Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1907, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET CHINA HALL Weeks Hews Tbe Skating Rink was well patron ized on Christmas Day Band at tbe Rink toright Some people must be leaving their taps open for the water to run night- The reservoir was emptied Saturday night DECEMBER Railroad Reduced Rates On account of New Years the Grand Trunk System will sell return tickets at tbe fol- reduced rates Single Fare going Dec and Jan returning on or before Jan 2nd Fare and onethird going Dec to Jan 1st returning on or before Jan 3rd Financial Statements Leading Grocery was never bet ter prepared to do full justice to our many customers Our is large J According to law Tuesday was tM fully assorted We would advise last day for Clerks to have posted oar friends to buy their fruits Financial Statement of Re- peels extracts c from detail at once and be sure of the best year just closing The church statement was printed at this VERY REASONABLE COST Monda I seen any statement for Selficte Raisins lbs for Municipalities Selected Currants lbs tor Seeded ftaislDs lb for full Officers At a regular meeting of Newmarket No held in Oddrfel- Hall on Dec the following officers were elected for the coming year Worshipful Master Julius Rogers DeputyMaster Chaplain Rhynard J Rogers Kin H Rogers Treasurer A J of J Weir Lecturer John Committeelames James son Verity John Stevens and Andy pound Currants fine extra SOMETHING NEW- Seedless Valucia Raisins pounds lor 25c Table Raisins 25 and per lb Malaga Grapes extra quality Table and ExIsIor Coffee is the finest flavor and pleases everybody Oranges are getting sweeter and more juicy every day We will have tbe best Nuts of all fcfafe In fact we can please you In grocer ies both in quality and price For the Era The Message of Christmas I 9 BY i China Dept Larger Assortment Ever Better Selection Tbsm Ever More varied and handsome Rich Cut Glass at popular prices for qual ity Handpainted China Have you seen it If not come In and see a fine selection at little more than tie cost of china As usual we lay out for quick inspection arid selection tables at and OLD GREEK WARE Is a line of High Class China ap preciated by those wishing something J odd and artistic Court Rescue 7iJ7 On Monday evening last the above Court elected officers for as fol lows It Norman Bain Fred J J tt Art Goring J tt Frank Smith Percy Traviss J B Trustees Bros John Will Collins and J Smith Auditors Bros A and I A Bacon Med Bro tt In the small quiet village presentation of the world meets on a of Bethlehem and as the narrator joyous level freely accords a relates amidst the humblest high place and plain to Christ on that first Christ- life and precept So in these re- mas Day Jesus was horn ho is Christmas stands out a day Christ the Lord of days and from it start best No event in all the ages and civilization tiiat the Ed a more profound impression or world has ever known What does vctoped into such worldwide it mean to us Much very much Let us not judge too bntrflyv this because the Great Teach the manner reception or in- and exalted Gospel has made sympathetic and indifferent the conditions of life so much more accorded this wonderful tolerable and enjoyable We have the people of His own kindred in and enjoy today privileges and liber- Palestine hopes and dreams arid not exist fact- expectations of the were- never dreamed of when Christ centered around the com and was born of a scion of the royal Uncage and We have more widespread and con- House of David- who wouli at educational facilities for the be their Messiah and King And at humblest of the people as well as for the particular time of which wc write all conditions life We people were in sore richly endowed for the straits under the yoke tion of all forms of human sufferings galling and oppressive aim with and where the sick and dying receive ternecine strife amongst their various solace and tender attention We have i religious teachers and Sects almost different forms of Homes lor the very any change could not but be welcome poor and indigent from one cause and pregnant with hope and relief or another are too helpless to help Born in a manger and apparently of themselves have institutions for unknown and lowly parental the ad- the and the deaf and dumb and vent of Christ ill assorted with their those who are mentally Imbecile We expectations and prophetic interprets have asylums for the insane where We can perhaps overlook much kindly treatment is administered of their doubt and unbelief- when we- Hue time of Christ these unfortunates remember the entire absence of the were homeless and outcast have pomp and circumstance that are freedom of convictions ally present at birth of a Prince n all form of life and have as the years passed and although cry abolished have the Great the wonderful work ami words ano Masters message disseminated more spotless life marvellous Teach- or less in all regions of the earth became known ana were listened We have a Code of righteous laws to His own people and even His based on the justice and equity of chosen disciples did not until nearly J Christs teachings and precepts We the close of earthly pilgrimage have schools and colleges of all sorts fully realize the presence among hem for special training in the arts and of Divine sciences We hare havens for the It fills us with amazement why the where kindly words of question should have been awed by council and comfort are spoken to woo the people of His own country Is peace and safety such of not this the carpenters son Kws daughters as have in unguarded this too at the time when lie was moments slipped and fell And wo proclaiming His wonderful and go on and enumerate many more performing His greatest miracles blessed realities that arc our One of the first messages to today that were not known to coincident with His birth was- hl worW child Jesus was Peace on earth and good will toward orn Argue as we men the strains of this will or speculate as we will the Christ sweet music has so often been muffled and the Christ precept has grown as it has rung on the chimes of and will continue to grow more vis- all the ages jet today as never be- and stronger and His spirit is fore this glorious paean gains abroad and is ever moulding into a AGENTS SOB Westons Childrens Shoes And Century Mens Fine Tailor Garments AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE ALL HOLIDAY GOODS At Almost Any Price Great Opportunity for NEW YEAR GIFT BUYING School Gift Entertainments Etc Dinner Seta at almoin any price but we certainly have a line of pieces All China Sets worth more than we will ask from now until Christmas these are China All dinner sets will sell a very close prices Our Library for prisms Is a Hail Lamps from up On Monday evening Mrs George Teasdale Golden Wedding on the 3rd concession occasion brought number of relatives and friends The company sat down to a sumptuous repast and when this bad been par taken of tbe Rev Mr Leonard of EXTRA Chinaware Sacrifice We bought a lot of fine Chinaware for Christmas sellings we bought it cheap we marked it to sell at from to per cent cheaper than regular price but for some treason it hasnt sold readily Why we dont know at all events its left on our hands and we donfi it not a regular line of ours so here goes Articles that you would pay and for in the that we had marked at and ioc your choice Cents Each The lot real China Fancy Decorated Jugs Butler Dishes Cups and Saucers Shaving Mugs Marmalade Pots Cream and Sugar Sets Fruit Dishes Salad Bowl Bon Bon Dishes Fern Pots Match Holders Plates Vases Pickle Dishes ore A NEW YEARS GREETING MAY YEAR BE A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS OXE FOU YOU GOGHENOUR MARTIN COMPANY accordance with a settlement made by the reeve Harriet Griffin strength and force over the whole closer brotherhood- the hearts of men paid for sustain civilized world It Is permeating parliaments on the highway Christ Interprets human duty and shines forth In the lhat execute an privilege in a new wav He was a IV many the greatest and new light that came into a world exalt fun of selfishness J and moral obloquy The 2Hall H Corner J Corner jr Div No House Udorn C and on other The great political power was Rome then in the zenith of its glory variety the pastor of the Japanese China at any present In a wropriate ft seem- price from up The Leading followed by addresses by Uptodate Grocery an China- Rev Walter Amos of Aurora Mr Mr Williams Mr a look at our North selfishness it has the crown of the best civilisation that the world has ever known It has exalted na tions and the rulers of and those who arc in authority lu the nations has broadened mens minds clari fied their live and he window for Fancy- China and our Booth window for Groceries A SMITH The Leading Reliable UptoDate of Toronto and others After a long and strenuous married life of fifty years Mr and Mrs Teasdale are in the best of health and their many friends wish for more happy and restful days The pres ents were numerous and appropriate A Great Success The Town Hall was last Friday niht and the under the auspices of y was a brilliant in way choruses were supporter an orchestra of seven pieces and the sang with great heartiness A down little tots with and carriages surprised audi ence with their The of the bailor Icicle Hoys and fairies very attractive and all did their parts well Ire at the Fairies Clans and the boys who carried on dialogue with- him aa though the very fullness of time Home and had come for a distinctly new order And then can us of At this juncture there For Brick House and lot also frame Large garden and lots fruit treea table cor Park Lorae Avenues of A WILLIAMS Newmarket Cook Wanted Clothes Cleaned deserve great praise The distinct ness of action and expression was a over Public fa ihx deserves special mention Propr I The order was most excellent and was delighted with the Lover aufvedfn jV throughout WW nut Canada during November and entire presentation reflect credit on those who had charge get along with as the kickers j tt Another future v kicking and of one of the friend the mule while In town there by lights full l old never ft ruined by with anything The cow fa in beaold the mule prettily J with nags bunting short of a funeral can get will long be by those who took put a holidays of Over were taken in at the door pleasing feature of the Christmas which will pay all expenses including presents for all the Primary Class besides candies and oranges for all the scholars There were at school last Sunday and Hun- day before came this wonderful Galilean going up and down Palestine leaching in the Synagogues preaching and dis puting with the in the Temple entering systematically Into the woes and sufferings the poor the restoring sight blind weeping at graves of recalling the dead to life solacing the erring and encouraging Jo a belter life and giving to the common people a touch and glimpse of heaven on earth such never fore had come into their lives He summed up very essence of the Law and Commandments Into two great mentals To the Lord God with ail heart and ones neighbor as one self And to still further shofUti these sublime com mandments it was enjoined to re cognize and realise Id each human life the Fatherhood of God the of Man With this as sublime and lofty essence his teaching He expressed their essentials strenuously upon the disciples He had chosen and with a solemn command bade them preach this gospel to every human being It will always remain a mystery just why this righteous gospel has not developed Into human lives mro quickly and that so great ad infinitum as well as missiojis Home and Votiiii Associations societies for the universal distribution id the all which has town In to life for the love of ft is our heritage let us prize It and enjoy It and above -niUu- of festivities mid joyous Ions let in lie lie da closes and revcrMtly and grate fully acknowledge His Holy Spirit be he Guide and of Men- are awakening the that the Gospel of the Is right find that It Is the and noblest message that been proclaimed that It is tokening the hearts and secret springs jf as no other lias ever done before and is being a zealous resolve to send message in this to of Gods earth It is therefore meet that we cheer each other with a hearty and joyous Greeting No other form of speech means quite so much or Is more universal St binds In fratern al bonds people of almost every nation kindred and tongue and It Is not too much to say that the dawn of the day lias appeared and may municipality The parties had their dog tax ref owing to dogs having been destroyed previous to date of revision of roll Green wood Geo Burgess and Win Accounts sheep claims paid as followa hole I Boynton hearerpuUing in culvert 2 duo Jones IB yds gravel HO Jones repairs Ob bridge JO culvert J McKay printing Municipal forma 11 Johnston lumber KTomlinsoii and Council adjourned sine die EGO Clerk The National Live Stock Convention Tito Convention the National Live Stock Association to be held in Ottawa on Feb and promises to be a most important meeting The program being pre pared provides for the consideration of such national topics as the export import and trade In breeding and commercial live stock The relationship of transportation companies to the live stock industry secretary- etc 10 00 will be dealt with by foremost au thorities The health of Canadian live stock proposed amendments of customs regulations and the Scottish premium system of hiring stallions will all he considered with a view to improve present conditions in Canada in regard to these matters Already an of represen tative stock men from each of the several provinces is assured Most of thc Record and Provincial Live Stock Associations have fulfilled requirements of affiliation It is the privilege also of- Agricultural Soci eties and Exhibition Associations which paid cash prizes for live stock in 1907 a sum of or upwards to affiliate with tbe Associa tion ny sending to the Live Stock Commissioner Ottawa a list its members Societies affiliated In this way are entitled to representation at I the Convention by its president or SELECT OYSTERS For a Right Away Order Phone of humanity are still groping in darkness iVue Ti persecution forma of N savage and if the of Man will no of a kicker In town Only one quality and that at ZURBRIOO Post Newmarket of repression have tot great and ulilwe truths ihfouyh all the midnight of the dark this lamp of Truth burner at with dim and flaMle a always remained to keep alive the fires of Opd today the Christmas celebrations is the most unique anniversary in earth There is no other bo universally remembered a over wide world In all this day honored and In all loyal hearts will awaken anew the love Peace and Good Will lie- all tbo strife of nations above longer be a hope but a blessed universal living reality m Qeorglna Council to statute the above council met on Monday Deo at members nil Minuter of last and special meeting were read and adopted he lectors roll for was laid before the council and accept said roll showing for that cannot be collected and the estate of latter mi to Treasurer 1 00 1 2 2 of way claim A Millard to bridge Kay townliue Kay gravel con 00 140 loads gravel 7 A work gravel Yates timber V teaming J to road sheep claim Mrs Way gravel II J repa to J building culvert Umnhrey work on Graham gravel Graham work bonus wire fence J Weetgarth wire fence J W wire fence bonus wire fence 1 A li wire fence A hodden grovel Peers gravel J Shier gravel east townline 12 J gravel 2nd con 9 J Broad wire fence bonus J postage telephoning Oo postage etc 1 J rent of hall Ego com J rig 50 A bylaw appointing a place and hour for holding nomination also polling places deputy returning officers and poll for munici pal election as follows was passed Ho 1 Methodist Hall Vir ginia Evans I tt J Evans Poll Clerk I i NEW CLOVER HONEY PROMPT DELIVERY J HOWARDS r North End Grocery i We desire to thank our numerous friends and customers for their generous patronage and wish them a Happy aod Prosper ous New Year i a PHONE I C HOWARD V -IJ-

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