THE BRA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1908 Weeks Local Hems WHAT IB OH Hockey match with Toronto last night A candidate rode goat on Wednesday night House No I On Tuesday Mr Rose closed a contract with Mr S to build another new residence on St The material will be order ed at once and work will commence as soon as the season opens The Friends Quarterly meeting will be held at the Friends Church Newmarket on Saturday and Sunday next Dr Mills of Toronto will be present on Satur day afternoon and possibly on Sun day Choral Society A meeting those interested in the Choral Society will be held in Dr Wilkinsons parlors this Friday even ing at It is hoped there will be a good turnout of ladies as well as gentlemen whether they The Snowshoers The brilliancy of the moo during the past week was tiring to who creasing numbers seemed each evening of Mrs A was the on Friday evening last Miss Clarke on Tuesday and Mrs Major od Thursday signified their intentic joining It is Death of Don Sutherland An estimable young man in his year passed away on Monday morn ing in the person- of Mr Donald Suth erland eldest son of Mr Suth erland the oldest merchant in New market For the past five years he been failing in health but the end came very suddenly through hemorr hage Deceased leaves a young widow to I The funeral took place day conducted by Rev A Camp bell Among tie relatives in attend ance from a distance were Mr Alex Sutherland Mrs Gray and daughter Mrs Walter Sutherland and Miss Cochrane of Toronto also Mr Frank Sutherland of Ottawa Along with many friends we our sympathy to the bereaved family Death of Miss S Ronan After suffering intense pain for eight years the last two of which he was entirely helpless Miss Sophia daughter of Mr Titos of New market died at Hospital on Thursday evening of Ttje remains were brought residence of her sister Miss Ronan on Fri day morning and the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon conduct ed by Rev T there was a large attendance friends Deceased was a lovely Christian character and a teacher for years in the- Methodist Sunday School Sim bore her suffering with tude and was never heard to or complain Her death was a most Carnival held in Newmarket took Skating Rink on Wednesday even Over Skaters were in which comprised some magnify The prizes were won as Ladies Miss Madder Brit fee Valentine Social The Valentine Social in the School Room of the Christian church oh was quite a success There was a good attendance and a plendid program Recitations by Miss Mann Miss Jennie Pros- Mr Stanley Scott and music- by Mr and Mrs West There were Valentine decorations and games at close of the program Proceeds about Quarterly Tea The of the Methodist held their regular meeting and Quart erly Tea at the residence of Mrs on Wednesday afternoon About forty ladies were present Mrs A WidJificld President of the So ciety presided The program included Oof Top onto tetter Notices of the promotion of some sixtyfour private bills at the Legis lature have been received Proceedings have been takes to un seat members of the City Council who for the bylaw to reduce the Evidence was elicited at the Parks Investigation Monday which seem to indicate that the Commissioners ac counts were manipulated for a The trial of Mis Minnie Turner lor performing an illegal operation on a young woman named Rose Winters died In Toronto in September last has sent over to the March Sessions Walter Parks alias Adams the ex- bartender was convicted on a charge the two Mrs Mrs Thompson and Mrs Jackson solos by Mrs J Patterson nd instrumental selections by Mrs A very profitable and time was enjoyed Valentines Day This of February is Valentine Day and of course the postoffice of ficials will be more than busy banding out missives as well as com ic to young people of both sex It is a custom that comes down to us from the days of long The tine has been much controverted but it is indisputably of ancient date Valentine was a bishop of the Romish church who suffered martyrdom un der Claudius II at Rome A So says Dictionary of dates Dear Sir Find for another year could not do my for the Era as y v ell without and know old friends here at the present been quite during the great- part of the winter Indeed fortunate that it was so then We Ran Comic Hard Times Girls Miss Marion Frost Girl Hoys Prize Harry Hunter as CI you lively little it has been childhood thing ahout his character the Mendelssohn Choir in Massey Hall on Monday evening last was a grand affair Every seat filled and the perform- by the Choir was impressive and colossal in volume of tone The numbered P P was guest at the Borden Club Mon day night- He gave an address industry The post office authorities have leas ed Ontario Bank premises Front for a temporary customs de ar tment It took from Wednesday till Friday week for the railways to over- physician arrived almost immediately only to find boy dead The cause of death was said to be a broken neck The General Ministerial Association an intimation that the Gipsy Smith is to visit this A representative denomination al committee has been appointed to complete arrangements and confer in regard to the matter Gipsy Smith meet with a warm reception all denominations A fire broke out about oclock on Tuesday morning at Bowlers store Queen street doing damage to the extent of Eight families turned out of their warm beds and made for places of safety in their Fortunately there were no lost although some of the inmates had a narrow escape from suffocation Te Trust of the Hospital for Sick Children have asked the City Council to increase the corporation from to this yea The appeal case of Marsh Alfred Lloyd has been- adjourned the suggestion of the court to BRUNTONE We begin taking Stock on Feb ls STQGK MUST BE REDUCED BY Our February StockTaking Sale includes Every Line of Goods we handle BARGAINS ALL ALONG THE LINE lie The Toronto Brewers have donated to assist in the lief work being undertaken by the charitable organizations in Id liter hose in rated of caused through the scarcity of wt in the city At the trial of druggist for si liquor under the name of a patent medicine it was decided that being medicine be sold a A proposal has bet ffe doubt it would In consequence of facilitiw- occasioned by snow blockade the Breeders Association Show postponed till the 28th Inst Hospitals a expenses had here that are depending lie city for their living and the are taxed to their utmost to keep them going They lid from the council It seems a shame men with families to places where the labor I a ra weeks The Crown to net unhoi was released held under bond- Dr On Sunday in an laymen on the for the ih ere are all running hour indeed are closed down al together for lack of business yours teems to be doing a good stead business is a good sign as the- of the town Wishing and readers a pros Live Stock Market cattle to V inferior I from tc to vs to each Firemen s Banquet with specially printed Cards and excellent piano Hiss whole being a acknowledgement by the proprietor the effort the Brigade preventing the fire all from con turning the premise In the absent through illness ex Mayor occupied the chair ard proposed the usual which heartily received and responded to by singing and speeches The speakers were Col Lloyd Mr and Mr A W The latter replied to the toast Host and and made a splendid was heartily endorsed by every fireman When the Brigade does a good Ken ice It Is Very to them he luoft are very few that shov such generosity t Mr was sent down for hi and was again arrested last week The question Paly get his liberty as yet expired by King township Chief Justice gave in the ArnoldiCockburn day awarding sued for An early morning fire on Tuesday Bay street did about dm- It occurred in the premises oc cupied by the Thompson Paper Co and Geo dress makers A sleigh load of bricks broke thru ie ice on the Bay last Tuesday and to the bottom Owing to tte death of taffy Mor- ley the visit of the Governor General and Lady Grey to Toronto been postponed 9 Killed by an Explosion Montreal Feb 11 Nine me blown to pieces and several others by an explosion at the works of Standard Explosives Ltd this afternoon Every who was near the scene of the plosion was killed those were were working in a joining building wer by glass the windows which wire blown in by force of It is stated that no one thousand pounds of one the mpst terrific known went up and tie for a distance ol at least 12 milt was so tremendous that it was ft people at Junction feeling the Apron Gingham with border In wide per yard Flannelette Blankets bite and Grey per pair Twill Sheeting pet yard yd lie yd yd Red Fianelette Sic yd Big Reductions in Reductions in Dress Goods Flannelette Shirt- Remnants of all kinds at Hall Price Boots Shoes MENS HEAVY RUBBERS this month to he the StockTaking Sale Canned Pork and Beans 3c tin Canned Peas Canned Corn Lard lb Mustard and Cooking Figs lbs for BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BRUNTON BAKING POWDER Mrs Swales of I few with her lorry Burnett has returned horn spending a week with dative Richmond Hill pleased to learn Master Fid son of Mr been quite ill is getting better Dick spent a few days ir- in Mrs of parents Mr and Mrs Davis Miss Pearl who has teen hock anil earthquake Tlie calamity ha of tor hiriitrl j tin- the mails and was sent to It v learned by When the Iiluinnl Ir manufacturer street they found a Murray He unl for ill on of the I Sir Mr ir the liquidation named sole Die Hanks Braum vjolin n lee with the filin and fell on sidewalk Tuesday GOLD FILLED CHAINS broke Mist bating at Old fay evening on the skate of t0 jrt right leg The City Solicitor that to rut his of the hat The mortality in the other said tonight that it ever be known Two buildings had been blown up the factory inn was and the Mr Frederick M in the expert an I For lieauty good wear and long usefulness they Match the Solid Gold Chains Our Selection these ex cellent is large and if we can tempt you to at attachment mil fori Gents Chain The Finest Goods GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co JWlry tort- this l sick during the post year The contractors in with the roofing of the new St I Market A and a pleaded guilty to a charge to d whole tipal of tin city a minute the Into a out of the way Two and picked THE BEST BREAD go to SIMPSONS Try Our OYSTERS PHONE NO a good attendance at the Dominion Parliament On Monday last- Hon Mr Foster for a return showing the of imprisoned criminals released nee by the Minister of Justice helore the expiry of sentence the date of release the reasons and branch of the legal were making a release- prisoners useless Procedure More Bargains at This Busy Store Heavy reg 1 5 20c for Heavy Wrapperettes reg for 8c Heavy Grey Cotton for Sleeting tot 8c W C The Leading Tailor Stop tin ingle the request stance was to political mill Ik ollccteil to the motion as it he adding needless to tiekel-of- persons to give names n the returns Mi Foster thc motion accordingly it passed will accept faith Newmarket Markets OF MONTREAL Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS S 11000000 CO 150832 168001173 White Boarders Wanted At the Cedara Mrn Scott Prop carried to FORD Dealer In All Kinds of Fresh Meats DO i per lied Wheat per Spring Wheat per per Barley per bush per Peas per bush Buckwheat per Bran per ton Hay per ton Butter per lb Eggs per dozen Beef per quarter Chickens per pucks per lb Geeae per tb per lb Toronto Markets 78 34 is 10 0 14 February 13 White Wheat per Red Wheat per Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat Rye per bin Barley per Oats per bush Hay per ton per bag Butter per pound Per Hogs per Chickens per ft p ft- lb Turkeys 0 go ia 0020 30 0 10 15 12 13 Branches at all important centres In Canada and In London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former of the Ontario Bank Branch will be Branches at Newmarket and Queensvllle ROSS For a Right Away Order Phone HOWARDS North End TEAS AND COFFEES Our Tea salts in two months just doubled this fact savors of lon We are making supreme efforts to give to our many patrons Tea values procurable to build up for this a reputation Up SUPERIORITY We would like you to investigate this can our contention that you get better Tea at less coat can get from tea Extra Value in Japan A Wonderful Tea Black or Mixed our special blend Coffees ground they will Interest you you appreciate a rich bracing breakfast Coffee and lb Choice Table Figs 10c lb 3 Tins of Corn for 3 Tins Peas for Brown Soap lc per cake English per bottle 100 lbs Fancy Mixed lb Special300 Butter cts COOKED Ham Corned Be Jellied HocHa Rolls Breakfast Bacon CROCKERY 30 Toilet Sets tils week at special prices See our variety PHONE I W CHQWAMj jiii- archives of oNmRr TORONTO 3