Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1908, p. 4

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THE SEWMAEKET 14 1908 of Children night coughs little help to quiet irritation control the in check the progress Our advice is give the children terry Pectoral Ask your if this Is his advice also knows best Do as he says Prison Labor It will be remembered that tour members of the Ontario Legislature appointed lat year to inquire the question of Prison Labor jconsisting of Messrs J P Downey Patterson and These gentlemen have completed the work assigned them and repotted the result of their investigations They recommend some very sweeping than- j in the treatment of prisoners Also that the Central Prison he that a new prison be built a farm of four or five hundred acres within reasonable distance of Toronto- And now that we think of tiTQ urn to jit here is a chance for local P to get for North York what he yea think constipation is of Hon E J Davis ought to just ask He ihave done with the proposed Prison farm which is to be THE CHILDREN Insure Them Good Health yon of Unit notion in short I Correct it at he will Then him about Pills mi livtr pill all located within reasonable distance of Toronto established say at Pine Or- or King City Now is the strike while the iron is The recommendation of the ttee with regard to a Prison however is in line with tion made Justice not a great while ago The com mittee report that near Cleveland arm of ire sent all prisoner guilty of hereditary laziness or They are not the kind of people who- would appeal for help ex- hut- like who much suffer is at existing con things must be pretty bad indeed On Friday last one of the found ten families in a terribly destitute condition The same misery existed in each and all the ten homes visited They were without food fire and warm clothes and all heart seemed utterly crushed in their you wonder that ties Imply j fortunates are compelled the for help medl- I burn with pity for them fruit them day by day Mr John Smith P it is said will again introduce suffrage bill thi It provides for a limited voting priv ilege to female property owners Mr Smith has introduce this hill three or four times but is not at all daunted by previous defeats as on each the Era Crusts of Bread for Mother and Hungry Babies in Toronto in front of the kitchen range littl- lad three years old wrapped shawls and blan Is a wasted pa retic little sawing to impress the and terrible carried him over Then ha been no tux IkjUu uid little clothing The as almost frozen The breakfast anil star for quest for work consisted of two rooms practically depleted of furniture The family- consisted an outofwork father a weak mother still confined to her bed twins of two years old and three other children all under ten years of age one of them a girl suf fering from a severe of whoop ing cough The provisions consisted of a few crusts of bread to be eaten with water ft was ten below zero and not a hit fuel in the house of the city arc homes without fuel or rrovis- k of the poor fair Canada down and enjoy a hearty the blessings we happy homes Perha but let as add one more helping some dear child ho is living today in a hi grief and despair The flower is beautiful ir dew has withered so Hi This may give point to the old truth that often the sweetest and purest flower blooms in the most ob scure spot The dear little children that are concealed in the narrow streets and backward lanes must he cared for We know not what possi bilities arc slumbering in them await ing only our helping band to uplift them from the deep valley of tempt- Just The child they golden Milk in any form taken at night is apt to cause digestive disturbance Your nights rest is not refreshing To ap pease hunger or merely for companys sake in the form of a bouillon or sandwiched between thin bread and butter is excellent After this light supper you will sleep well and awake re- wish it to he recognized Trusting that there will be a response Thanking you for this space in your valuable paper Believe me most sincerely J OSCAR JOHNSTON Victoria College Toronto 100 for Libel Before Mr Justice and a jury at the Assize Court Toronto was tried the action of Mrs Isabella who CATARRH Dilutes Dr Catarrhal Powder train strong testimony tried remedies without Dr Catarrh Church for form of head pain overworked They be sued two Markham farmers John and William Jones for damages for alleged libel con tained in a petition circulated around Box Grove in November at a J when all the parties were living at Box Grove asking the Municipal Council to take steps to have a from the house of the late in Box Grove Mrs was the occupant the house The defendants deny that the petition gotten up in malice or that it publicly circulated and plead justification for its contents The jury words It ire bruised i And lambs for whom the Shepherd from the fold sojourn upon it speak the deaf to e and the lame to rejoiced He entered began the blind to l while the bounding pulse of health fie touched with his lingers dead matter and bread multiplied in hands ffis voice mounded i the meteorology and the winds like w children sobbed themselves to sleep The very worst that Natures law and physical force can do is to bring our land to a state of famine but Christ has given us health and strength and prospered us Sub sequently the question remains with us to continue where possible in the example that our Heavenly Father to GET THE BEST IT PAYS ELLIOTT of Mrs Th defendants say they will TORONTO Is now enjoying the largest attend ance in its history THERE IS A REASON FOR IT College open entire year Commence now Write for handsome catalogue W J ELLIOTT ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints ring- stifles and swollen throat coughs- etc Save 50 by use of one bottle War ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by J Broughton To Farmers A thorobred Berkshire Boar will be kept for service on lot 101 1st Con East on East POWELL trades The women in these desti tute homes look pinched and worn as they have been making great for their children In one home baby arrived while ther was el in the and the father and burn little confidence In year- a will the self shaving Shaving bould be I PiiT banking institutions vIUi tin banks and the merging of several smaller life and Ore insurant throughout the country one or two representative Is receiving the attention leading and the present time It Is claimed th too many small banks companies in Dominion and is thought i many these would prove licrefitial i- In the J recent a last week and READY FOR MSB the required by the Federal Government the seed grain to be distributed to the settlers in the North West Saskatchewan wheat and hush barley in of 0 oats at- arley The girl of eleven were to death about eleven oclock yesterday morn ing while the frantic father and bus- hand made Ineffectual attempts to go to their rescue The Ore started a heated stove pipe near the leading to the upper floor and with such rapidity that doomed family alike impossible Cannot be Cured local applications as they tench the diseased portions of the tut There is only one way to deafness and that la constitution al Is caused by an Inflamed condition the ltninft the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a nihil rig sound or imperfect hearing and when It 1b entirely closed Deaf- It and unless the In flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition will be destroyed forever out of ten caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused catarrh that cannot be cured Halls Catarrh Cure Send lor up order that there might be a warmth hi- her mother and fcrir children the infant In house there were looking In su lie man was employed as iijori earned abr but he was aid up with main hail in tor his wife and house few the before i Rescue the perishing Duty demands it Feelings lie buried that gilts Can Touched by a loving heart Wakened by kindness Chords that were broken will connection with this work of home people seems these people la id an home pastors called at a week aiid when he entered mother lying a bundle the and pressing to a dear little infant She keep back the It in accord Iflgemeot to be oice was a chair In II their household had to buy and clothing her husband was out enquiring for work that he might be able them some supper sad and pitiful home was visited Sunday afternoon where It found that the been ill with Scarletfcver and with neglect owing to the need of borne comforts ho paiscd way uttering with tone Cod blesG my dear Willie They were just in time to have the mother buried prop erly and the dear children cared or There was very In the at the time of the mothers death and no fuel She was a widow and had no one to care for her through Illness save her eldest daughter old They had received credit from several grocery stores and fi nally were refused anything more with Out money cases of poverty are all very respectable and deserving The in terior of the homes are well kept as elf that is and guard against We do city to become a rendezvous of slums yet that is the result which iidiiler- ly bring to pass As sist these people to help themselves ami they will struggle to their feet gratefully and determined to better Neglect them am ill remain where they riavi fallen We do not want the In Toronto or immediate surrounding ft is had at but it Is easy to see Wierc it be a great deal worse There Is a great need for of every kind particulary for children between the ages of two and nine years There are several sewing organized by the willlngworken Toronto and will alter any cloth Ing to the requirements of those in need Will you bo kind enough to look through your home aud hunt out something to tiiese peoph from the severe winter frosts Saturday Is market day in town will those who come to Newmarket bring Department of Railways and Canals CANADA TRENT CANAL ONTARIORICE LAKE DIVISION SECTION NO 3 Notice to Contractors Wanted Plain Sewing for and Chil drens Clothing Apply to Mrs Bo Newmarket P O 248 Main St Good Building Lot SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned endorsed Tender for Trent Canal will be received un til 16 oclock on Thursday of March 190Btor the works connected with the construction of Section No OntarioRice Lake Division the Plans specifications and the form of the contract entered into can he seen on and after the February at the the Chief Engin eer of the Department Railways and Canals Ottawa the of the Superintending Trent Canal int and at the ol Mr J Division Engineer Trenton at which places forma Fifty ot Under may he obtained OTjKS Parties tendering wil be reared to the Domestic Water Schedule I Hard and water good barn with stable hen house and lota of fruit A bargain Apply to Farm tor Sale acres Large Brick accept the pare or to prepared by the De partment will I in mind- tenders will not sldered unless made strictly in ac cordance with the printed and in the case firms unless there are attached the actual signatures the nature of the occupation and place of residence each member of the Arm An accepted bank cheque for the sum of S10000 must accompany each tend er which sum will be forfeited the party tendering declines entering into lltt WILLIAMS Newmarket Private Sale Jin Canebottom Chairs leat Table Centre Table Rocker Mat tress Dresser Dishes and Centre Table Enquire A Ir win contract for the stated in the offer submitted The cheque thus sent In will be turned to the respective contract whose tenders arc not accepted The advertisement dated 1 1308 Is hereby cancelled their parcel and leave it the York Radial Railway freight depot hi or der that might have it sent to the city on Monday whore it will be lully distributed to those in need of clothing Tho Fred Victor Mission will pay express charges on tho goods sent them to distribute I would like to state another request I Will every home that welcomes the lira iu their house endeavor to contribute at least twentyfive cents for the aid these hungry children it is not ask ing much ami perhaps some thought ful young boys and girls will home from the rink one night and their dime to buy a meal for some hungry little orphan Newspapers inserting advertise Address your contributions to without authority from Dew- partment will not be paid lor it son street Toronto or to the Editor of the Newmarket Era By placing By Order Department ol Railways and Canals Ottawa January Lumber and Square Timber Any or length for Bale Also tending or lying wood In lota to sulk purchasers on lot con on Mr Huntleys farm Apply to R ARMSTRONG Newmarket Farm To Rent LotJNo con North on Lake Shore road more or less good clay loam brick house bank ham two good wells and cistern Apply to MARY L SUTTON WEST ONT or on the premises miles west of Jacksons Point station Lake Shore Road

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