Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1907, p. 8

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It SEPTEMBER Dont have a falling out with your hair It might leave you Then what That would mean thin uneven rough hair Keep your hair at home I Fasten it tightly to your scalp I You can easily do it with Ayers Hair Vigor It is something more than a simple hair dress ing- It is a hair medicine a hair tonic a hair food beet kind of a testimon Sold lor oyer sixty years AST Co PILLS CHEWY iers House for Sale Or to Let Apply at the Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ave Modern House for Sale Furnace Electric Lights bargain for immediate sale Apply to P Newmarket Jrife AND COS TOD WuBTKt TO ORCHARD Road Overseer Yates has been do ing good work this week repairing the Shore at this point The moderate use of gravel where needed has been a decided improvement Mrs Dan was the guest of Mrs Fred a day or two last week Wilsons hoardinghouse is closed tor the season A lot of goods have been shipped away and report says that Mr Wilson is not coming back- again Nearly all the cottages are GUM ARABIC The in To Rent at Once Lot Con King containing acres and being the Norman Wes ley farm Apply to Solicitor Newmarket For Sale Roughcast House on Prospect nearly opposite High School and owned by Mrs Gallagher Apply to Solicitor Newmarket AURORA thieves have commented operations in this town Mr A Phillips of Catharine avenue lost two one night this week Mr of street tost a similar num ber last week also Mr George Bice On Tuesday afternoon a young Englishman who has been boarding at Mrs Evans on Church street broke open the trunk of a and stole in cash He also broke open the trunk of another hoarder but not finding any money stole a quantity clothing A warrant was Its simply astonishing the way i Si Baking Powder has taken hold of my customers They say it makes lighter finergrained Biscuits and Cakes than any other they ever Send for our free Drug Chemical Co of Cicada limited Montreal Steamerfor Trent Canal The Government Building Vessel to Cost From the Examiner The superintendent of Trent Canal in about six weeks will bave at disposal for inspection pur poses and for general work on the issued for his arrest on Canal a new steamer ft long Wednesday but so far he has a foot beam a steamer tbo constable The which will be fitted with accomtno- in For Sale Andrew Good Building Lota on Apply to J PARTRIDGE Newmarket For Sale The convenient comfortable Brick- Dwelling on street occupied by J A BASTEDO For A new SirRoomed House cement good garden lawn with domes tic water and in A condition on Timothy Street Newmarket Apply bo Mrs J Thompson 33 Elm Street Toronto or to Mr Webster Marlborough Ave Toronto young fellow had only been in town to permit of a trip from one a- short time and had been working end of the canal to the other and live for lie corporation on the boat all the time She will be known as the- Bessie Butler and the contract for construction was let to the Poison Iron Works To- Mr Evans Mount Albert was Yesterday two Cur loads calling on friends in our community jot her material arrived in the city on Friday night Then he took Dot switched on the Cover Two CI asset Bleached d Their Usm Gain which one the more important minor exports of Egypt is really the sap from a special kind tree w bleb grows from three to live yards in height whole forests of which are found in the lace and near In the White Nile province The natives are free to collect the gum The season daring the trees yield their sap from December to May Prior to gath ering tfie crop the natives prepare the trees by slightly cutting the bark Id numerous place The sap then ex udes solidifies In the shape of large and small lamps and Is afterward gath ered by band each gathering being doae before the rainy com- inenees There are two main classes of gum and bleached In the latter the gum Is merely exposed to the strong notion of the aim generally In while In the former In- stance It la allowed to retain Its nat ural color The confectionery trade Is perhaps the principal purchas er of gum arable though a very large number of other Industries chemical works printing nod dyeing mills let ter press printers and so on are Inter ested this product of Sudan i A Drunkards Brain Appetite i Bank Canada HEAD Fetid Up Capital ay a a PAYING THE PENALTY home with him Miss Fisher King City and Miss of Keswick were the guests of Miss Maggie Sinclair over Sunday Whats the matter with Mr Hurst Hither too much tulips two lips or not enough think Our Sunday School was a decided success hone that hay load party didnt their pictures taken JI they did the glass is sure ly broken Mr and Parks and lady friend were the guests Mrs to be Parks parents over Sunday purposes She will What is the great attraction at the Point for a couple of our young men Some of our young ladies had a very narrow escape on Tuesday eve ning Their horse became able and upset the buggy were not hurt very badly furnishings The girls Farm to Let Lot No Con Township of about acres to let for a term of years For particulars to Donald Cameron Vacbell P or to P Mark- bam P int a r For On Timothy St East Public School bouse good bard and soft water good iceioute and lota of Five good building lots close to A bargain easy and immediate K Why Not Seize A W acre farm town Is being ottered for quick sale by the owner who retiring at per acre and the to is all fenced with good fence broken water school and church has a comfortable two grainaricv and atabllng for head of fctock and as an extra Inducement would be willing to cancel fevor of purchaser Three In the Moose Mountain To an farmer an opportunity not to be muted Apply to Agents Investment brokers Suite MX Block MAM Pony for Indian excellent and driver For apply to Wewmarket is being put in readi ness for the annual fall fair to be held here on October ami The Secretary Mr Graham is busily engaged in fixing up the prize list Work is progressing on the new brick building on Main street being erected for Mrs Kills on tile of the building which was burned in the recent fire Mr Pruncr who for the past year has conducted a jewelry business in town is closing bis store on October 1st lie has not yet decided when lie will locate has from a two visit in the and at the Pacific coast Mr tot Forest is Principal of school with Mr WiKcinsou as assistant Mr ami Mrs David Phillips of Sud bury formerly of arc calling upon their many friends here Rev Mr Robertson and wife formerly of town called upon their many friends here on Wednesday It is reported thai Mr Fred Dennis intends opening a drug store in the course of a few weeks He will oc cupy the stand to he vacated by Mr on Oct 1st Mr Dennis is well known In thin vicinity and will no doubt receive a fair share of pat ronage Mr llarrts is having several improvements made in the livery connection with the St ho tel interior of the stable is be ing brightened considerably by the ap plication of whitewash while the wa ter supply will be increased by the deepening of the well on the premises The present well is 170 feet deep Mr Marry Rolling has purchas ed an uptodate drilling machine in which will arrive next week has been engaged to lower it to or if necessary feet to strike a good flow and were switched siding west of the lift lock where the parts will he assembled and the steamer launched The work the steamer was all done To ronto where she was put together in shipyards of the shipbuilding Company and after being taken was prepared for shipment The parts are all marked and will be put together in less than six weeks with a staff of men sent here by the Toronto concern The steamer will have an oak hull with oak ribs and will he built sub- used for tow- he equipped with compound engines and power for them will be supplied by Scotch boilers The cost of the steamer will be about and complete with etc probably more She will have a speed of fif teen miles an hour The necessity for a steamer of this character is be ing felt with the opening up of the new stretches of the anal and when it will require about eight days to a trip from the Lake Ontario to the Georgian Day end of the wat erway Accommodation will he pro vide on new boat for a weeks trip Ibe interior equipment includ ing state rooms baths diningroom and and sleeping quarters for the crew She will he electric light ed and will be equipped with a strong search to enable her to navi gate any part of the canal at night It is the present intention to have the steamer ready for launching in less than six weeks and after she has taken the water several weeks will he required for the completion of the work The will he ready for use- this fall and will be placed in commis sion as soon as she has been com pleted Way Begged Pardon One day the comic actor was Induced to take oft well known newspaper editor by name la one of the characters be was repre senting in Berlin He performed task so cleverly that at the close the audience broke oat Into load calls for The journalist brought action and BecVmann was condemned to go to the house of the Insulted par ty and there beg bis pardon In the presence of witnesses At tbe hour ap pointed in tbe circle of His family together with a number of re lations and friends had been for the occasion waiting ar rival of delinquent Ho tarried long and half an hour bad passed In weary when at last the door opened and put his head In and asked Does Mr Meier live borer no answered lives next door Ah then I beg your pardon said and hastily withdrew hav ing thus acquitted of the im posed penance to the great annoyance of and Interna amusement of assembled witnesses London Potter In Paris French law authorities of every village commune complete control over posters No one writes our consul general Is permitted in France to deface streets and public places with erode ostentatious an nouncements of his business or other Billboards are Infrequent In Paris and are generally built perma nently Into a wall where they are tax ed according to their superficial area When a building Is In and board screens are erected to shield the public from dust and other annoyance temporary will soon bo covered with posters of amusements and other business but each poster displayed been previously submit ted to authorities license obtain ed and each sheet tbo canceled revenue stamp according to Its size The Terrible Result of an for Alcohol I was present at the autopsy of noted old rounder of my town few weeks ago said a resident of Troy recently and I was startled and shocked at what I saw The dead man sixty years of age and bad been the town drunk for forty years The doctors bad sur mised that when they cut his head open a pronounced smell of alcohol would issue from the skull I thought it only one of those grim jokes that indulge in sometimes when they are carving a to mince meat in the interest of their science But I learned that was no joke for when the surgeons saw had cut off the top of the mans skull the odor of the alcohol that filled the room was strong enough to almost sicken one Then one of surgeons struck a match and held it close to the brain Immediately a blue flame enveloped the entire portion of the cerebral organ exposed and the quiv ering flesh sizzled as if on a- grid iron That experiment and disclosure set me to very serious thinking about the error of my way I am not a temperance lecturer nor a prohibition politician but I must most respect fully and firmly decline your invita tion to have something I dont want brain to float around in a sea of alcohol as did that of the poor old town drunkard Troy There is no telling how many other mens brains will reveal thv same condition if an autopsy is held upon them St GlobeDemocrat BOARD OF Esq President First VicePresident A- A Esq How Cakfbbia Ban GeneraManager Second VicePresident Hon McNapcht Cassias Savings Bank Department Interest at best current rates paid quarterly Newmarket A Manager Mt Albert Branch PENNINGTON Manager Pure Prepared a i t s Always reliable economical and durable Will not crack peel or chalk Superior to any other mixed paints on the market CITY FLOOR Require only hours to dry Think of it Island City Enamels Liquid and City Varnish Stains Gloss Carriage Paints Fob Sale B STEPHENS NEWMARKET Right Breathing Cures Catarrh Simple Way to Kill Catarrhal Curias In Nose Throat and Lungs A Long Swim A tramp all known rec ords by swimming twentyseven mllea In thirty minutes did not mean to do It lie merely tried to ateal ride from St Louis to Chicago on the rear or- a locomotive tender When the train started ho fell over backward through tbe open manhole Into water tank noise of train his erica for help and he to until the stop at Alton When taken oat he was nearly dead but the engi neer was bo an to call bis at tention to the fact that tho water only four feet deep and he might have Btood up The conductor also unfeel ing for his ticket but tramp had not come by- rati hot by water The Song of the Wine Cup Oh yes I am lair and my sparkling wave Is mjaffed by the young and the gift ed and brave And I gladden the hearts of the gloomy and grave With my gushing and joyous tide Men seek me in youth in the heyday life- And seek me in manhood to arm tor its strife For each bubble with daring and strength is rile But list what I give My rosy brim to your lips youll hear And quaff with a glee that will at care youll dream for a while there is naught so fair As the blushing and merry howl Hut the dancing tide that your veins shall ill Shall leap with a hotter and wilder thrill And deeper and deeper and deeper still Shall burn in your very soul Your fancy shall borrow from spectres fill And youll tremble and at their fiendish yell of Hell And redhot serpents their folds As it rings in your throbbing earn And your brain I will madden and shall wreathe Through your tortured brain that shall hiss and seethe And dread shall convulse till you scarce can breathe Feu tbe weight your choking fears And soon I will laugh at my triumph won When howling soul from its foul wrung my ruthless grasp to depths is flung Of a yawning nnd waiting Hell And when it shall part with a demon shriek Thatll curdle each hearts blood and bin each cheek When a voice to me from the Pit shall speak Hum hast served me well Andrew Smith I In the National Advocate Jade team hate Bailed from for They all but one Their with all hard soft or lumps and from blood spavin curbs splint ring bone sore and swollen throat cough etc Have 150 by use one bottle Way- ranted tbe most wonderful Blemish ever known Sold by Ft The Are brigade of have over MOO In their treasury u a It suit tournament Take Compound Iron you would hay nice clear complexion Sold by Ta Norman Rogers Co The only natural and common method known for the cure of catarrh al troubles is It la breath ed through an Ingenious pocket Inhal er so that Its medicated air reaches the most remote aircells the nose throat and lungs killing till catarrhal germs soothing the irritated mucous and restoring healthy condition goes right to the spot where catarrhal germs are pres ent in the and Jungs and destroys the so that perfect health is soon restored A complete outfit with hater costs but and sold by J Y under a guaran tee to refund the money units the remedy gives satisfaction is submitting a bylaw to lend to a piano factory The general touring business of the country will not show much expan sion this year The cool weather stress business the tightness of money and a depreaaed stock market are among the causes ITCH Mange Prairie Scratches Barbers and every farm Itch on human or animals cured in minutes by Lotion It falls Bold by J in his will Stephen of th pariah of gava to John Abbott and Mary bis each boy for of a halter for fear the should not provided and John left sum of guineas for the purchase of the picture of a viper biting hand of reamer to be presented to an eminent K as reminder ils Ingratitude and Insolence We desire to point opt that so long as drink is responsible for halt crimes threefourths of the pauper ism and at least a quarter of tbe lunacy of this country is the busi ness of the ratepayer and of the guardians of the ratepayers purse to do all that is humanly possible to stride at the root of the evil the burden of which is increasing every year and promising to crush the so ber ratepayer in his enforced task of supporting his drunken brother If this evil docs not demand redress do not know one that does And until it is redressed all the proposals dealing with various of pau perism are like so much beating of the air Alliance News My Father was a Drunkard fa William writing in The Pilgrim Teacher tells how a great- great grandson of Franklin when only a lad had the insight to see that was nothing but ene my and of no sort of help to a man Brilliant gifted beyond his fellows with other forms dissipa tion and making no secret It even enslaved by them he once told Mr Blaikie that he never drank a drop of liquor lie asked why The answer was short but a vol ume My father whs a drunkard That was all And it was enough No scruples moral or other held him back But he had the terrible objectlesson which could not fail to make a profound impression upon the of a bright bay that the liquor hahlt In a bouse means almost cer tainly the destruction of the house That the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty is as true to day as when it was spoken three thousand years ago Six Italians were fined and costs each for shooting birds and birds out of season and also for shooting on Lords Day Magistrate Saunders t on Monday Through the in terpreter the culprits acknowledged their guilt but explained that they did know the law His Worship explained that ignorance the law was no excuse Bern Saltan of WE EDUCATE FOR SUCCESS Millers Grip Powders Cure by The Norman Rogers Co a Woman that Have you have tried to- Tried tor but ah recuse to Refuses to talk Head Man In and moke It tare corurana on page I woold marry a who was a leAbout now brave for him In to win your ftbe Well have to have Rat according to a ffcwtmuieut worth of and yet In of rats and rates the fanners manage to do National Cost of Drinking The Local Government Journal of January contains the following serious indictment which was boldly copied into a liquor trade Journal last week Slowly the nation beginning to realize that the Trade which provides the country with a year by way of revenue is costing the local ratepayer almost as many millions in rectifying dis astrous results of that Trade or maintaining its nodal wreckage It is not merely in- workhouses and asy lums that tin results of the drink curse are seen They can be found in every prison In enormous proportions they are selfevident in asy lums they are overwhelmingly ap parent in ranks of the unemploy able They arc largely responsible for the mass of suffering humanity found In our hospitals they In company with the results vicera cousin to drink are responsible for much filthy disease and death of young children they mean murder of thousands young children every year by overlaying they bring in their train filthy dirty homes suicide and murder and they the employment of an army Judges magistrates police and officers the cost of which is Out Sept 12 ton Bedford son of Bedtoid thresher received fatal injuries which he died four hours this morning Their threshing was proceeding along the highway hear Deceased was tid ing on the rear of the traction engine when suddenly the flywheel hirst a large piece Hying hack Bedford He never regained Two other men tiding on the opposite side of the engine injury Deceased was ears Agent old and unmarried TORONTO OUT Hundreds our students are into positions each year Let train you tor one Catalogue free J Corner and ATE NTS PROMPTLY SECURED We solicit the business of Manufactory a nil others who the dviulu of having their Iranurtei advice Our Inventors York Ufa ul NORTH WEST EXCURSIONS PACIFIC lpns Vara laava TUESOAY AUG SEPT as OCT LOW for o from loEelmoDio Good lor OOdty CARS on CoVloctakte email coat be local imt lHi Am tfCVi I i Heart Throat Liver and Skin DR AGNEWS FOUR FAMOUS SPECIFICS CURB COMPLETELY THE WORST DISEASES OF PARTS DREADFUL HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN THIRTY MINUTES Heart disease wilt affect people differently but In all must be viewed la alarm Dr- Agoews Cure for Heart the one remedy that can be safely upon In times trouble It will give relief in thirty minutes Mr Thomas of Aylmer Que was troubled with sevare heart for JjJ years the pain at times being so severe that he could not attend to business remedy failed until he tried Dr Agnewa Cure for the Heart Immediate relief and his words are these fcatefaow remedy and am free from every symptom of heart disease cold in the head need riot be trifled with for It it catarrh Id an catarrh Is not to be trifled with Dr Powder scores A members of parliament arid prominent la the how testimony drives away a cold In the head like magic and this has abape of aggravated producing deafness and throat trouble It cure V V I Is not always safe to take for trouble not create troubles that are serious Dr Liver pills whilst removing all liver trouble give no either it tho time or W are pleasant to and coat only cents that Dr has at seat mljj ldilapioueuuiriuSeoorthre the pertduiMt itin diseases and is efeotbe pile rem bit a a

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