filobe INSURANCE COMPANY km WJif of Subscribed Capital 8771 BRA Went- Total HEAD CANADA Or Andrew Sir Ale a A f tit MANAGER J l SUPPLIES i DRESSMAKING Mrs has opened a dress and mantle making establish ment at stand Give her a call BALDWIN BREEZES The contractor from who TALBERT DRUG STORE carry full of PATENT MEDICINES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE and receive personal day or night mental match at Long Branch range on Saturday Charlie improved style and accuracy overhauled and practically rebuilt the under the of Elli- bridge over one of the ravines in the and ere long may be seen beat- village did a conscientious and the at his own game job though the has made clean THE MARKET Several weeks ago the j scores at all distances time and Tuesdays market was as active asjboys under instructions from the gain ever four buyers being in attendance Council put in a sewer pipe Frank Tomtlsdn has ah unusually Butter to Eggs chick- the town line This pipe was a ens poor article and crumbled like earth Scotties traction engine crushed EGYPT GLOBE ANGLE VALVES STOP COCKS SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS PET COCKS OILS BELTING LACE LEATHER ETC PERSONALS in T LLOYD CMrnfeiand Druggist Farm Laborers and Domestics I have been appointed by the Dominion Government to place 1 mm Israel a from int United in positions aafariniiborfcT and in Any requiring such help notlfv letter fully the kind of when wanted and wage The numbers may not be tot but every effort win made to provide each applicant with help DAVIDSON Canadian Mt Albert Mr Sidney Stokes arrived home on Saturday spending nearly a year with in Manitoba and the Northwest- and Seattle Mr of is viSitinp at the home his brother Mr John Moohead Miss Gwendolyn Prosser of New- market is visiting Miss Ada Crone Mr- Bertram Chapman at the last moment decided not to attend Model but- to continue his studies for a If the finances are in a condition it is a wise de an fine stock pig purchased from Terry Jersey- It Is a few days ever fie months did and easily weighs one hundred and seventyfive pounds Some fts My farmer friends should see him Mr anil Mrs Glover were visiting under her parental roof Lou Drapers on Sunday Minnie Is one out of many phenomenally House for House and Lot on Main St New market occupied by James Trent Rooms Summer Kitchen Wood Shed Stable and Drive House Plenty of hard and soft water ALSO House and Lot Holt Sir Rooms and a good stone Cellar A good Wood Shed and plenty of soft water Stable and Drive House Each will be sold by sealed tenders received up to the first day of Nov next Apply to GEORGE ARNOLD Holt fa Cattle Came upon lot in the rear of the Con of East some time in May a Yearling Steer and a Yearling Heifer Owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take them away ANP ROGERS Sharon PO Samuel Joyce Bronte was kill ed by a fall from an electric car at Hamilton Beach Kingston Sept The can ning factory of Prince Edward Coun ty may almost he regarded as down and out so far as this seasons pack Ik concerned With produce scarce due to the short crop of corn and to- there Is little to Ao The outlook The factories will be unable to fill their contracted packs This means probably an on the price of canned goods a Beamsville 3nt Is going apply for a Royal Humane Society for the twoyarold son of Mrs A The baby ft is said a lady visitor break through tije roll en hoard and fall into the will ran Into the house and tugged his mothers skirts and though I could not speak made her come with him to the well whre she found her young friend clinging to the pump log with feet of be low her BASEBALL The Newmarket Base Ball team will play a league game at Mount Albert on Saturday Sept This will he the last game in the York and League and prob ably the best match of the season on the- home grounds Game starts at oclock a NEW TIME TABLE The fall time tabic of the Canadian Northern Railway went into effect- on Monday Trains now leave Toronto at a m passing through Mount Albert at and arrive at Parry Sound at p m The afternoon train now leaves Toronto at p reaching Mount Albert at South train leaves Mount Albert at a arriving in Toronto at in a at p m reaching Toronto at 515 p KILLED BY LIGHTNING A sad occurred during the Miss Nora Miller daughter of handsome young women raised on A Miller New is visiting I Baldwin soil and is very popular in Baldwin This is the lassie who I with all who know Her parents declined to eat bears steak because jand Eddie too should he immensely as she said bears eat peoples Only proud of her Father Lou in extreme cases my dear generally more lovely lassies growing their diet is of a vegetable and up grain nature I Anxious farmer Whats the wea- Clara Cameron has gone to going to Mr Owl New on a It has long Theres a deal of harvest out yet and been her ambition until now to visit the great Metropolitan City Oh my wont she cut a swell when she promenades down Fifth and Broadway I imagine I see some old millionaire falling cap tive to the glances of those beaut eyes If they do then tralaJa my Canadian lover you mind theres nothing in New York that can discount Claras ex quisite beauty I promised week to discuss the marriage problem Ill have to with draw my promise and content by that two brawny longarmed for hugging gentry from near Albert are very constant in their attentions to two of char ming and handsome youngswomen one residing in the of the other a resident of Egypts thunder storm on Thursday last land- Mother is holding on to her Mr Albert a prosperous like ail possessed hut were theequinox so News is so very abundant I cant re cord It all HOLLAND LANDING residing in about five miles from Mount Albert was ploughing on a farm he runs in Ox bridge township in company with two men Seeing the storm ap proaching the hired men took their teams to the barn and were followed shortly by Mr The hired promised a couple of weddings ere long Mr Alf has invested In the most dandy threshing outfit ever seen in North York ft was unloaded here- last week It is complete with all modern improvements Price of out fit said to be over three thousand Last Saturday night a collision took place on the road between Brad ford and this place which nearly laid Constable Route on the shelf He was riding a bicycle and another young man from the opposite direc tion Though the night was pitch dark neither of them carried a One wheel was badly smashed but the Constable got the best of It as time will repair his damages Mr Harry Barker has returned home after visiting his brother for a week at West Queen Street Toronto The Sunday School of held their Annual at the Lake on Saturday afternoon and all spent a pleasant time Therewere races and games and a splendid tea provided for the enjoyment of tho youngster MrsD Cameron and son Andy ar rived home from Toronto on Tuesday evening accompanied by Mrs- and Miss of New York who spent the week with them returning last Monday and taking Mis Clara Cam eron homewith them We shall miss Glare as we hear she intends making along visit The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Ow ing to the wet weather there was not such a large turn ode an usual After the business the members engaged in Mrs Charles Sinclair has a lady friend visiting her this week Mrs Station presented her husband with a pair of twins last week Mother and babes are doing Mrs Park of Eglingtonand a lady friend were visiting at Mr Stat ions over Sunday The Misses of returned from Toronto last Monday evening after haying spent a most enjoyable holiday The question asked is Who does write the Egypt items any- way 1 It that even Donald who is pretty good at solving mysteries is ptill puzzled to know who it can be MOUNT ALBERT 1 THE HABIT PHONE I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED GAR LOAD SALT I And can let you have all you want We have also salted down our prices and can let you have anything in our store at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES WE- PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs f BRING ALONG Every Day is Market Day EE SMITH The Leading Merchant ILLE t QU EENS V SUCCESSOR TO WIGHT SON men became anxious at Mr Goode i The first accident happened on Friday the beginning of trouble The Egypt was held not putting in an appearance and went to look for him- He was found a short distance down the lane and had apparently been instantly killed One of the horses was killed hut the other recovered from the shock after of this season Sale Register was thoroughly enjoyed I think pur young people have Had a stunned for some time It is reported here that Mr Mr was buried In Mount known here as the French Albert Cemetery on Saturday the funeral cortege being one of the larg est that passed through the village ftiti and Mr and Mrs Frank family to their home i ronto last week Mrs Harry vlsitefl in town over Sunday Mr George Wilkinson of is part of his holidays with liis friend Mr in vilh- Miss Margaret Mas returned from Nelson and he Misses from Toronto Pearson who is spending a couple of months in the is in town for a day or two Miss Annie left on Mon day for Mali where will remain for t few months Miss of Newmarket is the guest of Miss at Jacksons Point on Saturday and THURSDAY Sept Mr J Robert son will hold an extensive farm sale 1 miles north of at one oclock credit on sums over Implements arc all nearly hew Geo Jackson Tuesday Sept Mr Robert will hold an extensive Auction Sale of horses cattle pigs and sheep at the premises of Mr Oliver miles east of Mount Albert at I oclock- months credit on sums over Smith Auct real No dancing master has captured a Ive beauty up in Muskoka cards yet Yankee customs and rates are gain ing a foothold here It is quite cus tomary about here for men folks to assist their wives at milking the cows There are some however who have not come down to J yet never saw the likr of this town never come here but what I see children playing and loafing around Havent you a school looking severely at a lad nearby 4 reckon stranger you havent been here times or youd a heard of Bruce Riddel the hoy who is so ternal clever he can learn enough three days the week to keep up with his class mates The stranger passed on still mumbling One of our most popular young gentlemen has long been In a quan dary as to where to permanently place his affections A sweet and at tractive damsel down in dis trict seemed to hold the seat of him- Mob Rule at Vancouver Misses are along came their Hugh dear so pretty Now I dont to know the the Manse this week- i Vancouver It Sept Mid night tonight saw the arrest of a dozen Orientals Chiefly Chinese for carrying loaded revolvers This was followed by the discovery of a seven foot case shipped here fron Westminster to prominent Chi- merchants The case contained thirty rifles and five thousand rounds of ammunition It is now In the custody of the po lice The third midnight feature was the sensational discovery of oil soak ed waste in the corner of the Japan ese mission school house This out the first brigade and thojusandn of curious people with Mori- appearing at the close demand ing more protection Then he hack to the consulate sending a lengthy cable of the days events to ZEPHYR Mrs D Horner is visiting her daughter Mrs A Baker at Mr John Harrison of Newmarket was calling on friends and doing some necessary repairs on his farm Mrs H formerly of this place now of was renew- acquaintances this week Mr Carman Pickering r R Operator at was with his parents over Sunday Miss Martha who has been visiting in Toronto and Waterloo for past two months returned home last week after a most enjoyable time Mr James Jr wearinga smile these that wont come off Its a girl and is Come to stay so they say A general turnout from tips tac tion to the Exhibition this year Some a week others two or three days and all report having a good time seeing the sights and wondera in the city Thompson has sold her seed this year to Gould Bros for the neat sum of averaging bushels to the acre Who there is no money in farming Mrs- A and son of Vic toria Square are visiting at the home of Mr Cole Mr John Profit has wold his farm to Mr Moses Barnes of the con cession who takes possession spring The market on well patronized and prices in to top notch A German chemist at Cowrabus Ohio has discovered an that will kill diphtheria germs In the living human organism in three CAPITAL CREAM SEPARATORS J- F COOK Agent For m On Thursday there was a severe hail storm In township along a certain strip and somewhat general Corn turnips and mangles were damaged windows were broken In some houses and fruit damaged hail could he gathered up in shovelfuls next morning The rain was also heavy some low- lying fields FARMERS SCALES J Hunters old it Moan Albert Jersey Cattle Six fresh Jersey Grade or ale STOKES Mount Albert The Best Servant of the Farmer Strong Bank THE bank makes a specialty of Aw of Farmers acid to them MOST Every department of banking conducted Best and absotutc safety IH THE DEPARTMENT deposits of and upwards rccerved nd interest allowed from date of deposit COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR Up fond Undivided Profits The Metropolitan Bank SUTTON WEST A COLSON Manager AUCTION SALE i On Sept lowing property belonging l Robert Wagg miles east Alberts bay mare years weight river I 500 span of Fillip broke to all jXiiWt I aged mare Colts months old Cow years calf by hide I Jersey Cow with calf by fcide J Jersey aged with calf by aide barn Cow yr calf by aide 0W calf by fcidt Cow calf by aide feorobre4 Cow 5 heifer Pedigrees of both produced on day of sale I KM Cow year by side Caw calf by bide Cow Grade Jersey year calf by side 1 Cow aged calf by aide Cow calf by aide I Cow calf by hide Cow calf by yra fitters year Heifer years yr Veal Calve Ewe Lamb I I Bow with plg tow with pig 1 due In October Sow due 10 days In Aurora last week Mr 1 w un dergoing extensive repairs It with Mr Mrs Stephen and Mr whim finished will won derfully improve appearance of the village Mi Florence Ay ward of New paid a short visit her the Misses the latter part last The League In charge of Miss Pearson on Monday evening was well attended and the programme consisting of Mr Par tridges splendid talk on Gods and Mis Irene solo va very helpful A number our young tennis en thusiast played against New market Club on Saturday afternoqn and were again successful In winning the score being These friendly matches are very helpful In putting nerve and strength to the test Mr and Mr Robert Hamilton and ton felt last week tor Indian Head where their daughter Mr Geo a short time ago They will a of In the West and It la the Intention of Mr to return home with them accompanied with hi wifes remain rate there The merry maid that ha him under her thumb now is one of North fairest and After spending a pleasant Sunday evening there he wend his way homeward contentedly singing to himself litis is the vay I long have sought And mourned because I found It not May he long continue In this way Andrew two daughters and Mrs Joe Miller have gone over to Uncle Sams territory Mich to seek their fate and fortune Perhaps some Yankee moneybags may he cajoled Into having them for theyre reckoned awfully I leave it to other to otherwise re commend them According prcft reports young women after arrival at Port Huron narrow ly escaped death from a flying ex press which caught them on a bridge Their companion Mrs Elgin Mit chell known to many was thrown over the bridge and in stantly killed We regret to learn of the very condition las Merchant A specialist was called from the city and says treatment at the hospital will likely relieve his trouble Mr Merchant ha untold agony We trust to hear of his speedy recovery has purposes being a at the York Rangers I Phoenix Bridge Co a Statement Stipt David Ree ves Tresof the Phoenix Co said today that although the in quiry Into concerns loss as a Mr and Mrs to their after spend ing a couple of weeks camping at Mussulmans Quite a heavy storm passed here on Thursday striking the house of Mrs Patterson knocking off the chimney and doing considerable damage but fortunately none of occupants were injured Mr Ed of oc cupied the In the Christian church Sunday morning of the fall of the Quebec canti lever bridge had not been completed Mr of spent Hun- he did not believe that the loss would Mr N he onefourth as large as was first supposed Other declared that the work of rebuilding the bridge would he continued If the Canadian Government did not object Several weeks- elapse before any conclusion as to the cause of the accident can be reached said one of them However I can say that It wilt take two year of hard work to reach the stage of completion at which we stood when the accident occurred Cigars smuggled Into Montreal by being dropped steamers into row boat Montreal Sept The central portion of the city fire brigade- had a three hours fight early this morning at the works of the Domin ion Coffee and Company on St Paul St great deal of the dam age which will approximate was caused by water Mr attended Toronto Exhibition on Friday The Misses Browning of Toronto are spending a weeks with rela tives Mr Earl Davis and Miss Patterson attended the Christian Con vention In Toronto last week Mr Mrs Cook and family of spent Sunday at Mr Mr and Mrs Franklin Kennedy and family of Iowa spend ing a couple of weeks under the parental roof Mr A Law returned from Toronto where she has been visiting her daughter Mies Henderson of King Is the guest of Miss Little Hill ERA till for JOHNSTONS PICKLING GOODS White Wine Vinegar Very Best Quality 3 Gallons for Cider Vinegar Finest Quality 3 Gallons for Ripe or Tomatoes Red or Green Peppers Cauliflower Cabbage Cucumbers Whole Pickle Spice Seed Mustard Serf Garlics Curry Powder Turmeric Pure Whole and Ground SplctJ Silver Skin Pickling Onions Spanish Onions PEACHES PLUMS A PEARS We are selling these at the v best prices we can by buying W baskets at a time Peaches this week to Plums 100 Pears basket Ladies Fancy Blouses This lot was made for the Fall trade All new and thoroughly good and at prices that an ordinary Lawn Blouse should bring The manufacturer certainly needed money badly that accounts for us of fering these Handsome Blouses at Half Price I Ladles White Luster Blouses handsomely trimmed with Silk Ap plique and finely made Reg each for 100 Ladles Embroidered Luster Blouses white with embroidered Polka Dot Dots of nine Brown Pink Cardinal Ac 200 each for 100 Ladles Colored Luster Blouses Fancy Luster nal Navy Brown Green Reg for Ladits Fancy Cashmere Blouses Color Cardinal Brown and Green Good range of sizes Choice Goods made Reg 2 each for 1 MENS SUITS 495 Arrived week Mens Suits Reg to Very Special 405 Boy Suits in a large range Patterns Reg WE PAY CASH MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER AND Johnstons Cash Store Sutton