Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1907, p. 5

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A v I LEGAL- J- Or w loan on good Security tee SOLICITORS TORONTO Weeks local Jems WHAT Off ft Back SWCor A Vocal Class Mrs J Rice of Aurora pupil of lit Arthur Might the Concert Baritone and teacher of Voice Culture Toronto is organizing a class in Town Anyone desiring tuition in this branch would do well with Mrs Rice who peonies highly recommended frcrt Current pates I I Correction tbc Era 30th lt j fa George Georgia as ficed assault was a mistake our reporter being wrongly Co Banker informed- The name should have Rom Co Banker 6 Aurora ft Agent for Lift goaty to Current Bute Newmarket Duncan AUCTIONEER Newmarket DIVISION COURT CLERK for iMurance aVo IFire a Specialty Bolton Hewitt Painter and Decorator been James Nolan We regret the J error as it has cast a reflection upon Ian estimable family Baseball The Bradford Witness has this to say regarding the matches played there the other day The local baseball team ell an easy prey to the visiting teams Mount Al bert and Newmarket on Thursday last Just where their weakness was most manifest we are unable to say unless it was the battery and here the boys were most unmistakably weak In the contest with Mount Albert they only able to score runs against their opponents and in the game which immediately followed Newmarket scored and Bradford Thus the doubleheader resulted in favor of the visitors who certainly played good ball and acted like gentlemen throughout Consider ing little practice the locals have had a different result could hardly be expected put Lane and 0 Basket VOICE CULTURE At on Monday of each week Studio Amos Wilsons Church St and at Clank DENTIST Bib Wilkinson DENTIST Dr Newmarket Every DENTIST mm fl4 Teeth or ArtificUl Terffc Main St MARRIAGE LICENSES At tit irftwg If NEVMARKET WORKS Monuments and Head Stones- Order KUewhere JAMES Furnace Work Plumbing I- Specialties MM fcl to I- Produce Fair market as Butler to to Dressed to ft Dressed Ducks to lie Apples to a basket Apples J to per barrel Plums Tomatoes basket Crab Apples Potatoes peck i Potatoes bag Celery per head Pickling Onions Cabbage 5c head Cauliflower to- each Cucumbers 25 to basket Squash 5c each Lira Chick to lb Old Hens to per to Ducks to per Turkeys ft to 9c live weight Pigeons to 20c pair to J per lb 10 to to 1 to Tallow Sunny South After years of experience with all the colored shows of re cent times years of endeavor as a manager of big own aggrega tion J Rockwell has reached a secure place in the of the theatre going public Today it a conceded fact that new Sunny South cub piny will appear Hull on the nights of the fair and and is colored ever ftent on the road Mi not believe in putting part of his allotment into one or two and allowing the balance of tb performance to rough be of cheaper- the expert patron but he has that the expenditure of money for the purpose of each ml de tail complete over in the box This explains why bis company gives unbounded banjo pickihgiinging and dancing are in rapid The South con- laugh every line and at every performance rattling comedy success goes oft with a and a in as inspiring aw a first of July celebration The cornet bawd which the organization will heed the Town parade at pills cathartics mineral waters often make Constipa tion worse They merely irritate the bowels and force them to move stop taking purgatives and the bowels become tight again are the one certain care for Constipation r because their action is upon the livery are a liver tonic They stimulate the secretions of bile by the liver this bile causes the bowels to move in the natural regular way and completely cures Constipation Fruitatives are fruit juices with tonics and antiseptics added In one atom of bitter replaces one atom of sweet in the fruit juices forming a new com pound which is many times more active medicinally than the fruit juices could possibly be for boxes At all dealers scowled at the tiny dish of berries before his plate Sam his dusky man smiled apologetically Ahm my- be decUred Ah would to Same here declared I You fiouH suppose that the people next door take them do yon gam Sam shook a knowing bead The young ladles he declared conld riot bo guilty of such depredations Ever riuee they had moved in they bad fa vored Sam with sunny smiles as they passed bis yard on the way to the was their secret slave With It was different He had resented the appearance of this little colony on the next farm There were six of them five girls and an elderly woman who apparently chap them Gossip said that they TAixra Town Council The council met on evening Mayor Smith in the Other members present Messrs Keith Pearson Brou- The last meeting wee ead and confirmed The following accounts HI 29 HI 161117 him 187 Mulroy ad for ordered to be paid Ironside Randall Hooper Quarry Co Can Ex Co Coal Co Coal Co a freight A Yule A O Pattersot Mfg P Duncan of and MitM J light re granted The clerk was the Can Gen that their agent had left a meter here out that the council bad not The the Packard Electric was referred to the Fire Corn with power to act Mr Snider appeared the council re drain on Ontario On motion the council adjourned Dont Die at 45 Cure the Indigestion Which so Liable to Lead to Apoplexy People who sutler with headache giddiness palpitation in the mouth drowsiness distress alter eating and any the other J reus ing results of indigestion in seri ous danger Their digestive cannot care for the food property and hence the coats of the in the brain get little si become brittle and Anally to the fierce blood pressure and one Is then to have a be paralyzed or die from poplaxy In all of digestion and nu trition the prescription called Min na has proven itself of great value It Is relied upon today as a certainty to ROBBING YOU THIS were artists who host iravE sain were spending the Summer in the country to sketch and their dally faring forth with easels and canvases bore out- the statement hated artists in general and women artists In particular He bad bought farm that he might have quiet and how could a man have quiet when six chattering women occupied the adjoining not feet away The strawberry beds bad been the last Irritation The previous year he had berries In profusion This season there were few to be found The en or so la the saucer were all Sam had been able to gather In a day He was certain that his neighbors raided bis garden and without announcing his Intention to Bam he rose early the next morning The snn had barely risen when he took his place behind the tool house whence he could command view of the garden Presently slender girl ish figure came hurrying from the oth er bouse and entered the plot Morn- waited until she had filled the pan she carried and was about to go Then be stepped out with a hall The girl looked up pleasantly Good morning she Wont you have some of our berries l should like some of mine he said pointedly Do yon grow them toof naked marveled her self pos session grow them he assented rather one of Torrencffs men grows them for me That Is as fir as I have been able to get this I have not eaten many of them We hare them every morning she said briskly Ifa one of the things we moved to the country for fruit After being cooped up In studios relieve the worst troubles j oil season ami picking your fruits and make a complete cure vegetables off the dumb waiter It Is That will cure the worst the gar- forms stomach trouble cancer your and give quick relict In is proven by the grantee J give with every MM box to refund the monev less cures A guarantee are ours aho declared We this must inspire confidence w In our I Vet lle garden belongs to me he Insisted a little shamefacedly Home- have WUH Mug to are the vest Boyds Livery J4rtiw4 Is ww til by of Town prompt A BOYD 6UaL if Mclaren of out ah eye through premature dis charge of a blast Fifteen were burned to death in a fire which destroyed Hotel ton The Urns of the Mcdoruild Agri cultural College at Hi Anne voe Que ere struck by lightning burned to the ground The Drink Habit cured at home by Millers Drink Cure Sold hy Rogers Drug Co A Roman Cat church in In course of construc tion at Because storms confine yourw PROVIDE wo you all this time she said with face suddenly grown as red as the berries In the pan I urn wry sorry ell right ho snld why he had not noticed be fore what glorious eyes the girl hud It Is not all right sue said decided ly are pot thieves Please take them You can send the pan back when you are through Pray accept them with my he said stupidly He knew that he was making a fool of himself and he chafed at the knowledge answer the girl laid the pan on the ground a ad turned away Morn- watched her go through the paths to the fence and sup through a broken place had the regal bearing of a queen and a face to match Now he would never have a chance to get acquainted and he suddenly realized that was the one thing above all other he most desired he picked up the pun went back to- the house to send Sam over with the fruit 8am regard him reproachfully when be had told his tale bat went down the to the next house after a on delay returned without the pan he a shining half dollar In iornlnatops palm wouldnt he explain it I shaah had tat money flung the money from with gesture of disgust and went In to breakfast feeling out of the whole world But there was worse yet to come for In the forenoon former owner of the farm made his appear with the chaperon from nest door With many a hem a confessed that finding a chance to clinch the lease the adjoining farm through the straw berry bed he had told the women thai It was part of the land they had rent ed t honestly meant to speak to you because knew that you bad more berries than you wanted I was going to pay for what they ate out of the rent be concluded rose to his feet and backed through the door More than once he hnd witnessed the city mans nasty temper and he had no for nn exhibition watched him go and then turned to Mrs Surrey I dont know what I can say to you to excuse my conduct be began I missed tbebrenkfast berries and want to put a stop to it but I did know that had claimed my patch for his own May I that my apology be the freedom of the There are plenty for us both I am not always a bear so yon iced not be afraid to gather When be so wished ioiild be very charming and now he was exerting himself to the full Mrs Surrey became gracious and the up- was that accepted Invitation to ten when make his apology Iu person to Nancy Rich So successful was he that the next morning when he went to pick his own berries he lingered to help tier her pan The berry season passed all too quickly but there were other fruits and soon there was a well trodden path from porch to the of Studio form Tie went with the girls on field trips anil In the pleasant summer evenings he look his guitar and spent the even ing on their porch Nancy remained his favorite ami ills day before they were to break up return to town he volunteered to help pack Come down to the orchard he sug gested to Nancy and get some apples to take back They will help you to think of the old place while they last Nance caught up her The basket they carried was soon tilled with rosy checked fruit but Morning showed no disposition to return to the house He leaned against the tree and looked over the strawberry Tin going to put up sign he said with a smite so that cannot rent my property or I accuse some one else of theft You were awfully cross that morn ing she said with a reminiscent smile I remember I rushed back to the house and declared that I would not stay In the horrid place another day Were you sorry you changed your he asked softly Not after you found that I waa not a thief But you are he persisted You stole my heart 1 might say the same of you she declared as he took her hand Ret a to catch a thief he quoted Have I caught you dear I guess you have she confessed though you dont deserve to And next season we will share the strawberries he declared It will be Joint ownership then She smiled Into his eager eyes and then the eclipsed his face About EyegUms Unfortunately there comes a day In each ones life when the eyes require outside assistance to accomplish their usual results Many are obliged by slight defects of vision to adopt glasses quite you Jig even children it Is fortunate science has made such progress In this for there Is nothing sadder to see blind per son Accidental of sight cut not overcome but slight defects now thanks to the oculist bo generally remedied The wearing of glasses 19 a trial from the first to last although the fitting of Is reduced to a fine art Spectacles are the only comfortable und satisfactory sort to wear It Is belter to wear nose glasses without chain even the risk of breaking them for the chain drugs the glasses to one side and frequently weakens the springs The Ion twists Into Intricate kinks at In convenient times and causes word or two of mild profanity on the part of the wearer If something must Is worn a cord Is better a Falling The memory Is the most easily tlguedof all our mental faculties This would seem almost to follow from the very nature of this faculty To recall an Impression already stored up In the brain necessarily Involves Kv- student knows that after a few hours work memory loses its pow er and further effort becomes unprof itable It la consistent with view that the memory is the faculty which first decays with the advance of age With many person seta In before middle life la past known to us in youth when memory fresh and strong cam bo recalled in old age whllo the thing chat happened yesterday slip into 1 if i AT THE- Leading Hardware Store LAST J Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each the above at Whisks Regular goods selling at fie SO Brushes Regular goods selling at Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OP THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US 2000 MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J A W ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET NEW FABRICS F FA Our showing of FANCY SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS is decidedly pleasing Wo give style in every garment the best of and thoroughly dependable materials See Our Window Come to the Fair F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN STREET MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY QUALITY SERVICE ALONE HAS MADE OUR MACHINE A HOUSEHOLD FAVORITE ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO MONTREAL P TORONTO LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA ST JOHN WANTED I Pen Esther is on ideal the construc tion of the oven such every unit has to pass com around it with oil its relained before the fcmoKC ana waste can escape the cnimney The heal Iravc from the fire box across the of the oven clown the hack an then forward again under ncalh until it strikes a plate around which it circles and goes To the chimney temperature the oven Pen Esther is always even there is no possibility of a gust of cold spoiling a Call on our local or write us direct RECORD FOUNDRY MACHINE CO dories at MONTREAL ffuuiRAjicatJAT MAIL VANCOUVER STEPHENS Agent

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