Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1907, p. 3

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J l WHAT TOW Big crowd down Town last Satur day evening Mr Byron Brown has a curiosity in bis garden a cabbage plant with eleven distinct beads There was a wedding at the Meth odist par on Wednesda St Pauls Church Next Sunday Mr has consented to sing Sweetly Sol emn Thought by Ambrose He is said to have a fine bass voice harvest Festival Sharon St James Church purpose holding their Annual Supper on Tuesday Oct 1st in the Meeting House at Sharon A big crowd is expected VT Mir Fair a Great Success i Nearly on Grounds on Wednesday A Magnificent Prog tarn Carried Out T A special meeting was on Sat urday last when the following officers were elected Mrs Hughes Mrs L Armitage Mrs Cane Mrs Haw Mrs Wilson The Superintendent of the Lumber- seat a large box of clothing and literature to the Mis sion in Taxes are Up At the Council meeting on Monday the Finance Committee re ported that it would require a rate or mills on the dollar to meet all liabilities against the Corporation up to the end of this year and the Council very wisely shouldered the responsibility There are three or things which has caused this in crease of mills on the dollar over year first toe deficit last years accounts 2nd the increase of onethird in the County taxes 3rd increase of onethird in the main tenance of the High School and the extra cost of on Queen St bridge This latter item is in addition to the appropriation of on roads bridges and side walks in the Town this year The taxes will therefore be on the assessment more than last year Missionary Convention The Womens Missionary in connection with Methodist Church of the Bradford District hold a Convention at King City on of next week At in the afternoon The Aurora Auxiliary is to take Charge of the opening devotional ex tremes Miss Banting of Newton Robinson will give a paper and Miss of Toronto will answer the question drawer Mrs I A Long of Bradford will take charge of the Consecration service and the King Auxiliary will provide he music The evening session opens Rev Walker will the chair and deliver an adds J McKay of Newmarket will a paper and Mil give addrcfts Reports will he and special music will bo by the City who go from Newmarket a ill require to leave here on the 0a train as the afternoon train doe not stop at King and they will have to leave the even ing train or remain till next morning as the midnight not stop at King station Address and Presentation Thursday evening last week The weather on Wednesday was all it was well scatered and there was that could be desired and the many no crowding The Grand Stand was attractions provided by the Direct- filled to overflowing with spectators brought out an immense crowd and it is safe to say they never The program was carried out in so much to look at for the money entirety and everybody was mure Hon A Aylesworth Minister than satisfied of Justice and Mr Fred Underbill of The School Childrens profession Aurora were greeting friends from was very tame compared with those various parts of Riding of ten or twelve years ago The The Metropolitan gave a special mounted marshals were Lloyd rate of per mile and had two and Major Allan Newmarket Band big days took the lead and was followed by j The athletic events in front the nearly children- all walking AllijGrand Stand were keenly contested the Town schools were in It besides J hut have no room for full report this six or seven from the country A week Tom Longboat and other cele- couple of comical rigs the grated athletes were present Our Band and Concert Co brought up own Ross Shepparfl and Billy the rear The sidewalks were lined distinguished themselves Long time retiring pastor of the Presbyter ian surprised by Miss v calling at the Manse reading the following address accompanied ny a A Campbell Hear It is with deep regret that we Lave heard of your intended sever- with us and we desire to give slight testimony our apprecia tion of your services among us sympathy and kindness have endeared you to the hearts of the leather A scholar of the Sabbath School precept and example have endeavored lead the way Christ our Saviour and by your and deals have lasting influence for good We believe you have seed that in future years will bear fruit and raise up many true servants of Jesus Christ Ve trust and that God wllj and prosper you and Mrs Campbell in all your work ft may be and is you will hear Well Done of the And now may we ask you to ac cept ax a alight of our regard this offering which is made not for value but a some small Indica tion of love and esteem We pray that you may always bold in memory the Sabbath School as the present teachers and scholars will always think of you as their The teachers and Scholars of lie Presbyterian of with people watching the procession consequently there was a jam for tickets for a while after reaching the grounds There never was such a collection Of sideshows and moneypulling schemes but the Merrygoround was the fa vorite for the boys and girls There were about a dozen ballthrowing in ventions ringtossing fortunetelling weightstriking Instantaneous photo graphy and many other catchy things to aroust The exhibition of products etc was about up to the usual standard for North York and the ar rangement of exhibits was very sat isfactory The Horticultural dis play occupied the entire centre pi Floral Hall arid was exceedingly at tractive There was only a small entry in- grains and fruits but the quality was good In Dairy also preserved fruits and pastry the ex hibit- was above the ordinary both in quantity and quality Very attrac tive display of Pine Arts and Stuffed Birds 1 Ladies Fancy Work ivs very fine Fancy Work was exceedingly choice nearly everything being entirely new and superior in quality and design The Roots and Vegetables com pletely filled the Annex to the Car riage building and it was to see what the soil in this section is capable of producing The display in the Carriage build ing was not up to the scratch in the number of vehicles exhibited but those shown were certainly- dandy rigs There were three piano exhibits in Floral Hall but that of Mr D took the cake in years gone by we used to thinkthere was something lacking if Mr Nelson Johnson was not present with his sewingmachines Of late years Mr appears to occupy that The exhibit of pianos and organ had a very attractive hack- ground while the splendid perform ance of Mr Fred Bannister no the instruments always held the The Mahogany piano made by Winter Learning was the same as shown at the Toronto Exhibition He also had Mendelsohn pianos and Sherlock Organs Mr if Gardner of the Foundry made a display of which might feel proud aiil no doubt astonished people with the variety work that they are MO- j The Office Specialtyexhibit attention It included post office outfit office desks and library furniture- Mr J made ft display of household furniture The Singer Sewing Machine Com pany and many other special exhibits including of Mr A make Floral Hall a place whore hours could he spent with pleasure and profit The Poultry building was well fill ed with a choice lot of birds show- in that this feature or market sup plies has a foremost place In this part of the country Over In aloie Although there was such a big crowd on the grounds on Wednesday boat ran the five mile race in less than twenty minutes As an extra the Championship Jr Lacrosse Match the district was played here on Wednesday between and Toronto Junction The former ran a special excursion train here and brought a big crowd The game was rough from start to finish and war finally called off ten minutes before the time was up The score- stood to- In of the Junction it will be left to the Executive whether to play again or decide oh this score Pickpockets got in some fine work on Wednesday Air John Hicks lost bis purse out of his pants pocket containing and two return tickets to Michigan Another out of his hip pocket Mr Knowle of Newmarket had taken from him and a St lost out of his- pocket Every seat for tic Concert on Wednesday nigli was sold before noon consequently the Hall was packed Yesterday morning the weather was threatening but it turned out all right and there was another big crowd on trie grounds in the after noon The horseracing was the chief excitement Following arc a few the prize winners DAIRY PRODUCE Crock Mutter prize Mrs J 2nd Mrs Win Willis Ten lit Rolls Hill Lee 2nd Willis Ten lbs flutter in lib Rolls prize Mrs 2nd Mrs John Warriner Crock Leslie prize- Mrs Gilbert Johnston 2nd Thomas W Stephens Ten lbs Roll Butter prize Mrs William Willis Crock Butter Wright prize Mrs Willis 2nd Johnston Two Rolls Mid queen prize Mrs Willis Ten lbs Roll flutter Graham prize Ivdward Johnston 2nd Mrs Willis Two Rolls Shaw prize Mrs Willis 2nd Mrs Ten lib Rolls Jackson prizeMrs 2nd Mrs Wrn Willis Ten lib Rolls Butter prize Lee 2nd Mrs William Willis Roll Butter Blue Ribbon Tea Co prize Johnston lulls Crock House prize Mrs Wrn Willis 2nd Johnston lib Roll Butter Underbill prize- Mrs Dairy Butter prize Mrs Jaw Farr 2nd Mrs Kdward Johnston Dairy Prints prize Lee 2nd Mrs John Warriner l Five lib Prints Millard prize Buckle Bros 2nd Mrs Cook Factory Cheese 1st and 2nd las Wells Cheese homemade Wells Beans any Sellers 2nd Stephens Rod Clover Sel lers 2nd Stephens Clover Ste phens 2nd Stephen Sellers Timothy Sellers 2nd T Stephens Fall Rye Stephen Sellers Artistically Arranged Display of Grains and Grasses Mrs Willis- ROOTS AND FIELD CROPS Carman Potatoes Stephens 2nd John Empire State Potatoes WSte phens 2nd Stephen Sellers- Elephant 2nd Stephen Sellers Rose of the North Potatoes Ste phen Sellers 2nd Stephens Burpee Potatoes Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Sensation Potatoes Tansley nd ff Stephens Potatoes any other kind Pin- 2nd Stephens Long Orange Carrots Ste phens 2nd Stephen Sellers Short Red Carrots Stephen Sel lers 2nd Uriah Marsh White Belgian Carrots Stephen Sel lers 2nd Stephens Short White Carrots Young 2nd Stephens Sugar Beets Uriah Young 2nd Sellers Globe Stephen Sellers 2nd Uriah Young Long Red Uriah Young 2nd Sellers Purple Top Swede Turnips Ste phen tellers 2nd Uriah Young Gladstone TurnipsrStephen Set ters 2nd Edward Johnston- Mammoth Pumpkins Mrs A A Skinner 2nd Stephens Yellow Pumpkins 2nd Schmidt Mammoth Squash Stephens FINE ARTS Coll of Wilson Oil Painting Study of Head 1st and 2nd J Landscapes Miss Mercer 2nd Florence M Marine 1st and 2nd J Animals J 2nd Miss Mercer Flowers or M Bai ley 2nd Miss Mercer Still Life Miss Mercer 2nd M Bailey Silk or other fabrics Florence M Bailey 2nd Miss Mercer Painting on China Mrs T Water Colors Figure Subject Miss Mercer 2nd j J Landscape Miss Mercer 2nd M Bailey Marine Miss Mercer 2nd M Bailey Animals Miss Mercer 2nd Bailey Flowers or Fruit Florence Bai ley 2nd Mercer Still Lift Florence M Bailey 2nd Miss Mercer Miscellaneous Pastel Miss Mercer 2nd Pen and Ink Sketch Miss Mer cer 2nd J G Mulr Pencil Drawing 2nd Miss Mercer Charcoal Drawing J 2nd Florence Bailey Col- of Fine Arts CI Photos Col Landscape or Marine Bailey 2nd Russell Collins Col Architectural Russell Collins 2nd Collins Col- any subject W Collins 2nd Russell Collins Chip Carving W It Armstrong Burnt Wood Uriah Marsh 2nd Miss A Woolteni Relrvf Carving Miss 2nd MlssM Bennett Burnt Leather Florence Bailey 2nd Miss A MATERIALS This seasonare Chine Bengoline Persian Cord French Venetian Panama We have them all in all the newest shades Navy Brown Green and Grey Scotch Plaids Have Come to Stay in Scotch plaids In Scotch Plaids Pure Wool in plaids regular 5150 for Our Boot and ioe netng bought for SPOT CASH means saving of from to on every dollar When you buy Boots from us you save that amount on dollar Everything in Mens mens Boys Girls and Children and every pair guaranteed in Heavy Sheeting 72 in Heavy Sheeting 25c to Table Linen Groceries New Raisins lb Kippered tin Toilet cakes for John Bull All kinds of cooked meats to suit you A BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Mrs 2nd Mrs A Gra ham Embroidery on Table Linen Miss Wesley 2nd Miss L Embroidery Ecclesiastical Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Kersey Ribbon Embroidery Wiss L Fish er 2nd Mrs Kersey Embroidery an Lace Stitch Miss Fisher 2nd Roman Embroidery 2nd Miss Eastern Embroidery Miss A 2nd Mrs J Stock Collars Miss Fish er 2nd Mr A Graham Shirt Waist Miss L Fisher 2nd Miss A Col Embroidery M 2nd Mrs J Whisk Holder Miss Fisher 2nd Willmot Feather Stitching Miss 2nd Miss L Fisher Glove and Tie Case MisSA 2nd M C Willmot Handkerchief Case M initial Miss A Wootr ten Balance crowded out till next week W I Windsor Sept The Govern ment cruiser Vigilant Js reported to have made another seizure of gill nets in Lake A number of small American fishing boats ac- coinpanfcd two tugs were sighted off Longue Point The poachers slip ped their anchors and to make the American watery but were rapidly overhauled Over a hundred were confiscated Newmarkets Leading Dry Goods and m Tailoring House Lundys for Dress Goods We have this Fall the equal of displays so far as regular Values Qualities and we have an even greater variety Silks and Braids to Match All Shades When you are here for the Fair call arid see for yourselves the advantage of dealing AT THIS BUSY STORE Our Fall Stock of Suitings and Overcoatings are ready for- your Inspection The Leading Tailor Shop LADIES LONG SILK GLOVES IN ALL SHADES OPT1CIAK GRAIN SEEDS ETC White Winter Ste phens 2rd Frank Harrison Red Winter Wheat Stephen Sellers Stephens Red Spring Young 2nd Stephen Sellers Wild WheatUriah Young 2nd T Stephens Six Rowed W Stephens 2nd Thompson Black Barley Stephens Black Oats Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Oats Stephen 2nd Stephens Large White Peas- Uriah Young 2nd Stephens Small Vhite Peas Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Blue Peas Uriah Young 2nd Ste phen Sellers W Stephens Stephen Yellow Gilbert 2nd Stephens White Corn Stephen 2nd Steven Sellers Large Sweet Corn Stephen Sel lers T White Beans large Stephen Sel lers 2nd Stephens White smallA 2nd L Hutchinson a FANCY WORK Art Braid Work Mrs Thos Ker sey 2nd Willmot Bead Work Mrs 2ml Miss L Fisher Vork Miss 2nd Mrs Kersey Doylies initial or monogram Miss Fisher bread 2nd Mrs Doylies any other 2nd Mrs Willmot Col Fancy Crochet Work Mrs A 2nd Mrs T Tea Cloth Mrs Ker sey 2nd Mrs Work A Starr 2nd A Collar and Case Mrs 2nd Miss Fisher Coronation Braid Work M 2nd Miss LFiahor Center Piece Mrs A Graham 2nd Miss Fisher Center any other- kind Miss M McCutcheon 2nd Miss Bennett 2nd Mrs Drawn Work Mrs 2nd Embroidered Miss A 2nd MUs PhBlipa Embroidered Kloster Miss L 2nd Mils Bennett A Gri- Wesley or Satin Mrs Kersey on Bolting Cloth Mrs IWMUfeJnfiM mmtttty oh Garment Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week were Choice exporters to me dium to to cows 375 to Butchers Cattle choice are to 5 medium to com mon to 375 hulls to 250 Choice to com to 250 heavy feeders to Choice cows to common to springers 25 to 40 Export i25 to bucks to Jambs 6 to Veal calves to per Hogs from 050 to 605 off car at Toronto 010 quoted at country Newmarket Markets BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS f Branches at all Important centres In Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be ns heretofore Branches at Newmarket anil noes Sept White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bus Goose Wheat Rye per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton per do j 0 00 butter roll per Potatoes per big Chicken per lb 84 11 Toronto Markets Sept 10 White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush 03- 04 Spring W Wheat per Barley per bush per 0 Pees per bush Hay ton 12 0020 Butter Eggs per W- Hog per m Do You Carry Life Insurance the Benefit of Your Wife and Children The A O U W Is the Strongest Fraternal Society Canada You can take a Policy lor 1500 or with or out Sick Benefits- a a RateCard from any member You cannot to- go Without Life Insurance CM HUGHES Recorder J A ALLAN Financier JACKSON Treasurer FARMERS ft The Threshing Season is at hand You need the Beet Coat One used We W EVES North End Plour and Store Reginald a Toronto Twentyfive persons University graduate whose the at Red Jacket under the penname of Junius caused the investigation Into Univer sity drowned In French River were killed twenty- seven injured in a train wreck n Boston Maine morning I

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