Tim r- r r- J J r J r Quiets This why Cherry Pectoral Is so in consumption It stops wear and tear of useless But it does more It controls the quiets the fever soothes and heals Sold for 60 years ytn Keeping the Ay Pills For Sale Tan Good Building on Andrew Apply to J PARTRIDGE SI For Sale The comfortable Dwelling on street occupied J Brick House for Sale On Victoria Ave New furnace bath electric lights etc thing in good repair Apply to IRWIN Newmarket For Sale A new SixRoomed House cement cellar good garden lawn with domes tic water and in A condition on Timothy Street Newmarket Apply to Mrs J Thompson Elm Street Toronto or to Mr Webster Marlborough Ave Toronto Farm to Let Lot No Con I Township of Geoxgipa about acres to let lor a term of years For particulars ap ply to Donald Cameron Pi Out or to I Mark- barn P 1 II Farm for Sale by Tender Acres being Lot 21 in the Concession of North A Farm good Orchard and Buildings and in a state of Tenders will be re ceived the day of August by JOHN 28tf Sutton West P aD aaafOHBKKts to m AURORA Mr Simeon Atkinson ot church met with a serious accident on Thursday afternoon of last week Along with Mrs- Atkinson he was driving down the hill on Temperance Street south when part of the harness gave way and allowed the buggy to run onto the horse The horse which was a high spirited one commenced to kick and soon demol ished the front of the buggy Which was finally upset into the ditch Mr Atkinson sustained a compound frac ture of one of the bones of the fore arm dislocation of the elbow and several other bruises- Mrs Atkinson fortunately escaped with some severe bruises but was not severely injured Sir Atkinson was at once conveyed to the residence of his sisterinlaw Mrs John Atkinson on St where he still is and is recovering as rapidly as could be expected- It a wonder both Mr and Mrs At kinson were not killed The Man We Honor By Howard Written for the memorial services at Mass Aug 21st in honor of Deacon John founder of the family in Am erica We meet today to honor one Of steadfast heart and brave sought the land of setting sun Across the oceans wave He left his home beyond the sea Ami westward turned his face That he might he in spirit free To serve the God of J race is THE 1 St Georges Baking Powder It strength the is good as the firat And it gives such a fine flavour to thebakiog once people use it they want it every time Write us for our new CookBook Dm if a Chemical Montreal Chorus Well talk and sing Of days of Lang Syne And for the glorious deeds of old We bless the hand Divine The perils of Colonial days He with courage high For righteousness in all its ways to do or die fc Unto this noble cause he brought hopes that brighter On libertys wrought With efforts pure and true Chorus Today we yield him glad acclaim Where sounding billows roll With grateful pride we write his J name On fames scroll Among our nations heroes he A wellearned place will bear of our fathers grant that he May in his virtues share SPAVIN removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and from horses blood- spavin curbs ring- bone stifles sprins sore For the Era A Weird Assemblage By a Banker The most weird and gruesome spec tacle to be witnessed upon the face of the whole unquestion ably be the Catacombs Palermo Descending a long flight of steps the visitor Is soon in the atmosphere of death On nil aides are embalmed or petrified bodies or skeletons on which the withered parched akin makes them even more ghastly and hideous many thousands of them many standing many in a more re cumbent posture many lying down some clad in their ordinary garments some in their winding sheets some in the coarse canvas grave clothes in which Sicilian paupers are burled Here is a row of priests standing up aide as If they were in the chancel of jtbeir cathed ral all garbed in and stole and their ed visages positively repulsive their skin like tough brown parchment tightly over their drooping jawbones and their eyesockets grinning with a malevolent lethal stare Here one of Garibaldis gen erals uniform petrified and ap parently as fresh as when shot down on the field of battle nearly fifty years ago the death wound on bis forehead still visible Or here a gaunt cadaverous form standing in a threatening attitude a deathly leer on bis grisly distorted countenance and the skin of bis hideous face shrunk and withered so that his pro jecting teeth appear to he uttering a snarling defiance And then still proceeding down the long galleries yet more and more gruesome and revolting sights arc witnessed tier above tier to celling of whole regiments of ap parently paupers ro after row of females clad in white flowing shrouds many of whom in their youth doubt less Sicilian beauties now but hag gard and grisly deformities and even hundreds of babies and children of all ages some in their cots others in wooden boxes others lying in a heap as in a plague pit But enough of these repellant sights enough of the dank miasma of this It In one True Measure of a On j I toilers aogineerV who had V is his loud the tie prefix pulpit or- Jicer us a guest at acts Baron Dietrich first mayor of by his evening fireside be stands Patriotic excitement Ita iarebonR urines etis were every Up Bat the champagne went round the 1a- and- beaded for topic songs A for the army of the Rhine Something tetter than the jingling host first suggested a public thin tint a Then he turned to tie Lisle and him to a noble for the tie to excuse elf Again passeiii and broke up fellow to next day for a copy of us the promise behalf of Dietrich replied his hut not to sleep His violin lay on the table Taking It op he few chords Soon a melody wined to grow fingers No he put down the notes than lie daubed off the words In hour secured for himself an undying name he threw himself upon his bed and slumbered heavily Farm for Sale half of lot concession in Township of King containing one hundred acres more or less Good brick dwelling also good out-build- Land a rich clay loam abun dance of good water and all other conveniences Price For further particulars see or write MRS MARY CAIN Aurora Ontario Farm for Sale acres being lot 15 in lite Con of North Quarter of mile Scuta of farm Possession 1st of March For particulars enquire of J St Hamilton or Farm For Sale acres more or less being the weat halt of lot eon It is timber land well timber ed with both bard and soft Wood and lies about two miles South West of Will sell at low price and easy terms For ap ply to and swollen throat coughs etc by ueof one bottle War- house of death And when the upper ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known by J R A Race Sept y A great race across the Atlantic started from this port when the the new boat on the line and the left for New York with the new boat twentylive minutes be hind boats were delayed over night by a thick fog and the passen gers were afraid the delay might prevent them making a record i Turtle Hangs On day again reached and the glad sunshine and the flower perfumed at mosphere have dispelled and melancholia of the place the thought crones the mind that a Day will come when at the sound of the Archangels trump all these dry bones will suddenly into life Then will some who during their time of probation have served and obeyed their and the punlhhmtnt of whose of HIb laws has been borne In their stead by His Bon then will these with ecsta tic Joy bound upwards to the skies Hut what must now be the doom Of Chose others who have rejected the Gospel and have preferred their own opinions to the Word of Almighty God STA Caused- More Often by Than by Defective Vocal Organs Stammering Is often more the re sult of habit than from defect of the vocal organs says an authority it Is generally If not always caused by of the larynx resulting from nervous contraction of the or- refusing to permit a proper fiow of air current producing tone People rarely or never stnmmer when singing for then the Is di vided between words end music the momentarily forgotten ami the passage of the air current through the larynx Is continuous and unobstructed Stammering very often Is the re sult of Imitation sometimes Intention al sometimes unconscious and af fliction Is much more general than might bo supposed In one compara tively small section or the city there ore thirtyfive stammerers and every one of them Is to demonstrate to own satisfaction not only that ho does not very but that some other person he knows stammers a great deal worse than Every stammerer Is Intensely sensitive about his Infirmity rarely forgives and never does forget allusion to it which In his mind of ridicule before the screen And there the imp or angel the churl or king Is seen The world ray smile and call him great and greet him with If when day is ended and fclde draws near His heart grows heavyhearted and his children pale with fright Mis soul is ugly black and an inch or so in height I W We may be known to very few but those who best Await his coming footsteps as the sun sinks down to rest There are laces at the look ing- up the lonely street- Then a scramble tor the doorway and a rush of eager feet eldest takes his dinner box the next one takes his band And the youngest on his shoulder along in triumph grand The good wife leaves the kitchen sec the merry throng With a smile upon features and Within her heart a song In the world of men and letters he may be of pygmy height But he towers to the heavens when we measure him aright Temperance in the the Artie Regions Br made a very suc cessful voyage in the regions returning in the winter of af ter a stay of three years would not take with him any intoxicating drinks not even for use as medicine He believed that some of the former voy ages failed because of the scurvy on by the use of alcohol On the other hand during one of the voyages of Sir John Franklin none were so healthy or did so much as those who never took strong drink Adams Ayles one of un der officers was a teetotaler the whole of the voyage he was never ill and gained a for exceeding all the others of the crew making the sledges Temperance Leader The Sovereign Bank Canada HEAD Up Capital i 6F JSkrxrus jJiyisE9qV President ilACDOKAXD A AitAM Second VicePresident HOT Hon McLarek V l Esq A By I Esq SaInfBflk Department litexest at cturcrit rates paid quarterly Newm A Manager Mi Albert Branch When Island City Pure Prepared Paints are mixed paints on the Made in 60 different tints Always ready for use ISLAND CITY FLOOR POINTS l dry hours Always reliable economical and durable For Sale by JUDD M STEPHENS NEWMARKET ate drinker to longevity and ex pectation brought to light New Voice Chicago Farm To Rent acre being the rear of lot in the of Choice dairy farm under ground atablea brick bouse and everything in good repair Living across farm Apply on RACHEL BARKER P For Sale On Timothy Public School aVnc cellar bard and barn tertouae and lota of fruit Five clot A bargain and Immediate f Fulls Sept the 10yearold son of William a Heaver township farmer to at folk who thought turtle Could bite after being decapitated wont any more elder Roberts caught a iwenypound turtle in the little River and took it borne leaned the turtle by poking sticks at it but getting too close it seized his leg and all to make It let go proved futile Red pepper was thrown into Ms eyes kerosene was Squirted into its mouth and final ly a red hot poker thrust be tween its but still it held on Finally Mrs Roberts grabbed the turtles tail arid while she pulled un til its neck was stretched the farmer cut of its head with car ving knife This detached the turtle from the boy but the Jaws retained their hold on leg The parents were afraid to attempt cutting the bead loose so Mr Rob erts and the turtles head got Into a baggy and hurried to the Office of of Home- wood The physician succeeded In cutting the turtles head from the toys leg An ugly hole that will le a long time in healing was left a did damage to extent of in Arnolds furniture store at last was a man who sent son to college to music and increased bis allowance be wrote home tbst be was now play ing third Right Breathing Cures Simple Way to Kill Catarrhal In Nose Throat and Lungs Comedy In a Back Street About oclock one morning two men met uwl begun threatening colling each One finally called tho other it liar the two men were about to grapple when woman the door and said Gentlemen arc you about to flcht We they together Then have tho kindness to waft a moment alio continued My bus- band baa been sick for weeks anil la now Just able to sit up Ho Is very downhearted this morning and If youll only wait till can jdrnw up to the window I know hell bo very grateful to both of you disappeared Into house and after look Into others face the men amllcd hands and de parted together Telegraph J The only natural and common method known for the cure of catarrh al troubles Is It Is breath ed an Ingenious pocket inhal er so that medicated air tbe most remote aircells of the nose throat and lungs killing all catarrhal germs soothing the irritated mucous and restoring a healthy cofadition goes right to the spot where the catarrhal germs are pres ent In the nose throat and lungs and destroys the germa so that perfect health Is soon restored A complete outfit with in baler costs but- and is sold by J under a guaran tee to refund money- unless the remedy gives satisfaction welltodo lady who went to school but once In life and that at night when they had light and the teacher didnt come says she is going to build a condition to her so she can her friends with more hostility will have a purgatory on top of bouse and a memorandum all Lit up with Indecent light for to lemonade on J What a State Senator Said A millionaire brewer a State Sen ator said to Mrs Hunt of the Wo mans Christian Temperance Union I shall vote for your bill providing for instruction in public schools the physiological effects of alcohol J have sold out my brewery and 1 am clean from the whole- business me tell you what occurred at my table A guest was taken dan gerously ill at dinner and there was a call for brandy to restore him My little hoy at once exclaimed No thai- Just what bis doesnt need It will paralyze the nerves and muscles of the blood to the heart When the liquor was poured out to give the man the on pushing it back will kill him he has too much blood In bis head- a rady flow do you know ail that I asked Why it is in my physiology at school It the textbooks prepared by such men as Prof Newell Martin of Johns Hopkins University have suc ceededin giving the lad some definite which has proved useful Senator said Mrs Hunt arc you Sorry your boy learned that at school Madam the man replied raising his hand 1 would not take assurance given me that my bay wilt never be a drunkard National Advocate Insurance Deserts Tipplers The latest news In life insurance circles is aHloniKhing the tipplers Prohibition argument agatost moder ate drinking has been robbed of its thunder by the dispassionate figures of the actuary and the country has been Hashing de spatches from New York that old line companies arc about to fall Into step with the big transport a and industrial corporation iuu put a premium on abstinence The facts of this latest advance come act from prohibitionists nor icmptruico but straight from the May Conservative old line companies of the metropolis and rt first announced in the and channels of Associated Press The despatches take special pains to emphasize the that the new conclusions the life Insurance experts are based on a voluminous mass of testimony on question which is Ire from prejudice whlcji stultifies most of the prohibition This gratui tous slur on the reliability ol prohi bition publications can be gracefully waived by the most strenuous cham pion of the reform tor tho simple reason that the figures and the conclusions that accompany this disparagement are strongest proofs of the Correctness of the pro hibitionists argument that could pos sibly ba asked j tor These newlyar conclusions of the Insurance statistician aro most remarkable fact as to the relation the An Up Stroke lightning Btrlkca up In stead of down If we arc to a story told many years ago of a parly of men standing on the porch of a church far op on side of a lofty mountain In They were look ing down Into tho valley below where a great electrical storm was raging aad with tho sun shining upon them at their altitude were by the Suddenly a bolt came up from the valley and kilted sev en of party Circle Going and Corning Whats that noise asked In the apartment house Probably one In the dentist rooms on the floor below getting a tootn out- said host It seems to come from tbe floor above Ah Then Its probably the baby getting a tooth in Tramps Excuse Benevolent Man who has given a tramp work Youre working my man Tramp Im trying to It out Who knows when shall get any more The toft Answer Father do ell have wings No- my your mother has none And then she said sweetly that ho might go to If he wouldnt late father for her v He ede4 and be Want to for too coach at pHeMs4 lady ot crest far eye reach all the land to ass Admirer respect f hope Mortgage Sale of Farm IN EAST Under and by virtue of certain Powers of sale given in a Mortgage which will be produced at time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday the day of September at the hour of oclock In the forenoon at the Royal Hotel in- tbe town of New market the following freehold lands namely Lot number two in the concession the township ol East containing two hun dred acres more or less There is a good brick house and fair outbuild ings on the premises The soil is a good clay loam and is generally in good condition and is situated about three miles the town Newmarket Roads are good in the neighborhood Ten per cent of pur chase money to be paid on day of sale and balance thirty days thereafter For particulars and conditions sale apply to 3w32 Vendprs Sol Newmarket A Schmidt was- swimming in Lake Wis He was following a boat la i which bis fiancee Hasrtaf and his half sister Ida were seated when ha became and sank Millers Grip Powders Cure Sold by The Norman Rogers Ca A camera was stolen from Ads trance medium at view Park Chicago Three men were fined and costs the avenue court they be ing with grabbing the Sa cra and running off with it hat the Old Man Says When we so many young men with their hair parted in the middle and banging down over fore heads so AS to obscure every of intellect and so many with their hair all and flopping around over face in fifty different directions we arc not that the followers Dor- win are now positively aura that mankind descended from the monkey confidence and broken friendships are like a broken They can be but rupture Is ever reflected and mars the beauty of what should otherwise have been a source of pleasure A Kind Han ji i WE EDUCATE FOR SUCCESS TORONTO ONT Hundreds of our students are into positions each year Let a train you for one Catalogue J turner Alexander fitrceti PROMPTLY SECURE We solicit the of a others who liu having their bKperts advice moderate Our Inventory Sell M or Application for NOTICE is hereby given that Alexander the City Toronto it the County York Province of On tario In the Dominion of Married Woman will to Parliament Canada at w thereof for a of from her husband Edward Alexin of tho City of Toronto In tbe of York Province Ontario the Dominion Canada on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto in the County York Province of Ontario fti Thirtieth day of April Toronto Toronto Solicitors for I NOBODY NEED HAVE INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM THATS FACT THAT MEDICAL SCIENCE CAN PROVE TO YOU EVER j DAY IN THE YEAR CARELESSNESS COURTS IT- NOT A CONTAGION THAT STEALS IN is the fortress behind which you may be perfectly secure and why taw chances if through exposure to heat and wet you feel those chills then the fever then the sweating then the pains in tie Do not put off securing the greatest of rheumatic and neuralgia Experience shows that the duration of inflammatory rheumatism ordinary treatment will cover a period of six to eight weeks and a wracking it gives to the sufferer and it almost incredible the great South American Rheumatic Cure has in instances controlled and conquered stubborn and next to cases in from one to three days is one of brothers It comes and at tiroes with the suddenness of thunderclap yet as in the mm acute inflammatory cases the great South American Rheumatic Cut comes as a ministering angel holds out it healing hand and bias bent and bedridden take on suppleness of youth J testimony or the asking Healthy w South American and kidney re by J