopes are en tertained of his recovery Mulock tesq was in town on Monday Rev Father Harris of St Cathar ines passed through Newmarket a couple of days ago on his way to Tot tenham thc late John took place last Saturday Luring Unsuspecting Qirls t St John May 30 Evidence has been collected here to show that agents of the white slave traffic arc operating in this city and instances have come to light where young girls have been approached and po sitions in Boston work was re ported as very light and wages high Two women whoso Identity tho po lice will not at present divulge but who have been working in north end of the city are agents of organi sations to procure girls for lives of shame in the United States One young girl who on Saturday was decoyed to a place of was offered a- situation as companion would be furnished with theatre tick ets aivl in every other way treated as a member of a wealthy family The girl became suspicious and informed her mother who in turn reported matter to the police Since that time four other similar cases have been reported Hamilton Out May It is claimed that a number of persons have been conducting a white slave traffic between this city and United Stfates points ami the police are in vestigating and have some evidence that such a traffic has been conduct ed- A BRIGHT PUPIL One of the members of the Board of Education going his rounds as an amateur put the following question to a scholar in a country school How do you parse Mary milked the cow Pupil Cow is a noun feminine gen der singular number third person and stands for Mary Stands for Mary exclaimed the man how do you make that out Because replied the intelligent pupil it- the cow didnt stand for Mary how could Mary milk her Little Fruit Store OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL NEWMARKET Lemons Pine Apples Orangea Bananas CARLOAD very Saturday Best and Cheapest RUSTO Prop Finest Quality Oiivo Oil direct from Italy Choice For Sale All ages and seres Lemon Poplar Lodge Kettleby p a IS PROMPTLY SEGUR1 the business of Engineers and others who realize the a their Patent business Irac Preliminary advice fre Moderate Our Inventor AdvUerbcnt upon Marion flMs Montreal and Washington IXC Eggs FOR HATCHING From two good pens Black for Chicks guaranteed or setting replaced at halfprice J Near High School Newmarket Perrins Greenhouses Gorham St Carnation Sweet Peas and AnerariaB Geraniums etc Now Is the time to get your hanging baskets filled Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders Raspberry Strawberry and Aspargus Roots for sale Phone 135 Newmarket A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous TORONTO It has paid others It will pay you Write today for our handsome A which will lead into a good salaried position Enter our College NOW and be ready for a situation in the fall when business is at its best We are locating well qualified young people every day Why not let irs help you Start any day No vacations Catalogue free Write Central College Toronto Shaw Principal TAKE NOTICE that Samuel Stal ford of City of Toronto In the County of York in the Province of Ontario tho husband of Ethel Staf ford will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Sessions thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his the said Ethel Stalford of city of Toronto in Con iy of York the Province Ontario on the ground adultery DATED at tho County of York Province of Ontario day of April Godfrey Pheaa an Henderson Toronto Toronto Solicitors for said Samuel Stalfoit UPPER LAKE STEAMERS Sailing from at for and Port Arthur Ma- For Duluth May and Sailings from Collingwood pm and Owen Sound pm Wednes days aad Saturdays for and Georgian Bay Ports Secure tickets and lull Information from J a Depot Agent YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyriqhts Ac our opinion la probably Oldest asency Patent A Co without la too A uUcstmtod weekly of any Terms aj tt BU a I j 1 1 i r V

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