Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1910, p. 1

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I I We like to shew you newest and most comfortable spectacle made Prices from to Eyes properly treated Watchmaker and Graduate Optician The ERA giver more home news Sit YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give us the liberty to know to utter to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No Paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance to United States r thai gives satisfaction AH work Warranted f Jewelry Store LIX No Stogie Copy 3 Each Newmarket I IQIO pa aura fill f J Oar Top onto km A Last Sunday wound up the free breakfasts given at the Yonge street During the winter 742 beds I3 j and meals wire provided and garments given away Just to show what has been done 25000 beef sand wiches and gallons of coffee have been served STAINS VARNISHES Crack Fillers Enamels Right quality for all uses For wall and ceiling Decora tion A beautiful soft violet finish It wont rub off Makes old things new Wood work Pianos Furniture Use it on your dust cloth It Saves Labor in Sweeping It Saves Onehalf your Dusting It Saves Damage by Moths It Saves your Health It Saves your Money r It Lean to hew A FAMILY From our Richmond- Hill Correspondent that public spirit that seems of late to have thoroughly imbued us begin at beginning like the of nature iy whole sys- in as flourishing a condition as New- j wires market seems to when we our- j The practical pruning of street trees selves or the stranger within our of which our civic authorities know gates looks around the most I nothing and annually send al exclamation is Why not beautify tents to experiment Newmarket in a more or less public i Why not beautify Newmarket By urited public effort by But whats the use way TOWNSMAN o rest of our I was born at a very early period of my existence I Early in life I developed considerable yesterdays dinner my dinners for in in obtaining knowledge and the past six months seemed to have an observant eye on my sur got into a procession and were all Groundings coming up I thought my sweethearts As far back as my memory reaches coming up too I realty I have no recollection of my father serious thoughts of going into ever tobacco and I early no- emetic business for the whole that my mother would watch bounty the carpet with jealous eye whenever began to reflect I felt sad and any of our tobaccousing friends would I realized that I had back- Pay us a visit and would ventilate s far from the path of When I thought thereon I and in a spirit tern gave one convulsive throe and up gently evinced as an came my dinuer Then up came my open W expression of to those of ourcitizcnS who Firemen rescued Mr affd Mrs C McDonald and their child from a burning house on Saturday Early Sunday morning three men were captured in a police raid on an alleged cockpit Here is a pitiable incident To wards the close of last week as Thos carriage were several toys for the babe to play with Mrs Harrison was almost frantic at her loss Manager Fleming of the Street Railway states It is the With us tobacco was quantity and was never house until hired man watch this new addition to I asked Jerusha Jane to sym pathize with me and shed a tearhut she wouldnt shed she only smiled a an unknown used in our it was introduced by the utc smj j toi who chewed I would live to He her I her to sit down on the grass mestic arrangements- with juvenile my hea herJaP curiosity and mouth kept go s could sooThe i2S the High con- the Toronto Street Railway to take immediate steps to lay out three through routes for the improve- with unceasing activity I ment of th service and the eluded that be had discovered perpct- jahchorui while soared away to of the citizens motion and utilized tobacco as a The monthly luncheon of the generator wouldnt sit She said she from time to time have folded their tents and moved to other localities this could he easily accomplished The Newmarket of today would ap preciate and the Greater Newmar ket of tomorrow will greatly need a couple of neat grassy public lawns properly in central localities at either end our evergrowing town of such plots containing a band stand easily built and painted by lo cal subscription and the joint coop eration of our mechanics where the weekly summer evening concerts given by our excellent Military Band can be satisfactorily rendered and gener ally enjoyed and in these essential particulars it looks as if the populous Newmarket of tomorrow was going to he jughandled for at the extreme brow and sing to me the grounds and extensive Picker- rig College properties will conjointly make one of sites in the From the Era March SAGO 1960 Science Club of Toronto held at tjie St Charles on Saturday even- Like every sires to get a POINTS PHONE ST0VE8 PUTTY OILS AND FURNACES other live lad who hadnt time She had to go to Aunt to the front J resolved to borrow a scrubbing was largely attended by coinmer- to acquire the habit and take lessons brush She went I gazed reproach- travellers and business men of its branches Father protested fully at her My thoughts stole in the city mother entreated hut what are upon myself I was disgusted with A missionary offering of on Latin and Greek Metaphysics or human nature especially that part Sunday last in the Taber- Physiology to a boy who cant chew 0 it I occupied I felt very slim rejoiced the hearts of mission- My ambition reached high in those seemed as if ary workers days I looked forward to the time resolved themselves The Metropolitan Methodist Church I could manage a meerschaum into an excursion party and had made PLUMBING AND NEWMARKET ONT Sunday School on Sunday last held an Baste Flower Service in the withiall the dignity of a Dutchman their trip through my mouth cigarette between my fingers didnt care to live Life to me room of the church The lac daintily as a dandy and squirt to- THE BANK OF TORONTO GOOD SERVICE to their customers at all times has been one of tbe chief factors in The Bank of Torontos long and cource SAVINGS DEPOSITORS receives assurance the safety afforded by our large resources and our safe and con servative methods of conducting business and courteous treatment by careful officers BUSINESS MEN keeping accounts here afforded all the facil Itfes of a longestablished wellcon ducted Bank possessing ample resources and full equipment and con nections for the banking of all classes of business both large and email HEAD OFFICE TORONTO- BRANCHES IN CANADA Reserved Funds Assets 148000000 Capital 4000000 NEWMARKET FC FIELD Manager I I South End Lumber Yard P PEARSON Bring In your bills of Lumber for us to figure on before the rush com mences Kindling ALWAYS Wood Etc ON HAND Phone or give orders to J Bowman or J Murphy Our New Suitings for Are Now in Stock The latest designs are Diagonals and Stripes The newest color la Grey See our windows then step and examine goods WILLI MAIN Phone MERCHANT TAILOR brought offerings of flowers which at the close of the services were sent for distribution among the sick in the homes and hospitals Fraud is rampant ami sometimes barefaced A mannamed Beers got a cheque cashed at the King Ed ward and was living on it pretty fast A telegraph despatch to the bank drawn on showed Beers had no funds there and he was arrested for fraud A little hoy named Johnny Phillips Prospect street was bitten on nose by a muzzled on Friday The lad is now undergo ing- Pasteur treatment The dog got away and has not been seen in the neighborhood since Joseph tried to a moving car on Friday missed his footing aiul was about feet before dropping to the ground He was picked up partially and much bruised Mrs widow charged with shoplifting admitted her guilt in the court on Saturday j More than the usual number of drunks disorderlies and vagrants were arraigned in the Police Court OH Saturday They ear to have forgotten the ffac redness of Good Fri day Union Station officials report that between and people left the city to Friday and Easter somewhere else Special services were held in all the city churches last Sunday During the week Men was played at the Theatre here it drew 17000 to the box office The Khan recently remarked Its a thing that the girls dont tell all they know about us We run away with the idea that they dont keep Secrets as a matter of fact ev ery woman Is a Keeper of Secrets spell it with a big K and a large and notable OnJood Friday two men who work at boathouse went out a rowboat and rescued three young men from the cool wa ters Of the Hay The three had ven tured out in a dinghy and were by- a squall The License Commissioners have ex pressed disapproval of the practice of giving lunches in hotels A transfer of license was granted from Del Prentis of the Municipal Hotel to A Burgess The sale price was A somewhat staid old pulpit vet eran remarked in a recent discourse where a number of divinity students were In attendance that the world gets no light out of a pyrotechnic ser mon It Is on good author ity that Toronto theatregoers spent nearly a million dollars In gratifying tieir desires for this kind of pleasure This city had nine the atrical attractions during the past week J a a baeco- juice between my teeth with precision that would hit the eye of dog With all the of my soul I entered into the- determination of becoming an in the use of the weed An opportunity to commence my education presented itself One Saturday afternoon my mother me to put the saddle on old Bobtail and go to the village a couple of miles distant and purchase some gro ceries As J was going out of tin- gate the hired man slipped some mon ey Into my hand and told me to bring him a large plug of tobacco At the store I ordered the groceries ami then the plug requesting the clerk to cut oil the end and give it to me He did so with a sweet sad ominous and wrapped up the rest As soon as I got outside I took a large bite rather anxious to have it all used up before I reached home I took a stroll the village chew ing with the enthusiasm of a now beginner spitting right and left in the most artistic manner When they gave me a lift on Bobtails hack noticed that some of the bystanders around snickered a little hut it did not trouble me much was more concerned in keeping down my dinner which had evinced a strange pro pensity to rise Bobtail went along at a lively canter He always did when he was on his way home As soon as I got dear of the 1 had no more charms It was all vanity and vexation of spirit I staggered across the sidewalk with difficulty an1 fell helpless to the earth A dreamy came over me- Memory fled Next day they found me in a fence corner I was in a state of extreme prostration I was stone dead APRIL FOOL April the most attractive park j a store on province whilst along Miss Ellen milliner an nounces that her millinery show rooms will he open for the season on April Mr Robert Fleming tells the farm- community that he can supply their needs at reasonable prices for harness saddles etc He also tells them that he took a prize at the late Provincial Exhibition on his manufac ture of harness Newmarket abstract of accounts ap pear this week Thos Nixon and A Morling auditors Town taxes the previous year exclusive of school taxes amounted to The corporation spent on roads bridges and sidewalks The County tax that year amounted to Mr Hughes was then conducting announces Prospect street and ho as a specialty Tea at Water street and the north and pos- halfadollar per pound Why Not Beautify Newmarket To the Editor of the Era was the title of a lecture was the title ol a lecture de livered by Prof of the Ontario College of Agriculture under local auspices in out- Town Hall on Thursday evening last And a lecture it could Hardly be called either rather a talk on home- lawn and shrubbery culture illustrate by a series of more or less inter esting views of western peninsular Ontario dwellings public buildings and grounds On the whole the entertainment was interesting in- 1 the ssbly also the southend of the mill pond convenient to the southern end of Main street thanks to the fore sight and commendable center of our largest manufacturing industry it certainly looks as though before many moons what was until recently the most uninviting spot in town will be completely transformed into an inviting Lakeside Lawn with every inducement for the public Bandstand Number One To complete the of adequate public lawns there for the moment and the moment only re mains unoccupied the small square at the north of the skating rink cor ner of Main and Huron streets pos sibly the most attractive corner loca tion of the whole town Lumber is piled thereon but building operations have been stayed Were this ground acquired by our corporation or purchased in the in terim by- some public spirited syndi cate with a view to transforming it under civic ownership Wie near fu ture to a- properly treed and sodded Town Square with a tasteful Band stand No Li we would have practi cally at this one expense as complete and satisfactory a scries of public breathing spates as could he desired In a town of our present pop ulation or double it anil until such park transformation were made of the plot in our citizens cannot know the benefits to he thus derived This corner is the turning point in to town of half the people who drive motor in or out of Newmarket first glimpse that the traveller by and quite worth while in the the group- ling of shade trees the selection anil massing of lawn shrubs and the plac ing of flower beds and from the Standpoint of commendable possible in the development of lawn and ornamentation our cill- gets- after stepping from the incoming train and if properly taken In hand would make a spot that in I point of civic advertisement would amply re ay any outlay In a couple of years with the grow ing lake shore summer population to the north and canal sure to completion of the lace J got rid of quid in a hurry thing that the majority of our citi- canal sure to he the busy highway lint head reeled like a- ship in a are not lacking in the tangible forjijolor of all sizes the same storm with all its freight below in appreciation of judging from enquiry of visitors will be hourly l violent commotion I did not want made during the past few that confronts our residents con- to acknowledge it hut I was getting years in thusc particulars venient to the terminus of the trolley sick at least there were lively Of large lawns of parklike expanse line Where is your town park or of activity below the belt that- the scope and character of many some place betokening public comfort intimated their readiness to throw those pictured by Prof Hutt we and shade of that character And up anything from a bushel of green few very few indeed and their the of tomorrow once i tiled to the cargo of a number with I lie enhanced price of the only remaining spot for such a Not feeling very solid on the saddle town lots is not likely very needed summer square has been built slid down to walk My brain be- materially increased and the only up will reproachfully wonder at the I mv eyes diz- Bobtail new private grounds of any great shortsighted policyVoJ methods of area in our developing Western Ward this day and generation and can likely to receive ply point eastward a halfmile dfrcct- somewhat hazy and I- let go the reins trotted home alone legs wen and mv bet wander- arboreal treatment judging the visitor to patiently over considerably from the middle the enterprise means and taste to our Agricultural Pa and then the road but I tried to keep my its owneis enjoy and observe trimmed sod equilibrium determined to master my therefore the query of and forest trees thickly planted and in the manly art and text before us The patently tended for public enjoyment make it a speaker of Thursday evening dwelt but and shelter by our local Horticultural Just as J got near home who on the public of a town of Society twe dorvt think Win no- should I inert girl Jcr- population for a park or public body take this quest Jane the object of my warmest affections Now I ways been extremely nice when In company perfectly content wife the fforal By suggesting that our Interested with Jane because she and am sylvan slopes of our noted Horticultural Society endeavor t I were engaged so I tried to blush instead of a centrally and induce citizens owning but the blush would not come My Ca square or a moderate sized vacant lots to plant trees on their countenance was sicklied oer with two with a tasteful frontages or indeed by united effort a pale cast of thought Then I bandstand where tired workmen and private subscription if need be to thought it would be a good their wives- and children or our in- replace on occasional one that has K might find a died and thereby creates a noticeable on seat or blank in front of the property of some The announcement is made that the Prince of Wales now King Edward VII will- visit Canada early in June The Wardens of St Pauls Church generously granted to allow the New market Choral Society to hold its next concert in that Church Notice of a bylaw was given at the last Council meeting to appropriate Clergy Reserve money from the Government to the support of the Common School Ed note If we recollect rightly this money was ap plied to the school building fund YEARS AGO Prom Bra March Sharon Literary and Mutual provement Society held its third meeting on the of this month Mrs A and Miss Stokes gave readings- which were well rendered The reading of the Scraps by the Editor by Mrs Phillips caused much merriment and Master lames maiden speech received wellmerited applause Mrs Graham Miss Stokes and Mrs A helped to enliven the pro ceedings In the Holland Landing items is this one A barbershop is to be opened here It is a mystery to the village what he is going to shave In Mount Albert items is this one Air John Jackson our postmas- has had a relapse and has been confined to his room for the past two weeks On Saturday last Lot Esq- DeputyReeve of Whitchurch sold a Durham bull Dixie weighing 2270 lbs to Messrs Bond A Wilson drovers of this town for He weight Eighteen head of cattle in- eluding this bull were shipped on Mon day A shooting match between Aurora and Newmarket took place on the flats this week resulting in a victory for Newmarket by points The heaviest dressed porker of the season was sold by Mr David Rogers to Mr this week It weighed lbs Mr Fred Cane son of Mayor Cane is congratulated on the ap- poiutment of Assistant Medical Su- pciintenUnt of Hamilton The LieutenantGovernors speech announces- a bill providing for the use of the ballot at the elections this session heart assuming possibly like many appeals particularly and dire I had 0 that the Greater St Patricks Ward Why hi is to c of the very near future would he Newmarket- on up It directly to hot beau- to exhibit my very latest accom- coming summer visitors take a quid in her presence and a cooling shad i i I and spit one those elaborate and lovely spite I had practiced in the village I put my hand in my pock et and reached tor the tobacco At the sight of it my stomach revolted the war began There was a terrible I sod in a word something like most absentee landlords other towns of any ambition To protest against the incompetent Ivation or pretention the world overland malicious mutilation by our Fire seem to invariably boast of Of a town which has tad for a cade an active Horticultural Society and Light Committee of those trees de- which happen to be already growing our streets beneath the electric The Rush to Canada London March In consequence of the emigration boom more com panies aro running extra boats The Canadian Pacific Railway has en gaged the Montrose carrying over a thousand third class Dur ing April lines will sail every second and third cabin is booked Nearly emigrants sailed dur ing March This rate at least will be maintained until June A much better class of people is emigrating a large percentage being farmers and agricultural laborers The negroes of Virginia own They control eight banks and five insurance companies I 1 r

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