Globe COMPANY lM2Ucejf Subscribe riAD CASAIJA MONTHS J DAVIDSON Ml Albert MBA rf manager H Kir Dominion a I J T ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a lull line of PATENT MEDICINES them COSGROVES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE BALDWIN BREEZES THE MARKET attendance at the market show ed a decided increase on large prices paid being the as high as have nicely recovered Good were also paid for I believe the diphtheria has been stamped out by tie prompt action our medical men The family of J i poultry LOST In Mount Albert or vicinity a wal let containing Cobalt Stock Certifi cates The finder will be suitably re warded by leaving it witb Tins- dale Albert NARROW ESCAPE Mr John Meek of was school house has been disinfected and studies will be resumed shortly It is an awful disease and may well feared It used to be known as the putrid black throat Thompson and Lyman Miller are now domiciled in They both have bright attractive children We hope their presence will be enjoy able to the Owl Mr and Mrs Walter Jewell have decided to start business in They will open a restaurant and and family Receipts receive personal day or W T LLOYD Chemist and Druggist driving through town on Saturday taste- We load and in turning into St the tongue broke misled by the wagon became unmanageable store where for jing down the bill One of the horses man has been an obliging entangled in the and badly hurt Mr Meek was thrown j out but escaped being in- widows Some men are But- occasionally a widow with a sweet blue bewitching smile relatives here you I cant make it out but it does raise an awful thumping and excitement in the neighborhood of my heart I pre sume my friend Mr and Way man of Keswick- have a very good idea of my feelings Theyve had it themselves Is at love Get away Get thee behind me Th widow is fat fair and You must- look solemn as you read above feci so Mrs Archie Murray arrived home safely on Sunday after a most de lightful visit at the and Hough ton and Hancock Mich- She declares theres no place like homo House for Sale House and Lot on Main St market occupied by James Trent Seven Rooms Summer Kitchen Wood Shed Stable and Drive House Plenty of bard and soft water ALSO- House and Lot in Holt Rooms and a good stone Cellar good Wood Shed and plenty of water Stable and House will be sold by sealed tenders received up to the day of Nov next Apply to GEORGE ARNOLD Holt A I EXT The hot fowl supper and concert in the Methodist Church on Monday evening was as usual well attended and was a most enjoyable affair The tables were tastefully and covered wJh all the delicacies of the season the principal item in the bill confession is good for the soul and courteous saleswoman I trow the Owl will be almost inconsolable when the wonderful and clever baby Henna goes One of our young men recently re ceived a postal all marked with possibly the spontaneous out burst of grief from some heartbroken victim of his mania for flirting I sposehe may consider that as his walking ticket Boys shouldnt flirt Its They say self confession is Rood for the soul so I Junior ReadingjFirst Thomas second Murray third Minnie Stevenson Form Dictation First Mann Willie Thomas Writing First Reynolds Thomas Willie Thomas second Beryl Stiles Mann Junior I First Murray Minnie Stevenson First Peter Taylor Reynolds Thomas Mann sec ond Beryl Stiles Junior First Murray Willie Thomas second Minnie Ste venson- A prize open to all the classes blackboard drawing was won by First Bessie Taylor second Stew art Stiles Great regret was felt by the teacher COAL AND WOOD HEATERS HAPPY THOUGHT V CANADA NATIONAL STEEL RANGES A L R SUMMERFELDTS MOUNT ALBERT GET THE HABIT PHONE 5w v Thanksgiving market friends that Mr Kays here on Monday next die j were absent through illness and there- usual Tuesday only able to compete in writing Tuesday This will allow buy- land drawing the specimens having getting their produce the city been done before their absence also for Thanksgiving for the children Mr who We regret to have occasion to re- are ill port the death of the SUttoh twins A soft of fare being an abundance of hot own up I was an old timer in fowl The programme which follow- the game years ray flirt ed in the church consisted songs were of the mild type and after a brief life of a few weeks One died on Saturday its mate followed on Sunday Whats that loud re port comes from Sutton which sounds as if the backbone of her market hid snapped For some time reliable re ports say there has been a very Mini attendance I verily believe the op- and Great Fennels will le hack in his old corner in Baldwin HOPE and recitations by Starr of To ronto and Miss Peters of Albert The singing of Miss Walker proved especially attractive meant no harm to any In last in need of anything in our line give us a call and see what we can do for you Our stock is larger and better an ever We have just Kceived a line of go for WEAR The Anniversary services in connec tion with Hope Methodist Church Circuit were held on Sun day last Rev of Toronto the service in the afternoon and Rev Wilson- in the evening The ser mons were very inspiring and- helpful and the thankoffering on the occasion amountedto Under the pastorates of Rev think though hed eel rather byplay in that line cousin Franklin sheepish after his traitorous conduct and J met at the Great Industrial j forgiven him Fair We always contrive to have a j Yah Yah I Yah Johnson ril s jolly when out together We whimpering now hardly had got seated on Grand Stand when two angelic creatures Jersey Cattle Six Jersey Grade STOKES Mount Albert The Reliable Store KESWICK We are still doing business the same principle Good Goods at GOLDEN WEDDING The golden wedding and Mis themselves immediately behind Robert OBrien was itus I winked at Frank And their home sired hoys to record all the delight This is to allow of getting their pro- Toronto recently when those bound up in that afternoons short into the city in time for to do Honor to the hours would need hooks giving trade forget Our- buyers have put their heads to- Ifrreeifttcd get her and decided to hold market and ministerial labors are on Monday next for I hat day only instead of Tuesday as Is usual couple included Mr and Mr OBrien Mr and Mrs JSiin REASO NABLE PRICES I Franks mash was a tall of classic figure as beautiful and Miss Kate OBrien Mr Thomas Hebe I should know her amongst OBrien Mount Albert Arnold ten thousand Mine was so brilliant Dunn Mount Albert Mrs James dazzle my Owlish eyes Both Card Gait Mr and Mrs Daniel I were evident evidently married lady OBrien Mr and Mrs J chums out for a Ami they had Armstrong Mr and Mrs J Arm- We made no attempt to make strong Mr and Mrs any capital out of flirt- strong Mr and Mrs J A Arm- Strong Mrs Armstrong Rev Once more the trees are naked al and Mrs A Armstrong Re I than five months in leaf Jo Mel Scott Mrs A Mas- 1 tropical climes trees arc evergreens ter Harry Anderson Miss Specdie as there are no frosts to kill the and Miss Among leaves several gold was a handsome some reference in Era present of gold coin employees tlie coon hunters of our burg I of the bindery department in Charlie Owens thought he Methodist Book Room Mrs is having a new night cap put on her cosy residence grandson Bertram Owen has the eon- tract and for an amateur is making a pretty good fist of it Anyway he isnt so green as to start at the top and shingle downwards as Ive heard of some doing A very cold wave accompanied by sleety rain may he expected the lat ter days of October Our market prices range above Sutton prices now Last week the only Mrs I got for stamp pound rolls What the Man Says Young men black your own boots and bid every man black his Keep your own hands in your own pockets Pay cash take cash Never marry an accomplished lady The latest meaning of that word accomplish Including Underwear Sweaters Mitts Gloves Sox Blankets Golf Jackets Toques Caps Rubbers etc We still have a few shoes which we arc selling WHOLESALE PRICE SALT by the barrel- or bag also Rock Salt CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Every Day is Market Day V GIVE A CALlk E E SMITH The Leading Merchant successor TO WIGHT SON Produce Wanted museum For here are collected a large number of relics of the first to Gome we Highest Cash Price paid for Pot- by the aery eloquence of St Paul to himself who on this very spot preached Christ crucified shewing to Brownhill those Greeks of old that in submit- ting to all that torture He the Son of God was suffering the punishment due to them and to all who believe on Him thereby ensuring for them a Miss Hill Is again in charge- of the Millinery and will hold Vat opening on Monday and flay Sept and Oct 1st G W GOLE if old could only is ruin The truest type for you hood beneath the good pure educat- her in beautiful garb now blessed womanhood beneath the theyd he homesick They say that home of love is a glorious and eternal inheritance realms beyond the Era till Christmas Lambs for Sale ln Some Thorobred and Grade Ox ford Down Ram Lambs HARRISON Albert knew how to do the trick The the and Swiss far farmers girl The name of lady becomes her calico brings is wonderfully acute of hearing and from hear their national everything must be still as death or J it makes them weep and al most frantic to sec their fatherland Old Lawrence has got on my else youll get no coon Charlie and Mr Frank- McDonald of Eugenia dog strolled down the corn patch has purchased the stockintrade of coon was there A most rare Mr Ross and will commence and beautiful one striped black and about Nov 1st Charlie let loose his dog For Rev Grant will preach any atrnosphre was heavy in the Presbyterian Church at perfumery No more coon hunts ANOTHER LIST OF Give Away Prices -AT- J J BARGAIN STORE SUTTON 33 efl Rubber Coats for Skirt and for Fleece Lined Under for Mens for Suits reg for Mens Suite reg tor Cardigan Jackets -X- Top Shirts reg for 25 Mens Top Shirts for 38 Mens Overcoat for Cups and Saucers per plates per Inch per do Inch plates per Inch soup plates per Rode Howls from to Assorted Salts and Peppers set Pitcher and Wash Basin set Globes each each Right Lamps Tumblers assorted per Egg Cups per do 19 Call see these and secure of our Great services next Sunday Mr was visiting friends in town this week Rev David Terry of Que was town on a visit to his parents Mr and Mis Terry Terry is at tending the cVlcbratioii of the Baptist church at Woodstock Mrs Hoover of Green River is vis iting friends in town and vicinity Miss Alma Gould of is a visitor at Hit home of Mrs Shields Mr- Hunter was In on Saturday attending the funeral of Mr Samuel Smith relative Miss Annie Sinclair of Toronto is visiting with friends in this vicinity Mrs Paul of Brougham is visiting at the home of her Soninlaw Mr P The will have a con cert and Lecture in the church on Thanksgiving Day Miss Toronto la visiting friends In town and vicinity for Travellers on Belleville an division the will find our Mr Willi- Riddel the obliging mail clerk Willie can sing The Girl I Left Behind Me The Owl knows her name Generally speaking Im not a great back and I cant any more time our wakened up It has been closed long enough Long evenings now Card of Thanks Mrs Geo Arnold ami family desire to express their thanks to the neigh bors and friends who were kind during the death and burial of her husband and their father Into the premises of the undersigned lot con East about the middle of June a red and while heifer rising years Owner is requested to prove properly pay expenses and take it away GEO MOULDS 65 75 M 50 17 70 6 5 18 Mr J Woodcocks is in full blast Mr Leon two cars of potatoes here last week and In tends loading one on Wednesday of this week lie also intends move to the city the week Mr P is loading a car of iron The Young Peoples Guild was a good success last Thursday Mr The produce market was very good here last week The buy ers being plentiful and produce scarce made them pay up Mr Intends moving Into Mr Roses on York St Mr It Morris shipped a car of nice hogs and cattle here last week Mr VV revival services last Sunday at Union church Meetings this week except Saturday are expected to be continued next week All parties wishing telephones in stalled in their premises should ap ply for same at once so that their name will appear in the Directory which Is now being prepared to be printed Albert Telephone Co Limited Mount Albert SUTTON On Wednesday Oct 17 the Annual Public In Hi No North was held at Rim Grove School J louse parents and friends being present- The following prizes were awarded by McDonald assisted Mr Grills and Jerry Gra ham Mann and Stiles who themselves at times as sore ly puzzled to determine the winner the competition being so close The Fourth Class was not Included the pupils of that class being expect ed to try at next Entrance Examin ation and thus win their standing HI Form- Alice Carter second equally merited by Allan Bruce Vcl- SpellingFirst Bruce sec ond Alice Carter Velnia and Allan all equal Writing First Annie Kay second equally merited by Bruce and Allan Map Drawing First Annie Kay has the fa North and aext Barrie Is going a local op tion campaign and raised for ex penses in the first meeting Canadian Northern Ontario GOING NORTH Toronto Union Mount Albert Oct second Bruce Munro Arithmetic Bruce second Velina and Alice Carter Form Reading First Maggie Taylor equally merited by Stewart Stiles and Bessie Taylor Miles Spelling Firsts Noble Munro and Maggie Taylor second Stewart Stiles and Bessie Taylor Writing First Noble Munro Maggie Taylor second John Map Drawing First Maggie Tay lor and John second Miles and Arithmetic First Noble Munro Maggie Taylor and Stewart Miles second Bessie Taylor I Form Reading First Mann second Reynolds Thdmas third Beryl Stiles Vandorf Pine Orchard Mt Albert Zephyr 99 99 99 9 1009 1020 1062 U02 800 822 GOING SOUTH it Mount Albert Pine Orchard 99 999 994 99 9 Ft 999 Toronto Union from her sneer no scorn This girl will wear a hat twice without Is she poor So much the better then commence We charge you nothing this advice as valuable as it is it 9 For the Era A Citadel of the Past By a Banker In purtu of the earth as known to civilized of a bygone age relics of those far of times still remain in abundance many of these stupendous and monumental achieve of an ancient world ho sub stantially end so solidly conHtructed that they have withstood for thous ands of years the devastating of time disintegrating ra vages of weather and In some mea sure the vandalism of man of course Is richest in won drous evidences of the advanced civ ilization of Italy bears witness to the luxurious tastes of the old Romans Assyria and Ba bylonia have yielded to the of the archaeologist the amplest proofs of the magnificence and the power of those great empires and Greece the cradle of the highest form of art and the achiever of the masterpieces of statuary for all time is still enrich ed with many a stately temple erect ed thousands of years ago but ex hibiting an exalted artistic taste which far excels the utilitarianism of the present age Apart from the Acropolis and other temples end relics of the past which bo entrance visitor to Athena perhaps the most noteworthy memor ial of the heroic age of Greece is the great citadel of Mycenae that pow erful fortress whence Agamemnon from time to time led his victorious hosts to victory returning laden with spoilsgold and Jewels cap tives and slaves horses the plunder amassed being so prodig ious that it was necessary to erect those vast treasure houses which still remain as perfect as when erected more than three thousand years ago Entering thru that same lion gate thru which that hero of old must have oftdriven his fiery steeds the visitor is toon face to face with the temples and the Imposing palaces of those warriorsdespoiled and partly ruined BC and nev er restored and of still greater In terest the tombs of Agamemnon him self of beautiful wife and of her lovely rival Cassan dra whose after resting un disturbed by the hand of man those massive tombs all those thous ands of years have now been discov ered and ransacked and the lavishly rich death ornaments of thick solid gold and sumptuous Jewels transport museum at Athens But to some of even greater in terest Is the adjoining room of that The Best Servant i2 of the Son METROPOLITAN BANK makes a specially acid extends to MOST REASONABLE Every department of banting if conducted Bast ssntjos and absolute fay IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT oepwiu of and received and interest showed from dale of deposit COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR Paid Up The Wed Profits St Metropolitan Bank SUTTON WEST BRANCH A COLSOy Manager JOHNSTONS r Choice Print for Yard a if youre ready for a surprise come and see these Prints New Goods just in Over a thousand yards too bought when theyre out of season for the wholesale houses but just the thing for you people for making pinnies for squaring quilts and for a hundred and one other uses when the thrifty housekeeper gels yds choice Canadian Print one of best standard makes Choice colors of Navy Cardinal Bright Host Brown flreen Li lac and Black Handsome selected patterns in Stripes Polka Dots and Floral Designs Will wash and well Reg and yd Wide Flannelette 10 Cents a Yard This lot is best ever seen aad ever sold at the price It is all tic more exceptional this fall when it Is well known that shakers have advanced about 20 per cent the past year About1500 yards extra heavy Striped Flannelette Extra even spun goods superior make and finish Light and dark shades Will wash and wear perfectly This Is of the finest cloths for ladles and childrens we have ever sold and full yard wide Reg yard for Heavy Shirty Shaker Cents Yard That well known Lock Lomond extra heavy for Mens and Boys Shirts Reg yd for A SUGAR SNAP Bags Best Cane Granulated Sugar next week only