Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1907, p. 3

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a Week is about Methodist Church Miss Edna of Norwich as sisted in the choir last Sunday and Contributed most beautiful solos were greatly appreciated A Simpson of Brampton will conduct the Sunday Tie- pastor and family will be home early nex week a Bad Qash on Tuesday Mr Fred Bier who is in the employ of Butcher Osborne while sharpening a large ac cident gave himself a bad gash oa thumb Next day the member kzs swollen so badly that he had to work and the doctor was afraid that bloodpoisoning had set in great Delay About two months ago the shunt w that control the electric street lights in the west part the town burnt out during a thiinde storm After some delay an order was to have them replaced new ones They were expected here from the States two or three weeks ago hut havenot arrived jet tfco jhe firm has been both written and telegraphed the past few days The delay is causing inconvenience- to of the residents of that parted town whohappen to be out of their houses these dark evenings Chicken Thief Caught Alter the paragraph appeared last week concerning tire thieving of suspicion was aroused certain poultry was found of one John One at the north and brother Brit which other people claimed Sum monses were issued for these two parties to appear on Wednesday at the police court before J Woodcock Esq when the former was changed with chickens and the latter with having chickens in bis possession them to No less iban twenty people have reported the loss of chickens during the past two months Four separate charges were laid against John to two which pleaded guilty and to the other two cot guilty but Brit pleaded not guilty to any charge The ease was adjourned till oclock this Friday rooming at the post office Tomorrow the last Saturday ball holiday for the factories this season- VVV The will play on J- Millard lawn this evening weather V Improvements Another storey is- being placed over the kitchen at the residence re cently- vacated Loader Trent and a bathroom outfit will be in stalled Mr will occupy the premises on bis retoxn from the Lake The Town Lockop is undergoing general repairs Toe building has J been turned half way around and now faces the Metropolitan track A cement foundation is being put under the walls and the Boor will also be of cement The building will be heated by steam from the water works plant to avoid any danger of fire Newtnarkct At the of the Directors on Thursday evening of last week Judges Tor Newmarket Fair were ap pointed The Prize Lists will be ready in a few days and everything points to an exceptionally good Show The Amusement Committee have contracted with the Sunny South 1 Company to provide the Concert on the 2nd arid 3rd nights of the Fair flats Company consists of negro people who played here last winter and gave great satisfaction Their Band will be on the grounds both days lie Committee has also an agreement with the Harold Cox Amusement Co of New York to provide the- acrobatic and other tractions in front of the Grand Stand on the two last days of the In buying a Watch bursas good a Case as you can af ford but first get a Move ment that will be Accurate the Case and decide on the Movement and you own a Watch and a Time Keeper We have some Special on Gold Filled Watches Repair Work a Specialty A CO Jewelers end Opticians September Forecasts Rev Hicks in the Septem ber number of Word and bis forecasts for the month Briefly stated a regular storm period Is pre- the first week in the month land will sweep progressively over the country from the to the This will be followed by a reactions period central on the and The next regular storm period Is slated for the 14th to It is a crisis of the autumnal equinox- Then comes another reactionary storm period which is central oh the and and then a v- storm period covers the closing they promise the best ever s on the seen in Town ii Another special attraction on we Fair and and may reach till the k- period will bring its change to last day the Fair will be the two- yearold col race and th Now keep iSS tab on these dates Generally speak- Shaw of and and Works predictions are Newmarket the winner to pocket the purse It is time for exhibitors to be looking up their entries The books will be open next week- CHINA Death of Oldest Man In Town On Sunday morning there passed away in Newmarket a man who lived to be nearly one hundred years Michael his death being the result of an accident On Tuesday afternoon of last week he itll asleep shortly after dinner sitting in pis in the kitchen and rousing up he started fox the front door Passing through the diningroom he mistook- the for the front hall and fell down iepV No bone were brok en but he internally and at toee oclock the next morning he unconscious Jn which condition remained till Sunday morning when the vital spark fled- was the oldest man in Town Me Was born In Ireland in May and was therefore In his Until about a month ago In vigorous health both ol since which lime he has fan gradually failing He to Canada over ago n the 2nd Con of King where be worked fa lot retiring and been aresidinvoi ever Heated va twice was Walton by had three sorm and five durijtiA of King Milne of Michael John and imw Aurora Mrs Beatrice The UXvA this family been years I second wife Cotter and on her death made his home with in Newmarket where to reside till his death was sn honest fVAjrd hardworking man and a jfowf Miglibor tew him had a lor mm- hi funeral service took place In Ht Church on Tuesday and largely attended father officiated The mm Messrs v Attn CmAm Michael Cain Thomas Martin and the relative from a attended the funeral were Mr add Mrs Mlinc of Miss of Toronto Mrs Pat Wallace and daughter of Toronto Mrs and daughter of Toron to and Mr ftarry of California Ti- remain laid to rV in Cemetery and thus Sam another the pioneers of this country who thing- of the toils and of J the in a new the Melds had w be cleared with an All honor to the of former days Four were killed in a col of two St ImU San trains in Indian Territory ALL GOODS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT ONLY AUGUST Preserving and Pickling Sea son is with us Make sure of the BEST RESULTS by using only Pure and beat quality Vfrie- gar etc WE SELL ONLY PURE SPICES Leave ua your orders China by a couple visitors were tie of fcRIJBrijn- on Wednesday The campers at- peach are entering into an agreement to chase tbe Gilroy lane and make it a public thoroughfare- in which case the Metropolitan Co Will build a platform and small shelter A couple ol the men interested attend ed a meeting- of the Township on Monday and asked them the new road but not the statutory width all the wayi was deferredi Biit the committee have struck another snag of the people who would be greatly con- by the Orchard Beach plat form refuse to sign for their propor tion of the cost of the roadway as they arc satisfied with the present accommodation- It may yet resolve itself into a subscription to buiida private platform and shelter in which case the Company will build the station opposite the Union church at corners Miss Edna and lady- friend from Norwich were calling on the campers on Monday also Rev Norman and wife returned mission aries from Japan accompanied a load over from Jacksons Point and called on the campers on Monday About were subscribed last week towards- the expense of placing the new church on the corner for the use of the campers more will clear it entirely from debt and pro vide for further improvements of the grounds besides more seats Producer and Consumer out our DINNER SETS at CLOSE PRICES Over to Overflow Personals Jean of is- visiting in Town f hits Marshall of Toronto was in Town this week Mr Harry Barker of Hoiiand Landing is attending the at Toronto Mrs Wilton Coleman and son of is spending a week with Mrs Low Stanley of dMt is spending a couple of weeks with his cousin Mr Elgin Miss and Miss Edith Morton of Keswick were the guests of Miss Beatrice over Sunday Mr Russell Stork and bis sister Miss Vera arc visiting their Miss Vera Stork are visiting their friends in the city this week Miss Veda Campbell and Miss are- spending a few days at Mr camp Orchard Beach this week Rev A Miller of Powiissiin formerly of Newmarket has been- in vited to teach on the staff of of Toronto Colleges and is arrange to accept the same Miss spent over Sunday with her father in Towi before leav ing for Brandon on Tuesday to spend a two months vacation her brother Mr A family gathering took platCat the residence of Mr Asa Phillips on St on Wednesday AH the daughters were home and uie entire group was photographed on the by Mr Wilson Montreal Herald Dr Burnett Smith of London who sails on the Empress of Britain today was the guest of Mr and Mrs Prince Arthur Street while in the city Mr and Mrs John Hicks of Hay City Mich in town yester day after spending a month in the Northwest and another month at the They expect spend a couple weeks or so with friends in East before returning home In the Clay Belt choose from Modern farming has become a busi ness proposition and men engage in agriculture because it returns annual profits on the money and labor in vested The soil is the paymaster and the variety quantity and qual ity of goods produced determines the success of the man engaged in the agricultural business Hut the market must be considered and demand must he created and catered to if business is to advance- Unfortunately for Ontario farmers demand for what ought to be the most valuable product of their fields has declined Western millers have introduced a Hour which though lack ing in flavor contains more strength or than that which is milled from the more finely flavored Ontario wheat Ontario consumers by the extensive advertising of the alleged superiority of Western flour were soon convinced that flavor must be sacrificed to strength so the home market was largely lost and farmers began to notice the increased cost of teed the low prices to he their wheat By a series of chemical analyses and experiments which have extended over a decade it has been demon strated that by the addition of a proportion of Western wheat Ontario blended flour contains the necessary gluten to successfully com pete with its Western rival and still retain the flavor which Is pecu liar to Ontario grain Bread made from blended lour soon found a ready sale in Toronto and within a year or two after the of blend ed on the market the Mari time Provinces have showed such pre ferences for Ontariomilled flours that certain milling firms have their plants In the hist six months It has been already pointed out that the fanner as man must consider the market and the Inexorable law of supply and demand Now Ontario ought to deserve the first attention and the homemarket of the Province feci the effect of the demand for Ontario blended flour Hut the fanner Is both a producer and a consumer nod as has a double interest In helping to create a demand for wheat When the individual farmer realizes that the purchase of the new flour means better bread his table bet ter prices for his wheat and an ul timate substantial decrease in the cost of shorts the battle to regain the Ontario market for an Ontario product will be as good as won FANCYCHINA A Urge Vaaea Wa Sets and Novel ilea in both China and Mug Mr T Speight Ontario Gov- Land Surveyor in a letter to the Lands Forests and Mines Bo- from Lake Kabinigogami thaV there are in the Belt acres of land which will be suitable for Speight also reports the dis covery of a large lake not shown on official maps We crowed it first he says on the base line at the middle of and it extends westerly as far the middle of Its great est width be about three miles and It I throughout with numerous I most of days making a fairly accurate sketch It will have a shore line of at least miles Mr Speight hopes complete Mn purvey by first October t yafds Fancy at 3o per yd Wh ite Embroidered Blouses tor 1 for 7BC for 35o i Union yard wide for 72in White Sheeting 29o yard Cotton Cashmere all colors yard Table Linen Inches wide yard l Rice Cakes Cakes Jelly Tarts Jam Jams Hew Raising IOC mm Kippered tin Yachtmens Sardines tin Liquid tin Cooked Meats of all Sliced tprgiiU You Boots mm I Every pair of Boots you buy from us ate best that can be procured for the pair teed No wonder WE ate doing Boot and Shoe trade A A BRUNTON- THE RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Canadian Ontario Ry NORTH Toronto Union Pine Orchard Mount Albert Zephyr r toio GOING SOUTH Zephyr Mount Albert 1000 Pine Orchard Vandorf 1082 Toronto Union 620 05 I Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week were Export cattle to Butchers cattle best to- medium to com- mon to Stockers to Milch cowa to Export sheep to Lambs to per Hogs are down again this Selects off cars in Toronto lights and fats 675 Newmarket Markets Aug i White Wheat per bush 76- Red Wheat per buub Wheat Rye per bush Leading Dry Goods and Tailoring House i iT A VAST SHOWING NEW DRESS GOODS A more elaborate display Is hire than we have had in any previous season and prices to meet your own wishes Oxford Shirting for for When you want a NOBBY SUIT see lundy The Leading Tailor Stop LONG SILK GLOVES IN ALL 0 480 Hay per ton 12 per KgKS per 0 Butler roll per lb Chickens per lb 0 Barley per Peas per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton t v- Toronto Markets Aug 29th WHe Wheat per bush 0 0 SO 0 0 0 75- 0018 BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP M UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS i Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London Ed New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodat ed as heretofore Branches at Newmarket and ROSS Red Wheat per Spring Wheat per bus Rye per bin Barley per bush hush Peas per hush Hay per ton Potatoes per roll per lb Eggs per dot- Dressed Hogs per 0 Chickens per lb Turkeys F A R E RS The Threshing Season is at hand You need the Beat Coal Red Jacket Once tried always used We have it North End Flour and Feed Store Nine Hamilton bakers were for selling bread Mrs and Miss of Buffalo lfte Mr on Monday last Mrs Is a cousin of Mr has not been here for years she sees very very much change in- the people Mr Frank Pottage has sold their acre farm at Tory Corners to Mr James Murray and ru- has It that Mr T Watson has purchased Ms house and lot in this village The busy part harvest is about terminated but threshing is the or der of the day That shower on Tuesday was of the most welcome of the season Mrs Con of Toronto was viBitlng with Mrs George Black burn from Sunday till Tuesday ot last week Miss Donley of Toronto re turned home last Saturday after a two weeks vjslt with the Misses Blackburn- Mr Edward Blackburn of Toronto Is spending a few weeks with Mr Blackburn In Manitoba 1 Farm Laborers EXCURSION to NORTHWEST From Newmarket Sept ICECREAM FOR and Lawn Parties i For tickets and full information call on RDUNN Depot Agent or write J McDonald Union Station Toronto SPOONS AND DISHES Free With Any Order SIMPSONS PHONB The Reliable Store KESWICK P New Prints English and Canadian The newest patterns and the best shades hate arrived I New- Papers See then be fore latest designs In the Best Wall Papers P New Paints tie Williams better thai ever MISS HILL is prepared to fill all orders for the Latest Style OPENING ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL W COLE it

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