Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 8, 1910, p. 8

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alcoholic arsa i If you think you need a tonic ask your doctor If you think you need something for your blood ask your doctor If you think you would like to try nonalcoholic Sarsapa- riila ask your doctor Con sult him often Keep In close touch with him public oar alcohol o HTM job to doctor around Hie Hub COR- SIX WuBYHY BRADFORD Tuesday last Mr Angus Gunn dug up in his garden a parsnip which measured feet A inches in length He says he never saw anything like it before Now ye vegetable raisers can you beat this Witness 0 Death and Resurrection 1 ASPECT OF Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation His long list will begin with sickheadache biliousness dyspepsia thin blood bad skin Then ask him if he would recommend your using Pills If J CO House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale two Choice Building Lots in market in excellent locations Apply to JACKSON 3wl0 Russell Snider met with a severe accident on Tuesday He was mov ing a circular saw and frame on a stoneboat The shifting of the carriage threw him off his leg getting caught Both bones were broken between the ankle and knee- Cecil Snider who is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever has returned to town There is great- activity in the tele- j phone business The Bolton com- pa is building the line and the King company is building towards For Sale Brick House 12 rooms domestic water and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box 146 FOR SALE Fire Wood in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG Boarding House to Rent Together with furnishings Also a lot of Square Timber and Lumber for Bale Terms reasonable as the un dersigned and his wife have separat ed by mutual consent Apply to SAMUEL JOHNSTON ZEPHYR The Basket Social at he home of Mr John Profit on night was a grand success in every way everybody enjoyed the pro gram very much as well aa the ladies eatables contained in the Baskets although Mr some of the young men pay up pretty well for trie privilege of enjoying the company of the j young lady and her goodcooking Mr Frank Cook is two cars of lumber every week from the station Mr Clark iocs not think much of the way the have been cut up going across to the station and does not hesitate to say bo in pretty strong language SCHOMBERG spells Sup pose husband wife or bom member- of the family sob tains a cut or a bad which or turns nooning Re nit off work What oca that meau at pa 1 prevent cuta or injuries turning the wrung way Apply it immediately and it and starts Thero is an other inspect If you have in the family ma ringworm ulceration or any disease try first dont spend money on experi- nieming I wto- I event ually Do it now and of tho thinga Rear these persona Mr A M Brook Wellington Street it I had at first it would havo me boo res of dollars a well as hours of agony Mr oks baa been red of eczema He says My neck chctand bo covered with terrible disease Tho itching burning and smarting I Buffered none who has hot pone through it ca 1 Doctors lotions Ealves and prescriptions didnt mo a bit of rood an from one thing to another I pissed only to find it was without through a Continued from page In the distance a murky cloud appears causing anappalling gloom shapes still darker rivalling in blackness Egyptian midnight are seen flitting two and fro above and on either side of tne terrorstricken crowd malignant emissaries of his satanlc majesty while as tokens of the coming vengeance may be heard the low of the rolling thun der See with what- malicious joy they seize the companions of their fu ture woe and drag them to the dread tribunal As the waves of some mighty sea roll on towar1 the shore so the advance columns of these lefthanddirected throngs may be seen surging on to their destina tion In them we behold a multitude of all ages and of every hue of crim inality from the slightest deviation besmeared bodies of the followers of the Voltaire and Paine who denied the existence of a God find that he not only exists but that to them he is a fire who thought he was taking a leap in the dark now finds himself in a light unquenchable- Rosseau Ro bespierre the infamous St Just and Didorot wake up and find to their eternal mortification that death is not an eternal sleep Here he who listened and yielded when the evil one suggested Is it not a little thfoig- and he who drew sin as it were with a cart vast multi tude of all grades of unrighteousness who have been Reserved unto the day of destruction when the wicked shall be turned into hell with all the na tions that forget God If we look farther back another scene presents itself Universal con flagration has begun The destroying angel is already grasping the light- he touches and he who shed the blood that the mountains and they smoke the cried for vengeance from the rivers dry up and disappear the an innumerable host of antediluvian works of man melt like wax Etna Close behind urged on to Vesuvius and Stromboli open their sinners their inevitable doom by ten thousand apostate angels comes a motley crowd who in sin had grown great as the tall sons of Already as in earnest of their future torture long For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with 215 feet frontagfrFino building lot Hard and soft water on the place Must be sold as the owner is going West Apply on the premises THOS Superior st Newmarket INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness fire and lightning for terms of J or 12 months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars CM Hughes Agent Fire Life Accident Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot of houses and lots for sale also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms For Sale That valuable property on street Newmarket known as The Kelman Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich Fine large garden fruit treks Fine lawn with shade trees and Flowing well Furnace and Stable A Grand Home for any OH AS J McIIAUv of Kb ate John and William Han- Ion convicted at on a charge of shooting a moose in the Parry Sound district on Nov 10 last without a license were each fined and costs The home of Mr and Mrs proctor was the scene of a very when their daugh ter Laura was the holy bond of matrimony Nelson Scott Loth of Linton The Rev Gibson rector of St Mary Magdelnie Church per- formed the The bride was beautifully attired in white Bilk mull trimmed with seeded jiearls Her travelling suit was taffeta with picture hatlo match The happy couple left on the evening train for unknown points Mr Frank Jennings sustained a tended severe loss in the sudden death of spent one of his heavy horses on day afternoon The team had Miss been to the bush for a light load of earth for Mr Browns green house when the horse suddenly buy I can thit a few weeks a- 1 of the mm hftd me In its yrip or over in the flrtt I iuJ uvea lot Mr of S Ponlfae Mr it fche idi colored and my whole iritl and th- I in a doctor he it You I the finHi and me the hospital did they cut it refill- I to try pa- thlibilmatrj I it took four to the bit by It to In lew ttir eks the t I healthy It only I badKtZauj All and rilraei are by a scalp healing or mouths and pour forth volumes of melted lava the internal fiery ocean breaks through the crust beneath our feet and presents a molten sea the heavens begin to pass away with a the sulphurous stench of brimstone great noiseclouds of concentrated from their bodies rises until it pollute blackness clash with clouds striking the surrounding air Only one among from their sides vivid forks of light ningthunders roll throughout the vast expanse reverberating ec hoes and bolts of lurid fire from hea ven add horror to the scene causing the elements to melt with fervent heatthe firmament to pass as a scroll and earth and all things there in to he burned up But now each column has reached the great White Throne On the seat of justice arrayed in terrible majesty sits the Most High the arbiter of the Worlds destiny As far as the eye can roach the right and to the left stretch the myriads of earths past present and future populations On the right is the indefinite number them is known to us and she a standing monument of mans besetting sin She too comes forth for judg ment and her companions the inhab itants of Sodom and the cities of the plain no longer groping in blindness sec too plainly the face of Lots il lustrious guest Another group pre sents itself and in it may be seen the rebellious Koran and Ablhu who went- down alive into the pit when the earth opened its mouth also the two hundred and fifty firedestroyed princes of the as sembly who sinned against their own souls and at no great distance are other princes confederates in the ill reign of Darius against the holy Daniel jstylcd by St John the hundred and But who is this grasped with a vice- fortyfour thousand who had made like grip by one of the infernal re- their robes white in the Mood of the strongest angels as if the Lamb Backed as they are by the lrincoof Darkness feared the loss of many legions of shining seraphs il- A very pleasant evening was The next meeting will be at commenced to stagger ami few minutes dropped dead in a Huron morning f The home- Good and Good night arc carefully said by oro to another are lift homes of where good thoughts are generated where good deeds have place and from whence go out good lives One fclep wont lake you very far got to on walking one Word wont tell folks what you are youve got to keep on inch wont make you very tall youve got to on growing one little ad ontdo it all youve got to ftn going There la fcweet in every home where the heart are touched by gcntkriess and The mili he gentle answer the tender act- the patient touch chords of and make sweet melody in the family zji A desolate dreary placis a of little courtesies in the best social life KINO The Ayhswoith Club held an at home on Monday evening March in Hall The hall was elaborately decorated for the occa sion and was filled overflowing by the Liberals of south of the township The chair- was filled by Cornelius Will White Concert comedian Miss Davis vocalist and tin- Ball Orches tra of Toronto provided one of tin- best entertainments ever given in King City Addresses were made by son of the Minister of by Mr Millar MI Mi Miller gave an excellent review of and na tional affairs Over members Were enrolled In the tiuh and tin heautl- mem ship badges brightened the an- President c 1st irl toni it A MrDonald J After he set program and speeches young people enjoyed a bop to towiesons was home for ter The social given by the Ladies Aid Of the Methodist Church was well at tended on March After tea had been partaken of a good program was provided consisting of violin duets by Miss and vocal solos by Mrs T Miss Leila Morton and the Misses Viva and Kern Cole reading by Miss Hel en War riper and Miss a short address by Mr Morton of Victoria College- and four selections by the Keswick Male Choir Mr Ira Morton occupied the chair Mr Morton has spend ing a couple of weeks at s borne here Mr Morris a Victoria College stu dent occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday and Mr Morton addressed the League at night a victim so dyed with guilt ft is the ghost of the traitor iuoas Oh how horrible is the sight of that distorted countenance hideously deformed by an odious sin a wretch accursed the abhorred of nations I Justice has branded his wrinkled brow with a mark more indelible than that of Cains a mark of eternal in famy and unparalleled disgrace See how he Writhes to free himself from the unyielding grasp of his ter rible captor desirous of going to his own place by any road rather than face Him whom he had so basely But no the fiat of the by the rays of the Sun of Righteousness how beautiful stand each waiting for invitation that will waft them to brighter glories and to greater joys On left darkness reigns dark ness palpable Occasional flashes from the- pit of eternal torment which is already open to reccjve them lights l their terrorstricken countenances portraying conscious knowledge of ut ter ruin and dismay the curses of Sinai rest upon and the horrors Of Golgotha enshroud them The hooks are opened One dark with the pages of iniquity arid guilt with mighty has gone forth overwhelmed the other bright with the deeds of with despair stricken with terror with staring and face aghast with irresistible impulse he takes his place at the loft hand of the Eternal Next comes a brace of sinners no less reluctant than the arch traitor in yielding obedience to the summons from the dead One the wifeslaying son murdering infant slaughtering Herod the other the Galilean blood stained Pilate who condemned the hi- Felix and fomogcncs and Alexander the coppersmith Mill on they come Pharisees oppressors blasphemers persecutors infidels and atheists Trajan and Julian the apostate find that the time of retributive jus tice has arrived a day for which they had caused the saints bitterly to cry Lord how long Nero is now about to realize that there are other ways of lighting up the surrounding darkness than the blaze the tar- in Thirteen firemen suffered injuries it blaze at Montreal In is of the Club pi A a worth I cloak suit factory The loss about A young man who worked in a store noticed one day after a had bought some goods and gone home that he had charged her- few cents too much At first be thought Oh well I can give it to her the next time she comes to the itore Then the devil whispered tempting him to Keep it she will never miss it never mind a few The Liberals parts of were the the enchanting strains of r Many well ktlQWli present from various Riding This was of the most enjoy able political events of the year and Mr great successes in the nation are appreciate- clerk said just as No decided that as the store closed III evening he would walk to her home and give her the money long way and quite late readied the place and the much surprised and said It was a when he woman was You must i A COLD IN ONE DAY The and Ccragh Medicine GUARANTEED a bottle at all stores Too late for last week Miss Porte of Toronto is visiting RisUc Mrs Carmen Among the visitors here for holidays we notice Miss C and Miss Lloyd at Mr 1 Mar- Miss and Miss Mann at their homes Misses and Mor ion and Mr Dales of Toronto atMor- Park Miss Dorothy Pollock was at home to a number of her friends on Wednesday Miss Joy left last with relatives in New York State The on Tuesday and he an honest young man shall be glad to trade with you lie left very happy as he walked home He- cause nothing could tempt him to be dishonest he earned the nickname among his friends of Honest Abe Lincoln and afterwards he became President of the United States I I it Mr largely at- Blood Will Tell Strength stamina and vital ity depend upon the blood supply Keep it pure fresh and red with PILLS Sold livery where In ox Youll Sleep More Soundly You Keep Healthy Willi Dr Morses Indian Root Pills ill i ill The man or I woman With a good appetite sound digestion and bowels and kidneys working right is never troubled much with sleeplessness It is when the bowels become constipated and the liver and kidneys sluggish that the trouble begins Lazy liver and constipated bowels quickly bring on biliousness indigestion and sick head aches making a sound refreshing nights sleep impossible Or the inactive kidneys allow the blood to becomes loaded with uric acid which causes rheumatism with all its sleepdestroying tortures Dr Morses Indian Root Pills taken regularly Induce sweet and dreamless sleep by keeping all these organs active and regular The headaches disappear the digestion becomes good gain the blood purified and perfect health returns Dr Mews Indian Root a favorite household remedy in Canada for over half a century and they arc In daily use throughout the world Being purely vegetable they are safe for young and old Made by H Comstock Go Ltd Brockville Ont and sold by all dealers at a box a cored Ont January 31st About March 1st I was taken deathly with Stomach Trouble Backache and General Breakdown I failed from pounds down to pounds was confined to bed for eight weeks and was unable to eat or keep anything on my stomach vomiting nearly all the time I expected to die and took many remedies as well as employing different physicians The doctors said they could do nothing for me and as a last resort one of the doctors told me to try they would not cure me nothing would- My husband bought from Mr Arthur merchant of and I started taking them at once and inside often days I was able to leave my bed My stomach got strong and could eat and retain my food I gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again and today I weigh as much as ever pounds LAURENT CADIEUX Even the doctors are recommending Fruitatives They realize now that these wonderful fruit juice tablets will positively cure all Stomach Troubles Indigestion and Dyspepsia and they are using in their practice Few people realize the vital impor tance of keeping their blood pure Impure blood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble because it is from the blood that the stomach obtains the fluid which digests food When the blood is laden with impurities the disolving fluid or Gastric Juice will be impure These impurities may come from a congested liver from Constipation from weak kidneys from an inactive skin or from all four Naturally the ordinary digestive powders and pepsin tablets will not cure the trouble because they LAURENT CADIEUX equalled a bloodpurifying medicine Fruitatives acts directly on the liver regulates the bowels strengthens the kidneys stimulates the skin and thus rids the whole accept substitutes but send to Fruitatives Limited Ottawa and the regular size packages will be mailed you postpaid on receipt of price Saionna qui immortal glory and illuminated the blood of Christ At once throughout the glowing multitude of Cherubim and Seraphim and in the midst of the darkness a solemn silence reigns every eye Is directed towards the Judge here are no marshalling of witnesses lie not that anv should testify of man all secrets are known to Him ami all hearts are open to the eyes of Him with whom they have to do The wicked have not even the cover ing- of hide their natures God pronounces sentence To the right he turns with benignity and celestial love beaming from His coun tenance with a voice which reaches the outmost hounds of the isscmblctl millions sending a thrill of unspen- joy to every soul He gives the promised invitation Come ye blessed of Father Suddenly as witir one consent a shout of Jov arises from the deep recesses of ev ery heart ten thousand times ten thousand ministering spirits their harps of gold and press with eager haste to lead the throng the Jerusalem that III may dwell within its walls of- jasper and walk its streets of gold As advance with its vol uptuous swell again is heard aid every heart bounds with We are often captivated with the melody of a human voice hut Oh what must hear a Seraph sing And if the strains of a Seraph aie so what will it he when the morning stars are sinking to gether and all the Sons of are shouting for joy The music still increases peal on peal resounds and echoes oer the heavenly plains The pearly gates fly open are led within the walls the is done the multitude of sons have been from afar and his daughters from the ends of the earth and with the myriads of angels who have had charge over them they are gathered home One mighty angel Is saving to another Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts the saints join the angelic choir and an anthem so loud so sublime Is heard that the arches of the canopy of hea ven as with sympathetic joy Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor hath it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those that love Him The attention of Him who sits up on the throne Is now directed to the guiltstained multitude at his left As the thunders rolled about Sinai at the giving of the law so thunder answers to thunder but with re doubled echoes while God pronounces the penally for the violation of law With a brow on which Ottawa April li The total revenue for the fiscal year will reach The customs revenue will be as against last year Children FOR FLETCHERS Excursions TO Western Canada stern justice may be seen clouded with an indignant frown without ono single ray of mercy He looks upon the congregated vessels 01 his wrath and with a voice which sinks with llhg into every heart he ters his last anathema Depart ye cursed f Not the- united efforts of ten thousand millions combined back ed by the Devil and his satanic hosts can resist that terrible sentence that irrevocable mandate For a moment an awful silence ensues One only in that eternally doomed throng ven tures an appeal a presumptuous Pharisee steps from the ranks and Have we not prophesied in Thy name is heard when a withering look from the great Omniscient drives him hack a selfconvicted wretch Vow the lostforever lostseized Through the metropolis of Chicago thence via and Fort Frances or through Chicago and the twin ci ties of Minneapolis and St Paul APRIL 5th and Winning and return Edmonton and return Tickets Good for 60 Days Proportionate rates to principal points in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta including certain point on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway LOW COLONIST- RATES TO PA CIFIC COAST DAILY UNTIL APRIL J Ticket Agent with all the frenzy send up a shriek which seems to rend the heavens it is heard iti hell the de mons know that sound and with ft- delight rush forth to meet them an hideous host In diabolic shapes of every shade of blackness With the rapidity of lightning they make their way through the horrible tempest oi lire ami brimstone and each grasps with the malignant eag erness the future companion his unending torment whilst the gigan tic form of the dread Ruler of the pit wailing seizes the traitor Ju das and hurls him speechless with eyes starting from their sockets and face aghast into the hottest portion of the unfathomable abyss of liquid lire Not one guilty wretch is for gotten but all urged on by Gods Irresistible ministers of vengeance are driven through the gates of hell and fall in the words of Milton into A dungeon on all As one great furnace tried yet from those lames No light hut rather darkness visible Served to discover sights of woo Region of sorrow doleful shades where peace And rest can never dwell hut tor ture without end- Still urges on a fiery deluge fed With- everburning sulphcr Let us now descend from our imag inary lofty eminence to the sttfrn re alities of the yet existing world and lot us not forget that he wlio writes and they who read are aW destined to he not disinterested- spectators but real actors in the solemn and terrible scenes on the last Lay Richmond Hill I many of thorn No two canon arc alike and let us toll you How and Why Wo Health and depend upon your tooth matter careful thoughtf NEW YORK DENTISTS CORAtLApE SECURED the business of Manufacturer and others who the of having their Patent business transacted Preliminary advice Charge dread that CURES CATARRH ASTHMA Bronchitis Croup Coughs and Colds or money Sold and guaranteed NORMAN A CO Barrio April A little son ol las P Cavanagh was allowed out from his home attcr being ill several months and was drowned in a cistern Win Price a neighbor The child was in the water over an hour before being discovered Children FOR FLETCHERS Montreal I and EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights a sketch and ascertain pur opinion whether an lOTonllon Is probably HANDBOOK on Patent Oldest for patents through Mann A Co notice c La tho Scientific American A weekly Largest cu of an Journal for Sold Mew York Office S I r a r 1- r

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