jr-v- t I A THE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Wanted Furnished house for winter months Apply by letter to Hoi A Bra New market Delivery Driver Wanted Good steady Job Middle aged married man preferred Must be able to take care of horses Good wages V CO Farm to Let Lot Con Township of about acres to let for a term of years For particulars ap ply to Donald Cameron P or to P Mark- ham P WE EDUCATE FOR SUCCESS ELLIOTT TORONTO Hundreds of our students are going Into positions each year Let us train you for one Catalogue free J ELLIOTT and Alexander Why Hot Seize Opportunity A acre farm close to the town of is now being offered for quick sale by the owner who in retiring at pet acre cash and the balance arranged to suit purchaser It is all fenced with good wire fence ICO good water close to school and church has a comfortable seven- room house two grainaries hen house and stabling- for head of stock and as an extra inducement the would be willing to cancel in favor of the purchaser Three Homestead Entries in the Moose Mountain District To an enterpris ing farmer this is an opportunity not to be missed Apply to ALEXANDER HEAP Estate Agents Investment Brokers Suite Block WINNIPEG MAN Cabinet On Friday last Hon William Pugs- ley exPremier of New Brunswick was sworn In as Minister Public mm Works in tie Dominion Cabinet in succession to Hon On the same day and hour Hon Geo P Graham who since the transfer exPremier Ross to the Senate has been the accepted leader of the Op position in the Ontario Legislature was sworn in as Minister of Rail ways and Canals in succession to Hon Emmerson resigned The ceremony took pace at one o clock p m at Government House Ottawa in the presence of His Ex cellency Earl Grey and Sir The new Minister of Public Works is said to be a man of exceptionally keen ready platform speaker and debater a brilliant lawyer and natural aptitudes for public life add to these qualities toe experience of some twenty years service in the Legislatare of New Brunswick and the reader will be able to form a gen cral conception of the reasons leading up to his selection by lfce Premier for a prominent place the Federal Cabinet Speaking of Hon Mr Pugsley the Montreal Witness says Perhaps indeed it is not too much to say that in the persons of A and Pugsley the present Cabinet possesses the two foremost members of the Canadian liar Hon Geo P Graham ac cepted the port foiio of Railways and Canals is the one man whom the Liberals of Ontario could scarcely afford to spare from the Ontario Leg islature but from a party point of view apart from the act that public life in the Provincial House singled him out as a man of personal integrity determined to play the game of politics with a candor ap parently unknown to some who oc cupy represent at positions it was felt that an organizer was needed for the Dominion one ac quainted with the constituencies cast and west and one able to administer an important department in such a as tq benefit the- whole coun try instead of limited to Pro vincial sphere Mr Graham is ad mittedly an ideal choice for a Cabinet position and although regretting his removal from the realm of Pro vincial politics we recognize the wis dom and foresight of the Premier in naming him for the Department to which he has been chosen Writs for- the byeelections in which the new Ministers will he candidates have been issued Nominations on the 18th and polling on the in stant Hon Mr Graham will run for and Hon Mr for St John KETTLEBY pzaaoKAL ffiMiss Ada Lehman has gone to Copper to teach school and Cassiiy ie- turned from the- Lake this week Mr Ed spent Labor Day with his parents Mr J- IS- Canes family have re turned from their summer outing at Mr Jacob Buck quite ill this week Mrs Hunter of V spenflast Friday in Town W was here on a with her Miss Maggie of Toronto a Mrs Little is spending her vacation In Town Rev A J Weaver was the guest of Mrs Lehman while in Town last week Sir J Craig of Sandhill spent the weekend with Mr A Coombs A farmer of the name of J Mrs is visiting her from came In to sop Mr at Font- tend the Fair and registered at the hill Ont Riverside Hotel On going to bed he Mr and Mrs Walter Trivett of Toronto spent the weekend with his Toronto better parents Mrs Mortimer of Toronto spent Wednesday with her father Mr Jos Millard Miss Annie of Uxbridge is visiting her sister Mrs- Ross Ver non Prospect Ave JMr Lewis of Elizabeth J spent Sunday with bis cousin Mr A Lewis Yonge St Miss Elsie Stiver was visiting with Mrs Krill Queen St for a week Mr and Mrs Holt and son of Grand Rapids Mich are visiting with sister Mrs Hewitt Miss Elizabeth Percy of Brooklyn New York visited a week with her aunt Mrs near Sharon and Mrs Maw entertain ed last Friday evening being the fif teenth anniversary of their wedding Mr Thos and son of are spending a few days in Town and at Orchard Beach Mrs VanAHan of and Mrs of Bradford with Mrs Harry Day XT Miss Mary Doyle and lady friend Ottawa are spending their holi days with her parents Mr and Mrs Doyle GRAND TRUNK Western FairLondon SPECIAL LOW RATES From Newmarket Good Going Sept 315 f A Good Going Sept and AH tickets valid returning from London on or before Monday Sept the 16th TO MUSKOKA This is the Pioneer Line and therefore the best way to MuskoVa The people in this lily are Lakes See that your ticket reads quite a in regard to their Mr and Mrs H was found lying on the ted partially dressed dead- f Two ladles from near victors were by gas at Hotel on Wednesday night They were sleeping ipgether The attendance at the Industrial Fair on Labor Day broke the record 125000 The Fair has been great success throughout Labor Day was duly celebrated by a tremendous procession winding up at the Fair grounds During the rush in the principal buildings- pockets got in their nefarious work Several arrests were made including a couple of noted criminals The nineyear old daughter of Mr a resident of Long Branch was taken violently ill early Monday morning and died about noon from acute poisioning The little girl it appears had been playing in the gar den the day previous and had eaten very heartily of green apples and green tomatoes Toronto was visited this week by an outbreak of a peculiar epidemic which attacked a number of citizens rendering many unconscious The disease is not unlike sleeping sick ness but in many is accom panied by violent paroxysms of rage and in others by nausea Optical il lusions from a typical symptom in all the reported cases It selected for its victims as a rule the strong Chicago left for home on Tuesday af ter spending a pleasant fortnight with his father and hearty and few cases of women and none of children are reported It is rumored that the epidemic Is the result of something that the victims The Misses Ross of Street have taken in their food or drink arrived in town on Saturday after which seems probable Iron its wide- spending a couple of months with re- spread attacks in Manitoba Clarence Chandler a Mr and John Holt and Mr was arrested Monday on a Hampton Holt of Rapids charge of having robbed the mails Midi are spending a few days at Marked money and letters were Mr Hewitts Miss Maud Wolfe who has been spending the summer in Newmarket with friends left yesterday for her township found upon him The man who was suffocated by gas at the Hotel has been iden tified as James Thorp of Cartwrlgrt via Grand Trunk and the comfort of your trip is assured For tickets and full information call on DUNN Depot Agent New market or write Mcdonald I P A Station Toronto Mortgage of Farm IN EAST Under and by virtu of Powers of sale given In a Mortgage which will be produced at time of tale there will be offered for tale by public auction on Saturday the day of September at the hour of oclock In the forenoon at the Royal Hotel in the town of New market the following freehold namely Lot number two In the conceal Ion of the township of East containing two hun dred acres more or les There l a good brick and fair on the premises The toll Is a good clay loam and is generally good condition and is about three from the town of Newmarket are good in the neighborhood Ten per cent of pur chase money to be on day of sale and balance within thirty day thereafter For particulars and conditions apply to Z2 Vendors Hoi home in St Louis Mo Mr Frank of -South- bridge Mass made a flying visit to Newmarket this week while attend ing Toronto Exhibition Miss Dora returned home Saturday of last after spending a very pleasant time with friends Brighton and that vicinity Mrs J and son Kile spent from Wednesday to Friday with Mrs at on tire shore of Rev A f Miller has accepted a professorship In New Testament Theology In the Univers ity of Allison New Brunswick Mrs Donaid and little daughter Edith of Grand Forks visited with her cousins at the home of Mr I last week Mrs John Eliot Swinburne of Ft William and Miss Shiley Willis of Aurora who were guests at brook Lake have returned home The Marie and Amy also a Jessie Stew art Parry visited with the formers sister Mrs last week Mr Gilbert J of Hamil ton was home over Labor Day ac companied by his cousin Mr Herbert who visited other relatives In this vicinity Miss Velma Hillock after spend ing a month at Toronto Junction with her father returned Sat urday accompanied by her friend Miss Norma White Mrs Smith who will take of a vegetable crop this If the wegther continues dry as- of late a water famine may alio be the result Farmers are threshing out much more quickly than they have the past few years and quite a few entertain the opinion that feed may be some what scarce before spring Mrs of Michigan was visiting friends a few days here last week Miss Aggfc Seymour has been ab sent for some four months her brother lie was from of the stomach as a result has been- very much incapacitated from Ills business It will takea long time to gain Vis usual strength Miss of spent guest of Misses Miss Toronto and Miss of Goodwood were the guests of their cousin Miss Ethel over Sunday Mrs and Miss Mary returned from their Manitoba visit Tuesday last feeling and looking quite refreshed Miss Gertie Charles commenced their High School training on Tuesday morning Court of Revision at King Council here on Saturday last Jhcrvls some talk of an extension telephone subscribers Mr Hugh- See Those Unique Birch Bark Photo Frames For At STUDIO Studio closed Wednesday during July P had one put In on Tuesday Mr Burling lost a valuable cow I Miss Wilcox on absence Miss of Aurora and Miss of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Waltons King Council had the goodness to make a grant toward our road on Saturday last Of course they quick saw the need of it when they came to Inspect Mr has put a new front on his house Mr and Mrs Baker spent over at her parental home In Kes wick for Martin- Co this season returned from New York on Thursday where she has been at tending Millinery opening for the past two weeks Mr Pat and bis sister A a of Toronto spent Wednesday old week from spinal affection friends In town alter touring a large Viola relumed from part of the States They left yester- Tuesday alter a day tor a trip on the trolley to Jack sons Point They expect to Visit the Pacific Coast this fall Mrs and two chil dren of Hull Que came here last week to attend the funeral of Mrs Curtis and visited her sisterinlaw Mrs Little Mrs A Lit tie of Hull Is also visiting her motherinlaw Mr Little Hon J Davit and Mrs Davis the Misses Davis Mrs Audrey Davis and Mr Harold Davis attended the wedding of Miss Audrey Campbell daughter of the late Dr Campbell and Mr Andrew Davis in Toontp on Wednesday The happy couple will reside In Newmarket i Mr J Gage was Chairman of the proceedings attending the opening of the Sanitarium Speeches were made by LleutGov Clack Hon- W J Hon Dr Pyne and Mayor Coatsworth There was a large attendance on the occasion which took place on the ult King Dodds is recovering from an operation which was found neces sary for his eyes One of his eyes had to he removed Nicholas Murphy K well known as a member of the City bar died last week at St Michaels Hos pital of cancer of the stomach The corner stone of the new Mili tary Institute Library was laid during the past week hy His Excel lency Karl Grey The Knabcnshue airship in attempt ing Its aerial flight round the City Hall tower oh Thursday of last week landed on the cupola of the Crawford Street School ml a of wreckage A criminal which death resulted Is ne charge ipn which a woman Mrs Turner was arrvsted last KING CITY Albert Watson Miles the eldest of Geo Miles of Toronto was drown ed on Monday afternoon in a small lake about a mile ami a half of this place Young Miles was paying a short visit at the home of Mr An drews having come up from the city with Miss Andrews on Saturday He was years of age and the Bad af fair has cast a gloom over the neigh borhood There is always a for the who does his best A Delhi Ont Aug morn ing about two oclock burglars forced an entrance Into Jewellery store and blew the nafc open with They secured be tween two and three thousand dpi worth of jewelry and watches about one hundred watches which were In for repair THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING Aim EMBALMING a alls attended to at Millard House of Quality mm WEAR CORSETS LIMITED NEWMARKET and BARR I E j Clothes dont make the man hut they help New Suits have every feature every wants in his clothes The Workmanship Quality Style and Price are the four fact ors that should be considered in Mens Clothes regardless of any advertised label or favorite tailor These Four Specials are embodied in our new lines at 17 it- A glance at these Suits will convince you that they are the equal of any labelled suits and that the price is 200 to 500 the suit less We buy all our suits in the open market considering Quality Style and Fit first then Price and if the value meets with our approval buy the suits rfnd sell them to you at a fair living profit tf j- GROCERY DEPARTMENT This Is a Good Store for Pickling Spices Cider Vinegar strong and guaranteed pure 30c gal White Wine Vinegar Government Standard gal SATURDAY LP WANTED DRESS MAKERS m I v APPRENTICES WANTED THE FLANAGAN At Sharon on August to Mr and Mrs J Flanagan a son REYNOLDS At Midland on Aug to Mr and Mrs John formerly Newmarket a son In Aug 25th to Mr and Mrs Rogers a son At Mutton Aug to Mr and Mrs A Stone- house a daughter KIRK In on 1st Mr and Mrs I Kirk a daughter Town on Aug to Mr ami Mrs Chapman a son THERE IS NO PLACE TO YOUR ICES AND VINEGAR FOR PICKLINO THAN AT THE TOMB Shu ronton August Infant son of Mr and Mrs I- Flanagan WOOD At the home of her soh-ln- law Mr on Tuesday Sept 3rd Mrs Wood In her year Funeral on Wednesday to Pickering- lefferKon 20lh Mrs widow the late T In her year Interred at Oak Ridges Cemetery Pine Orchard on Friday Aug wife Obed fleW aged years months and days In Toronto very suddenly on Aug Case daughter Case In year ALLAN In Newmarket on Sept Allan marble cutter aged about MARKET GROCERY There Ib a guarantee goes with alfthe GROCERIES that are bought here Money refunded if goods are not what thtyare guaranteed Our Spices are the Purest to be had and the Vinegars in Malt Cider and White Wine have the strength and keeping qualities that are es sential to good Vinegars This la the beat time to buy your Tomatoes for canning stock and at Low Prices Some Choice Peaches arrived today Your Order called for and delivered the same morning COMB AND GIVE US A CALL PHONE t J Undertaking MAM ST All will aU Promft Marks Ac Ant deb nut tkiy ucrtln probably pinul lUkifl Without Iftt an Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going and am and pm Going North tad Ml and pm LEAVE Going ll 6 and pm Going West and 610 am and pm Going and I am l and tun NEWSPAPERS roc Tela 1