Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Aug 1907, p. 8

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js A nit flcr Then its time to act No time to study to read to You want to save your hair and sate it quickly tool So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayers Hair Vigor It makes the scalp healthy The hair stays In It cannot do any thing else Its natures way Wad of a to There was a large attendance a the Methodist school picnic held at Lake on Monday AH thoroughly enjoyed themselves The new band stand on Or premises is being painted and the Band is expected to give concerts j therein every Saturday evening the Mr Charles in the Leader DAY SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Mr Win Large met with an acci- being favorable dent while peddling milk for Mr The present very dry weather is Hartman last week The lash of the having the effect of shortening the told lor ftixtr Alto uafitam ma PECTORAL whip caught on one of the wheels and the stock flew round and struck him on the eye Indicting a severe wound It is feared he may lose the sight of the eye- On Monday night a number of cows belonging to Mr Hayes who purchas ed the Coulter farm just west of this corporation broke out of the field and strayed onto St At the first bridge north of the town a late car ran into the herd throwing one cow over the end of the bridge into the creek and killing it and in juring another one It will be quite a heavy loss to Hayes as the cow killed was a valued one- House for Sate For violating the Closing to Let Apply at the Cedars Law Noilly was lined with Cor Victoria and Park Ave lw3fi costs added An interesting game of baseball was For Sale Tea Good Building on Andrew Street Apply to J PARTRIDGE SI Newmarket For Sale The convenient comfortable BrlcV- Dwelling on street Newmarket occupied by J A potato crop In this vicinity but it has also the effect of preventing rot and producing a better quality the tuber Grasshoppers are on adjoining townships They seem to have appetites Oats and turnips have suffered specially from their depredations Avoid beer and spirits which are bad for children and stop i their growth A beer contains not much more nourishment than a lump su gar ties can be Induced to appoint teach ers and it Government will provide the material apparatus and the best illustrations that can made in order to enable these itinerant teachers to display the children the real nature the abuse alcohol and the many other customs and bar hies of the people which are delete rious to health there will be a great improvement in the health or the community It will however generally felt that the work of itinerant lecturers however excellent is not and that arid Systematic Instruction v HEAD TORONTO Pti Capitals Julys Esq President Tint VicePrettdetU How Esq A t Hon McLarbw Bruce Esq Little Pocket Physician For Brick house and lot also frame Corner Park and Lome Ave Large garden and lots of fruit trees Choice location Enquire of A WILLIAMS Newmarket played in the town park on Satur day last between the Newmarket and Bradford teams of the York League The home team secured a lead in the first innings and main tained it till the half of the ninth when the Bradford pitcher Howard Graham who had been play ing a splendid game weakened arid the opposing hatters secured sufficient hits and resulting runs to win out by the score of The home team certainly looked like easy winners up to the fatal ninth and they played good hall throughout On Monday afternoon Aug there happened a sad and fatal dent at the home Mr Burt easy to poison ones self with by teachers themselves in the schools beer as people do when they get must be given if real headway is to drunk be made Sir Victor who Beer therefore is very dangerous has worked so splendidly in this he- Spirits such as gin whiskey and hall and others that such brandy are far more dangerous than teaching ought to be given to every beer child and should therefore form Beer and spirits are always bad for part the compulsory education quired by the State There is another point that every- Sir William one ought to remember about beer a letter and circular and drinks of this kind- Trie more hall of the members of the you drink the more you want to medical profession who signed the drink memorial above referred to expressed Everyone knows that apart from the hope that the various Education the risk of disease people who drink Committees would make provision for too much beer or spirits are likely Id the teaching of Hygiene and Temper- become slovenly to lose control anco by the construction of a time- good character and to neglect table whereby less time shall be giv- duty Regular employment en to the subjects of geography and and wages arc lost so that many history in order to provide the others who depend on those wages for ccssary allotment of time for their home and living will suQer in the far essential laws addition to those who actually drink of and temperate living for anyone having catarrh now that reasons beer spirits It would appear therefore that the in en readilv I Interest ftt beat current rates paid quarterly Newmarket Albert Branch Manager PENNINGTON Manager Hyomei is Guaranteed by J to Cure Catarrh Thousands who have been cured by Hyomel call the inhaler that comes with every outfit the Little Pocket Physician as it is so small that it can be carried in the pocket or purse i There is really no excuse whatever Hyomel is so readily obtainable or wine are by far the most danger- most urgent present need is the in- If you have doubt about its s tWngs people are ever like- in accordance the ue J Y will let you the Memorial I venture to think that these ex- of the British Medical Association of tracts coming from a is- suitable textboobs on Hygiene such the Little on the MUon on of the human A economical as well as the only guar- during the past few years anteed treatment for the cure of tarrh Remember that Board have a complete outfit win the un derstanding that unless it cures cost Education Boards are a as arc used in the schools of complete Hyomet on- stdking the growth of dealing inter aliawi1 scheme for teaching the subject has I have been appointed the Dominion Government to immigrant from the Kingdom in position at labourers or domestic servants In this vicinity Any requiring such help notify me by letter filly kind help required wanted and wages arriving not be sufficient to supply all but every effort will be Wade to provide each applicant help required I ANGUS WILLIAMS Barrister and Solicitor OFFICE OVER TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Couplwith the syllabus the Ircady been ffunisbed Education has suggested Education Hoard and suitable text- en believe at present in dart in town Living with Mr and I cures catarrh without stomach that the instruction on this subject liDn In Mrs for the past four years S applying the medication and be given by the ordinary class course healing where the disease germs are teachers IvsJ Brick House for Sale On Victoria Ave New furnace tilth electric lights etc Every thing in good repair Apply to IRWIN Newmarket For A new SixRoomed House cement cellar good garden lawn with domes tic water and A condition on Timothy Street Newmarket Apply to Mrs J Thompson Elm Street Toronto or to Mr Webster Marlborough Ave Toronto Farm for Sale by Tender Acres being Lot in the Concession of North A FirstClass Farm good Orchard and Buildings and in a hood state of cultivation Tenders will be re ceived until the day of August by JOHN MUURELL Sutton West P Farm for Sale half of lot concession in Township of King containing one hundred acres more or less Good brick dwelling also good outbuild ings Land a rich clay loam abun dance of good water and ail other conveniences Price reasonable For further particulars see or write MRS MARY CAIN Aurora Ontario was a young woman Amy healing by name of English birth and from present the borne of Miss hut who reached the age of was no I longer under the home control hut Saskatchewan Town served for In the stress of harvest time the maid sometimes as sisted in storing away of grain a work she liked to do and for which Suffers corned as not Interfering with the Oxbow Sask Aug Earl she received extra terdav morning a very serious lire On Monday when out in the vacated the business section of this J mow between loads it is supposed town The fire originated in ihc the school and as she stepped the edge and fell to rear of Christmas block and laid k the floor beneath At all events she smouldering ruins the premises able treatment of the subject by ciaiRts be idle however for us to that the needs of the can he entirely met by ing given on this ami voluntary scale llnfortuiiatily all that lias done by the lecturers of the Band To this however many teachers that the have taken exception urging the of teachers should include ready overburdened t mcTable and the multiplicity ol subjects have to needs master and teach It has been strongly be by them that the work should be continued as herctolore on the tQ Success voluntary principle the visits it- Talent man to obtain sue- cess but it is- character which se cures it for him man will the young girls neck room and Wyllc hardware having been the fall merchants A artist Let- Mr and family feel the sad Ling restaurant 1 No- happening wry keenly They held We grain buyer Morrison Miss in respectful esteem buggies A Williams harness and and regret greatly the sudden death If insurance agent which her vus guests of the Palace Hotel had narrow escapes The damage it the entire town would have been wip ed out as there vas a strong wind HELP FOR SICK KIDNEYS wont suffer if you take Auction of Farm The will for sale by public autlon at the torsb House in the town Newmarket on Saturday the of August A at hour of eleven oclock the following lands namely the of lot number twentythree in fifth of the Town ship of contain ing one hundred acres more ox There is a good frame house and barn other out buildings on the said premises are fair and ol In a fair state of cultivation The property situated about from and from Albert two business centre for market produce are good in the Ten per cent of purchase money to paid down at time of sale and balance can be arranged for on rea sonable terms with vendor at time of sate For particulars and conditions of sale apply to Thomas and Viddifield Vendors Solicitor and agh Auctioneer The Farmers Hun predicts a lean Tear for Ontario farmers because the nay crop in only about half that usu ally and the oat crop is per cent less than 0aoaex That meals promptly by one of Millers J to Compound Iron Pills each ttpiurt fay The Norman Rogers I Take fcaJu on our positive money a large box At or by mail Haying is all finished and a heavy been the order of the day lately several patties having gone north among whom wen noticed Smith and family blowing from the southeast and Airs Smith George Yates and Mr J and Miss Maggie Sin clair All report a good time and lots of berries Threshing is the order of the hour now Mis Hilts of Toronto is here visiting her mother Mrs i Hidden Some- of young people pic-nick- at the Lake last Sunday a lovely time Mr Wesley look the mem bers of the Choir for a to Hie Lake Tuesday evening is nolle popular with girls The young man from Mount who visile quite often vary fond of music especially the piano Mr and Mrs ias It Nelson left Chatham last Tuesday en route to Chicago thence to Winnipeg their future home Mr and Mrs Nelson were married by Mr Toy at her fathers on 10th July the pre sence of about guests in it was the most brilliant wedding ever solemnized In The bride very beautiful In a lovely white dress trimmed with lace and and a bouquet roues and fern tied with white satin ribbon Miss Mary Tailor was bridesmaid- and carried Mr Arthur Hug- den of played the wedding march The young couple were well known and the number of beautiful presents Including IM in cash esteem In which the young couple were held their many lends We hear that bachelor of River- dale Is still found singing Amber tied fn blue Our pastor Mr away at Calgary enjoying five weeks holi days We hear of some more weddings to tome soon Wild Hue with character arid very little talent and will never succeed without character whatever talent he may have at his disposal character I mean honesty steadiness of purpose tact per severance industry self- control reliability and strict punct uality who ihese qualities need not leave the old number of children must I J present be without haP l the of teaching as to V nature and of alcohol importance of the quest ion to iritis Farm Laborers Wanted WORK MEN IN AND SPECIAL EXCURSIONS GOING TRIP Addition for the GOING DATES- Aug Sept From Toronto and all In of Trunk Toronto to From Toronto to on and ll north to eluding Can Toronto to Owen From Toronto and to and Including and alto north of Toronto arid north of on QTR and of Bolton Junction on Can ONEWAY TICKETS I Witt BE SOLD TO Representative fariner0 appointed by Manitoba Sikatcbewazt will meet and on arrival at Winnipeg will furnihtl at Winnipeg to points on Cam an Ity where are feeeIet of iiooe Jaw Karnwek an5wan finriuft and At oris milts and I A eertiBpato is with each ticket and when by showing that worked thirty day or more will le honors for ft ticket back to tinning in Ontario at to Nov Mi7 Tickets are good only on Farm owl will be to women to but will be at half fare to children Dont fori with Tourist Aug 27 Sept et the 10 and Far fall or t writ FOSTER difficulties of and to that a amount of Temperance In be given several county education have solved matter by apjioiutinK lec- lurcrK from their own stall and thus of the education and aires and most too There is no luck in life Luck is of our own making Luck means ris- at six oclock in the morning on a dollar a day if you make two your own business ami not meddling with other luck means the hardships ami which you have not hesitated to endure the long that you this would the proper line of l wans vclopment it Is which has WoijiUnenls have never been Imlleated by the splendid success I lhc J which bits- attended the work of ATKINSON Agent Newmarket When You Paint The Best Paint Pure Prepared Paints of teachers managers and authorises Co whilst tbe children their visits occasions of and Big Fire at a Popular Summer Resort undoubted as Well as There is therefore every reason for the walt Max in Between Ourselves Orchard Me Aug Nearly tlon and tin extension on a national onehalf of Old Orchards summer ho- of this valuable itinerary work lei section along the shore front was extension Work would of course swept by fire tonight The best effected by the appointment amounting to fully half a million by the county educational authorities An area of about acres of special lecturers fully qualified the beach was mm blazing In and In thorough sympathy with the this area were located some of the leaching to be Imparted but In moat popular the hotels all of where committees do not feel I were filled with summer guest at liberty to adopt a course Many valuable summer cottages were say that the lecturers of tho away by the fire Moat of the Bard of Hope Union are available for to save a consider- delivery of suitable able quantity Of their personal or which is Is hoped that martyred- It Is reported that three men committees would be willing were killed by dynamite used in provide payment blowing up buildings to stop pro- j Sir John whose wide expo- Doc and Druggists pronounce Compound Iron Pills the best on market doses 25c Sold by The Norman Co While working in mill Saturday evening Hay ton was seriously Injured by a Hying board thrown off a saw Ills right hip was badly smashed and several pieces of the bone had to be removed the flames Spavin J pIa Cure sad can Mythtr OSL WILSONS FLY PADS Hence as an educationalist is known to all said at a meeting in London that The experience of I Temperance League and of the Unit- Kingdom Hand of Hope Union seemed to him to point In having for the time being at all events special teachers who should go about the country Jiving Instruction both to the ordinary school teachers and to scholars In tbe prlnoiples of health and if was to he done the people must the local educa tion authorities because the duty of deciding what la to be taught has been now by the new Act practical- All kinds of also delegated to such authorities If- plain Apply at therefore he says local author- j I TIMOTHY toll- J v PM I fir are best mixed paints on tho market Made in different tints Always ready for use CITY FLOOR PJtINTS dry hard in 8 hours Always reliable economical durable For STEPHENS After two days fighting Jap anese have captured the Islands of Kangwha from the o New life for a quarter Milter Compound Iron Pills Sold by Norman Rogers Co A NEW Telephone Directory The Bell2Teiephone Co of Limited about to ft Directory Central Ontario the Town Newmarket Orders tot new street lor ekovld be In to the Local STARR He atone fe poor who wastes tt time and Bum of SECUgl iollrit of tad other who tht nr nceraaai their Marlon la afarlnn notice Application lor NOTICE it hereby Alexander City the County ot York la the Woman will apply Parliament Canada at thereof a hill WJ her husband Edward the City Toronto in York Province OoUiW the Dominion Canada J on the ground adultery w Dated at Toronto in York Province of Ontario day ot April JJ Toronto St Solicitors lor t

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