m House and Lot sale In the Village of Sharon house and stable also an For particular DO AN SI P ran Large garden and stable cor Park A Lome Choi location Enquire of A WILLIAMS Newmarket York Bear era is have the hi of the hack small brothers bulldog ial except the THE GREAT DURABILITY WATERPROOF BRAND POMMEL SLICKER Make It First Choice Who Knows nerved 1irirtr wan nrertented to litem Major lleury and Mr Aurora John I William Forrester gave to Mr Linton ma dirt reply i rrorriirml Item v Sir Ma pleasantly of enjoyed Friday altcmoon altrrrr lrr runil Kant and ol their a nlelehrlle rrranB Comer decorated try their is reeled by a goodly rootlor rd noon air lain graphiiphoiie lai jus nth phone million voiced spout star arch to a solo by n 1 through- nut the person he finds it fn it might have bee has been lliixd raiiti ejilHois of who J0II1- Fact frQtti Owen Sound to make It a 2 latons taele for the day hodgepodge In the never desire to put out beer Ik conic new records they taken Local thing and as a the majority tiV things a talking I left town- Ol I been Hat- for thru with less trash and I H greater effort to get the real good Meat out of the talking machine- liny j Sila would have hem better off in Ion run but they were looking for Mown appear to got them for thr majority of people on al if the Herns In per cent of the pupil of was much enjoyed by all especially Hb a shine tab each of the boy did part old by J Public Improvements Under Option 1 An uptodato has been whereby Is soon to enjoy large to to Increased attendance bridges tiavo been built In the town ami vicinity i Local did not prevent extension to the I If- doubling their It I VI iskey Its Man Dec The fiTln Hotel owned A and run was burned to the ground on Saturday Walls Spavin Dure jvinThoroughpm remedy that Ringbone Splint Blood and Hog Hock especially if of lout linimcnta or blisters SPAVIN CURE n exlraordina results It cures old hair- ntf tile horse and ffiffSS No Honing No Gri DOES YOUR RAZOR PULL IF DI8CARD IT AND TRY A THE RAZOR WITH THE PULLING EXTRACTEDTH1S RAZOR 18 UNLIKE ANY YOU HAVE EVER IT MADE OF THE MOST PERFECT STEEL PRODUCED IN ENGLAND AND IS TBMPSRSD BY OP YOUR DEALER WILL DELIVER TO YOU A MAGNETIC RAZOR ON THIRTY TRIAL WITHOUT OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART TO PURCHASE GET ONE TODAYI A AGENT NEWMARKET ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO