Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1907, p. 7

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r THE DECEMBER 1907 CHINAS DECEMBER Weeks Hems The Friends The annual Christmas entertain ment of the Friends Sunday School WlH take in the School Room on Friday evening of next Methodist Church Everything in connection with the services nest Sunday will have a- Christmas bearing The choir has been practising Christmas music lor the past three weeks The Song Service on Sunday evening will be especially attractive Brief Ms which shows that he knows howto A puplli will on Saturday debate this Schoo to with a concert and also the the approach or lwion of gifts to the scholars tt is been their custom owing to i that the all too Hall tonight Christmas Fruits Hymn Books 25c to at Christmas Market There was a very small market here Church too Small for Congregation UNDER LEADERSHIP OF busy thte year The scholars have some wry faces in Burned His Fortune assorted We would adv Fanners who failed to at- iriends to buy their finite on jlecs Peels extracts from as sur once and be sure of the best j Satutday overstocked and a tumble in prices in at VERY REASONABLE COST Selected Raisins lbs for Selected Currants lbs Seeded lb for lull pound Currants fine extra SOMETHING NEW Seedless Valucfa Raisins pounds for Table Raisins and per lb Malaga Grapes Figs extra quality I Table Figs and is the finest flavor and pleases everybody Oranges are getting sweeter and ore every day We will have the best Nuts alt In fact we can please you In grocer ies both in quality and price consequence Special You can have your choice of Cake by ordering now at Simpsons Johns Church As usual Midnight Mass will be celebrated in St Johns Church New market- commencing at oclock on Christmas Eve The church Will be specially illuminated and decorated for the occasion There will be mass at 11 a on Christmas Day also in the I evening at oclock There will be special music and singing during the Christmas services Ladies Fine Hand Bags SI to at Watsons x From Los Angeles Express Trustees of the First Friends church Los Angeles Third and Fremont streets are considering the advisabil ity enlarging the capacity of the auditorium a step which must was never be taker- in the near future if the continues to grow at the SoVrntomm Our large reseat rate It is proposed to put in lb gallery to meet the present hut the indications are that a building ultimately will become ne cessary The congregation has more than doubled wince the coming of Frank Cornell the new pastor who has inspired the people with fresh enthusiasm He is accounted one of the best pulpit Speakers in the Rev Cornell who was formerly pas tor of church Newmar ket Canada and editor of the Ca nadian Friend is a native of Athens Leeds county His father was arj elder and his mother a minister Society of Friends Fifteen years of Rev Cornells life were de voted to teaching and for seven years he was principal of the public school at Wellington and afterwards at Kingston He accepted the pas torate of the Friends church at New market in The demonstration made by Newmarket at the time of his de parture from that place is an indica tion of his popularity A farewell re caption was given his honor the mayor being present and the citizens presented him with a gold watch while from his own congrega tion he received a gift- of Mrs Cornell has been an earnest and assistant to her husband In all his ministerial work Tomorrow morning Rev Cornell will preach on The Power of Thought and his theme for the evening sermon will he Things to be Remembered I China Dept ponce court Ah interesting case before Police Magistrate Woodcock assisted by Police Magistrate Lloyd on Monday evening attracted quite a crowd to the Fire Hall Mr Trusty was charged with cut- ting removing from Use Cody I fa a fine selection at little more than voari the cost of china As usual w New York Dec The Herald has received the following despatch from REV FRANK CORNELL Marion J- Gordon wealthy farmer of this county burned bills today a short he died Gordon was years old and in the last few weeks had child ish He had steadfastly refused to put the tlie savings of years into a but kept the money on- his pillow He amused himself this morning by setting fire the bills and watching them burn Short ly before noon when one ol his tons entered the room the remains the bills were found and Mr Gordon- was lying on the bed He had suc cumbed to heart disease AGENTSFOR Childrens And th Century liens Fine Tailor Garments BT AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEY ENGLISH GOODS Colemans Meat NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE i I CandiOS theLaigest Stock in Townat unbeatable prices Larger Assortment Than Ever Better Selection- Than Ever More varied and handsome Rich Cut Glass at popular prices for the J in IZ I Tp East you seen it If not come in and were represented by counsel Some eight or nine witnesses were examined and the case was adjourned till this afternoon at two oclock Worse Than Onions Had Breath From Indigestion Cannot He Overcome Perfumes r handsome Hue of pieces All China Bets worth more than we will ask yot from now until thtfte are China lay out for quick inspection and election tables at and OLD GREEK WARE Is a line of High Class China Costs You Nothing 1lBaltla any prlcej To a look thru our Hardware from- but we certainly have a Store There arc many suitable gifts for mother sister father i Well be pleased to Hardware from some stomach trouble and can- not he overcome by breath perfumes in hi any other palliative measures you occasionally have a KM MTrmUt if there is St who have control of it and acid gulplngs of a low- pressure wire light food if the stomach burns or smarts last week a test of if there is slecplcssicss nervousness JufiUU ft H powtf burning at or any other of the many The S t of Mr W Starr put symptoms of indigestion use Miona reports that the cost of production is is not a mere digestive nor abiiut onehalf the price of electric a physic a remedy that N Have a look ac our North curre it is a while light ens the muscles of stomach and bow- window for Fancy China and our appears to be just the thing for els so that the flow of gastric South window for Groceries or houses that cannot bells irjcreasfrl and the food is naturally and docs not slay he stomach to- ferment and poison the breath J has seen so many cures made by stoinacli tablets that he gives a guarantee villi every box mon ey will he tails to give satisfaction fie the whole risk and a box of Miona not cost you a cent unless It cures you R A SMITH Leading Reliable UptoDate flrocep PHONE For reached conveniently by the electric Bibles In Yapped leather covers to at Store PostNuptial Reception On Tuesday afternoon a large number af Brick and lot also frame several attendee Mrs Dr Urge garden and iota of fruit Webbs reception The cor Park Lome Avenuefi interior of the commodious and location Enquire of fortable home has been greatly A WILLIAMS proved since tle Dr purchased the Newmarket and with the artistic of numerous and it had a luxurious appearance MrsWebb attired In her pj Htm gown was in the at the Eagle Hotel and slater Miss Mrs Aubrey Davis ushered the to For Sale house and large lot good fruit trees good well also fitter childs folding cot carriage at office Clothes Cleaned the tea room which was over by Mrs Andrew isshtH by Mrs Cane Mis thews of Toronto and Mies Ron a niece of the from answered the door bell body was made to feel perleyly and It was quite a event And Pressed In an uptodate Mr over Public Library Proprietor j results have been oh- at Miidleatex Hospital in the treatment of cancer by of 1ibt workmen fa the Jara nitrate in tea strike and troops tave been orders to the scene of you writes a correspondent to editor of a leading paper hold to ask ft because I know deceased had many friends glad to hear of death Suggestions at Binns Skates to tt Hockey Sticks and Childrens Sleigh to each Toy Sad Irons 20 and Iron Hanks and saucer and plate lack Knives to straps brushes Childs and spoon in nickel see Playing Cards and Nickel bread and serving Purses and Air SI each Nut cracks and Mouth Organs 15 and Sugar Sheila Butter Knives Pickle Forks Coffee Pots all prices VALLEY Mr Bert- is taking advanV ago of recent fall of and is teaming his wood to Newmarket Miss is thi week Miss Armstrong spent Monday evening with her chum Miss Mrs Stair held a reunon on Monday evening which owing to the fine sleighing was very well Mr and A spent holidays last week in Toronto Mr 1 Oliver has improved tho ranee of his W some of neighbors would go and do like wise we would know our street especially over on the school property which in our estimation is the most looking place tor mlies around with a tumble down old wood and a the Inspector repeatedly condemned absent fence boards and to say nothing of the children are expected to drink we think that the trustees should turn their atten tion more towards the welfare of the scholars instead of throwing the door open on Wednesday evenings for the past summer for the benefit of the young boys who woold be much better lb their own homes than meeting there to display their athletic taking les sons In the use tobacco and other sport We venture to hint that more harm is done than good Mr William repairing and shoeing Cow Testing It is now four years since the Department of Agriculture I he Hairy Division an native for the of the dairy of Canada by in- a cow test at Qui The Depart- meot provided all the equipment and loaned each the necessary for and pwerving the The requisite blank tonus for keep ing tnadeall tests and piled the reports without any charge In a series of thirty tests were conducted seven places the Department loaning outfits and doing all the work wit out cost to the owners of the herds as 1004 this work call attention to the im portance of the and to create sufficient interest in the mat iuuttee dairymen to organize the purpose of conducting a test of the individual of their herds The publica tion of tests showed the great difference which is found in the of cows in the same herd and of different herds in the same locality tt At the beginning of sixteeu associations were organized under the pices of the Department Bach- member was required to pro vide his own outfit for weighing and taking samples but the De- pat of Agriculture provided he blank forms and made the teste i without charge The work was continued on the same basis in wit a total of associations tu the different provinces as follows Quebec Ontario Nova Scotia 2 Prince Ed ward Island British Columbia- In addition making the tests free of cost the Dairy Division has compiled for each member a mouth- lvaud a yearly statement of in dividual tests of his herd and each member has also been furnished with a copy of the monthly sum maries of ail tests for the other associations Summaries of the monthly teats have been pub lished in the agricultural and week ly press of Canada so that even person who reads has had ah opportunity of studying aud judging of the importance of the work The Hon Mr Fisher Minister of Agriculture has taken a special interest in this work and is very desirous of having it I am directed to say that the Dairy Division will again cooperate with associations of twenty or more members or owners of not less than cows for the tit by doing the testing providing the necessary blank forms and agist ing in the organization as hereto fore but the Minister of the opinion that the time has arrived when the members of the tion may reasonably be asked to contribute something towards the cost of the work It it is worth anything to a dairy man to know the relative value of his cows as milk producers in order that he may improve by a process of intelligent breeding and selection It should be worth pay ing for part at lease It it is not anything to the owners of the herds it is certainty not worth anything to anyone else I beg therefore to make the following announcement in connect ion with this work For the aeon of the De partment Agriuulture through the Dairy Division will operate with the cow testing associations ou the following terms The must provide their own outfit and agree to take samples according to Instruction SPECIAL lish splendid for Dens and Dining Mens Arctic Overshoes sizes to I Room Pictures each 11 for Cases Extra Large Sweet Boys Artie Overshoes- sizes 1 to Oranges the usually sold for at to 50c our Christmas Ladies Outside Skirts Buckle Duck Solid Heel Special SPECIAL Fancy China JO per cent less than regular prices China is a little out of our line at the present time but wecouWnt resist an offer of per cent Navy Oxford Grey Black Ladies Cloth and Brown and Check Skirts nicely trimmed styles splen did winter garments reg price clearing at SPECIAL for a crate of Fine Austrian China The goods have been mark- for so that you get the full benefit Ladies Blue Hair Stoles Military of our good buying Fancy China Cups and Saucers At Bon Bon Dishes Fern Pots Match Holders Cups and Saucers Plates Vases Pickle Dish es Hat Pin Holders At 25c Jugs Shaving Mugs Butter Dishes Moustache Cups and Saucers Marmalade Pots Cream and Sugar Seta Fruit Dishes Sa lad Bowls Bon Bon Dishes At 35c Cheese Dishes Porridge Sets Salad Salt Pepper and Mustard Cruets SPECIAL 125 Dress Goods for a yard Plain and Fancy Tweeds Checks and Stripes- Greys Browns Navy Black Etc all in wide clearing at yd Collar largest size regular for SPECIAL Picture Books each Stiff Board Covers About Rubbers for 245 SPECIAL Mens Smocks for Mens Heavy Duck Waterproof Smocks with warm wool linings reg for SPECIAL Mens Winter Caps for Mens Tweed and Melton Caps Fur lined Motor and Jockey styles kinds to choose from SPECIAL Ladles Coats for 5 ladies Tweed Coats in Browns Greens and Black some with velvet collars and culls braid trimmed three quarter length loose fitting backs this- seasons styles angular reg prices 950 and clearing all at one price SPECIAL Popular 125 Books for Padded and Limp Morocco Covers Full Edges beautiful Gift Books Shakespeare Scott Burns Dante Mrs Goldsmith ColerWge Hood Shelley Pope- Bacon Milton Lowell SPECIAL French Tapestry Panels Hardwood Frames Mission Fin- SPECIAL 275 Girls Coats Girls Tweed Coats several shades to fit girls from 2 to years price up to 275 for 400 Girls Coats for Girls Tweed Coats in Greys Browns Navy Red- Ac to fit girls from to fit years prices up to for 275 SPECIAL Girls Coats for Girls Tweed Coats Grey Brown Green Navy fit girls from years to years of age regular price up to 6 clearing all at one price SPECIAL Rubbers at Cut Prices Childrens Rubbers size to reg for 29c Misses Rubbers size to for Womens Rubbers size to rug for Womens Dainty Mode Rubbers J to for Women a Overshoes for 165 Boys Rubbers sizes to reg 75c for Youths Rubbers size to for 45c Mens Rubbers size to for SPECIAL Mens Felt Hats Mens Fur Felt Telescope Hats in Black Brown and Fawn shades for SP RACIAL Ladies Boots for 195 pairs Ladies Kid Lace and Button Boots with light or heavy soles reg for 195 Mens Suits for Mens Imported Tweed Suits the famous Century make reg prices 1350 to all at one price Special Mens Suits for 605 Suits made from the best Canadian stylish and well trimmed throughout double and single breasted in the lot prices up to 11 for 005 SPECIAL Mens Overcoats for 775 Mens Overcoats in Black Brown and Fancy Tweeds made by the best Canadian Manufacturers prices to 12 for I SPECIAL Fans for 5c Paper Fans Plain and Combin ation Colors in all shades splendid for decorative purposes reg price and each special for in the Basement Everybody Come GOGHENOUR MARTIN COMPANY the season for herds of cows and over For herds of finder cows a minimum charge of here will be made The for it in which the may as in previous years out to The Dairy Division will pro vide all be iiiceMtury blank form ehiiiihtulu Tor testing compile monthly yearly ami forward them to member with out any exempt as mention ed b Note The charge for lectin will be the highest num ber of cows tested in auy one month A C4iw tested only mice will He charged for the season J A Dairy aud Cold Storage Com Ottawa Nov SELECT OYSTERS For a Right Away Order Phone NEW- CLOVER HONEY PROMPT DELIVERY To know good and prefer it Is secret of abiding grand essentials of happy liv ing are to have something to do something to love and something to hope for Canning Every business man In these- progressive days of ours to the advertising part his busi ness with as much zeal as the finan cial part the business It la thru the columns your home paper you place your goods before the nub ile It becomes necessary to acquaint the public with the new arrival of goods What better way of doing this than advertising in your home paper One may say advertising does pay In small towns Stop and consider It advertising did pay why would the many large busi ness houses out the big cities We wilt be to have you ca and inspect our stock I to pay towards the the t so ItTsto every C HOW ARD- horses Mug at the rate of 20 Cents per cow mans advantage im in I flood the small towns with matter They find that it is to HOWARDS North End Grocery This Week we are making special inducements for you to do your shop ping with us we are emphatic regarding the vaVies you get by doing so Call and sec our stock and note price Our store will be oven every night next week starting Dec till oclock p to give yon an to inspect our stock Specials in Groceries for 14 Days Only lbs Cleaned New Currants for a lbs Cleaned Mew Raisins tor lbs New Raisins for Lemon and Orange Peel lb New Cooking Figs lb Tins New Peas for Tins New Corn for Horse Shoe Salmon tin lbs Good Butter pound CROCKERY DEPARTMENT We are showing a largo variety new goods and you can Christmas requirements right here an smalt cost you can In Torontos large stores A shit of Crockery to choose and have cut the prices away down Specials in China and Toilet Sets 410 Fancy Cups aiil Saucers at hall price Lemonade Fancy Limps at of Ware Lamps tor 400 Hall Lamps for 375 r

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