Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1907, p. 3

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the iMwnLBKEiEiEA r Weeks WHAT IS OH WW Beautiful About on Tuesday morning meteor of exceptional brightness pass ed along the Eastern heavens for two or three seconds and then burst with great splendor similar to a Those who wtre fortunate to be out at that time of the morning had a rare view League There was a air attendance at tie meeting last Monday evening Rev too theehair Mr A Coombs gave a good address on Christmas Carol The meeting week will he held on Tuesday evening commencing at oclock and will be a WatchNight Service Everybody invited r The Scenic The management have been putting up a good show Moving Pictures and in addition- have had some firsts class artists The one on Saturday evening who played two mouthorgans at once was quite an adept On Christmas Day afternoon and even ing the special features were The Prodigal Son and the Holy City attracted good crowds SkeldingMcManus The home of Mr ana Mrs J Prospect Ave was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on Monday the of Dec when their daughter Miss McManus be came tbe bride of Mr A Sled ding MacLeod Alherta The cere mony was performed by the Rev T in the presence of only the immediate relatives of- the contract ing parties Mrs J Patterson acted as matron of honor for her sister the bride and the groom was assisted by his nephew Mr of Toronto After the wedding dejeuner was served the happy couple left by the evening train and win spend about three weeks in Ontario before going to their home in Sunny Alberta Educational We direct the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of the popu lar Elliott Business The opening the winter term oc curs on Jan when large num ber of new students will be enrolled This school is under very Valuable management and baa a constantly in creasing patronage and is training hundreds of students each year for business positions The college has an excellent for firstclass work Wheres Your Bells A good many persons- both in and out Town are violating law by driving rigs without bolts will be paying the price of a string of bells as soon as the Inspector can get after them in tie shape of fine Brief lets Both Presbyterian and Friends S hare their entertainments this evening United Factories shut down on Tuesday night and will not run again till the 2nd of January daring which and costs and then be compelled to time the- annual stocktaking wilt pro- Good Debate The pupils of the High School en joyed a splendid debate last Friday afternoon just before closing for Christmas holidays The- subject was Resolved that school life has a greater influence on a person than home life Messrs Barry were on the affirmative and Misses Laura Lewis and lones on the negative The reply of the leader of the affirmative was a very interesting feature The three teachers acted as judges and ttdr decision was in favor of the affirm- atlve 1 Brleflets Jumping onto bobsleighs has been the delight school children the past few days thought ac cident does not occur to them Business brisk all the and the sleighing being good there has been considerable teaming dorje Since the changes were made at Mill the fireman is saving a ton of coal a day The snow on tje trees presented a Fairy scene Tuesday Dont forget Municipal Nominations next Monday The tanners got an holiday this week on Tuesday purchase hells as well or stop driv ing around Police Court On Tuesday evening before Police Magistrate Woodcock the adjourned cases Ed- Trusty were dis posed of In the case of Riley Trusty is to pay the costs and return the wood taken In of attempted theft of wood from Riley Jr Trusty was found guilty and let off on suspended sentence Womens Institute The regular monthly meeting of the North York Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Ezra Pen rose Whitchurch on Saturday Jan at p A report the Annual Womens Institute Convention which held in will be given by the President outline of the work taken by the Short Course Students in Domestic Science at Macdonalds will be given by an exstudent All ate cordially invited to attend Taken Care of Information having been received by the Department for Neglected Chil dren in Toronto that some attention was required in North Constable J A was sent up from Toronto and in company with Constable J Route they found two children in destitute circumstan ces at the home of Andrews They were the children of their mother was dead and their father is a fugitive from Justice left them with soninlaw who was too poor to take care of them Information was laid against Andrews and the case was by Justice and at Kes wick the result being that the chil dren were committed to the Home for Neglected Children in Toronto Constable took them to the with Mm They were indeed pitiable pair Death of Mr On Monday morning of this week there away one of the best known and universally respected busi ness men of Newmarket in the per son of Joseph A fitter an extending over period than a year the last four months- which he was to The cause of his illness and which death was of the arteries At he much with the greatest patience and christian for titude but was to the last was horn on the of May Mi and In while located in Toronto he married Miss Henriet ta daughter of Joseph Lee of that city In tie removed to into partner ship under the name In the business which attended with much success Twentyeiht years last August on the death of received appointment of Post master of Newmarket- a iKifilton which he filled with remarkable abil ity thorough awl ftyfAem- bookkeeper every detail was per sonally carefully looked after and there were few complaints that not readily and satisfactorily adjusted Mr was a citizen that iomt can 111 afford to spare He wan active In everything that would promote prosperity of the town For about 25 years he was secretary of the Public school Board and took Merest In the Cemetery and the Horti cultural Society He was also a prominent worker and liberal contri butor in the Presbyterian and his has been greatly missed the past year was a Conservative he never let that Interfere with hi business relations Deceased leave a widow three sons suji-Utzu- with whom the public generally will deeply in their sore They are banker of Winnipeg Ar thur of New York Cecil hookkeeper of Ottawa May and Marjory at home and Mrs Walter Scott of Sutton West The funeral took place yesterday and was largely attended Christmas Market Although the market last Saturday was a good one it was not quite as large as some previous markets here the huckster were disap pointed in not getting as much pro duce as expected Prices were higher than ever known before at a Christmas market in Newmarket the ruling figures being as follows Butter to ft Eggs per do2en30 to Dressed chickens 0 to pair Dressed Chickens to Dressed Ducks to lie Ib Dressed Geese to lie lb Dressed Turkeys 12 to lb Dressed Pork to Lamb and lb Veal to per Beef and lb Honey lb in sections Pears 20 to basket Apples to 25c a basket Apples to per Potatoes to Parsnips basket Celery per head Cabbage to a head Onions 30c basket Live Chickens to lb Old her to per lb Ducks to per lb Live to lb Live Turkeys to Pigeons to Hides to lb Call Skins to lb Lambskins to each 150 to Tallow A slight idea of the of pro duce may be obtained from the following information regarding the purchasers of the hucksters Air Bowes bought live fowl principally turkeys and chickens Mr got pair of live chickens Mr of Mills bought lbs of fowl Mr 1 P Hunter of Toronto car ried 1000 of produce this is and fowl MrSoeanlon bought a ton and a quarter dressed fowl besides the usual Quantity and eggs Mr Krowles of bought lbs of dressed fowl Mr of Aurora got lbs of fowl besides his usual quantity of butter and eggs Mr secured over a ton dressed poultry his regular of and Presbyterian Church The Rev Fee occupied the pulpit both morning and evening last Sunday and preached two splendid sermons The choir rendered excel- lent Christmas music in the most pleasing manner Next Sunday the pulpit will be oc cupied by the Rev John Mustard who preached here so acceptably some time ago The induction of the Rev H Thomas will take place on Thursday the 2nd January at pm The following ministers will be present Rev A Winchester Knox Church Toronto Rev John McKay of Mil ton Chairman of Presbytery Rev Back Rev Amos of Aurora and resident ministers Tea will be served in the basement by the AH are welcome teed and cleaning of the hollers Part- of the Methodist shed col lapsed Tuesday morning from the weight of snow on the roof A Merry Christmas It was a Christmas for Mrs widow of Alexander who wrote that most popular of all Cana das The Maple Leaf Never was a more pleasant task than that which formed the privilege of a committee Veterans of fie in Toronto on Tuesday last For some little time the veterans have trying to raise enough to the mortgage on Mrs house which amounted to between and and they have been abundantly successful A deputation from the Veterans Association of fife headed by presi dent Marshall upon Mrs and presented her with the papers discharging the mortgage and with something like extra in cash No doubt had the Veterans aimed to sum the aim would have been accomplished but they are anxious to see the proposed monu ment to the author of Canadian anthem erected and so collection of funds for this fine Christmas pres ent was not pressed to any great ex tent beyond getting money to lift the mortgage The amount raised by the Veterans does not at all draw upon the funds held by the committee to wards the monument GLOVES In Stoles Muffs Caps j Mitts and Coats better i for a Christmas Gift and the price is per cent less than you ever saw Mens Mocha Glove lined Mens Lined Kid Gloves 1 Mens before Leather Felt and Fancy Dogskin Gloves Slipper Soles and Childrens Time Is flying buy now We sell ttie famous Maple Leal Rubbers and guarantee every XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy Handkerchiefs from to 10c Embroidered from to Handkfs endless 12c Silk from to Pure Linen initial Handworked at wry 25c low prices OF Xmas Footw e Linens Groceries Large Table Cloth and one Napkins to match Doy lies Tray Cloths Sideboard Covers Best Lemon Peel lb Best Orange Peel lb Clean Currants lb Selected Raisins lb Best New Dates lb Candies and at prices I it W A BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER 3 1 Newmarket Markets A O W At the regular meeting on evening following tre elected for M Geo Overseer Jos Recorder Financier J A Allan Treasurer ijickxon Guide J P MiJlirnii Med Rep to Jackson Another new member was initiated on Monday evening The takes place the Jan A resolution of sympathy with- the bereaved family of the late J A was passed and the recorder instructed to procure a wreath for the caskft The Lodge- Charter also be draped m Teachers The following candidates at tended Newmarket Model dur ing the last term passed the Examin ations hut they will not receive their teachers certificates until the regu lations of the education department in reference to age and junior teach ers standing fully complied with Johnson Kldd Madden I M McCiellan Milne M J A Mann Mr The York County Hoard of met in the Municipal Building Toronto on Saturday last and cop- the results of the Model School Examinations The following candidates will receive thirdclass certificates Misses 1 M A K A Marsh J Oldham A Winch Messrs Cody L McBonald Smith A Walker Methodist Church Next Sunday being Review Day in the Sabbath School there will be two addresses one by Rev Campbell and the other by Mr A Coombs A silver collection will be given to missions The Christmas services on Sunday last were largely attended In the morning the pastor preached u intel lectual sermon on The Desire of Nations with- historical setting which was excellent The congregation crowded church to the doors and the service was most inspiring There was a bright address by the pastor on of the King and a generous gram of music of a very Every seat in the choir gallery was occupied all parts well sustained the solo by Miss was finely rendered and a of rare quality Such music reflects great credit the and its leader and s of blessing to the public Next Sunday evening serviw will be unique The pastor will Charles the poet of he Revival inJ some of his fa mous hymns The choir will repeat the music supplied lust Sunday for the first time and h so eeatle enjoyed Dec 26th 1907 Wheat Per Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Wheat per Barley per hush Oats per bush Peas per bush Buckwheat Shorts per ton Bran per ton Hay per too Butter per lb per dozen PotAtoe Beef per quarter Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Geese per lb Turkeys 084- 26 a op j 30 35 i 0 Id- W King Council Council met ifuCtfrUrV hotel on Monday all Reave in tin of last and con finned following account to be paid Jos 2 1 1 w 0 Si- Oil 12 35 0 I Toronto Markets White Wheat per bush 097 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 91 Goose Wheat Rye per ii Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas pet Hay per ton Potatoes per bag Butter per lb per doa Hogs per cwt Chickens per lb Ducks per lb per lb ft I A CORSETS Patterns Leading Dry Good and Tailoring House Neckwear for Christmas I We are showing a number of late novelties la Ladies Neckwear that would make a very dainty Gift HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS We have the best assortment of Handkerchiefs for Christ mas giving that has ever been shown prices from to as good as you want Fancy Lace Handkerchiefs Pure Irish Linen for 25c Fancy Embroidered and Lace for LUNDY The Leading Tailor I School Reports for BANK OF MONTREAL SUGGESTIONS FOR Pearl Brooches Pearl Pendants Pearl Rings At special prices GOLD SPECTACLES For MOTHER A WATCH for the BOYS Awl a very fint line All goods at Special Come and look I CO Christian Church Good- attended the above church last Sunday both morn ing and evening and the services had a true Christmas ring that was much appreciated by all present The pas tor preached two splendid- sermons suited to the day and the music by the choir was excellent Following was the musical program MORNING Fugue Fidel Chorale- WeJoin the Song U Anthem The Prince of Peace 94 a WUh Trio and AntWem- Around the World Kearls Recessional The Rolling Seasons EVENING Theme Joy to the World Harel Response Father Hear Tenor solo Mr Stephens Baas solo Mr Willis Duet Mrs Travlss Mr Anthem Song Adoration 994999 9499 ttt stone solo Mr Scott Duet W Collins Miss Postlude And there were Shepherds J Jos W lining lit Itobt White A Norton tile no of J A supplies ti of town line J Brer clou I HO Weir hauling 00 Potter work I J Fuller to culvert gravel roul work 10 work and cedar CO J yards J gravel 13 J repairing culvert 4 W Stewart repairs to culvert 00 Soven sheep valuators the sum of re surviet vaiuut- sheep killed by dogs J Pearson and Marshall respectively received the following sums for inspecting wire fences 7 and ratepayers receiv ed the sup of re fouce boDuses on certificates of Inspectors Dog tax to the amount of paid to ten ratepayers Wm was refunded re statute labor Geo Brown was appointed path- master in of A Gordon and Lloyd Hoi- were paid each on account Edwards Was paid re services assanitary inspector On motion of Mr the council adjourned to meet at the Music Hall on Monday School Eva Shei Sheridan Vernon Francis Starr j 4th leave Ill Albert Anustroug Horace Bertie Flunk Frank Penrose Myrtle Vernon Buna equal Alice Wasley to Ill Frank Promoted to II ColliugwiMjfJ Parkins Leslie Victor Kennedy Fred Kennedy Albert Hewlett I Marjory Sheridan May I Earl Toole Douglas ilcCiure Aim- strong Rem Penrose Stella Teacher CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST w UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches- at all Important centres In Canada and In London En New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommoojaV heretofore Branches at Newmarket and ROSS Manager r MADE IN by A COMPANY r PI Wiff Deo to confirm 1 Send Era to absent No Km Class Goodwin Elsie Mabel III Class Ruby Morning Olive Cousins Cutting Stanley Morning Marjorle Ell PearsobWray Harry Delia Sadie Freestone ClassWillie Cutting Elmer Cutting Mary Laura Pow ell Myrtle Brown Willie Al bert Wilton Harvey Harris- Wilder Willie Bogart Henry Herbert Cutting Cutting Ken neth Brown Norman Goodwin Argles Elm West Lillian Holler Wilder Charlie West Present every day Mabel Wrdy Marjorie Heaslip Eli McClure Stan ley Harry Willie putting Laura Powell Clarence gart Herbert Cutting Cut ting Orant Wilder No Average ftttendancc DEPUTATION FOUNDED ON MERIT AS 1 WELL AS AGE ALWAYS LOOK FPU NAWI It r THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA JOHN 4 v

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