Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1907, p. 5

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K j the- si jj vv w v51 J Notary Public 1 Street Newmarket n Farm Security Weeks local St Ofeoppm Boa ft Co Ontario to is towk Masonic This being St Johns Day a special convocation of Tuscan Lodge No takes place at Masonic Hail this even- for installation officers foe J Bom A Aurora to Brief lets j A big crowd town last Saturday and our merchants did a splendft trade The- Moving Picture Show attract- good audiences on Saturday- bare power from the Metropolitan now Street Has Model have taken and they are missed from our lioraes arid our streets AUCTIONEER Bent DIVISION COURT CLERK Atcnt for Insurance also Accident and Bolton and House Decorator Mae Street S VOICE CULTURE J Mter of week Church St Dp C Clark iTbnti8t St it Wilkinson DENTIST in Block Schomberg or Tee t JU St MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 It OHO Pipers at If NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS IK iMonuments and Head Stones Before JAMES Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties al OSBORNE SONS to A Special Car A special car will be rup on Mon day January Newmarket leaving at mfor Jacksons Point and intermediate stations This is at the request pro perty owners who have property thru the northern part of County of who wish to record their Votes on this election day- This will enable all persona to go on re turn on the car leaving Jacksons at Nomination Day Next Monday is Municipal Nomin ation Day The hour in Townships is from 13 to 1 oclock usually fol lowed by from the several candidates Id towns and incorpor ated villages where bylaws have been so passed the nomination takes place from to p In Newmarket takes place in the Town Hall at pm and in addition to a Mayor Reeve six Councillors and three School Trustees there will he two Waterworks and Electric Light latter Is a new office the appointees to perform duties the without sal ary the sumo as Town or Public School Trustees As the electors are required to vote on the principle of Waterworks Com missioners there will be a poll open any circumstances this way the door for vote So far as we have heard all the mem bers of the Council will seek reelec tion except Mayor Smith and Mr P Pearson is allowing his name to fee used in connection with that office He has served year In the Council and would fill the position with ability and dignity According to a recent Act any per son nominated to office- must make declaration of qualification before the Clerk on or before oclock- in the evening after the day of nomination otherwise the name will not go on the ballot paper We acknowledge thaiifes the receipt of advance opv of the Canadian Book by the Family Herald and It much valuable information about Canada a description of the outline of the history a Wat of the principal government of the and of the cea and many different it gives a of agricultural legal etc The price the book j cents Boyds Livery J now runalng a to all by oat for all part of the Town receive prompt attention A BOYD o Suffocation Fluttering of ickaearlr In SO Minutes cases of heart trouble Ac turf Curt for the proved the Quickest acting remedy existence It has stepped In when Victim or heart disease beyond hopeIn the has staved deaths hand and has proved a never and permanent cure It Is an medicine and will do all claim ed for It Win are the- liver corrector known gold by J A Valuable Book Free the King at The following account of the home life of our sovereign read with much interest by every loyal Ca nadian There are many more spacious gorgeous in this country than Norfolk the Kings country residence hut few ate fitted up and conducted in perfect good taste- Goth the King Queen possess most refined in stincts and their sense of what is right proper and becoming shows self every detail about their home life The and Queen are perfectly aware that the visitor to needs feel somewhat un easy and overawed J by the greatness his host and hostess and knowing this their first object Is to make the newcomer the duration of bis stay is to perfectly at home with their good did friendless and hospitality Let us to describe a day The King arid Queen breakfast together in private the are generally guests at talking their first rneul downstairs at- a number of tables in the If the day is Sunday every one then goes to church at a -the- King in his goodhumored way insisting on all his guests attending The small but very pretty church on the estate- But if it is a weekday the host puts in an appearance about half- past ten and tall the male guests off to inspect bis menagerie of all kinds of wonderful pet animals from crocodiles to then or ganizes a shooting party The Queen if there are ladies stay ing with her carries them off to ad mire the kennels where she keeps her pet dogs over eighty in number and of all breeds If the are eon- fined to the male sex the Queen and her daughters probably spend the morning in her boudoir stitching darning knitting trying over new and music After luncheon which tabs place two oclock lie King goes off for roam and his steps in probability ta4cc the direction of his home farm where his magnificent prize cattle of which lie is very proud are kept He will then stroll about stable for half an hour and afterwards go work with his secretaries- Afternoon tea is served four and then every body docs what he or likes till eight p dinner is announc goes to bed soon after twelve King has to feet through an enormous amount of correspondence and several quick clerks are kept hard at work all day at it After lunch you may ftftrn meet Queen and her daughters visiting the cottagers and inquiring after the welfare of this or that sick man woman or child There is a relay story told of one of the Queens many charitable deeds It was shortly after the death of her eldest son that she went Into a hi the neighborhood and found a poor crippled woman in the deepest distress On making inquiry as to what was wrong she was informed that the old cottager had just lost her eldest son and was all she The Queen turned a way visibly affected but shortly afterwards was delivered at the cottage a new bathchair for the old woman to he about in And the message accompanying the gift was With Alexandras it sympathy In short the household of rliigham is a very homely and uniled one Its master and mistress have both what it to suffer bereavement their sympathy and help is ever held out to those who art afflicted and BATTtE WITH THE WAMfc rJ Coast of Watts An of from their craft was recently sleeves doing the real work not merely giving directions On Sunday everybody goes the little St Mary Mag dalene in the part The King Queen set example by their regular and punctual attendance A quiet b1 spot it by a gate and surrounded by a small thronged with people who watched Gods acre The Sunday afternoon the fight of the lifeboat is quietly spent in the house or very heavy sea to the ground- which was flying signals of distress Visitors cannot hut notice thu fi out to sea The prosperous look of the villages I L W villagers of a good landlord Had w with the grates you longer time bore you would hear J est from the and the the many in anecdote the kindness pier The boat succeeded in and generosity of the King and the to shore the crew of the yacht and goodness of the Queen and her told a distressing story The a but has Proved to be of the some anecdote to tell you of the and ijeiir board were owner and one and afflicted calking to them read- to and them in ter quarters in the Conway Some their needs child seems to difficulty Was experienced on the and to love the beautiful voyage but eventually the men found every than and woman seems themselves about five miles off to worship her will tell l you all about summer shows noll0r for villagers treats on birth days invitations to see the sights in the park how the family a wedding present to this one what they have bought or sent the other one when 111 and so on arid until you eomc to think what a pity it is a few landowners with their wives and families cannot come here for the lessons so many need and sec how- welt this family interpret the words Am J my brothers keeper Says If Is Fact J Broughton Confirms Guar antee on Cure for Catarrh The question having been raised as to whether or not J- Y refund the money if a Hyo- outfit does not do all that is claimed for it in curing catarrh he wants to state positively that Ibis guarantee an absolute fact A guarantee like this is the best proof that can be offered as to the curative powers of In all catarrhal troubles You do not risk a cent in testing its- healing virtues J takes all the risk If you have catarrh try this won derful medicated air It does not drug or the stom ach but is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit so that its medication reaches the most remote air cells in nose throat and lungs where any catarrh al germs may la lurking It quickly and soothes the irritated mucous membrane and vital ises the tissues so that catarrh is no longer possible I You can loose noth ing by giving a trial nothing of oratress were hoisted- The lookout of the lifeboat in the evening reported a yacht off the coast but no signal was made out The freshened considerably during and a gale blew The men on the yacht then attempted to sig nal by means of petroleum but could not get a flare During the their distress signal was blown a way and at daybreak they rigged up a dis tress flag made from a towel This was seen At about by the cox swain of the lifeboat He promptly summoned the crew and the firing of the rockets brought a large crowd to the beach The boat was launched by means of drag ropes the visitors and residents lending a hand The wind was dead against the boat and the huge breakers made- progress- very slow For two hours the pulled at their oars in the teeth of the wind and against the spring tide It was not until that- they were able to reach the yacht The men on board taken off and the life boat was turned towards the shore The yacht which was at had to bo left and could be seen from the beach rocking in the rough sea the waves breaking over her On reaching the shore the crew of the lifeboat and the rescued men met with a hearty reception The rescued men were taken to the lifeboat house and given a change of clothing PRIS at London Police Court Has Wonderful Record Assistant Gaoler James of Police Court has now re tired after completing years of ser vice in the Metropolitan Police Mag istrates whose work lies principally in that court have found him of in calculable assistance Deprived of the aid of his wonderful memory for prisoners the work the bench will be much more difficult now he has Bristowe has created a wonder ful record for it is estimated that no fewer than quarter of a million a inai passed through hi but the catarrh and that is good during his long service Among riddance The price of the complete outfit Is but nothing- if It fails to cure Get an outfit from J ton today and begin Us use at Counts of fitudy in- the KINO AM A You will lie Immenv ly Interested in the six- hundred acres of land farmed on scientific principles Improvement machinery is introduced with results of as as possible In crops The King looks a genuine farmer as lie tramps through the Melds In true Norfolk I Weed and gaiters and It reijuire much attention to And from his conversation that he what he Is talking about so It quite one to rub up his In this direc tion In the stables all are disposed to linger one of sixty stalls being Inhabited by firstrate sterna The prettiest sight of all is the Queens similar one ing his is tiled white and green stalls white and silver Here oar A to tb of excellence TERM Mi for catalogue J one of the first things you no on your arrival is a parrot fit entrance saloon that invariably greets you with calling for Three cheers for the wnscd other win Wl One of the choicest hooka class that has ever been issued in Canada- recently published by Dr A Limited To ronto It is entitled Dic tionary of Dreams and being a very reliable InUrpre- are some charming ponies and her of dreams it many other favorite mare Vera The of great Interest and value Among them may be named to Give to the Injured A Fortune Teller- great amuse ment feature ttiiUble for parlor or social In addition to these features of valuable Information for and suffering book contains fifty pages of most in- bound a paper This cover a study In being a modern mailed Crusader who baa been accosted by a Between a conversation takes place- This book will be free upon request any one sending their name and wying they saw It in this to A Toronto hat the Old Man Says One hour a withdrawn from frivolous pursuits and employed would liable any man of ordinary capacity to master a science hour a day make Ignorant man a well inform ed man in fine hour a day would earn enough In pay for two dally and two weekly papers two hading and a dozen books an hour a a hoy or girl could read twenty over seven thousand pa or eigh teen large volumes in j year An hour a day might tho f between bare existence and living An Hour a day might make nay has made an man a one a useless one a to his race then I be possibilities of two four six hours a days that are on average thrown by some our young men- and women in desire for and diversion An agricultural vriter says one Is so situated that t possible there in no better duposal mare vera me ywipser members of tic family have lurn many dogs birds In- ftUuw THE MODKI DAIRY them to devour everything they find on the ground early drops are defective and often wormy and when left on Ke ground they fur nish a convenient harbor for worms and other pests The hogs turned Info the orchard rfnga in their snouts so will not plow ip the ground in search of grubs which would largely counter act the good they do in de vouring the worthless apples ITCH Mange Prairie Scratches Barber Itch and every farm con tagious Itch on human or animals cured minutes by Wollorda Sanitary Lotion It never this cottage arrayed in apron and Sold by J It Is a picture the preference must given to that owned by the Here she sometimes favors her friends with the cup that cheers often too culling bread and butter and cake with her own hands Moreover the same hands have often made tho butter that I used as each of ladies of the family is in dairy management and capable turning a good honest pat of creamy Nor folk Merry times they have had lid the most notable cases that he re- calls and his memory is a storehouse of curious and notorious crimes are that- must still linger in the re collections of newspaper readers There was Galley the Kings butcher who did to death his land lord and landlady about eight years doubt will not be forgotten the man was respons ible for the big robbery of thousands of worth of silver from the Midland Railway station He eventually poisoned himself after un dergoing penal servitude Then there were Mrs flach and Mrs Walters the baby farmers the last women to the extreme penally of the law hi arid who mur dered his four years ago May and the man Mr Nobody of Nowhere are of course quite in the public mem ory Chicago May was perhaps the most picturesque prisoner with whom has dealt Londons Woricthyi guardians are entertain ing at their workhouse of the most inveterate in Loo- don These ablebodied whose ages range front to have cost the ratepayer of for the support of themselves and farai- liea during the lost three years thous ands of pound The fact la that a man with a wife and family flnda life much eas ier and in a workhouse than outside If he a holiday he discharges himself and returns toon as hospitality of his exhausted Here is the record of one of these A is a fine tell man years old and a skilled carpenter He has a family of eight moat of whom have been born in the work house and brought up by the guar dians The two elder children are at work one a domestic ft that the guardians sent the girl Wales to be out the reach of lather la a great hardship byA May A and Ms family have cost the guardians any W0Q0 iS r fJ AT f r I Leading Hardware Store HEY LAST 40 Dm Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Shoe Brushes Regular goods Belling at Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Whisks Regular goods selling at 30 Brushes Regular goods Belling at Wo fl Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling ALL OP THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOIS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SABfP J A W ALLAN GO MPANY EWMAR f a J a n- From now until CHRISTMAS It Will Pay You Toronto Jobbing House 1 Dont Pot It Off INSURE IN THE WHILE IN GOOD HEALTH Lowest Hates for Accident Benefits Got RateCard from any member You cannot afford to go Without Life Insurance HUGHES Recorder J A ALLAN Financier JACKSON Treasurer Ill one You on tract of good Good quality full measure and prompt delivery when you order your coal from Never were our Coal Orders so many and were we Jn as good a position at this season to supply our trade as we have Coal arriving almost dally We bare all in stock Good Mixed Hardwood delivered a cord We have some good kindling felt at a cord EVES North End Newmarket barf They follow a ah afbfnture packer a and a Six the have in the And between them ivar children a tor aotdleru wives In India a poor woman was about to be invalided borne A lady got her waathinjrfor voa fortunately the patient before could be gh away The matron anzlouato improve the occasion said to the lady who Imd provided the Ah pore soul were she wont never mora warm cloth Aunt Stills At Home The true hostess is to recog nize any privilege- lor herself but they are few who have been equal to the entire selfeffacement Aunt Sally of whom the Herald tells Aunt Sally lived in a remote Ken tucky Village and was locally lamed for kindness of heart and goodwill toward her neighbors For many months she had been saving her slen der means to give a grand party she said he great event came AH Aunt Sallys friends dressed In their best were present and the evening was most enjoyable the only draw- hack being the mysterious absence of Meeting her the next morning of ybuthlul guests of the night spoke rapturously of party Im certainly glad you enjoyed yourself- returned the old lady beaming with satisfaction it really a success Yea 1 My I certainly should like to hare seen But why were you not there Aunt Sally At your vory party Laws child answered Aunt Sal her lae still shining with delight I had to stay in the kitchen and wash the dishes i DESPAIRED Mevvla Oared I I a known contractoror ai tend at tffflM to her weakneAoaad a- aa paired wall was to ry Am erican Nervine n few araai aha took and eared day she of a remedy Sold by J Druggist

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