Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 11, 1910, p. 4

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S THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH Prevent and Relieve Headache It mo pleasure to be able to refer to Dr Miles LiPain Pills as the best rem edy we have yet had in our house for the prevention and cure of headache wife has been a constant a number of years with above complaint joins me in the hope that they may fall into the hands of all sufferers JOHN Me Used Them Four Years Dr Tain Pills are the best I ever tried for the relief of headache have used them for nearly four years and they never fail to give me relief many other rem edies but have never found any better JOSEPH Ay Detroit Mich There is no remedy that will more quickly relieve any form of headache than Dr Miles AntiPain Pills The best feature of this re markable remedy is the fact that it not derange the stomach or leave any disagreeable after effects at He should supply you- If he does not send price prepaid- Toronto to us DR If he does not we forward prepaid- MILES MEDICAL CO I GET A PRACTICAL EDUCATION by attending the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO It has paid others It will pay you Write today for our handsome Cata log- Q Time Card GOING NORTH Leave a p Toronto Newmarket 923 Allandtle GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto ar p in 535 1010 I IT To Farmers Pure Bred Holstein Bull whose four nearest dams average lbs of Gutter In seven days will lie kept for service on the farm of Mr Edgar Dennis one mile south of Newmarket Cash lime of service NOTICE kinds of Masonry Work prompt ly attended to and Estimates given Work guaranteed WILLIAM WINGER street Control of Railway Lines 1 m J Under the provisions of a broad and presented to the Legislature of Ontario on Friday by Premier Whitney it is proposed to give power to the Railway and Municipal Board on complaint of Upon its motion to regulate the ser vice of any railway company strain or electric In respect to trans portation of persons freight or pro perty if considered unjust unreason able unsafe improper or inadequate and remedy all defects Said Board is likewise empowered to ami prescribe and it is nude to be the duty of the railwa company to ob serve and obey every ol every order to do everything necessary or in order to secure absolute compliance with and Obser vance of every order of the Board Another provision gives the Rail way and Municipal Board control of tracks The cause reads as follows Whenever in the opinion of the board repairs or im provements to or changes in any tracks switches terminals or ter minal facilities motive power or property or devise used by any railway company in or in connection with the transportation passeng ers freight or property ought rea sonably to be made thereto in order to promote the security or the con venience of the public or of the em ployees ol the company or to secure adequate service for the transporta tion of passengers freight or pro perty the hoard shall serve an directing such repairs or improved to be made within a reason able time and in a manner to he spe cified and railway company is bound thereby The fourth clause of the Bill gives equally drastic powers in regard to the regulation of railway service If a company does not run cars en ough reasonably to meet necessary accommodation of passenger traffic does not make- reasonable schedule time does not provide reasonable routes or operates cars not in pro per repair or condition the hoard can make an in regard thereto The Bill further provides that the Railway Board shall not interfere with or take away the rights of any Municipal corporation under any agreement between the company and the Council unless with the consent of the corporation This clause gives power to the railway Board to en force its mandates On this Bill becoming law in case any electric or steam railway fails in compliance with agreements made with municipal councils the latter can invoke the aid of the Railway Board to compel said railway to live up to their agreement and not wait all summer to have grievances rediess- should however be no relaxation on dogs until all danger is past The lives of all the canines in the country would not compensate- an on father or mother dear child passing away under the distressing ol the lad at a couple of weeks ago BYLAW No A Oar Toronto tetter in The pink tea crate will be quit evidence this season in Toronto Justice has announced his in tention to resign from being a Judge in the Court of Appeal It is reported thai a big depart mental stoic firm of Chicago are the buyers of the property On the northeast corner or an Carlton streets The electrical storm last Sunday evening put the street cats out of ser vice for an hour A desperate murder was committed about oclock on Sunday evening last on College street The trouble was between two Italians One is under arrest 1 W and Mrs Bengough who after touring Aus tralia and New Zealand spent two or three months on the Pacific coast have returned to the city and are at the King Edward Hotel Revs and Hunter com menced evangelistic services in the Westmorland Ave Methodist Church on Sunday last The number of people who have re frained from the use of all intoxicat ing beverages during the present Len ten season is more general than ever before in this city The man who stole a quantity of coal from the Conger Coal Co was sent to the Central When commit ting him the Police Magistrate said Ill send you down for sixty days and when you come out youll not need anv Coal Ben now in its season will be at the Princess Theater for next week Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday Sale of seats opens Two men seriously hurt ten others more or less scratched about the the Town ol Newmarket BEING a ByLaw authorising Issue of debentures of the Town of too amount of for the purpose of granting a bonus to the Omce Specialty Man ufacturing Company Limited an I to exempt certain the property of the said company from except taxes for school purposes for a period or ten years olid in other ways to afi the said com pany in the ex Km of Its busi ness WHEREAS the Office Specialty Manufacturing Company Limited hereinafter called the Company Is iVsirou of extending the business now carried on by it in the Town of New market in the manner provided or in a proposed agreement between the Company and the said Town a copy of which proposed agreement is in cluded in this ByLaw AND it appears to the thousand dollars for each year of the said term ten years such exemp tion however shall not relieve the Company from payment of school taxes in respect Its business assess ment under tire Assessment Act Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Newmarket are hereby au thorized and Ins true tod to attach the corporate seal of the said Town to following agreement and to exe cute the same- on behalf of the said Town THIS AGREEMENT made this 10th day A one thou sand nine hundred and nine Between The Corporation of the Town of Newmarket hereinafter called the Corporation of the part and The Specialty Manufactur ing Company Limited here inafter called the Company of the second WHEREAS certain agreements have I CROC Wo never will to bo undersold by any house and emphasize this assertion this week we proceed to quote some record pricebreakers prices good for ten days for spot cash buyers Which pkge 3 for 10c Gold Oust pkge 3 Bars Borax Soap for lb pkge Seeded Raisins lb Choice Bates bottles Pickles for Preserved Plums per tin Preserved Cherries per tin Preserve Pears per tin Preserved Raspberries per tin Cow Brand Condensed Milk Tomatoes lareeJtln Peas I Good 4 and tin i Pink Salmon per tin purpose to grant the aid asked for by the Company and provided or in the said proposed and it will bo necessary for such purposes to issue debentures of Town of Newmarket for the urn Five Thousand Dollars which is the hands and face is result of a rearend collision between Queen awl street cars last Friday morning When the cars came getlai the rear car mounted form of the single truck ear ahead and floor pinned one mans foot to Great Price of Stage Mechanism HOW REALISTIC effects are PRODUCED IN THE CHARIOT RACE IN Perrins Greenhouses Gorham St NOTES Cut Flowers Fresh Cut Carnations Tulips Forget- menots Sweet Peas and Vio lets Hyacinths Primula and Prim rose In pots They are beau- tics and cheap too Come and sec the lowers Lettuce and Parsley Funeral and Wedding work given special attention Prices reasonable Outoftown orders solicited S Phone Newmarket Much interest has been manifested concerning the mechanical methods of the thrilling chariot race employed in A new and greater production of General Wallaces spectacle which I is to bo presented at the Theatre Toronto week of Match In this great arenic contest the Advertiser remarks In spectator sees eight horses galloping at neckbreak speed and straining ev ery muscle to gain the advantage in the race within the amphitheatre Behind each quartet of horses is a amount of the debt intended to be created by this AND WHEREAS it will he neces sary to raise annually during the of twenty years hereinafter men- by special rate to pay the said debt to lie created by this By- Law and interest thereon the sum of Three Hundred and EightyFour and thirtyeightoue dollars AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Muni cipality of the Town of Newmarket according to the last revised ment roll is Eight Hundred and Nine tyNine Thousand Three Hundred and EightyTwo dollars AND WHEREAS the Amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is the sum of of which no part of the principal or of the interest thereon is in THEREFORE the Municipal Coun cil of the Corporation of the Town of Vr Newmarket ENACTS as follows- J That a bonus of Five Thousand Dollars be granted by the Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket to the Company to aid the Company in extending its business in the Town of Newmarket as aforesaid such bonus to be paid at the time provided for in the said proposed agreement That to raise said sum of Five Thousand Dollars pur poses aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the said Munici pality to issue debentures of the said Municipality to said amount in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars each payable within twenty years from the time the same are issued Town of Newmarket AND WHEREAS the Company has represented to the Corporation that it is desirous of still further extending its said business ami for that purpose of building an extension to its pres ent factory at Newmarket which will involve the erection at the South of its present factory premises of a building of about the following dl- menUbns feet long feet wide and four stories high and which will be fully equipped with an uptodate plant and will give facilities for the employment by the Company of an in creased number of hands AND WHEREAS the Company has asked the Corporation to grant English Malt Vinegar Bottles Ink Pots Vaseline Try our Tea at Choicest Lemons for Choicest Fruit fixed 24 lbs Genuine Demerara Sugar 100 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT reduction on every article in this department See our Toilet Sets were sale price sot All Dinner and Tea Ware at a sacrifice 15 do Goblets strong clear glass for Tumblers for 18 Tumblers thin water glass each Hall Lamps price to clear at SI 50 each C HOWARD th Company a bonus of and to make certain arrangements as to ex emption from taxation and in way of granting the Company assessment for a term of year AMD it appears to the Municipal Council of the Corporation that it is to the advantage of the Corporation to have such additional building erected and as an induce ment thereto to grant the Companys for such bonus exemption and for fixed assessment subject to the assent of the of Town pi Newmarket being duty obtained for such purposes NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that in consideration the respective covenants hereinafter Contained the parties hereto- mutual- agree the one with the other as follows That the Company will within two years from the date hereof erect and complete and fully equip with a modern plant a substantial building substantially of brick or or of both of approximately the dimensions heretofore given at or near the South end of their present factory building I That the Corporation will wheu Georges deputy A leaseholder who Is entitled returning officer polling place vote on this bylaw is one who is the Keel House Prospect avenue For polling subdivision No St Andrews- J Anderson deputy returning polling place Market Building For polling subdivision No St Patricks Frank Duncan deputy returning polling place the Fire Hall following shall he Poll Clerks at polling No Vera Martin at polling No Hughes at polling sub division No 3 a Phillips On Saturday the dy of the full age of twentyone year and the naturalborn or naturalized sub ject of his Majesty and who has neither directly nor indirectly receiv ed nor is in expectation of receiving any reward or gift for the vote so tendered and is resident within the Municipality for which the vote is takt for one month next before vote and who or whose wife has a lease of real property in the Town Newmarket which extenoVi over tha twenty years mentioned in the bylaw period of time within which the money to be raised by the bylaw Is The said debentures shall all be dated building shall be and issued on the coni fully quipped as day of December AD ftftd order pay to 3 Toe debentures so to no is- Company the sum of The London reference to the racetrack question The Hamilton Jockey Club has earn ed per cent on its investment and the Toronto Woodbine TOO pet cent These facts help to explain the of racetrack gambling Yes and helps to account for certain pro minent men being able to see a tue in the bookmaking operation sued for the said sum Five Thousand Dollars shall bear interest at the 3 That the Corporation will in consideration of the foregoing of per cent per annum pay- o lho Company ex- able yearly such debentures shall present and future pro- payable In twenty annual successive in- of the Company except private mil ton Herald Independent Con servative pays this compliment to leader of the Opposition in the the Ontario Legislature There is very little fault to- find with the quality of Mr Mac Kays work as leader Of the opposition in the Ontario Legisla ture He makes very few mistakes and shows wisdom and public spirit in supporting good measures from whatever source they come For obvious reasons athletes go through protracted season of train ing under rigid rules when prepar ing for contests demanding strength and endurance The announcement that a woman well known in New York society has gone into training at her country residence anticipa tion of the coming social season sug gests something of the strenuous life Involved in a continuous program of balls receptions operas teas and like pleasures Cannot to with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the di sease Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease and In order to cure It you must take internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure fs not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the physi cians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription It is compos ed of the best tonics known combin ed with the best blood purifiers act ing directly on the mucous surfaces The prefect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free J CHENEY Co Props Toledo O Sold by Druggists price cents Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation The March Home Journal our Can adian friendis Spring Fashion Number Instinctively the women turn to those pages on clothes embroidered gowns hats a la mode lingerie blouses etc ami of a truth there is an excellent assortment Home Journal pages seem always to have the knack of disclosing the thing you want and the patterns are a splendid exactness Fiftysix years ago this past winter one dollar and fifty cents and a years subscription to the Bra purchased a cord of dry wood or maple firewood this winter it took a years subscrip tion to the paper and six dollars to purchase the same quantity of as good wood Twentyfive years we purchase ten dozen of new laid eggs for a years subscription totfay our farming friends only leave scarcely four dozen therefor This demonstrates that the situation considered the most realistic the farmer is now about throe times l upon the stage belter than the editor Twentyfive years ago pork in Newmarket at today butchers are paying King witnessed it per and it retails at more than Roman chariot The wheels revolve rapidly chariots lurch and sway and the Naming garments of the drivers flutter behind them adding intensity to the realism of the scene The illusion is still further increased as the interior wall of the amphitheatre moves along and the dust flies in blinding clouds beneath the crushing wheels of the chariot The clatter the rushing hoofs the and the rumble of the riots are distinctly heard lions of electricity produce this great effect mechanism f two great cradles twenty in length and fourteen feet wide and are movable back and forth on railways is supported by a bridge structure capable of holding twenty tons The tops of the cradles are two inches the level of the stage Each cradle bears the four horses and the chariot of each contestant On each cradle there arc four runways and treadmills of hickory slats two inches wide and covered with rubber they are twelve feet long and two and a half feet wide On each of these treadmills a horse is secured by steel traces which hold him in place and prevent him from moving for ward oft the runways As each horse gallops the treadmill revolves under his feet thereby eliminating the for ward pressure created by the impact of his hoofs which would force him ahead on an immovable surface By this mechanical arrangement it is pos sible for the horses actually to gal lop all their speed within the space of their own length It is fleet When BenHur was presented in London at the Lane Theatre double the price then paid and then commanded a royal box to he built in the centre of the pit of theatre so that he could more thor oughly enjoy the great race scene I It will be a source of satisfaction to the people of Ontario to know that Pasteur treatment Is now being ad- The fairest flowers of spring ministered at the Toronto General from the soil of sacrifice umbrella frame- therefore in case persons should be bitten by rabed animals to have to strong post them sent all the way to New York fiL to- obtain Pasteur treatment There I yard such annual instalments of principal and interest to be of such an amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall he equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for prin cipal and interest during each of the other years of said period And one of such instalments of prlnciaal shall be payable in one year from tho date of issue of said debentures and the remaining nineteen instalments of principal shall be payable on the same day in each of the nineteen succeeding years and said yearly instalments of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of said debentures shall the whole amount of interest payable In that year That the said debentures as to principal and interest shall be pay able at the oflice of the Treasurer of the said Town of Newmarket 5 That it shall bo lawful for the Mayor of the said Municipal Corpora tion and he is hereby authorised ami instructed to sign and issue the said debentures hereby authorised to he Issued and to cause the same also to be signed the Treasurer of the said Municipality and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby au thorised and instructed to attach tho seal of the said Municipality to debentures 6 There shall be raised and levied In each year during the currency of said debentures or any of them by special rate on all the rateable pro perty of the said Municipality in tho same manner as other taxes are lev ied a sum sufiicicnt to pay and dis charge the said several yearly sums of principal and interest so accruing due as the same become respectively payable according to the terms of this ByLaw that is to say the to tal sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Four and 38100 dollars in each of the said years as shown in the sched ule hereto All the property of the said Company except private residences used In connection with Its said man ufacturing business shall for the pe riod of ten years from the first day of January be exempted from all taxes except taxes for school purposes and the assessment of all property of the said Company ex cept private residences as aforesaid Lb hereby fixed at the sum used in connection with their said manufacturing business for a period of ten years from the first day of January alt except taxes for school pur poses and will grant l a fixed assessment on all their said property except private residences as aforesaid of 000 tor each year of the said term of ten years such exemption however shall not relievo the Company from payment of taxes in respect of its business assess ment under the Assessment Act and that the of the Corporation shall pass the necessary bylaw for purposes aforesaid 1 That all former agreements mado by ami between the parties hereto shall he and remain in full force and effect and arc not altered hereby ex cept so far as such former agreements refer to the subjects of taxation and assessments which subjects are settled between the parties hereto by this agreement 5 That this agreement shall not bo binding upon the parties hereto- un less and until the same shall have been approved of by the ratepayers of the Corporation in the manner pro vided for by provisions of tho Consolidated Municipal Act respecting tho granting of bonuses to manufacturing industries In WITNESS WHEREOF these pre sents have been duly The Specialty Mfg Co Limited J WILDMAN Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of ADAM SMITH This bylaw shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof The votes of electors of the said Town of Newmarket shall be tak en on this bylaw at tile following March A p the Mayor of the made payable and for which property said Town of Newmarket shall at he or she is rated on the last revised the Council Chamber in the said Town assessment roll to the amount of Newmarket at twelve value to entitle him or her to clock in the afternoon in writing vote at a Municipal Election signed Ay him appoint two poisons under his or her lease has cow- to atteid at the final summing up to pay all municipal taxes la the a by the Clerk and ono per- respect of the property leased othe son to ittend at each polling place on than those assessed for local Improve- behalf of the persons interested id Provided however that and dearotfs of promoting the passing every leaseholder who desires to of this bylaw and a like number o the said ByLaw must file at behalf of those persons in- office of the Town Clerk at least baa in- and desirous of opposing days prior to the date of voting a the passing of this bylaw statutory declaration stating that The Clerk of the Council of the or her lease meets the above require- said Town of shall ftttesd meats in his office at the Council Chamber The names of leaseholders neglect In the said Town on the day of fog to rile such declaration will March AI 1910 at the hour of oclock In the afternoon to sum up the number of votes given for and against the said bylaw SCHEDULE TO FOREGOING BYLAW Interest a ail a gS5 15938 one year from issue two years 38438 17105 three I 18183 four 38433 5 19131 five 38438 fi six 384 3S seven 38438 eight 22650 nine 38438 14768 ten 38433 11 21754 eleven 3S438 12 twelve 3S43S 11407 thirteen 38138 10191 fourteen 38438 fifteen 33438 7591 30847 sixteen 33433 seventeen 38438 eighteen nineteen 38438 twenty 2fi87G0 PUBLIC NOTICE The foregoing Is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been tak en Into consideration and which will be Anally passed by Municipal Council of the Town of Newmarket in the event the aasent the electors being obtained thereto after ono month from the date of the first publication of laid bylaw in Newmarket Era newspaper in Town of Newmarket the of such nrst publication being the times and places that Is to say on j AD MONDAY the fry commencing ft the hour of nine- b be clock in the forenoon the- respective polling places until five clock In the afternoon ol abo dpu earning officers on MONDAY places for taking the- said MARCH A n votes and tho Deputy Returning Offl- the hours of clock cm of tho several poling fl of the said Municipality be a follows For polling subdivision No SI NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS be placed on th voters list for voting J HUGHES Town Clerk Town Clerks Office 1910 Notice to Creditors PURSUANT to the provisions of Sec of Chapter of The Re vised Statutes of Ontario Creditors and all other persons hav ing any claims against the estate of MAJOR STEPHENSON late of the Township of King in the County of York Farmer deceased who died on or about the day of Novem ber are hereby required on or before the day of March to send in to J Robert son of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York Solicitor for the undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said Major Ste phenson particulars of their claims against the said estate with a statement of the securities if any held by them for such claims AND take notice that after the said 26th day of March the undersigned Executors shall be at liberty to dis tribute the assets of the said Major Stephenson of any part thereof amongst the entitled thereto having regard to the claims of which the executors have then notice and the Executors shall not be liable for such assets or any art thereof to any person of whose claim the had not notice at the time of the distribution thereof or a part thereof Dated this 1st day of March 1910 F STEPHENSON New I E PROCTOR Aurora PO Executors of Estate i 3w7 FOUR YEARS SUCCESS WITH American Lawn Fences And Flower Guards any Height MADE BY Canadian Steel A Wire Co Ltd onu and see Quality and get prices For Sale by J Near School Newmarket Ontario I J

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