Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 6, 1910, p. 4

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L J TRY TKEM BEFORE YOU BUY THEM Gin Pills Free A Suggestive Lesson i During the past couple of weeks the Conservative press of the Dominion has been chuckling over apparent dis sensions in Liberal circles but the wish is father to the though and is simply little more than a drop in the bucket as compared the The Toronto are Yes we send Gin Pills free to every sufferer from Kidney and Bladder Trou bles Rheumatism and Lame Back We want ail sufferers to test Gin Pills and gee- for themselves that these pills ac tually cure all such diseases No matter what your experience has been with doctors medicine and advertised ran to the internal dissensions in din we want you to try Gin Puis And good they rfl Conservative camp do you by sending you a free sample News and Kingston Standard lealing in this party insurrection exactly like that of Mr Webster Dec Each agree that Hon Geo- E have used the sample box of Gin Pills must le retired and the News ffi7LEaff3i w for half a dozen boxes of carrying Mr Foster has grown RICHARD WEBSTER more apparent while the Sfffi insurrection of Mr Monk has aecen- free sample of Gin Pills He mem They did him so much good that he was the crisis and demonstrated to send the money for full size that the progressive element in the M Are you feeling tired weary and down because he felt that he had found v cure for his trouble Do the same Write the National Dray Chem Co Limited A Toronto for a free sample Then you be in a position to decide whether Gin Pills are the right remedy for you G R Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto 130 Newmarket 340 GOING SOUTH Leave a p Newmarket Toronto ar 310 party has become dissatisfied with the efficiency of the old whips The Standard is equally emphatic in its pronouncements and says Whatever the outcome of the Foster affair it- can safely he predicted and Mr we feel sure is willing to admit I the wisdom of- it that in the event I of Conservative success the name George E Foster will not appear on any Cabinet slate We do- not pre tend to know how much longer the member for North Toronto will stand this kind criticism but we can imagine somewhat the quiet satisfac tion coming to Sir Mackenzie Bowel I as he foresees retribution to those he regards as active conspirators VM a a 520 535 among his colleagues days gone by whom he felt justified in denounc ing as a nest of traitors Yes the whirligig of time brings to pass very unexpected results and the con spiracy to displace Sir Mackenzie Howell by Sir Charles upper led to the overthrow of t e entire cornbina- and gave the reigns of power in the Dominion to the Liberals Poli ticians on both sides of the House should profit by the lesson the epi sode of suggestively teaches Is it hard for yoii to get up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed The winter months have tried you sorely and you of more vitality than your system has been able to replenish- Your blood is and must be purified and revived You are in need of the Greatest of all Spring Tonics and Blood Purifier It clears the system of all traces of winter colds Banishes that tired weary feeling Restores your appetite and brings youthful- vigor and health to you again Take today For sale by all druggists and dealera and SI Dr Limited TORONTO GREATEST OF ALL TONICS The Dry Wave Local Option came into force into more than seventy municipalities on Monday last as a result of the Janu ary vote and a number of Boards of License Commissioners for the cur- rent License year- have made reduc tions in licensed districts so that nearly 250 houses for the sale of liq uor have been put out of business as compared with last year Last Jan- uary local option bylaws were car- ried in municipalities cutting oft licenses Of these 111 are in towns Nearly threefourths of the rural parts of Ontario is now under local option prohibition In looking over the dry territory we find that on the between Barrie and there is not a license left for miles nor can liquor he sold as a between and George- town a distance of miles Com ing nearer home the municipalities of Dundalk and the Townships of and Orangeville adds miles of dry territory From to Wiar- ton one can travel a dry district for miles and there is not a li censed place between and a distance of miles In a few places there are kickers but most of the in the dry districts are making the best of the situation and will he honored- and helped by the temperance people in consequence 120000 Purse ruitatives re TO WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING DATES Apr hat 923 Hay 3 31 July Sep THROUGH SPECIAL TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto p to Cliu Coicbta Colonist Apply r or writs Ttouipfi Toronto ASK In reply to Mr on Friday last Hon Mr Oliver stated in his place in the Commons tliat during the last fiscal year 1011 Chinamen paid poll tax on entering this Dominion In addition to this number were exempted ei ther because they were merchants or the wives or children of merchants Power in the Rockies Engineers sent out by the Cana dian Pacific Railway to investigate the waterpowers of the Canadian Rockies brought back the report that there was enough power out there to run all the railroads in the Century over the preceding one A London cable dated the first month gives the intimation that it is now possible to diagnose heart trouble by phone one hundred miles away A recent experiment was con ducted between Dr house on the Isle of Wight where the seismolo gist and four physicians using an or dinary- to the London A stethoscope held recently voting the heart in a familiar manner had of that it attached a telephone relay invented intends to establish electric service by Sidney Brown means of the Rockies and by the superior mountain climbing abilities of- the world Sir Thomas listened interestedly President of the Canadian Pacific beating of a womans heart in declares that one of the rea- minute sounds are magnified discovery appears The A cablegram from London April states that the House of Lords without division passed the ATKINSON Agent budget bill which now awaits Royal assent The despatch goes on to say The finance hill emhodies all of LloydGeorges innovations which to foreshadow electric locomotives practically possibilities of a physician in disadvantages of grades which to diagnosing a case in Newmarket prescribing therefore without the ne cessity of a trolly Murdered in his Barnyard caused the Lords to reject the when it appeared before them in bill No- opened at Stony Creek tonight into the death of Elijah J who Stony Creek April A motive and much circmstantial evidence jvemher last thus precipitating the were brought to light at the inquest general election Chief of these in novations is the land tax which pro poses to take from the landlord a was murdered in his barnyard portion of the unearned increment on Tuesday his land to tax undeveloped land and It was shown that there had been to levy reversion duties The bill in trouble between ihe son Thomas addition places heavier taxes on deceased for some time previous increases to murder The father had corn- w and tobacco duties sub- plained often to George Milieu thatj to neither his son nor his sons wife treating him right Blood stains were found on a pair overalls worn by the son on the morning of the rnuder He could not account for the blood and has made several contradictory statements Medical evidence showed that de ceased came to his death by bung struck on the head now confront the steam locomotives In this manner miles of track arc to be electrified by the melting snows of the mountain tops According to the estimates passed Twelve thousand horsepower at by- Parliament during the present Bennington Falls in the Rockies are the Government purpose ex- transmitted eighty miles to be used pending this year towards complet- for transportation mining and smelt- in the Newmarket Canal the sum j ting At Vancouver some of The member for West horsepower arc derived from the ad- York moved against the jacent high heads Here plans are in committee but it was lost being considered by a company for the by two to one on a division Pre- construction of a large paper ami parations are now being made for pulp mill on tbe Powell River where pushing forward this enterprise to- they will construct a hydroelectric wards completion For some reason plant with capacity of horse- Toronto people dont like the pros- power Coming eastward into the ptct of Newmarkets growing impor- 1 Province of Alberta we find Rdmon- as a manufacturing centre ton the railroad and industrial centre the P for West York dont seem of the Last West planning to to realize that the greater the tax- the Athabasca River at Grand able property here the less will he Rapids miles northwest of the County rate upon his section of the city where it Is estimated that taxation Increases the death duties and places a small tax on Stock Exchange trans actions Makes Hair Grow ROGERS CO AN THAT MAKKS HAIR GROW IN AIJUN- DANCE OR MONEY HACK If your hair Is thinning out gradu ally- it Wont be long before- the bald J spot appears time to take care of the hair la when you have to take care of For thin falling hair the best remedy known to mankind Is Parisian Sage It is compounded on scientific principles and furnishes to the hair The Globe of Friday last publishes a photogravure of Sir Richard Cart- wright the last of the Old Guards and says The Right Hon orable Sir Richard is the last of the public men of the era to hold Cabinet rank No other member of the present Gov ernment and only three men In eith er the Commons or Senate Senators Boucher de Sir John Carting and Sir Richard Scott ever held a seat in the old Parliament of Canada Sir Richard since the day he entered that Assem bly in has been concerned entire ly the national affairs of Canada is his seventyfifth year and as therefore spent almost two- thirds of his lifetime in Parliament As a Parliamentary debato there has probably never been a greater than Sir Richard in Canadian public life and only a few have been more tlye on the hustings i i The Toronto World and the P promptly and causes the hair to Mr on the door But remember this it kills the World dandrufl the pest that appro- all the natural nourishment that the rlstrvr of J US- that should go to the hair root was giving an undue amount of Parisian Sage is sold by ft L Rog- Geo era Co under a positive th aw tee to banish dandruff top falling connected The hair and Itching scalp In two weel of Justice stated that he had or money back given considerable work to Mr to womens hair a lustre the latter was the best and radiance that in moat fascinating handle the cases and causes it to grow abundantly noInt to the charge that Parisian agc Is now sold every was giving work- to his former AretclaSS town In Canada A large partners Mr declar- generous bottle costs cents and that since he had become a girl with auburn hair Is on every ber of Parliament and of incut he had no manner of financial pmWB CURBS CATARRH ASTHMA Croup Cotfgbl CoMi or Sold guaranteed NORMAN Li CO Interest In nor had they re- a dollars worth of business since He Added that previous to his becoming a member of the Government the firm had received considerable business from the Gov ernment I Discovery and Invention Seemed titled to mark the worlds progress in the present century as It crowned the county his section of the horsepower can developed The cost of the transmission line to may wonder why it the city is estimated at a of the Coal on the banks the Sas katchewan in close proximity to the city will be a strong competitor to the waterpower hut these energetic citizens have evidently figured out that they can transmit this electric energy miles and still sell it cheap enough to make a second Winnipeg Clayton Jones Sometimes you takes so much more brand of tea than of the brand Perhaps you wouldnt wond er if you knew how little value there Is In broken stems and dust and how much of this useless stuff you are paying good money for Look for the Government warranty Its a big subject and a very Important one and the Canadian Home Journal is tack ling it in the way The May number deals well with a number of different interesting sub jects Money allowances lor wives- give the ladies a chance to prove their intelligent handling of the coin No wonder the girls prefer to earn their money and spend it as they please begging the head of the family for a fewcoppers If youve an unattrac tive place get- into the swing mod ern limes and fix it up get your grey matter working and can probably do it at very lit tle expense it really takes less money than brains Collier Ste venson has some suggestive ideas and pictures that may help writing on The Great Silent Force In Canadian Development Canadian Magazine for May in The You must not judge the world by the fact that you can see little good out of red eyes Its Easy to 0 Killed by Lightning Chatham Ojti May I oh S teen a prominent fanner of Chatham Tp was struck by lightning and Instant ly killed this afternoon About three oclock Chatham and vicinity was visited by the most dan gerous electrical storm In years Mr and his young daughter saw the storm coming and went out into barnyard to gather In a flock of gos lings They were in a field hack of the barn when the storm broke upon One flash of lightning struck Mr Ills daughter who was some distance away felt force of the shock and was stunned for an Instant She turned towards her father only t sec him totter and fall When she reached his side ho was dead death having been Instan taneous There are times when an ounce of ingenuity discounts a ton of energy Children FOR FLETCHERS TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAIN I use Dr Miles AntiPain Pills for Neuralgia LaGrippc and all pains I dont intend to be without them for I find ready relief in them for every thing I use them for MRS MILLER W St Davenport la All Pain In my family Dr Miles AntiPain Pills are used for headache colic and other pains and always give relief once FOWLER R D No Dunn N C Price at your druggist He should supply you If he does noti tend price to forvard prepaid DR MILES MEDICAL CO Toronto At Ottawa on Tuesday evening last a banquet tendered Hon Fielding Minister of Finance Hon W Ross Senator presided as Master of Ceremonies The banquet was given the Parliament Restau rant and was attended by leading men of the Liberal party and also by friends of the honored Minister who respect him despite his politics Dur ing the evening a purse of was presented to him as a token of the high appreciation in which the Liberal party and indeed men out side the party entertain toward him It is stated than a year ago a committee of about a dozen men were appointed to engineer the work of raising a purse by subscrip tion Hundreds of men throughout the Dominion have thereby been enabl ed to attest their large appreciation of a man who despite the varied opportunities of his position to make good is notably a man in quite or dinary circumstances This generous response to the subscription commit tees appeal is therefore a marked testimonial to the worth of the honored gentleman and the esteem in which he is held Speaking of his past career the Ottawa correspondent to the Toronto Star has these observations For fifteen years Mr Fielding was Premier of his native Pro vince and then Sir- Wilfrid called him to Ottawa added to his prestige by his preferential trade policy his firm attitude towards Germany which was lately vindi cated and his action to prevent dumping of foreign goods In Cana at less than the cost of pro duction Latterly his handling of American situation resulted in peace with honor During his regime ne gotiated a Canadian loan at lowest rates and more recently arranged the FrancoCanadian treaty list of doners is of course anonymous Hon Mr Fielding being made aware only of the fact that the gift is simply a testimonial from friends to mark the gratitude of the people whom he has so long and faith fully served and to enable him to feel that hereafter he be comparative ly free from financial worry for him self or ramify January 31st About 1st 1909 I was taken deathly sick with Stomach Backache and General Breakdown I failed from pounds down to SO pounds was confined to bed for eight weeks and was unable to eat or keep anything on my stomach vomiting nearly all the time I expected to die and took many remedies as well as employing different physicians The doctors said they could do nothing for me and as a last resort one of the doctors told me to try they would not cure me nothing would My husband bought from Sir Arthur Roleau merchant of and I started taking them at once and inside often days I was able to leave my bed My stomach got strong and I could tat and retain my food I gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again arid today I weigh as much as ever pounds LAUREN CADIFCX Even the doctors are recommending Fruitatives They realize now that these wonderful fruit juice tablets will positively cure all Stomach Troubles Indigestion and Dyspepsia and they are using in their practice Few people realize the vital impor- tance of keeping their blood pure Impure blood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble because it is from the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food When the blood is laden with impurities the fluid or Gastric Juice will be impure These impurities may come from a congested liver from Constipation from weak kidneys from an inactive skin or from all four Naturally the ordinary digestive powders tablets will not cure the trouble because they only help to dissolve tbe food they do not go totheseat of tbe trouble Fruit- a LAURENT CADIEUX 7 trial size If you are unable to obtain conveniently do not accept substitutes but send to Fruitativea Limited Ottawa and the regular size packages will be mailed you postpaid on receipt of price A Remarkable Pro- About Canada Fiftythree years ago Hon Seward then Senator from New York- made a summer trip to Canada and sailed from Quebec to spend two months cruising in the Gil If of St Lawrence and along the coast of Labrador During his trip he kept a diary which a wonder ful prophecy- about Canada has just been Ifhcartbed by Busy Mans Maga zine The prophecy in part reads as follows Hitherto in common with most of my countrymen as I suppose have thought Canada or to speak for accurately north of the United States easily detachable from the parent state but incapable of sus taining itself and therefore ultimate ly nay right soon to be taken in by the Federal Union without ma terially changing or affecting its own Condition or development I have dropped the opinion as a national conceit I See In the British North America stretching as it does across the continent from the shores of La brador and Newfoundland to the clfic arid occupying a considerable belt of the Temperate Zone travers ed equally with the United States by the lakes and enjoying the magnifi cent shores of the St Lawrence with its thousands of Islands In the river and gulf a region grand enough for the seat of a great empire In its A little sympathy that gets into our feet is worth a whole lot of sor row that never soaks deeper than out feelings Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS Painful Stitches in the Back wheatfields in the west its broad ranges of the chase at the north its lumber lands the most extensive now remaining on tho globe its valuable fisheries and its yet un disturbed mineral products I sec the elements of wealth I find its in habitants vigorous hardy energetic perfected by the Protestant religion and constitutional liberty I find them jealous of the United States and of Great Britain as they ought to he and therefore when I look at their extent and resources I know No one but those who are afflicted they can neither he conquered by the with dreadful Kidney Disease former nor permanently held by the knows what this means and latter They will he independent as who are so afflicted will forget all they are already selfsustaining about it in a few days if you are escaped the curse of slavery they only wise- enough to take will never submit themselves to the PILLS FIG PILLS arc guaranteed domination of slaveholders which pre- to curc you If not your money vails in and determines the character hack of United States They will be a a box at all leading behind the United States stores which to them will be Franco and England But they will be a very different Russia from that which fills all southern Europe with termor and by reason of that superiority they will be the more terrible to the I dwellers in the southern latitudes The policy of the United States is to propitiate and secure the alliance of Canada while it Is yet young and incurious of its future But on the other hand the policy which the States actually pursues is the in fatuated one of rejecting and spurn ing vigorous perennial and ever growing Canada while seeking to es tablish feeble states out of decaying Spanish provinces on the coast and in the islands of the Qui of Mexico I shall not to see it but the man is already born who will see the United States mourn over its stupen dous folly which is only preparing the way for ultimate danger and downfall All southern political stars must set though many times they rise again with splen dor But those which illuminate the pole remain for ever shining forever increasing in splendor A start which will lead you into a good salaried position Knter our College NOW and be ready for a situation in the fall when business is at its best We are locating well qualified young people every day Why not let lis help you Start any day No vacations Catalogue free Write Central business College Toronto W Principal I RAILWAY Sickness is usually caused by the accu mulation of waste matter and within the body Dr Morses Indian Root Pills enable the bowels the kidneys the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities Thus they prevent or cure dis ease a box Excursions To Western Canada Through the metropolis of Chicago thence via and Fort Frances or through Chicago and the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul May 17 and 31 Via and Naviga tion Company Steamer leaves pm May and Edmonton and return and return- Proportionate rates to other west ern points TICKETS GOOD FOR CO DAYS Secure tickets and full information from J Depot Agent t A joke that is hard to crack Is no chestnut anyhow TAKE NOTICE that Samuel Stal- of the City of Toronto in County of York in the Province of Ontario the husband of Ethel Stal- will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next Sessions thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife the said Ethel of the Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario on the ground of adultery DATED at the City of Toronto Countv of York Province of Ontario the day of April Godfrey Phelan and Henderson Toronto street Toronto I Solicitors for said Samuel I v I A

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