Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1910, p. 8

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I J Ask your doctor about these throat coughs He will tell you how deceptive they are A tackling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead Better explain your case care fully to your doctor and ask him about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral f around foe COR- TOD TO our ers banish alcohol oar We org to your doe tor Who makes the best liver pills The J C Ayer Company of Lowell Mass They have been making Ayers Pills for over sixty years If you have the slight est doubt about using these mils ask your doctor Do as he says by J I House for Sale Niagara St Stable excellent gar den large and small fruit hard and water tap on lawn MRS J DAVISON For Sale House rooms domestic miter and cistern New stable on lot Apply to Box 146 Newmarket FOR SALE Fire in any form to suit the purchaser Must be sold The tim ber is on the farm Apply to ARMSTRONG It is rumored that our planing fac tory is about to be closed down for a time- The Easter market was largely at tended here on Thursday being over stocked with butter and eggs Twentyone carloads of have been shipped from this point since Jan 1st LINE KING 2 RICHMOND HILL Mr and Mrs L New market visited with Mr- and Mrs Saturday afternoon- and evening The Richmond Hill Agricultural So ciety held a meeting on Saturday when the prize list was revised and judges were appointed- for the annual fair on the of May Liberal- c The regular monthly meeting of the Vandorf Womens Institute met at the home of Miss K MacKenzie Vandorf March 15 Miss gave a paper on Spring Sewing giving many useful hints for dress making and describing the new Spring fashions Mrs Marshall Wilson and Mrs Geo Fetch have a paper on The Sunny Side of Life Instru ments Is were given by Miss Ellis and Miss Atkinson Miss Bertie Atkin son The April meeting will be can celled owing to bad roads Alvin Davis left for the West on the of this month in charge of a carload of stock Mrs Linfoot is home after spending a few weeks with friends at Mr Robert Ezard of has the contract for digging a well for Mr Linroot Win Ward died at the home of his soninlaw Mr Thomas Graham King on Friday last aged 94 years Deceased came to Canada from Lin colnshire about fifty years ago and settled in Toronto Gore afterwards moving to where he resid ed until about fifteen years ago since which time he has been living with his soninlaw He is survived by three children Mrs Graham Ed ward of and Henry of The funeral took dace to Laural Hill Cemetery Rev Mc kinley conducting a short service at the house Bolton MADE A ROW St John Sun Andrew Green an able bodied imbibed freely but not wisely on Sat urday afternoon and obtained a fight ing jag The place he sought for a battle ground was in ttie country market where he assualted and beat James Rogers He was quickly jump ed on by Officers Marshall and Craw ford with the aid of a few oth ers landed the liquorcrazed man on a sloven and conveyed him to the cen tral police station He was allowed to go on leaving a deposit of for his- appearance in court in the morn ing I A GRECIAN LEGEND awestricken prophet those us who obeying the taws of the Ma jesty Heaven and who have laid their sins on the Redeemer who has made atonement for them will certainty inherit a mansion in tbat Realm of flashing glory and beauty It not only loses flavour but worse than this loose tea takes on new odors such as coaloil molasses onions coffee soap etc to say nothing of its exposure to the sun dust dirt and air Therefore for your -xJCJ- For Sale A comfortable house and corner lot with 215 feet frontage Fine building tot Hard and soft water on the place Must be sold as the owner is West Apply on the premises THOS I Superior Newmarket INSURE YOUR Horses and Cattle from accident sickness fire and lightning for terms of or 12 months or shipping trips Enquire for particulars Hughes Agent Fire Sickness Guar antee Burglary etc Insurances Real Estate Have always a lot Of houses and lots for sale also a few farms Money to Loan on first Mortgage on farms For Sale That valuable properly on as Huron street Newmarket known The Homestead A beautiful home grand situation rich soil Fine large garden fruit trees Fine lawn with shade trees and hedges Plowing well Furnace and Stable A Grand Home for arty Person- For Particulars see J Executors of Estate Mr Fred Skinner has purchased the premises occupied by Mr Fred Leon ard Mr Skinner intends conducting an undertaking business St Patricks Day was honored An the home of Mr and Mrs Deacon by a number of their neigh bors and friends The company gathered in order that they might show their application of Mr and Mrs Deacon s neighborly qualities in a tangible form before they de part to their new home- in the west mark of high esteem the friends presented Mr and Mrs Deacon with a beautiful parlor suite ac companied by an appropriate address 150 240 BRADFORD Upwards of fifty unmuzzled i Grill la lust month logs were kill J in On seizure of fishing nets Windsor Out March An fiuh JVas this side the International boundary lineit Lake Erie by Game Warden ncts and over half a ton of flsn all Fosters have been ing a public meeting of the residents and property owners of the Town ships of King East West and the Village of Bradford to be held in the Town Hall Bradford on Friday April at oclock pm Prof Win Day of the Ontario Agricultural College will he present and discuss the feasi bility of SO lowering the waters of the Holland River west and south of the Bradford Bridge as to drain the marsh through which such waters flow with the object of reclaiming a vast acreage for agricultural purposes In the Townships of King ami West No doubt every person interested make a special to be present at the meeting The following Hero appeared in the sporting page of Monday Dally Globe For the fourth time Bradford lacrosse team intermediate champions of in lKK and 1909 have received an invitation from the Crescent Club of New York to play on the Bay Ridge grounds in Jury The invitation has been and while on the trip champions will also play in Buf and Baltimore suitable King Council Council met at Temperance Hall Kettleby on Saturday March Members all present Minutes of last regular and adjourned meet ings received and confirmed The following bills were ordered to be paid J Billings months pay Lumber printing timber bills The Thistle Rubber Type Co rubber stamps Kerr re quarantine re A Totten work road work E Edwards yds gravel iWeiSs Phillips That John be is hereby appoint ed Road overseer for road No Con in lieu of Reynolds Lemon That Porter paid re sheep claim Walls Phillips That Enoch Sea- ton be appointed road overseer for Con in lieu of Robinson removed Phillips- Wells That Archie Mit chell be paid the sum of for services re quarantine re Lemon That a grant of be given to grade and im prove sideroad between lots- 25 Con rear end properly known as Webbs Hill Com James Rams- den and Hugh Archibald Weil Phillips That a grant of be given to gravel sideroad between lots tis Con 3 Hunt and Frank Burling Com Lemon That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized lo pre pare a ByLaw repealing the By- Law now in effect granting a bonus to wire fences erected along the public highway Motion lost Wefts That and Webb Assessors each be paid the sum of on account J Me Galium and John be appoint ed to operate the road machines for for the South am North divisions of the Township respec tively Phillips Lemon a meeting of the council be cajjednt the Temperance Hall on Saturday May at am to designate the boundaries of several for other general business and that Clerk be authorized to notify all secretar ies school boards in the munic ipality When Bacchus was a boy he jour neyed through Hellas to go to and as the way was very long he grew and sat down upon a stone to rest As he sat there with his eyes upon the ground he saw a little plant spring up between his feet and was so much pleased with it he de termined to take it with him plant it in He took it up and carried it away with him but the sun was so very hot he feared it might wither before he reached his destination He found a which he thrust it and went on But in his hand the plant sprouted so fast that it started out of thc bones above and below This gave him fresh fear of its withering and he cast about for a remedy He found a lions bone which was thick er than the birds skeleton and he stuck the skeleton with the plant in it into the hone of the lion Ere long however the plant grew out of the lions bone likewise Then he found the hone of an ass larger still than that of the lion so he it into the asss bone and thus he made his way to When about to set the plant he found that the roots had entwined themselves around the birds skeleton and the lions none and the asss and as he bone and the asss hone and as he the roots he planted it as it was and it came up speedily and bore to his great joy the most de licious grapes from which he made the first wine and gave it to men to drink But heboid a miracle When men first drank of it they sang like birds next after drinking a little more they became vigorous and gallant like lions but when they drank more still they began to behave like asses Selected LAKE By a Although a- glass of pure water whether it be fresh or seawater is invariably colorless yet in bulk it ap parently varies in hue in a most strange and remarkable manner The colors of the ocean- are most striking and beau tiful At times when the sun ihg sunk beneath the watery horizon the heavens are in a glory of carmine and gold turquoise and emerald pale mauve and amber awl the waste of waters reflects and blends the vivid coloring of the wes tern sky her heaving surface is trans formed into a veritable sea of opal gradually the fiery hues of the western sky pah away fading into a dark iiligo Or as is the case on the coast of North Africa and also A truck laden with twentyfour cans of milk standing on the platform the other morning at was caught between two north and southbound trains and smashed into kindling wood The platform was deluged with the lacteal fluid and less than three cans saved from the wreck New York March 28 The- charred body of Ruth Wheeler aged the stenographer who had lured by a decoy of employment was found in a sack on a fire escape outside the apartment of Albert the j Do something for somebody do charged with her abduction The girl it now I I sealed lead packets never in bulk had evidently been strangled with a rope and then burnt past recognition in the open gate Identification was The wireless telegraph is expected to play an important part in lake marine service this season A large made however by means of tattered I are being equipped j remains of her clothing and some machines and with numerous jewelry she wore shpre stations and few points on la March Great Lakes will be out of the We solicit the business of and others who realize the of having their Patent business Preliminary derate and Peterborough March tyfive persons were killed and 40 in- zone of communication One wire- j a boot many of them fatally in a wreck four and a half miles north of less company has planned to install a merchant of this city dropped dead big tower and station on Isle Royale j a bis home today He was down Green Mountains Iowa today on alone of the principal danger points in business on Saturday and Island Pacific pas- Lake Superior and with the station attended St Pauls Presbyterian to be erected the Canadian Gov- He got up this morning eminent at Port Arthur the largest tonight the fire About lake in the chain will be thoroughly j j an hour afterwards his wife covered There are now ready for l down and going out to the operation stations at Ma- shed she found him lying dead Heart rie Calumet Grand Mar- was the cause of death All were found still living with or and The equipment was years of age and had a splinter impaling them in the for Isle- will go out on the business here for over 50 train Many passengers were apparently killed outright J the suffering among the injured was ter rible Arms and legs were cut off The wreckage was almost crimson with blood A few of the passengers wreck first boat from years a lag That Hie Clerk elsewhere ocean assumes hereby authorized to issue brilliant cerulean azure brighter to American fishruen I i Ik CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN YEARS OLD Gin Pills did It toeing Mr Samuel Martin of for the first time would at about CO years Instead of He as on ri a cat and the picture of health It hard to believe that Mr Maxtia twenty years of hit lift in misery suffering torture from Lame He nearly all the advertised remedies household redoes but received no from any of them Some months ago seeing AUKOKA Mr A who has been confined to his for the past three is and it is hoped will be our again A number of the of the Club hire went to On Wednesday- evening to play a game of- the members of the checker club of that place At the Close of the ame the score stood in favor of Aurora A large number of neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs I at their residence Friday evening and presented them with a address accompanied by a handsome couch on the eve their departure from the old Ifartinan homestead to Aurora Missionary services were held in connection with the Methodist Church and lhal the Clerk be 10 fame sign and the Lemon That the is hereby authorized to the the Grand Trunk Hallway Co that the Council do not feci like taking and- any action with regard to lofty the cutwater of the Hut perhaps the most striking in stance la in the whole world of the wondrous apparent coloring of bodies of- water is the marvellously tiful Blue Lake in on all sides by way lofty mountains their lower ranges the Council I luxuriantly clothed with verdure down reply to a -JIM- Willi Mr Martin purchased a box h The service a popular druggist lt0tt which Mr morning and evening was tin experienced after he had taken one box Was SO jreat that he knew lie had found the right remedy at lait He bought and two more of Gin Which completed cure Age barrier to Gin They fail to cure Hack and Stiff fcfccauie pure the which tat the of trebles Gin on Ibe in curing a box for at all dealers from Brag Chemical Co A Toronto 10 A COLD IN ONE DAY The Lu g and Cwgh Medicine a bottle at all I by laymen Police Magistrate Clark of delivered an address at the morning service followed by a short address from Mr York Hi the evening Hon J- Davis of Newmarket gave an excellent The Rev Mr Dob- son at close of the morning ser vice asked for a contribution for the support of missions We derstarl the collection and sub scriptions on Sunday amounted over and there will be no difficulty In raising the balance to rnaV the even sum of Children FOR FLETCHERS Col Ice to be relieved plouiutu quite in its singular ByLaw No m re licensing Bil liard Tables etc received its sev eral readings and passed Council adjourned to meet at Hotel on Sat urday April Seven persons were killed at Pes British India in a be tween Hindus and Mohammedans Mount has broken Into a violent eruption and twelve new cra ters have opened in the mountain Children FOR that a small white nickel coin dropped into the water in the centre of the lake can be seen gyrat ing dowrtwards until it reaches the bottom apparently more than a hun dred feet beneath Hut however beautiful the varied coloring of this earth may be it has been revealed to us that the most striking feature of the Realms of Glory Is the dazzling variety and brilliance of many strange and vivid hues which prevail everything appear to glitter In a flashing corus cation of glowing coloring the cry stalline of glass is refulgent with rays of scintillating fire and the firnament described as the crystal and the I A I The Firm Behind Medicinal and Toilet Preparations When your doctor gives you a prescription and your druggist fills it you have confidence in that medicine You have good reason for that confidence for behind the medicine is the professional skill as well as the honor of two men whom you know and respect Wheii you buy what are ordinarily known as patent medicines at your drug gists what guarantee have you of either the formulae or the compounding Your druggist can give you none for the makers do not take him into their confidence Take for instance headache cures Many people hesitate to buy them because they dont know what may be in them Not so with Headache Wafers Your druggist can get the list of ingredients from us for the asking Can you think of any article you buy with which it is more important that you should have a definite guarantee made by responsible men than medicinal and toilet preparations When you buy preparations bearing the Trade Mark you have this guarantee made by the National Drug Chemical Company ONLY PRODUCT Of THIS MARK ALWAYS LOOK FOR MARK A Guarantee that Carries Weight The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada Limited is one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the world having a- Paidup Capital of over Million Dollars We have wholesale branches in Halifax St John Montreal Ottawa Kingston Toronto Hamilton London Winnipeg Calgary Nelson Vancouver and Victoria and chemical works laboratories in Montreal and Toronto We are the largest buyers of drugs and do the greater part of the wholesale drug business in Canada employ a staff of about nine hundred people and distribute in salaries dividends other expenses over One Million Dollars annually We carry a stock distri buted among our branches of about Two Million Dollars and in addition to these and other large assets our real estate and buildings are today worth about Thousand Dollars All this backs up our positive guarantee that goes with each package bearing the Trade Mark A Comprehensive Guarantee Every formula used in compounding articles has been given years of careful study and practical tests proving beyond question its value and its safety All the ingredients NADRUCO preparations are the best and purest that money can buy Every CO preparation is compounded by expert chemists in our employ men who are thoroughly qualified both by training aud experience Our confidence in NADRUCO prepara tions is best expressed by two following unconditional offers We are prepared to furnish on request to your physician or druggist or to any other phy sician or druggist in Canada a full list of the ingredients in any preparation If you are not entirely satisfied with any NADRUCO Preparation you buy return the unused portion to the druggist from whom you bought it and he has our authorization to return you the full purchase price and charge it to us If your druggist hasnt the particular NADRUCO Preparation you want in stock he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale branch The following is a partial of the NADRUCO preparations Aperient and Laxativo Kidney and Hill Utile Pills Cascira Tablets Cascsra Aromatic Fruit Saline Blood Stomach livers Herb Tea Bowel Complaints Blackberry Cordial Wild Strawberry of For Children Cough Syrup Powder Babys Tablet Worm Syrup Powder wick Syrup of Coughs and Coldi Cough Syrup Hive Syrup Jlcorltc And sices Throat Pastilles Dyspepsia Indigestion Tablets- Dyspepsia Tablet EyeTirouMeai Bye Water aire Foot Remedies 1 Corn Cure Liquid Salve Foot Powder Headache Wafer Kidney Juniper Kidney Pills Kidney Cure liniments and Platter Healing Oil While Liniments and Plaster Mosquito Oil Continued Plasters Witch Ointment and Salve Carbolic Salve Ointment Healing Salve Menthol Ointment Stainless Ointment I PUo Ointment Rheunitismi Rheumatism Cure Toilet Camphor Ice Cold Cream sizes Theatrical at Complexion Cream Cucumber and Witch Cream Witch Hazel Cream Talcum Powder Violet I I Tooth Paste Powder Hair Restorer Rose Flesh Tonic Reef Iron and Wine sizes Cod Oil Compound Tastelesssizei Cod Oil 2 sizes Cod Oil In flasks J sizes Quinine Wine Iron and Wine Syrup sizes Celery Nerve Tonic Iron Pills Blands Pills Toothache Toothache Gum Miscellaneous Antiseptic Fluid Sanitary Marking Ink Beef Rennet Tablets Dredge Boxes National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada Limited St John Montreal Ottawa Calgary Kingston Toronto Hamilton London Vancouver VictorU A r

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