Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1907, p. 5

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H THE EfiX FRIDAY SEETEMfiER 1907 I mm a J a- r ThosJpbetttscm Barrister Notary Street Newmarket to op Weeks muz oh a I trip to vem en Mrs Rolling has built a at the rear of her residence formerly occupied by the late James Allan Newmarket Fair Continued from Page silver cock Geese a v J Lawrfe 1st ami- 2nd J Laurie 2d Stephens ft rt J otherwise greatly Its liLi appearance by a fresh coat paint some grading etc The Toronto has also been transformed and sod Trust Fundi to loan is wired for electric lights Current Rates Conveyancers a over Parlor will on Saturday Court Fare J I Op d Ontario Bank- Aurora Co Banker J Agent for at Current Kate AUCTIONEER Street Robertson DIVISION COURT CLERK Insurance Accident sod Insurance IFire Insurance a Bolton Lane and Street S CULTURE At on Monday of each week Studio Wilsons Church St and at Dp DENTIST On Wilkinson DENTIST to Block Newmarket Every Wednesday Mm Metropolitan Oct and Beeton September Bolton Oct Bradford October IB Cookstown Oct and Collrngwood Sept October Ociober 3 Oct and Sutton September Oct and 17 Scott at Zephyr Oct Worthy of Praise We want to say a good word for the man who meets bis small obliga tions promptly They are not as plentiful as they should be and the man needs encouraging Most men will pay but fewer will pay prompt ly Almost any firm will testify that counting the time postage booking and like it costs all some accounts are worth to collect and still the man owing it to them is perfectly responsible in a financial way It wry often happens that the worst sinner in this particular is the man who is best able to pay Methodist Church Last Sunday morning Rev Glover oi Toronto preacher who has occupied many pulpits through out Canada delivered a very interes ting and logical sermon on the sub ject In the evening the pastors subject was Lessons front the life of a great man Moses being the Bible char acter which was exalted The choir felt the loss of Mr Barker but is picking up again Miss Maud Rich ardson took the solo in the anthem in the morning and Miss in the evening Both did admir ably Rogers or Artificial Tee t Main St Newmarket No In consequence of the row at the lacrosse match for the Championship between and Toronto Junction which led to a stoppage play at Newmarket last Thursday cm the Fair Grounds the Association has declared the contest no game and the Clubs will have- to play again on a day to be hereafter nam ed In this connection we might say somebody wrote- a report of the match to the Toronto Star blaming the Town and Fair officials for not preserving order The truth of the matter is some the crowd from were determined to break up the match and persisted in acting unruly One who was particularly so was arrested with some difficulty A fine and costs amputating to with the promise of a double dose next time cooled him down 2nd J Wyandot white hen 2nd J 3rd J 1st and 2nd J Lawrie 1st 1st and 2nd Pigeons I Pigeons Antwerp J hto lstand Viir Pigeons Fan Pigeons Tumblers parlor 1st and 2nd Pigeons Tumblers bare J- 1st and 2nd Pigeons Tumblers Mufflers W J 1st and 2nd Fancy Birds and Animals Guinea Fowl Stephens Canary etc 1 Canary Crest bred etc J Canary Cinnamon J Law rie Guinea Pigs J Rabbits J Belgian Hare Mrs Geo Partridge Sweepstakes Best Cockerel any J Best Pullet any breed J Law named G Lee Cochin named Lee 2nd J Sweepstakes best cock any breed Best Hen any breed J Dorkings named Lee Game named G 1 named Lee Leghorns named A Starr 2nd Hulse named T Stephens 2nd A Starr Orpingtons named Mrs Charles Kirby Polish named Lee Plymouth Rocks named Buckle Bros Red Caps named A H Hill Rhode Island Red named Sim- Black Spanish named Joy Lee Geo Partridge Lyman Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At remarket at If Drowned a Cobalt A very sad accident occurred at Co balt Lake on Friday night by which list and 2nd Bantam Class Game A V hen J 2nd Game A cock- J Lawrie 2nd Cochin cock Stephens Cochin buff hen Cpphin Partridge cock Stephens 2nd Cochin Partridge hen T Stephens 1st and 2nd coclc Simmerson Stephens hen 2nd T Stephens A O V cock J Lawrie a v cockerel J 1st and 2nd Chick a v pullet J Law 1st and 2nd Cochin Partridge cockerel J Lawde Cochin Partridge pullet J 1st and 2nd A V cockerel J 1st and 2nd- A V pullet J Law 1st and 2nd Game A cockerel J Law 1st and 2nd Game A pullet J Lawrie 1st and 2nd A V cockerel J Lawrie 1st and 2nd A pullet J Lawrie 1st and 2nd cockerel J Lawrie 2nd Norman Houdons pullet f 2nd Langshan cockerel J Lawrie 1st and 2nd pullet J Lawrie 1st and 2nd Leghorn brown cockerel Mrs Gardner Leghorn brown pullet- Mrs Gardner cockerel Man ning 2nd A Lawrie 3rd Stephens Leghorn buff puIIetB Manning 1st 2nd and Leghorn brown cockerel 1st and 2nd 3rd J Leghorn brown pullet 1st 2nd and 3rd Leghorn white cockerel J v 2nd Norman 3rd I Coombs Leghorn white pullet 1 2nd A Coombs 3rd Norman Minorcas black cokerel I 2nd 1 black pullet 1st and 2nd Orpington hull cockerel J Lawrie 2nd ily Orpington huff pullet 1 Law 2nd Orpington spangled pullet J Polish a cockerel J Law 1st and 2nd Polish a v pullet 1 Lawrie 2nd Mrs Stocks rooted Sellers Celery red Mrs p tridge Stephens Celery raldt Celery Per- John Hartry sweet Gardner A A Skinner Cucumbers ifrs John son Citron T Stephens Egg riant W Stephens Sweet Marjoram Savory Etc Johnson Hops this year Mrs Gardner Johnston Mrs Partridge Stephens Watermelon Thompson Mrs Onions largo T J Onions Stephens Sellers Onions yellow excluded Stephens Sellers Onions white Mrs Uriah Young Onions Prlzelaker Steph ens Sellers Onions- Stephens Seller Parsnips Sellers Stephens Pep pers large red John Hartry Peppers long red John Pumpkin small Mr Partridge Stephens Pea nuts W Stephens A Stocks Radish winter Stephens Sellers Salsify Uriah Young Stephens Street PotaioeB- Stephens A Stocks Squash any table variety- Stephen Pop Corn T Stephens Stephen Sellers Tomatoes largest single Sel lers largest Stephen Tomatoes shape for table use It Schmidt G Partridge Tomatoes best and largest named coll Stephen Sellers Tobacco I Hutchinson Stephens Coll Garden Vegetables Perrln NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones- JAMES Furnace Work Plumbing of Ouii8peolaltl8 f SOUS to 1 Boyds Livery 9 fta try tor pwU the attetattoa A BOYD- eon of Mr David of North and brother of Dr attain of Queens villa lost Ills life Mr was one of the foremen in the mine He and a companion the lake to the town lor a doctor wanted to attend two men who had Uteri overcome gas Returning the canoe upset Grahams managed to swim ashore but Graham sank who was unmarried was forty years of The body was recovered on Saturday afternoon and brought to Newmarket the early train Monday morning to lor Interment Many of the family will greatly regret to learn of his un timely death Farm Produce Fair market Prion Butter tin Ksara to DreeM Chickens to to Apples to a basket Apple toloOper barrel 55c Crab to basket per basket Onions Me per peck Potatoes and per bag Tomatoes basket Celery per bead Onions head Cauliflower to each Cucumber to basket- Live Chickens to per ft Hens ft to per Turkeys ft toflc Mr Pigeons to pair pair JJIdea to lb 10 to to to each fic l Plymouth Hock buff cockerel 2nd Mrs Geo Partridge Plymouth Hock bun 2nd ley cockerel Hunter 2nd Hunter Plymouth Hock barred Hunter 1st and 2nd Plymouth Hock white cockerel Hunter 2nd 3rd Joy Plymouth white pullet Joy 1st and 3rd Caps pullet 2nd A Hill Rhode Island cockerel Rhode Island Red pullet 2nd Spanish black cockerel 1 1st and 2ml Spanish black pullet 1st and 2nd Wyandot cockerel J Lawri golden 1st arid 2nd golden pullet 1 Lawrie silver cockerel 1st and 2nd silver pullet veft 1st and 2nd white cockerel 2nd 3rd white 1 Lawrie 2nd ily rd Hunter f Geese Ducks Aylesbury J 1st and 2nd Ducks 1st and 2nd Ducks J 2nd Stephens Duck a v J 2nd Lee Ducklings J Law Ducklings a v W Stephens 2nd J Lawrie Geese J Lawrie 1st and 2nd Geese Toulouse Jl Lawrie 2nd Stephens A FRUIT APPLES Alcxanler Hutchinson Mrs A A Skinner American Golden Russet- Stenlieiis American Pippin ninnl Brown Baldwin Brown Hilton Pippin Brown Uriah Young of Oldenhure Mrs Johnson U Hut chinson King or Tompkins Coun tyNorman Brown A Starr Maidens Blush Stephen Sellers Mrs John Mann T Stephens Amos Hill i Spy John Mrs John Rhode Island Stephen Stdlers Abraham Stocks Russet Edward Johnston John Snow A Starr Edward Johnston St Lawrence Norman A Arahnm Stocks Norman Brown Twenty ounce Pippin Abraham Starr Johnston Hinder Wealthy Tansfcy Mrs John Yellow El Stephen Hellers Mrs Any other Variety ley Win Thompson Mrs A A Skinner Stephen Sl- Best and Largest A Starr jar ice Mrs Geo Thompson Mrs Gilbert John son PEARS Johnston II Hill Brown Stephen Sellers Favorite- Stephen Sellers Willis Fall Pear any other variety Stephen Sellers Mrs Johnson Winter other variety Norman Stephen Seller Coll Assorted Stephen Hellers Stephen PLUMS GRAPES Norm Brown Drop Norman Brown Green Cage Norman Brown Mrs G Johnson Brown I Mrs I M Glass Norman Brown Pride Mrs Johnson Brown Yellow Norman Brown any variety Norman Brown Plums any other variety named Norm an Drown Coll and Largest Plums Stephen Norman Brown white Norman Brown Grapes veX Norman Mrs Kir Grapes coll Norman Brown GARDEN VEGETABLES Beets Ipng A Stocks Beets Wood Mrs Kirby Johnston Boat turnip Sellers Mrs Gardner Cabbage furriest A Starr summer A EStarr Cabbage winter Mrs G Cabbage coll A Stare Stephen Vegetable Marrow Mrs Part ridge Carrots slump rooted J AT THE Hardware Store WHILE LAST Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Dor Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Whisks Regular goods selling at Brushes Regular goods selling Doz Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J A E W COMPANY ARKET 1 CUT FLOWERS Asters Mrs Wm Willis Balsam CJ Smith J Zinnias Miss Newton Mrs Nas turtiums without Dahlias double Mrs Win Hol lyhocksMiss Newton gotd Mrs Prosser Mrs James Stark Pansles on stalks with out foliage Mrs I Miss Newton CJ Smith Phlox Mrs Prosser Miss Newton J Phlox Perennial Simmerson Mrs Petunias double Win Wllfl Mrs J Verbenas J Mrs Gardner J Smith Mrs I CarnationsMiss L Newton Ger aniums coll Miss Newton Mrs Willis Nasturtiums with Mrs I Mr On Antirrhinum Snap Miss J J Smith Mrs Prosser Miss Newton Miss New ton Mrs I Pressor- MlsSjL Newton A Smith Sweet Peas nojoj Mr Gardner Clark- son Sweet Peas any color In J Smith Mrs Gar dner As tors white J Mr Willis Bouffuui Mrs Table J Smith Mrs Prosser Brides Mrs lone Floral Design for table- Mrs Mr WJ Lun Funeral Design Mrs Willis Mrs WJ Basket On I Newton Mrs Geo Partridge Aster OJ As ters purple J Smith Newton Asters pink J Mrs Wm Prowler J Smith Larkspur 1 Smith Mrs Jones An- nun Is Mrs I J Smith Perennials hardy Mrs Willis IN POTS Begonia single Mrs dy J Begonia Bex Mrs Begonia roll- Mrs A Smith Sultana WN Collins J Smith AfnafrfllHrMaurlee Foster Mrs Kirby Mr J Lundy Simmerson Mrs- Prosser In bloom Mrs Mrs Jones Geranium roll Mrs WJ Geranium In bloom single Mr double In bloom Mr Perrln Mrs W J Hanging Basket Mr WJ Broughton Specimen plant Mr Jones Mrs J Asparagus Fern J Mr J Plant J Smith Mrs House Concluded on Page r NEW FABRICS FOR FALL Our showing of FANCY SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS is decidedly pleasing We give style in every garment the best workmanship and thoroughly- dependable materials See Our Window F ILL IS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN STREET MADE IN CANADA by A GANADIN COMPANY FOUNDED ON MERIT AS j WELL AS AGE ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAM I THE WILLIAMS CO MONTREAL P LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA ST JOHN WANTED SPAVIN SPAVIN RINGBONE CURB FLINT POLL EVIL LAMENESS SWELLINGS SOFT BUNCHES arc CORKO dollar KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE No muter what too how many SPAVIN CORK it direct and it give perfect reaulti Dams OI I am two out with I am Cure tod I rind my hornet ninth Improved I hare but find the a Our Trealia The will fir yo many a hint a to how tolcp horaca ret Writ lor copy On J KENDALL CO USA ju WE EDUCATE FOR SUCCESS TORONTO OKI Cook Wanted Applr at the Hotel market of our students are going Into positions each year Let us train you tor one Catalogue free WJ ELLIOT Principal and Alexander Streets I OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at Thlt Sand and Gravel p For Cement delivered by mall promptly attended to Cement Blocks for pur poses for Come and see thorn A

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