r THE AUGUST 30 J iii Street jrioct Le Million A TO BO Cgrreot Qrriit en Aurora alio fee fBSUoWwW wd Court Co Weeks Local Reals ABOUT a Brie fiefs Several of the employees at the Piano Factory In which was burnt down last week are now engaged at the Office Specialty The Metropolitan The monthly meeting Womans Christian Temperance jion will be held on Tuesday 3rd of Sept- at the home of Mrs Prospect at full attendance is requested Took Leg Ball John Sutherland from nowhere in m Aurora particular hired with John mono of King for a couple of weeks and after be had worked a few days car- 9U I Ascot tor Lit to Office Newmarket Duncan AUCTIONEER Robertson DIVISION COURT CLERK Fire Insurance a Specialty Bolton MBtieri Painter- and Decorator Lane the trouble began Sutherland a on his person and is said to have flourished the weapon and used language which was not con ductive to the peace of mind of the household offered Suth erland his wages if be would leave but the latter refused Things drifted along until could stand it no longer so he invoked the aid of police magistrate Woodcock and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Sutherland This was plac ed in the bands of a Newmarket Con stable who with the assistance of a local of the law attempted to make the capture They visited and located their man all K but during the prelimin aries Sutherland bolted A number of shots from a revolver failed to halt him and to date he has not been located and Basket VOICE CULTURE its Ave DENTIST DA Wilkinson DENTIST Block Newmarket Every H DENTIST ft Vim Rogers DENTIST Pitting Teeth or Reputing Artificial Main St Newmarket of MARRIAGE LICENSES Monuments and Head Stones- JAMES Passed Away On Tuesday morning of last week M Gou passed away at age yeara and sixteen The maiden- name vas Dal ton as county Ireland and came to this country with her parents when eighteen years of a Three months after arriving in New market married the late Mr Gould In the family Mere four sons and four daughters five of whom lire living namely Jos of New market Jas and Michael of Aurora of and Miss Kate Gould of Newmarket deceased had been in poor healtiror years and since of last was con- nled to her bed She was a con sistent of the Roman Catholic Church and her remains were laid to rest in St Johns cemetery on Thursday morning bearers were Messrs and Doyle Presentation The following relating to former Newmarket people is clipped from the News A genuine surprise was given the and James Thompson at Centre last evening when about of the A church mem bers and others took possession of their home during their absence they having been invited to a phonographic entertainment at a neighbors About oclock the company having congregated on the lawn in front of the parsonage began singing We Will All Go Home in the Morn- tag which attracted the attention of the pastor and his wife After study ing the situation a short time they cautiously approached their residence which was in total darkness As they the house the was turned on The A I Moore on he- half of those who contributed the pastor with an oak writ ing desk and Mrs Thompson with an oak writing table The pastor re sponded In a fitting and touching manner Ice cream and cake were served and phonographic selections were given The A A of the Baptist church closed with prayer Priest Dodged Rule to Help Methodists Catharines Aug Dean Earns of this place is the known priests of the Roman in Canada and is re markable hi- productions and his ecclesiastical virtues He is so popular with citizen of all de nominations that he has found it com paratively easy to collect from Baptists Methodists and But a lime came when the members of two Methodist determine to erect a new church and inaugurated a popular canvass for fund for this purpose A deputation ventured upon Dean Harris and ask his cooperation They were met most politely but when they explained their they weietold that it was with the most re gret that he was unable to help them One member of the deputation ven tured to recall he and other Methodist had in times past assisted the Deans churchbuilding enter prises I know I know replied the priest plaintively Id be glad to help you but rules of my church positively forbid faithful to toward the building of a Protestant church But he added what are to do with the old edifice Were to poll it down was the answer of of the heretic- A great dawned on the Dean countenance And will that you anything h hundred dollars or so Thats a fine situation Now Ill you what Ill The Mother Church has nothing to nay against pulling down what the Protestants have set up be a good deed to destroy the work of the enemy Ill help you tear it down Thus the Methodists went away smiling with a substantial sum to their credit towards the demolition of the old church Dean Harris was the most popular priest that ever lived in Newmarket and when he to St Catherines citizens of th town presented him with a handsome set of Silver Piste BEACH- Watson staked off the lota on the property during the past week While at the last week of the Cane Manufacturing Co to Jacksons Point one of the excursion ists stated to a camper You seem to have lost flesh while yon have been rusticating ax this resort Yes was the reply I had a lame back and could not run when the bell was rung for dinner Mr John stopped over at Orchard Beach after Cane em ployees picnic for a couple of days to visit with the family of son Mr Mr Geo of Halifax made a short visit last week to the cottage of his brother Mr A He told correspondent that he ex pected to be in by the close of the present week Some of our Orchard Beach THE TRAIN BELL ROPE How It and Conductors Cam to Although there does not seem to be anything In common between pugilism and railroad rules yet the adoption of the familiar that stretches through every car the modern train was the result a flatic encounter At the same time and by the Issue of the same combat the supremacy of the con ductor In railroad travel was ordained was Philadelphia which both to the world- One of the oldest railroads in the country Is tho Philadelphia ton Baltimore known as the Philadelphia Baltimore and Washing ton which was opened ha The terminus in Philadelphia was at Broad and Prime streets Prime street now being known as Washington avenue and after crossing the Schuylkill river at Grays Ferry the route ran along the Delaware river on what la now the Cobalt Strike Situation Work Plumbing Specialties i ft t08B0RHES SONS to fifths Grocery Livery rrtea4 la a u to all train Order by tor ail put ot prompt attention A CM Farm Produce market last Saturday Prices as follow Butter 20 to to Dressed Chickens to We lb ft to IS iitack Apples to a basket Potatoes peck Potatoes per bag a Celery per head basket Onions Cabbage head Cauliflower to each Corn Cucumbers to iOc basket- 20c Squash each Live Chickens to liens It Ducks to Be pet lb to 9c weight Pigeons to pair Hz pair to 10 to Lambskins to each to each Tallow Special to the Era Cobalt Aug lUth Alter a period considerable ex citement the strike shows signs breaking Mine owner and miner are no nearer a settlement than at the beginning of the dispute but more men are working every day Stock holders are peremptorily- demanding that mines now shut down shall up again Nonunion mines by dint much hustling are getting in more men every day in spite ol the viol ence of the union pickets On the other hand the King Edward mine has acceded to the demands the union and are now at work under union scale and hours Advice was received start running again with out delay and as Manager despaired getting so many men at such short notice he yielded to the union demands The mine owners would readily con cede points to a local union hot they will not recognize directly or In directly the Western Miners whose Socialism Is notorious Undoubtedly most ol the mines are very anxious to get the striker set tied and the plants run ning full time again hut there is a very widespread reeling that tho strike was by no means unwelcome to the financial management tin- who arc undoubtedly try ing to freeze out small holders Stock At the present price everyone in the camp believe that is as sure a thing as real estate in the Canadian West Manager is doing very little mining proper and the deserted appearance of the shafts help lo hammer down stock No one believes that the are out of and this belief is much strengthened by the presence of the Guggenheim agents In the camp and the Guggen heim brothers at not a hundred miles from Cobalt where they could receive the reports of their deputies in much more comfort and secrecy than if they were In Cobalt a matter of fact Manager is using his men much more than if he were line of the Reading railway tager are to leave for their firat one repective homes this week and early w train which next week Altogether the summer has been a cool dry one There was something wrong with the sparker on Mr launch on the day of the Cane em ployees picnic at Jacksons Point occupants of the boat to jump out and start to walk home Good job it was nothing worse The presence of the Newmarket Military Band made the shore lively on Saturday evening The boys kept up the serenade till midnight On Sunday morning the band attended church in a body playing a sacred selection outside before- the service and The Wayside Chapel inside during the offertory In the after noon they gave a delightful sacred concert in front of the camp playing almost continuously for an hour and a half The leader Mr rendered The Lost Chord on his cornet in a superior manner About people gathered to hear the the road lined with buggies belonging to residents of the township surrounding- After church in the evening the band played for an hour in the dining room of Manns boarding house The very high wind prevailing all day militated against the boys enjoying themselves as much as they otherwise would but the had quite a treat Rev P Addison preached in last Sunday Rev McCartney from Pennsylvania preached two more eloquent sermons in the Union Church last Sunday to large congregatiooH and contributed a solo in the evening Miss ion also sang a beautiful solo in the evening and Miss sang at the morning service Mr of Que accompanied by Rev Morrison of the same district who have on a trip across Lake Superior spent over Sun day with Ills brother Mr Kil gour at dm Point Mr Ed Jackson of Montreal was at Inglewood over Sunday Women Pay More Why Insurance Companies Discrimin ate Against the Gentle Sex If one Is to believe the medical ex aminers the reason a woman pays more for the privilege of life Insur ance Is that she fa much more com monly a victim Indigestion and stomach troubles and the fatal ail ments that spring from these causes It is not that acute attacks of dis ease that Influence the insurance ex aminers alone but the constant feel ings of weakness headache Indiges tion and stomach trouble These tilings physicians say kill more peo ple than many of the serious diseases For curative power in all stomach troubles nothing else Is as safe yet effective nothing else can he so thor oughly relied upon to relieve all trou bles of Indigestion it Is unlike any remedy heretofore known it Is not a mere digestive tablet it strengthens and restores to natural action the stomach and bowels and makes a complete cure even In the worst form of stomach troubles one day and came bar the next which was considered a remarkable feat In rapid travel When a train a day each way was placed In service the people of the two cities served that the acme of convenience in transporta tion had been reached Next to the president of the railroad the most Important functionaries were the engineer and conductor It was a question whether or not the head of the line was not considered a subsidi ary officer In popular estimation to the men who ran the train but- Robert Fogg who pulled the throttle and John Wolf who collected fares won tho deference of the public because of tbelr high and responsible duties Fogg an Englishman had all the tenacity of opinion his race Wolf an American bad the Ingenuity of the Yankee nod seeing the need of some method by Which he eon Id communi cate with the engineer devised the scheme of running a cord through the cars to the locomotive As the engine was a wood burner Wolf fastened one end of the cord to a log which was placed on the engineers scat and was pulled to the when the conductor desired to signal for a stop Fogg resented what he considered an Interference with bis rights on the platform of the locomotive and on the first run out from Prime streets with the new device paid no heed to the displacement of the log from the seat when the conductor de sired to take on a passenger from a form near Kerry but sped on over the bridge and did not deign to bring engine to a stop until Dine Bell station on the south side of the Schuylkill had been reached Then he demanded to know of Wolf why he had been Jerking that log all about the locomotive Wolf hotly declared that he had sig naled to stop but Fogg retorted that be would stop when and where he pleased and that too without any ref erence to orders from the whom he did not regard as his superior In tho management of the train The altercation grew very heated and Wolf Invited the engineer from the cab to settle the matter and the challenge was quickly accepted Passengers and a group of men who bad gathered at the station to see the train come In formed a ring about the combatants but the fight did not last long as proved by far the su perior artist with bis flats and with few blows made It almost Impossible for engineer to see to complete bis run but Fogg admitted that no had been fairly beaten and the supremacy of the conductor on a train was settled for all time As the log signal was crude and In effective Wolf devised the- use of a bell on the locomotive and this method was soon adopted by all of the Amer ican railroads Then a of slg- was adopted and these remain practically to this day The only change In bell cord Is that by of the air from the a whistle has superseded the bell In the locomotive cob J It Y sells In The upwards of three hundred boxes under a guarantee Mo are scattered all over the acres I refund the money- unless it does all ol the trenching locating that Is claimed for it new veins sinking prospect shafts a work that would be impos sible after the snow flies but I now comparatively easy Mining proper at the will commence when winter sets In and the directorate have bought in enough stock at their own price Until then they arc more or grateful for the strike Clays Wit When Henry Cloy was stomping Kentucky for reelection at one of his mass an old hunter of wldo poUUcal Influence sold Well Harry Ive always been for you but because of that vote which he namely Im you U me sea your rifle said day It was handed to him is aha a good rifle Ves Did she ever flror Well yes once Why didnt you throw her old hunter thought a moment and then said Harry Ill try you again And Horry Was elected a Metropolitan employ had his watch stolen out his vet pocket in North Toronto on Tuesday His vest hanging on fence while he was at work on I had ft dream the other night said the major What was It asked young thing 1 went to heaven and on an old newspaper man was Interested In their Journal up there It was a miserable thing not a well written story in It I told Peter so What did ho say Ho said Its not our fault- We never tfet any good reporters up the Bra to absent friends Jas A was shot and kill- at Grand by Ade line his wile when climbing in a- window during the night At If near- right arm was caught An a bell and he saved him self from being drawn Into the ma chinery pulling but his arm came out at the shoulder A tale of awlft justice comes Trenton A young man named Mai was caught in the act A of criminally assaulting Annie Green- Mrs at field a young immigrant girl Three have a girl hope to keep Mrs attracted by the girls screams I Witt Where la such a went the rescue and caught bo found Mrs Do was ham Next morning was taken born to yesterday before Magistrate was sentenced to two years in the pen- and lashes THE Leading Hardware Stored LAST Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at i Dos Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Whisks Regular 15c goods selling at SO Dor Brushes Regular goods wiling at Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US RAT SKINS- WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J A W ALLAN COMPANY EWMARKE T SUMMER SUITS OUR FANCY WORSTEDS AND TWEED SUITINGS For Summer Wear are the Best In Town We guarantee satisfaction in Work manship and Fit and Prices Right F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET MADE IN CANADA by A CANADIAN COMPANY PRICES and TERMS EVERYBODY WRITE FOR THEM There should be one in every home W THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO MONTREAL P LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA ST JOHN WAriTFP Esther use on farms and in rural districts is equipped with Hotwater reservoir The advantage of this in homes where there is no running water and where it is impossible use a hotwater boiler will be readily seen The Esther has also a commodious warm ing closet and tea shelves and is throughout a heavy durable and handsome range The Esther is supplied without ad ditional cost with a Hot Air Attachment to warm an extra room Call oh local or write us direct for catalogue RECORD FOUNDRY MACHINE factories at MONTREAL RQ AEttMoATM0rKT0Br MAM CALGARY VANCOUVER BC STEPHENS Agent