j Are Your Eyes Comfortable given homo every tlmn any two other in North York combined and to ho the Leading County Paper INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER en to to ntl to freely according to above No paper outside of North York paid Id advance to United States mm Watch chains Neck chains an J lock- eta See the new Jewelry Store Newmarket Friday Nov 6 iqo8 Tpoo better Another Italian named Cuiseppe v- III I license and flnod GO on last He keeps an icecreaii HIS TWO THANKSGIVING an early Jay It is said the first sod of the Government transmission the HydroElectric Power Commission will be turned by the On- Premier Tin Industrial School Hoard lias to apply to the Corporation of lor lor the equipment f a building for teaching carpentry tailoring printing etc at the School The institution has imatcs having been committed the HUSBAND Wife whats this string tied on my finger for THE WIFE Its to remind you about my new National Range be sure and fetch it with you to night I want one just like Mrs Sabins the National Range with the square steel oven We can fully guarantee National Stoves to give the best action having sold them for years without fault Steel Ranges from to Coal Heaters all styles up r York of the Hospital lection for his tha- i impression prevails in chari table circles that the coining winter will he a hard one for the poor Friday last the lit tag Day Will had to shovel a path to the only a wood pile and spent the dark morning wood into the back The widow While went- to or Deacon Peters had sent a night with more reason load last week to Mrs White In be- Riving than was got the dread- half the church aid in odd hours more than Judge Hall had ill Roberts Im put fcard of his mother him el he says he such dinner will do anything luge Will had sawn and split it of While be weather getting wait back having In thevil- the best reasons ires were I herself in the families of her beautiful daughter who children home with her from elegant arh as the gr her in the of widder and to nothin left i and then did of spiritual Tiiere was lilted to this particular which really lion strictly nothing Hi distress seemed a greater trouble to Mrs than the death of Joel who had just expired in the leanto bed room Joel had not been a help or comfort to her for the last ten years He had at last died of the tremens is she phrased it and left her with only the little brown house that had bright pantries gathering in the old home laughing tables spread every homelv dainty accordant with season but the Widow White and Will sat down to a dinner of boiled pork and potatoes and a pot of sage tea They did not say anything to each other while the scanty meal was eat enit is not New England fashion to be social at meals and there was nothing to warm their hearts in tin poverty and solitude of their condi tion and when at last it was over and the di lies disnosed of Will sat J by the fire and cracked some I nuts had gathered week before and picked out the fresh meats lor his mother It was unusual attention and his mother thanked him with a character of her saw him bed the dinner table and that mothe White in the ex Scripture among would have set with Ihe docs first- fruits mendahle Will White who was working hard lor his Hung and was as merry as cricket by the fireside Will began to look for her with a in the heart things very di3- husband agreeable all day if she failed to wildly drunk at j to Saturday as he both that father aV h language of he fell heartily in love her before he it and whocfa- his ambition had hitherto na to be rich now he wanted also flock distinguished Hut could he IPs resolve this little local road with com e anything should shouldered ii1 Squire Halls the village- daughter Luckily for him he had keen born an and what is Republic if everybody good as else all sorb of tales of The d The Millers The Tanier of work he g of coffee at one place another a dime here and there till they counted up baked potatoes he A SIMMS STOVES PUTTY PAINTS OILS PLUMBING AND NEWMARKET ONT Jury in their presentment last Saturday stirred up tilings considerably the Queen St Asylum kitchen was in state in respect of Hit tallies the boilers wherein food is cooked They also hit the Indus trial Home at Newmarket and said a sitting room for the men in a wooden building was not lit lor any human being to be in Guess they want the place carpeted with The jail authorities too a backhanded complimentary notice on account Ihe escape prisoners recently The Grand Jury regarded The Value Account la TBI DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS be made or withdrawn by either the two a household This form of account is specially sultiblo for those living in the country as either member can attend to tha tanking account when in town In case of death the money may La withdrawn by the survivor WITHOUT DELAY OR COST Writ or call lor further particulars Collects and Discounts Farmers Sale Notes at Lowest Rates Interest Added Four Tiroes a Year CAPITAL RESERVE ASSETS 8BC0OCO3 gleet result scandalous hunters look such a reverie he did not nd she took up her acre of garden ground ting and stared out of the window I was a bleak November day tic at rapid lakes of snow that sour and dark trees leafless a dim whirl in the upper air but earth sodden with chill rams and fell soft as wool upon the shrouded n dreadful silence and peace earth and hid its woes and small shelter by the deep fleeces The little ton and The Hunter Prairie al of whom had Governor Chief Justice dent and why should he Had he not in his very or youth of small T in the long roadside that had for week past re- great soft eyes grew darker as she- sounded with shrieks and groans Mr her thin lips and Huberts had been sent fur at the last need Its Hew she was looking hack moment with that vague idea of to a dreary past forward into a ghostly help at the very extremity threatening future feel whether we believe late for even an attempt at healing the sinsick spirit it had fled far away and now he stood gazing out cried in the spout of us she did profession or intention and now her fears hid Him as the hid His heavens and sight got letter of faith decidedly aid Will of explained his grief by sobbing I rot to grow up to he the Presi- tee the strong 3rd and sent them flight rabbits and sold becoming a prospect and probable the nth Hall the as Mrs While pimped She had much idea how to exhort the the other but he did the best thing after all he knelt at the next chair prayed fervently for a comfort BRANCH ability rollctt your F FIELD lager by presuming dogs on the trains at the Station tagged for the grounds up north to various places and help beyond Hunting deer stopped JHie way the students acted at the purer atmosphere Princess Theatre an Monday night of the funeral was held of neighbi profit instead when he had ma he invested it bundle of papers and half A of various small saloon had been beaten ami paper the brought home to his fat rs house in Cramp ton a mere wreck fever had and though bis injuries were popping wares besides trains home college had fight New York and Will his selves to higher education aid to the institution they are attending- During part of the performance while the lights were turned down a whisky the gallery struck one of the actors They should he clear ed out of the theatre the moment ley begin to interrupt A big concert is to be given in Hall Thanksgiving evening During the past week a young have such coral ph in now I K ears older pd held till stitution was feeble and the few well where the took mortal hold of what dissipation tiled its verdant and blows had left of it The widow and the White was sent for to help nurse poor soft fingers on the Sam for the judge was lame with ad he hunt- rheumatism and Mrs Hall always of the winter- nVlieate But there were watchers in rough baskets and the young men of BASE CASING All Kinds of Inside Trim Lath Shingles and Stuff th his best girl visited They strolled into the animal and the aforesaid young gent I he old age and The widow rather he alluded inappropriate as possible for that which have been gratuitous insult to the living and useless the dead hut Mr Roberts grew fairly eloquent in the fervor of his prayer for tlie mo ther and her son and Will White bent bis handsome curly head lower still to hide the real emotion that glitter ed in his eyes and flushed his face as Mr Roberts asked of the Lord that be a help and stay to the remaining uti oh In talk Will gran his for their fra- for I only helped to ten who helped for that frequently than any other miserable boy a thai Sam would have I ways f the nulla This the elephant would quick as a flash the big trunk flew out and knocked her tormentor halt way the room He picked himself but had no more desire to play pranks with the elephant and left the partment to brush his clothes young girls Emily Sing aid remanded on gold watch and Bertha a charge of from Miss and THE BEST COAL IN Corner Charth DAioy Ota JOS WESLEY J NELSON trial School were rei week and taken back i school will lake the the City on the inst We Our Fall Sitings and Overcoatings Made to Order have no equal In Town lor Material Style and Fit and the Price is always Right Give us next order end convinced F WILLJS ST MERCHANT oh wn hoy and only fortyseven out of your herself felt quite j to emergencies competent for all future emergencies Spellinbook says the Lord Will only behaved himself but of them that helps themselves a this little chagrin could and Im express itself and Mr Roberts no special in its it woke up Will to a sense it I ti the petition while yet it Ill do it he thought A when he took his place behind the Lmpton the was grateful even sick pompous way while Annie dolscendcd to turn her tearful eye- on Savings- him with a faint smile whenever they then smile that sent Will tempora- rily into testacy and glorified the on the the steps and even he ha ceasing brakewheel while ft ted to Certainly Annie did look with bis lovely In her rich soft quick perception he bad i a promoted to a longer line and better r folding mosses But pav al a r id it will Steady wages and steady fA j washing ironing sewing as I nursing hut he had laid Jars in the Dim Bank by the first of Jura it steady work He was handy and help spelled a wilt ill the on the same day Alex Nelson proprietor of the Sub way House will spend e next six the The first snow of the season fell in this City on Friday Only enough of came down to make 1 had neglected their coal bins mind them that winter was not far off The Bulgarians of this City are now looking about for a site on which to build a church It will be called the Bulgarian Presbyterian Church Of the or so residing here from Bulgaria most of them are Presby terians in faith The Salvation Army ha secure Hall for Sunday nights ith his mother a look of resolution and boyish face that struck who saw him though they did understand it said Mrs Ellis under her breath to another widow who with her Jest look at Will haint he awful he does appear aged some Crane feebly but its deal for a boy like him to a terrible pa as n was Hes to buckle to ren most of em I expect No he haint was the sharp re sponse Hes run wild she hasnt government at all Hes ho darn well please right along and he wont never be no good did I will was the and although the coiled from the She turned away the tallow candle so he jumped at than he well to him than in the cars ted to this He road for hh a and looked to and pity so transfigured if it had Lien fatuatrd ill the nip- that made I the sparkling laugh and regular ought t Hall ha th- inked but then the cheer was small Everybody that worked and frail it might not last be made many another woman she 1 ad he came in never more than surface contact with any of the a life of the child she had home and and helpful ursed Hard work a husband smooth and impoverished hi cession of drooping the man aid ml his mot er thinking if he thought ihing that his affairs with that fam ily were concluded man the play had but just begun Will could io tain his passion in silence no longer the opening spring journeys thing Mercy to me if it a Come Mis up I cant stay thru the prayer And snow it did bitterly and all that night and the day which was the old and festival of New England Tb arise temporarily interrupted by part impertinent long land Will was always ready old lady down the steps to births she bad mourned for some tired mother over their deaths the books w he gather- im hourly fight for life that absorbs the skirts to ihe poor and sufferingall these had kept or to give some stout old gent her from the close and tender irti- a lift wit his strong young arn macy with her only living child that But hen Hal began to go t- might have given her a better under- Dart ord Seminary ton enough to standing of the resolution strength da mi Is m he bcn to m capacity and tenders of the nature that be liked to be p tter that lav hidden under the rude health than anybody else and between the and undisciplined spirits of a boy stations east many a furtive glance mh ill- of flabby novels weekly story papers spent of bis time out through me d books which he held while she trip- ann was an adept at all he ordinarily her posl on on up the ear stpbirch bark sports occupations country a new of solt light hair the si file boys and withal quick Kholar at throat below and the Hat on bunches of the pink- throat below and the district school though hitherto top of the his mischief and merriment had made Now ant for him a bad record that t hi good lessons death in Wills life bis careless boyhood and the pi a fell from him like a maskers mantle beside that dreadful and graceful and the deep other I joined her turned about a I witched him with a view of ad blue eyes her delicate to us nestled in the tiding proundpine apple in dry straw for and the tin fib if long after apples in geners simple tokens of an deepened daily and on jo OF ONTARIO TORONTO