Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 4, 1910, p. 7

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v J w THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEBRUARY HALL February i i The Leading Grocery Owing to our Stock being too large many lines we have determined to all to a minimum Grocery Specials Tomatoes No 1 quality Peas Equal quantities Corn 3 cans or 25c Evaporated Peaches 10c lb a Snap Raisins one year old Cooking A tew boxes or box Seedless Raisins 1Mb boxes pack box Shelled Wallnuts A Bargain while they last Two only at the price in pound lots at lb Smaller quantities regular price Table Figs Boxes 2Jin Pigs regular lbs lor China Dept Handsome Parlor Lamps reduced fto clear them out this month only Lamps for 1400 All in same proportion DINNER SETS- cats or for 800 sets for a A The Leading Reliable itoDate Up- BUSINESS Such as you may obtain under the very best condi tions at Central Busi ness College of Toronto is a sure passport to suc cess Thousands have prov ed it Why not investigate for yourself Our free cat alogue explains Write for it Shaw Princi pal TO Mexico Colorado California and Pacific Coast Points Grand Trunk Railway is popular route from all Points east through Canada via Chicago Weeks Local what ia on in talent sale in the basement of the Christian Church this afternoon Friday at oclock Biggest snow storm of the on Wednesday night About a foot of snow to shovel off the walks yes terday hockey All the hookey enthusiasts of the Town are unfitly needed at Hurtle Young Man Killed A most distressing accident occur red on the farm of Mr John Proctor Street East last Monday morning which resulted in the instant his Intermediate game in the second iSh Hairy a bright and pop- the ami yOUng man in his year Toronto Canoe Club on Tuesday Mr Hairy and the hired S A riina- were engaged loading logs on a sleigh the horses being unhitched therefrom And to draw he logs upon the sleigh by means of a skid There was also a chain in the operation and it was attached to the way for the home team The Canoe Club good players but not fast enough on their skates for the Speedy forwards The score at half time was in favor at full time A 1 Sewing Circle The Sewing Circle of the tier and three in the second Harry will meet on Friday afternoon at got down under the sleigh to loosen oclock sharp in the Rooms over Mr j the end of the chain and just as he Lyons candy store Good attend- was crawling out the outside log on I the sleigh slipped and fell upon his charge between J crushing out his life Coroner Scott Immediately part of the sleigh The load of Toronto acted as was all on four logs in the bottom requested A lady will and oclock to receive cloth- and only ruled off three men dur ing the entire game almost a record Newmarket had two men sent to the fence anil the Canoe Club only one This leaves Newmarket and St Pauls of Toronto again tied for the district and the sudden death game to prove district will be played on log which will be repaired and but not consider an inquest Friday when all the to those in need Christian Church The annual roll call of the Chris tian Church took place on Thursday evening of last week and v as re sponded to largely both by members and letters of regret of absence About new members were enroll ed A sumptuous table of delicacies were spread by the ladies and speeches by the members closed a vary plea sant evening in the Church However the accident shows the necessity of binding on the load before doing anything else about the sleigh The sympathy of the whole has been aroused for the bereav ed family and the Floral Tributes home rooters will be needed to urge the onward to victory Line up Newmarket 23 Racine goal Day point cover Doyle forwards sent in were most beautiful Besides many tokens of personal friendship j the Directors of the Newmarket Society and the members of the High School Board Mr J Proctor be- Referee A Campbell Toronto CO Douglas Houghton Madill Garden Crocker connected with each sent Oyster Supper jful flowers as well as the young for Newmarket Well we do I pie of the neighborhood hope that wont he the ease Thats The funeral took place at his the score Newmarket got last Friday The Willing Workers of the Prcsby- fathers residence on Wednesday after- terlan Church are to be congratulated noon and was the largest on upon the success of their Oyster Sup- Street for many years Rev W per and entertainment lass Tuesday evening The attendance was good the sUpper all that could be desired and the program a pleasure and de light The following took part solos by Mrs and Mr David son readings by Mrs For tec and Miss Florence Thomas piano duet by Mrs Rico and Miss Rowland of Au rora North York Liberals The annual meeting of te Execu tive of the North York Reform As sociation will be held in the Town Hall Newmarket on Saturday Feb commencing at oclock A till attendance is requested as reports will be presented officers elected and ether business transacted Hon A McKay leader of the Opposition in the Local House and Hon A B member for Riding in the Dominion House are expected to be present and deliver addresses preached an excellent sermon and was assisted in the services by Revs and The pall bearers were Messrs Win Powell Philips Bail and Art Vernon Oxer rigs left the house for the Cemetery The following relatives were in attendance Mr and Mrs Robt Manning and Mr and Mrs John Manning of Maple Mr Man ning Mr Miles and Mrs John Wilson of Toronto Since the was put in type the following list of floral tributes was sent in Spray Mr and Mrs R Manning Wreath High School Board Wreath School Companions Spray Mr and Mrs Sullivan- Spray Mrs Clara Taylor Anchor The Cane Sons Co League Wreath Agricultural Society WreathOur Brother Wreath Our Son The Talagoos were in full uniform Its a sure thing for them at after licking they gave the A League game was played between the High School and Bradford last Saturday and resulted in the latter team being badly left The score at half time was in favor oi the US and at full time was The Lineup was goal point cover McCaf frey rover forwards and Tench I Teams from the High Schools of Aurora Newmarket and Bradford from Pickering College have formed themselves Into a League A I schedule has been drafted and the I business men of Newmarket have de- id to present with a i decided to adopt the fol ic members went to Aurora las ot lo ay night and all report a good wl lo with the League there The IW Officers and League Three sleigh loads of worth Leagu time with the League there The program was provided by the follow ing Miss Maud Richardson Miss Barker Miss Miss Florence and Miss Ada Messrs Walter Stephens and Geo Barker and Ed Mite The chair was by Mr Wesley Brooks were sup plied by the Aurora friends At a special meeting held by the Officers and Directors of the Now- Agricultural Society it was WHKBKAS the Officers and Direc tors of the Agricultural I Society deeply feel the loss of the son of their President through such a sad accident and hereby desire to express their deepest sympathy to The Weather Word and Works the Irl Hicks Magazine for February is to hand Its storm and weather fore casts for this month promises unusual ly trying weather and storms A regular storm period may be looked for from the to the with a reactionary storm period on and touching the and l3Ui This will be followed by a storm pe riod central on the reactionary from the to the Mill Threat ening unsettled weather will bo most natural all through the last halt of the month the winners of cup which is to be competed for every season The schedule for the season is as fol lows Jan Bradford vs Newmarket Jan Pickering vs Aurora Feb Aurora vs- Bradford Feb I Pickering vs Newmarket Feb Bradford vs Aurora Feb Newmarket Pickering Fob Aurora vs Newmarket Feb Pickering vs Bradford Feb Aurora vs Pickering Newmarket vs Bradford I Last Monday night the Wanderers travelled to ami got licked On Monday evening last we closed our doors fourth years business and REVIEWING THE PAST We mark oft the finger posts of time with a feeling of intense satisfaction and gratification Satisfaction because our efforts to build up ait tverincreasing business have been crowned with success and gratifica tion because you have helped us so in our endeavors by giving us a share of your business OUR FIRST YEARS business was good In OUR SECOND YEAR we did the largest business ever done in North York to that time OUR THIRD YEAR far surpassed all our previous- efforts and we have pleasure in recording that the YEAR JUST CLOSED has again been marked with the greatest of success Now there must be REASONS FOR OUR PROGRESS and we still contend that by having THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT TIME AT THE RIGHT PRICE by selling each seasons goods within the season forcing out the ends at some price and thus having bright fresh goods for each pew season this backed up by fair honest dealing with everyone and our promise to refund your money for any goods you wish to return are the reasons for our past success We now enter into OUR FIFTH YEAR with feelings confidence that we can give you better reasons still for continuing your patronage because OUR STORE SERVICE IS BETTER OUR VALUES ARE BETTER OUR STOCKS ARE BIGGER very way we possibly can and in the near future we will have the advantage AND BETTER Our aim is to please you in have some new business methods that you will a go out- to you for the splendid patronage you have given us in the past which has given us confidence and pleasure in our daily work to give you the best that our efforts can merit for a continuance of your rr rt Mr and Mrs Proctor and family in that hunch by a score of 3 this sad hour of bereavement L Signed SCHMIDT Vice KEITH Sec Methodist Church The was filled again last Sunday evening to overflowing the people being anxious to hear the con cluding sirmoii of tiro series on Our Homo Life which the pastor made so popular by his ability and grasp of the things of everyday life The sermon was an excellent one and the music by the Choir was specially good as was also tire solo by Miss Beta Brodie who no doubt will soon rank among the professionals The Mooting next Sunday begins at with a Feast and Fellowship Service Reception of new members and at the close of tho morning An Last Thursday saw a hot game of Basketball in the Roller Rink The 3rd and forms of the High School were tied for the Championship The 3rd form won out the at half- time being 102 at full time Leslie and Harold are two good players The lineup was Form 3rd Form Cecil right quad B Squires Manning left quad J Anderson right wing IL centre S left wing L Bogart Si I o the and there tra large attendance is anticipated at both services The regular monthly Mens Meeting Double track service finest will bo held on Sunday evening when roadbed modern cur service All ele- special music will be furnished by men of the church Go early to avoid a seat in the aisle The will hold their meeting ot safety and comfort TO SUNNY SOUTH VERY LOW RATES Consult Grand Trunk Agent for low pertaining to above J Ticket For Sale Pure Bred Bull The Ire calf was sold recently for and a sister- of the sire holds worlds record as a ear old WW sold for DYKE on Wednesday Feb at the Par sonage at oclock A very cordial invitation is extended to all The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid was held at home of Mrs Br Wesley on Wednesday afternoon tho following officers were elect ed PresidentMrs Cane Mrs L Jackson Secretary Mrs Ed Richardson Treasurer Mrs Br Scott Executive Mrs J C Mrs Atkinson Mrs Dr Wesley Mrs and Mrs Man ning At a special meeting of the Quarter ly Board on Wednesday evening a un animous call was given to Rev J Heals and Smoothes CHAPPED SKIN Wintry Weather causes many skin troubles Chaps and skin crackg roughness and redness etc But these annoyances can all be easily remedied We will tell you how OATMEAL ALMOND Saturday and Sunday last thou sands of tourists wont to Niagara Falls to view the great loo which spans Niagara River below tho Falls A path has been cut across Simpson of Midland for tho term the structure which was crowded is our nicest and most effect appli cation for speedily overcoming any and all skin troubles resulting from exposure to inclement weather Quickly heals chaps and skin cracks Softens the skim and smoothes away all roughness PRICE PER BOTTLE Broughtons Drug Store Can Ex Co Phase to and from trains handled with For some unaccountable reason no deaths were reported at the game on Tuesday The Counter Hoppers of the match with the Bankers last night Thursday An excursion will leave Newmarket tonight Friday for the great game at Barrio leaving here at turning on special leaving af ter the game Fare for the round trip is You are requested to be on hand with a clear throat 1 see Turk Doyle is still on the job and so is our friend I dont think Ive seen the Talagoos play a line and straight game as on Tuesday night at the rink A match between the College and High School in a League game will be played today at pm at the Rink The Hockey Shooters came out second best in the game they played with Queonsville last Wednes day evening on ice Ow ing to the small of the rink it was very hard work for the to play their usual fast game But It must be admitted that the puck- shooters of Queonsvitle know what game they are playing W West and Dewey were the star players for Newmarket we say the whole team played very good hockey The score at half time was in favor of the Bereans but just towards latter part of the second half while Lundy was spend ing a few minutes at the fence the bunch managed to pass the posts on three or four successive occasions thereby making the score at full time 139 in favor of ville Referee Guy of New market made both the teams attend strictly to their own business and did not show the least favoritism Lino up Goal Wright point Dewey cover point West rover Lun dy centre r wing Gibncy wing J Thirty have been admitted discharged ami 15 deaths occurred during the year The hospital sec tion is overcrowded At- the County Council on Wed ilea- j Stolen from Canada ASSERTION THE SENATE RE GARDING NORTHERN LANDS day J Nigh oi Markham and Seiutor Makes a Grave State- m ment Sir Richard Cartwright o00 Commissioners for current Commissioner Or Smith the Inspector of In dustrial Homes etc viited our institution on Wednesday and found the house well kept and conducted as as can be done With the present equipment He recommends however that an ad dition be built to the south for a Points Out That is Taking Action Ottawa In the Senate to dayin connection with a suggestion that the Government should appoint a commission charged with the super intendence of the Arctic- Islands and Winnipeg as the fourth city in Can ada industrially with an annual out put of homemade goods valued at and an industrial gain of per cent in five years Some time during the present year the first ion of power from the plant the city Is the Government building on the Winnipeg River is ex pected to be completed and the civic government and business men are tak ing sieps to absorb as much as possi ble of the municipal power it shall be ready for distribution Fix ed assessment for a term of years favorably adjusted taxes cheap pow er water and light are among the be a bath tub for every 10 inmates At present have to use the old house in the rear for a bath room and this the Inspector considers not up to date More Water Well driller struck an other flow of water at a depth of ft on Wed of last week He estimates the flow at about gallons per day The council has decided to go ahead and drill an other well while they are at it The new well is about feet di rectly south of the last one and was down over DC feet yesterday Canadian jurisdiction had recently ducements that Winnipeg will been asserted by Captain Sen- for the location of new industries in ator made the statement that I this city The Dominion Bank industrial The report of the Industrial Home at Newmarket presented to the County Council this week states that or the past amounted to expenditures An analysis of the statement of the Dominion Batiks issued today shows that the year was a most satisfactory one as far as this bank is concerned The bank earned J per cent on its paid up capital which in a year of decreased bank earnings is a most gratifying showing Profits were which added to the balance of from the previous year and received from pre miums on new stock makes the fine total Further investigation of the report shows that the bank careful conservative course through out the year The reserve fund is now an increase over the figures of the previous year now be ing more than the paid up capital Another feature deserving corn- recent- revelations showed that Russia stolen Alaska and the Pacific Coast line from Canada An official Russian document- he said had re cently been found at Sitka and a translation had been forwarded to the GovernorGeneral at Ottawa showing that a Russian officer in had been instructed to make a secret ex pedition to Alaska and to bury along the coast tablets indicating the dis covery and possession by Russia at a far earlier date In this way Russia Was able to es tablish her claim to Alaska which was afterwards sold to the United SUtes With American whalers op erating in the Canadian north on bo coasts Canada should lose no securing possession of all the land to which she was entitled Sev en hundred years ago there were flourishing villages in Greenland and a bishopric in The discov ery of radioactivity had shaken tho theory that all the earths heat came from the sun Seven hundred years hence through science the northern lands might be lull textile fields and the home a popula tion That change should be antici pated by the securing in possession of these lands for Canada There wore indications that the United States could not easily agree to this or to the closing of Hudson Bay as a has pursued a I Canadian territorial water Canadas boundarv dispute experiences should make her- provident in the matter of securing possession Sir Richard said the Canadian Government was not blind to the importance of asserting Throuhoui the West the winter has been generally and warm Re cently the weather has been so con tinuously warm that farmers have been moved to spring activities long before the usual time Heavy ship ments of farm machinery are rushed into the West to be in readi ness for what promises to be a phen omenally early spring A live grass hopper green grass and vetches 3 YEARS INDIGESTION Boxes Little Entirely Cured It was a lucky day for Mr whose appears below when saw a Little Digesters advertise- paper for it marked his first step on the road to health what he says about it himself diction in regions to the north ment is the fact that banks cash it had already dlrpatched two and percentages of liquid for that purpose and was assets is rarticularly strong being about to send a In addition per cent of the total liability to two or three permanent public posts the public Tho total assets show an had been established- The question increase over tho previous year of of appointing a superintendent was over and now stand t under consideration Altogether bank is to be congratulated the fine showing it has made Manitoba Letter Winnipeg Jan 31rTbc population In putting down or oil- Winnipeg increased 15000 last year have strips of mouldings nailed its industrial growth as in other above the linoleum where It comes things Winnipeg has made marvellous to the bise board progress Industrial statistics show King Ont Nov The Coleman Co Gentlemen Having suffered tor three years with Indigestion nothing could relieve mo having seen your advertisements in paper for Little Digesters took three was entirely I feel con vinced that anyone suffering with same will not fail to try Little Digesters PHILIP Junior Little Digesters are dainty Utile tablets compounded of the purest and best ingredients for the relief of troubles They are positively guaranteed to cure even chronic- cases of Indigestion or Dyspepsia or money will he refunded In little red boxes from your druggist or by mail from Coleman cine Co Toronto I a J

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