Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 21, 1910, p. 5

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K wW- PTOSIS Ths J Robertson Ac Office Halo Street Newmarket to loan rood Farm 8eourltj Prank AND COLLECTOR Bolton FapcrHug And Home Corner Street and j a Dp R DENTIST J 1 Wilkinson DENTIST In Block Newmarket ed by breathing sweepfg on worth WO DAY Ms Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES I It the Office office a- Papers at residence If Mlred NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stone Call Before Ordering Elsewhere A Dp S J Boyd B Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also of the Royal College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant to Eye Hospital and College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone No Consultation flours Weeks Local Hems Burial Permits A circular has been but by the jGenealthat charge by -theDir- for issuing a burial permit as such registration will not be paid for by the municipality as heretofo Christian Preparations are made for the Annual the church which will Thursr day the27th of Jan commencing at pm- There will be refresh ments reception of new- members responses and short addresses A very interesting time is anticipated Moveable Church Feasts This year Lent will begin on Feb ruary fifteen days earlier- than it did last year so that Easter Sunday will fall on March 27th as the first full moon after the vernal equinox which falls- on Inarch each year makes the pro per date it is evident this year will make the record for early dat ing It will be the second earliest Easter in a quarter of a century that of March 25th being the nearest to the vernal equinox in that period Methodist Church The congregation was very well pleased with the sermon by Rev Aurora Sunday morn- In the evening the church was filled to overflowing and with chairs in tiie aisles still some people were turned away The attraction was the second in the series of sermons by the pastor Rev on Home Life The subject for next Sunday evening is An old love story with modern lessons- Seats free and everybody welcome Those who wish to set in their places will require to go early RogersCass The following is clipped from the Mercury Mr Roy My may be had at any hour of yie day or night by calling at the office or Furnace Work Plumbing i of Our Specialties tt Ma LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS LA GRIPPE Arrested A- He made his last thisweek andHlieteafter give all to Ills business Sale stock- sale- at the of House which satisfactory to both There head of cattle a number of pigs milch coiss went from to leach from td24 each and the brood sows from each The horses were- not sold as the bids were not hfgh enough and left him very bad He y I awfuUweaU ad nearly the whole This is how I was I began lo lake in a low but from the- first I began forme and me back to is time a new man of me It fortifies the body against he attacks of La Grippe and is I always take if I feel a coming pa and it pots me right in I NO HOME BE WITHOUT Far Sals aid Daltn Me ft srVtdt TORONTO fi fc PRONOUNCEQ SIKEEN We have received our Stock of New Fruits Ml kinds Dates Malaga Oranges etc A all the WKW CANNED GOODS Corn Peas Salmon etc from the Beet Canneries OUR Are nd the Beat that money can buy Oyster Parlor Open Select meat by Quart or Strved to ult OUR BREAD la Bam Cakes of ill kinds Freeh Ir None few COOKED HAM to dt AUeni Sweet Cider by quart or gUaa- Satisfaction Money Joseph With to our for patronage In them all a HAPPY son Newmarket and wellknown in this town Two popular young people of the city were united in the holy bonds matrimony on New Years Day when Cass of this city became the happy bride of Mr Roy P son of Mr John Rogers of Bradford and until recently employee of The Mercury The ceremony was quietly performed at Dublin St Church part by Rev Mr- Bell and the young couple took the evening on a wedding trip to points cast be fore taking up their residence a Grace Street Toronto Henderson The following fs copied from the Montreal Daily Witness the groom being a son of Mr poo of Pine Orchard A quiet wedding took place trday at the residence of the Mr and Mrs John avenue when daughter Fortune married to Mr Lundy of The ceremony vas by the Hart The who was unattended was given away by her father She wore a travelling costume of taupe gray cloth and mink hat and carried a shower of white rorezj and lilies of the valley Mr awl Mrs will visit Toronto and other western cities before up their residence in v Hotel Accommodation At the meeting of Committee on Thurs day evening of test week the pur chase of Hole property at 18500 was approve the furniture to be also bought at a valuation It was decided to form a joint stock company with shares at each and tho following were appointed Pro vincial Director to obtain a Aubrey Davis Joe A Cody J 11 Wesley IS Hunter and If Eves It known the Newmarket Hotel Company take of May next and run a tem perance hotel Already several ap plications have been received for position of manager The was made by dodger Oil the market Saturday that in meantime Mr the proprietor of the hotel will continue lo the travelling public at reasonable ratw- the above prompt action the Committee of the Option Campaign have made good and at much speculation a of business In the town THERE IS BUT ONE by for a fair tot a or aoia would Without hut oca lad papr that Weekly Win Hurt by resides to the deceased swore that some two months ago he noticed that the primary wire of the local system a voltage of was- touching the secondary wire at a pole from which descended the service wire to the Partridge home He said that on this night the contact caused the formation of a strong arc illuminating the pole enough for any one to see what was He swore that a test made of the wires of tle house on behalf of his company produced a strong ground showing that there was a good connection somewhere in the house with the furnace Once in his own house he had found the fuses all blown out and the house in darkness and he ascribed this to the contact of the two wires There had been complaints as to the charging of their houses from several residents two months ago on a wet windy night he had seen a very bright spark between the primary and secondary wire on the transformer from which Mr Partridges bouse was lighted Mr Hopper an employee of the town said that on the night of the accident he had been sent to cut the wires connecting Mr Partridges house hut by mistake he had cut the primary wire going into the trans former He had since repaired that by putting in a new of wire and putting on new cleats and by that he had put the wire in practical ly the same position as had been before Mr J Chairman of the local Fire and Light Committee told of the different men who had charge of the towns light power and water works system since its instal lation in He admitted that none of them had been experts al though Mr Kitchen had claimed he was Mr who run the engine and dynamo during Mr Kitchens regime had been promoted to the control of the plant on his leave and two other men ama teurs In a sense had been appointed to help him Mr had charge of the outside wiring of the town Mr the expert electrician said that of the contact between the primary and secondary wires as de scribed by Mr Goodwin existed it would account for the condition in Mr Partridges house Oils conclud ed the evidence The jury then retired in less than air hour relumed with the lowing verdict That Mr George Partridge came to his death by elec tric shock in his own house on Jan I caused by his own neglect in not having the wiring in the house put in proper repair having been warned by previous shocks and the family having been warned by the town engineer that they should have the wiring examined and from the evidence and from the evidence- pro duced no blame attaches to cither the Corporation of Newmarket or the Bell Telephone Company Ask N Rogers Co THE GROWER IS NOW SOU IN CANADA ON MONEY BACK PLAN Its a mighty good thing for lie women of Canada that Parisian Sage can now be obtained in every town of consequence No preparation for the hair has done to much to falling hair and eradicate and mako womens hair beautiful as Parisian Sage Parisian Sage Is the only certain of the dandrufl microbe which Is the cause of per cent of hair troubles The District Lodge mitati New market on Tuesday evening when the officers were J yivrmmer Chap Boderi Bro Hayes Clark of Bro J Weir Sec Bro A There a good turnout and enthusiasm the work of the The Town Not to Blame on the death of J Partfivlge came an end on Friday evening of week The Crown the Town and the Tele phone Co- were and an court from Torooto to take the Mr William Goodwin local of the Bell Telephone Company Oar from dinburi fast fafli to in been chosen as assistant pas for to Cr Afi- brews Church He once every Sunday The dwellihg tfw early hour Tiiursilay morning of- last wife and twbsbns escaped with their fsyeft of their home is a hole and a heap of- ashes was The Toronto branch League has decided to purchase a set of Irish bagpipes and a setltnatqrice welcomed Daniel- is on the way to Toronto If the pipes aire ap proved the Toronto branch willbuy An eleven year old named Abbott had both his legs towards flic close of while on An instance of commendable gener osity came to light last week- the train from the north brought to Sick Childrens Hospital Annie years old a Home girl from a Village near she has resided for about two years The child was suffering from a severe attack of gangrene and Dr at his- own expense brought her here for treatment It is feared she will lose both her legs at the knees Forty cents per for was the ruling figure for eggs towards of last week and this week they further declined Butter has re- tp 25c Johnston for shopbreaking was sent to the Central Prison for three months Albert Smith alsp for shopbreaking was sent down for six months Both prisoners asked the Magistrate to make the sentence light because whiskey did it but the PM thought the story was getting worn too much Suffering- intense agony from burns which cover her from the waist the neck Mrs Frank Moore was hur ried to the Hospital on Thursday of last week It appears she entered hep kitchen about 5 oclock to light a- lamp as it was getting dark She said I had just struck a match when I became faint The match caught my clothes and set hem on fire Mrji Moore has sub ject- of fits and one had seized as she struck the match She since died An idea may he formed of what annexed territory to the city means when it is stated that within the past the annexations take in the tide in their eagerness to ex- fourteen Puhlic Schools with tend the area under local option the roDms Including the kindergartens temperance people arc in danger of il teachers to supply the giving too little consideration to mea- schools of the city to hold the ground they have Campbell Attorney- won If they do not use their General of Manitoba was in the city to have- open houses maintained week and had an interview with and well conducted in all the places Ontarios Premier and Attprhcy- which the bar has been banish- General Home people they will be responsible for a batching up a Provincial Rights cry- public grievance scarcely more lolcr- attention able than the they are expelling themselves The travelling public cannot always Jessie Thompson Was sent down remain out of doors They must Have months on a charge of picking comfortable quarters in which to cat Pockets She has spent years and sleep and they must have clear- Kingston penitentiary for rights therein Are the picking and still she Indulges in this temperance people altogether- less of the welfare of persons whose Newmarket Makes Good And suddenly at that in the mat ter of providing accommodation for the farmers and the travelling public after the passing of Lota Option The Mail and in leading editorial on Jan printed the fol lowing Between JO and of the palitics local option was voted the municipal elections on Monday last adopted the bylaw At the end of the current license year the bar will be abolished in these towns villages and townships In some of the cities bylaws were car ried for the reduction of the number of licensed hotels The temperance people have good reason to he satisfied with the rate at which the liquor trade is being swept away After the 30th of April there will remain not more than half the number of bars that were in busi ness when the locaj option movement got fairly started In one or two municipalities in which the local op tion law was in force the voters de cided against it on Monday These too fcJ and to he taken as an indication of re action But that is no reason for ignoring the possibility of a turn in business takes them from place to i lace throughout the country The temperance workers cannot be satis fied with destructive measures They ought to he the first to devise and press reforms the need of which they themselves created What a hard ship it would he or the man who had to drive a team mile or so In the local option belt on Tuesday last If In none of the villages or passed through on that journey he coulil find a place of rest or shelter for himself and bis horses If the temperances people do not bestir themselves to hasten the adop tion of some hotel policy take the place of the one they are destroying It vlll not he long before they find springing up on the ground they have cleared a public opinion in favor of restoring the bar Such a reversal of the present movement will be an illicit and dcthoraHIInK liquor quickened It there is any growth of traffic In local option districts Never fear Old Thunderer the temperance people are and will bestir themselves and If we do not our guess the traveller and stronger within our gates will In future have every reason to compliment as well as commend the committee who suc cessfully handled the recent winning Campaign for after May when hotels here will be compelled to the baneful bar their revenue and success will depend on the more A division of the city take place in the early future With recent annexations it is likely the city will be divided into ten wards The rumormonger has been circu lating a yarn about Hon A resigning the leadership of the Opposition to go West To a peess reporter be said There is even the shadow of a foundation for the yarn That settles It There will he a dance at Govern ment House on Friday evening At the recent Insurance Institute meeting last week the appalling statement was made by the- editor o the Monetary Times that no less than 213 people were burned to death In Canada during the past year In 1000 the Ore losses in tho Domin ion amounted to 18 The Conservative Association Com mittee now revising Its rules pro poses to exclude civic and Govern ment officials from office Councils to statute Council elect for current year viz Richard Reeve Philip Shier Henry Duncan Charles W Stiles and William Lake Councillors met on Monday Jan at am and af ter subscribing the declaration of qualification and of office loojc heir mm I HARDWARE S J mm Paints Oils Etc a III Mil J A ALLAN COMPANY E W M A I r r KET JANUARY SALE I wfv Bargains as Usual Toronto Jobbing mm mm IS SS9 ft id iV A mm vv i Agents for Chocolates Agents for Sensation Brand Coffee CODY YORK UPTODATE j BE YOUR Our motto Quality First OUR AIM IS TO GIVE SATISFACTION Phone 152 Our Prompt breaking thru culvert 10 The following officers were appoint ed Auditors A Cormir and Jos Wcstgarth Assessor John Tay lor Collector Jos Kay Mem ber ol Board of Health A Council adjourned to meet at Pet- on Saturday 19 at pm ART VERSUS VEAL A member of the Art Students league tells this one on himself In course of a sketching jaunt in the rural districts last summer ho had wandered rather far afield and find ing himself In a picturesque section arranged stay a few days at home of an fU couple of uncouth but kindly nature Ho was engaged one day along the side was tethered in making a water col or study of the pretty creature when an drew up end the occu pants paused to ask for some I J A I J fc seats at the Agnation of dollars was made the motorists took a careful and assiduous attention to We Hospital lor Sick Children their patrons as on the result of Toronto Slx cples of the Municipal World was ordered one for each member of the Council and the Clerk The treasurer was Instructed to pernicious persistent and do- y efforts will depend their solo little devils thrive on the uccift or failure ordinary hair tonics Parisian Sago Is an and quick acting rcjuvenator t Cookstown Jan cur cash book for his omcc Rogers who the Master a respected farmer just outi ne following accounts were ordered in guarantees it side of was struck and to cure dandruff stop falling hair and Instantly killed by a falling In Times Printing Co poll books 1380 Itching In two weeks the woods yesterday He I John gravelling on btok J was standing on a fetish road bet and It Is a magrdficeot for road when the tree begin all add Percy gravelling on women Who warned ho failed to move side hair that com pels admiration Mr escaped by Sawyer one And a large bottle of Parisian Sage margin Deceased was about 55 tile mould coats only at I Rogers of age and leave a widow and Mrs gravel account Co and all oyer Canada several children r t t I I a At I Alf Jurnlr damage to tyik fancy to sketch and ar rangements to purchase ft when com pleted for J25 This bit of news aroused in ru ral hosts of the artist the most pro- found astonishment as he learned af ter retiring at night on overhearing from the kitchen below the following conversation Land Hiram dyou believe them people really give him 525 for that- little bit of Waal some them Plttsburgers more money than brains an theyro Like do most anything But my land Hiram fer a little bit o paper with a calf d to it I Why ft theyd only knowed it they cd had critter it self fer half tho money Pittsburg i J I Sponges should be hung Where the fresh air will reach them and where they win dry thoroughly the should be dried in bright sunshine and thoroughly scald ed now and then in soda water The Imperial- i k torn ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO Oxford A PERFECT BAKER note the from fire the divided flue on oven that meant that the front of heated as well call in and well show many more features

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