Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1907, p. 6

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he Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY of Subscribed HEAD CANADA OF undrew Chairman Wal worth J at Albert Chief Dominion lit l ALBERT DRDG STORE We carry a hill line of MEDICINES Amos them COSQ ROVES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE Prescriptions and family receive personal day or LLOYD I Iti Druggist Farm Laborers and Domestics 1 hare Govern meat been Dominion place from Kingdom laborer demesne In ibis vicinity Any requiring help should notify rot letter statin fully the kind of when wanted offered numbers not but effort will each applicant with help- DAVIDSON Canadian hum House for House and Lot on Main St New market occupied by James Trent- Seven Rooms Summer Kitchen Wood Shed Stable and Drive House Plenty of hard and soft water and Lot in Holt Six Rooms and a good stone Cellar A good Wood and plenty water Stable and Drive House Each will be sold by sealed tenders received up to the first day Nov next Apply to GEORGE ARNOLD Holt Canadian Northern Ontario GOING NORTH Toronto Union Pine Orchard Mi Albert Zephyr MM Iefferlav GOING SOUTH f Zephyr Mount Albeit Pine Orchard Vardoif Toronto Union J The Reliable Store KESWICK We are still business on the alive and doing same principle Good Goods at REASQ NABLE PRICES THE MARKET The crowd at the market Tuesday was not so large as usual butter to eggs chickens to a welcome guest last week at her cousins Mrs A Lundy Mrs Partridge has been PERSONALS spending a lew days with her sister Mr Richard is visiting At Mrs in Toronto the home his son Mi- Martin a Miller of Toronto- is in in Detroit town the guest Mrs Brigg Cook visit fa Mr Roy Wight returned from on Tuesday- Mr J in Detroit Mr and Mrs Ira Morton spent Sun day at the home bis uncle Mi Ira Morton at KeswcK LEAGUE RALLY Revs H Partridge and Wilson attended the Sunday School Convention in on Mon day Dr Graham was suddenly called to Next Sunday evening there will be Cobalt tbis week where his brother a special service in thcMethodist Mr Seward Graham had been in the interest of the drowned The funeral took League On Monday evening there Tuesday the being In- be a special rally all the in Cemetery His Young people congregation but fellow townsmen sincerely will be made welcome I with the Dr in bis sorrow young or Miss Minnie Although Mr John Holborn one teacher in the public school will of- our most highly honored citizens give of her recent visit to is at present quite seriously ill England and the continent which everyone is earnestly hoping that he will be interesting to all There will will very soon be on the mend and be a varied program and refreshments he ready to take his accustomed will be served at its Place in the village life lb Mrs of Elgin and ZEPHYR A ami family f I A are visiting at Mr ilthaniV Mr Geo was visiting with friends at week Several of our took in the Pair at Newmarket last week and re port having had a time Do not forgft the date of the Worlds Pair to be held at Zephyr on Oct and better thauever A good lime in for all who come A Grand Concert at in Town Hall Mr P is all smiles tljeae ay a boy anU a papa Glad to Kay mother and child Zephyr market is growing bigger every wek and prices up to the top notch Everybody goes home satis fied There seems to be a big demand for Mr Barretts new livery was raised on Saturday afternoon Mr Harmon Dyke did framing and the structure raised with- out a hitch The is Rev D of berta will occupy ihc pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning next Childrens day in the Presbyterian on last A special feat was of the school her children are visiting at the home of Mr Hill Deputy Reeve Miss Cora Trivett of Newmarket spent Monday in town with Miss Ber tie Mrs Johnston of Hillsdale has been visiting her sister Mrs BALDWIN BREEZES An episode On Sept just as the sun son crossed the line a ray of sun son shine came into pur home for unto us this day a son is born Yours sincerely John Joseph- and Mrs 1 J The wind was in the North West on the equinox This accord ing to Prof John Alexander out lo cal expert forecasts a dreary fall On the contrary when the wind is in the West at this time it means a warm open Pall Through this medium Grandma informs her friends that she is a pretty smart old lady yet spite of her in vale She can walk for a mile pretty smart yet Her intellectual faculties are bright as ever Father time has dealt kindly with her Now what you think Last week started off on a- tramp of seven miles to visit a friend Mind you he is nearly years of age Farmers who have a good oat crop GLOBE VALVES ANGLE VALVES STOP COCKS SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS FETLOCKS OILS BELTINGS LEATHER ETC r summerIeldts MOUNT ALBERT ft a GET THE HABIT PHONE but has now returned home The station that long looked for vlsUme shelter from wind and storm has not houses in our village Why not oqJc cheerful and well they may with ot our monted build several dwell- chance to get fortyfive cents per aa they would have no trouble to rent or sell The Leagues of Zephyr and are haying a debate on Wednesday nighty this week at this place Subject Resolved that man is master of his circumstances Mr and Mis Herb Shields of While visiting the Fair on October and be sure to call and give us a chance to please you f with our values yet materialized much to the vil lagers discomfort and disappoint- on Sunday Mrs Robert was calling on friends i Toronto laat week ment It would have been erected Rumors in the air that some of our months ago if wishing and hoping had any effect on the powers that be and Ubeit hiniors we still wish and wait played a match here Saturday the local winning usual on BAPTISM An Interesting feature of the ser vice in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning was a public baptis mal service Mr rid Mrs J A Hopkins of Holt presented their in- daughter for The name given was Marian Jean Mr and Mrs Marvin ledge also presented their infant daughter the name in thin case be as though its rather cold and windy waiting The Guild Meeting in the Church last Sunday evening was most helpful The topic was Gods Imnipotencc- Excellent pa pers were given by Miss Bessie and Miss Hazel The choir sang a beautiful anthem young people are thinking of launch- upon the sea of later The Fanners Bank has put up one of the nicest signs on P west end furniture store that could ing Eva Rev Tbos Edwards tor performed the ceremony and Brown Hill is going to hold their general impression seemed to be that annual piesocial on Tuesday of this notwithstanding- the almost universal week of baptism in the home the Miss Ida and Mr A Jones Church after all is the proper place took in the play at Jacksons Point last week Mr Hen Tombleson for this ceremony is about to MAGISTRATES COURT a produce market at Win Gray and Joseph him success two residents of Mount were while working on ar tt got In railway beyond Parry Sound lhc with stealing a l attd i pork lust winter from Mr iV Brooks a farmer living a afeo v t east of this town es caped from the Constable had him in charge and has not yet apprehended Gray was brought to water they drank next day Miss Lizzie took in time vhvmt Albert on Tuesday morning wonder did Johnny get his and was before T J Wood- JJ J n cock Police Magistrate evidence against him was very Hank Smith is homu this elusive and he was sentenced visiting her parents ill the I sports around are getting their share three months imprisonment central prison and was to institution by Constable Savage Newmarket who brought him Toronto in the morning stand his trial watermelons especially I But we cant blame him if up to Jimmy he dont WEST FRANKLIN gel the girl Miss Maud spent Sunday with her cousin Miss New- burn Rose Bud HOLLAND LANDING Wednesday was a little breezy Fur coats are on the move again Have you got your coal bin filled Mr I was in town Tuesday making preparations to build the approaches to the bridge The valuators Mr Lumly and Mr Thompson have com menced work on section No Trent Valley Canal between Holland Land ing and Newmarket Mrs Brock of Newmarket and her daughter Miss May Brock were call ing on friends here on Wednesday Mr Brock of Winnipeg was al so here on Mr and Miss Raymond left for Hastings last Friday where limy in tend residing Inspector alloy visited the Public School here on Wednesday Mrs I of is Vis iting at Mr Barker shipped a carload of pickles to Owen Sound this week Mr and Mrs M Taylor spent a couple days this week at Sutton with their sons Mrs Barker is visiting her son Mr Barker at Queen West Toronto Mr las Bell who bad his leg am putated some time ago left for hospital last Saturday to undergo treatment as tbe leg- does not appear to heal up Mr and Mrs Duncan Bell and Miss Minnie spent a few days this week at Mr las of Toronto is visiting at Mr Bells Miss Mary Marsh returned to school at Bran lord on Wednesday again in charge of the Millinery and will hold the opening on Monday and Tues Sept and Oct G W COLE Manager Black of the Niagara aoffog factory fell into a tank of tolling water and was severely Adarn was found at Assizes to be in jail to await pleasure of the GovernorGeneral He was charged with murdering his Defective wiring fa have been the of a fire that the and plant of Work bete last nlghd The loss at I7f00 partly covered by Imurace The fire brigade bad fa saving the The service In the Christian church here next Sunday evening will be con- ductal by the pastor Elder f Pres sor and will the form of a Song Service SHARON Preparations are being made for the annual Harvest Supper ol St James Church which will be held in the old meetinghouse here on Tues day the of October Supper serv ed from to after which Thanks giving service will be held In the church conducted by of Bradford Every body Invited and provision is being for a larger that usual J STEINS BARGAIN STORE Sutton Just to advertise our store we will Mil our goods at GiveAway Prices Pants for Mens Suits for Boys Knee Pants for Boys to Suits for 1250 and Suits for and Ladies J Shyes for fOe Boys and Girls Shoes for Mens Heavy Boots for 125 We Felts for pair Ladies Silk Waists for Blouses for Winter Skirts from to Flannel Wrappers for Mile Ladies Woolen Guernseys or corgi Council Mrs Watson got back from from to for to Brandon Tuesday after an ah- 1 Ladies Jackets from to for of six or seven Mr awl Gordon of Toronto visited a few days with Mrs Graham called on a of other friends in the village Mrs A Lundy in spending the week with Mrs a the Lake prior to her Toronto for the winter Farmers arc busy harvesting their potatoes arid report an excellent yield and no bad ones Phillip attended the funeral of her friend Mr Speight at Mark- barn Mrs returned last week after month with re latives in Toronto The Trustees of the school have had new cement walks laid toe school yard and school yard enclosed with a wire fence A Wilkin of New York was to Bain Coals for Mens Sweaters Mens Sox Blk overalls 05c Smocks Pants Drawers Top Shirts sateen and others Good heavy Wool Stockings teed for and 25c Heavy Top Shirts Table Cloths for Towels Pique yd Curtains c and yd Gingham from c to per yd PrlnU yd Good heavy to 5 Wool Blankets for to Flannel Shirting Be per yd Big lot of Shaker Flannel Overcoats for Jackets arid Big lot of Crockery very cheap These Inciting of above Council held at Virginia on Tuesday after noon Sept Members all present Communication from County Clerk re County taxes and from Trustees of the various school sections school received mid before llio Council BCClark Council re purl of tli con line Councillors Mooro and wore ixjcouU growth timber on lino opjioHlto lot down ami removed Win wan given two years of time to remove tlm- ler off Iwtweon anil 011 payment of No action taken on Bale of a portion of eon line The following were current year County Township mills General mills Aluo No No IMS mine No 310 No i mills No WttO ft No 12 No Council to moot at bushel Pork is way down per hundred Pigs are a drug now Our Walter Corner keeps six brood sows He has dozens of little suckers A wedding postponed Reports later on when it is pulled The death of Lincoln Seward Gra ham Sutton by drowning up in New Ontario was a great shock- to his relatives here Deceased had been connected with the mining busi ness for twelve years and sonic time ago was appointed Manager of a mine in Cobalt- district The Free Methodists in this Dis trict have reluctantly been obliged to part with their beloved- Pastor Rev Goodrich He was a most zeal ous worker and undemonstra tive in his way but a genuine man I would that I were like him His successor was due on- Sunday last- We were much disappointed at be ing unable through unfavorable wea ther to be present at North York Fair It would have been a great treat to see all our old time associ ates or as many of them as stood the racket with Father Time I was suggesting to our friend Mrs B Tomilson that she enter the lists observe my friend Mrs War mer is still in the list at the Fair loo Shes awfully clever in domestic work And then Miss a cook and pastry and cake maker is surprisingly good tell her she can beat Aunt Maria on the bun question Many of our cleverest housewives take no interest in show business save as a spectator- do wonder if the scribe has yet found out how cleverly Mag gie can I think be knows He finds much news about there Our market is doing surprisingly well as regards prices compared with her rival Sutton Prices arc by Toronto Commission mer chants The only- Fennel weari ed of his smasVrBaWlwiii policy and now buys and allows himself a chance to get a nibble out of the pro ceeds Our Miss Cora has for the time been giving up millinery work and taken a sit In a confection ery establishment Shell not need much taffy Shes sweet enough goodness knows Our friend Jehu A has got an elegant in his new home but be paid a pretty steep figure it Mrs Archie Murray has gone on a to the A great chance for some good hon est citizen Master Willie Thomas is well recommended by Mrs as a good willing hoy to work Gets up first in the morning off after the cow not needing to he told Who wants to adopt a good boy Long evenings arc at hand Keep your young folks contented at home by a judicious investment of a few dollars In good and Instructive books audi period teal The street is a de sperately bad school Fair may not be a fair day The Almanac forecasts foul weather Oar Groceries are Fresh to 225 all going one do per pair See our Stock of Cents Furnishings We give Cash for Butter and Eggs BRING THEM ALONG Every Day is Market Day E SMITH The Leading Merchant QUEENS VI SUCCESSOR TO H WIGHT SON i are real genuine Bargain for two weeks only Come right r The Sutton Baseball Team claim that the item In Mt Albert news the Baseball Championship for the and League in which Albert claims the Cham pionship correct Sutton ana Albert arc a tk both having lost three games season The Sutton boys would like to play it off with the Mt Albert boys before the snow fifes The Government will probably send a special agent to Japan to en- to arrange the immigration difficulty i Alex tic contractor for the Canadian Northern was killed while walking on the track near Bay J COOK Agent For CAPITAL CREAM SEPARATORS FARMERS SCALES NOTICE Being unable to call personally to solicit orders for Nursery Stock owing to my continued crippled con dition I will esteem it a favor if intending purchasers would call or write me at my address Hunters start Albert Jersey Cattle Six Jersey Grade tor tale STOKES Albttt Joint Deposit Accounts I are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK Money can be deputed or with drawn by husband or wife Particularly valuable for farmers and town residents Money orders drafts ml lowest Sale Notes and advances made SAVINGS DEPARTMENT or more opens an accounr allowed from taie of deposit and FOUR limes a year You may deposit or withdraw money by mail The Metropolitan Bank Up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profit SUTTON WEST BRANCH A JOHNSTONS Bacon Gents per Pound A ton of Finest Quality Salt Bacon lb Grain Bags per Dozen Star Bag seamless and full size extra good quality The wellknown Bag seemless Tbe Eagle full each and guaranteed ply very heavy The Thcso some the wellknown grades of Bags we are handling na pieces run from to per Fall Underwear Our supply of Pall Uadctwear is simply superb and prices on an average with the city stores Our Ladles and Garment arc positively the Best Value we haw ever shown DRESS GOODS Satin Cloths Venetians Ladles Cloths Armures Broadcloths Ombre Checks Scotch Tartans Fancy Plaids Plain sw Fancy Lustres and Cashmeres and Fancy Tweeds Everything In this lot lust In this Fall and thoroughly We are Paying lor Batter far

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