Weeks COOK ABOUT Brief lets Some rascal put a hole a large pane of glass at storehouse at the North end Going to the Lake The Newmarket Military Band has accepted the Cavitation of the camp ers at Orchard Beach and will spend over Sunday with them They will play on Saturday evening arid give a sacred concert Sunday afternoon Chicken Thieves Somebody is making great prepara tions to spend a few months in he County jail During the past week than five poultry houses In parts the Town have been visited by robbers is finest- birds they are- alter evidently to sweep the prize lists at the approach ing Fall Fairs MrEverest on the corner of Huron St and Prospect Ave is the greatest loser no Jess than 18 having disappeared white Mr on the opposite comer has lost an even dozen Mr Ed Richardson and Mr Ed Hunter away over on Ave have lost some choice birds A raid on Mr ffJ Pattersons poultry house was made without success though the wire netting was broken and also two panes of glass fa Baseball A large number turned out Satur day last to see the local team against the teams of Alt Albert and Bradford in a doubleheader The first game was won by Mount Albert After Newmarket bad the game won in the first few innings the local teams errors In the last innings cost them the game Al bert winning out in the by a score of to In the game with Bradford it was Newmarket all the way the loca team scoring a shutout The Bradford team could not connect with Mitchells corves only securing two safeties off his delivery Not a ball batted out of the infield at the finish was to in favor of Newmarket The team figures in a doubleheader at Sutton today Fri day ought to win as they are plating fast ball Something New IS Hatchets and Hammers See them at Bums Hardware North win dow only each I Police Court On Saturday Police Magistrate Woodcock beard the ease of Mrs Ash- ton who was charged with altering the check of one of the buyers on the It was given for its of butter and paid at Its She was found guilty and taxed and costs or days She was given days to pay the fine On Monday a Court was held at Ijyeenvvjllc when two got into trouble Air was i tinl for not displaying his and Mr Welsh was lined costs for overspeeding A Holland Landing on Tuesday the line fence case of John Co was heard and reserved Putting Shot J Gibbons Coat Race Vernon Greasy Pole 2nd Swimming Race Hi Smith 2nd Little Boat Race Vera Cane aid family 2nd F Your Chance tray an Oil or Gasoline Stores- Cheap Only left Free trial Brims Hardware The ice cream social held by the League on Mr lawn a decided success were able to hand over little sum to aid in repairing the church Poole has returned to Toronto after spending a months vacation at the Mrs Seattle is visiting her sister Mrs Crawford ilacklem Mr Davidson of Toronto is the guest of his neice Mrs French this week Daiv Glenn of is a guest at our Mm Miss Plum and Miss of Toronto are rusticating at Miss Phillips Mr and Mr Alex Lemon and son bare returned to their home in after spending time with the formers parents Mr and Mrs George Lemon Mrs P Steele and Harold of were renewing old acquaint ances here week Marie Aug The docks of the Dominion Lumber Co of Blind River and the lumber piled thereon were destroyed by during the early hours this morning About three million feet in all were burned mostly pine which was own ed by several companies The total loss will likely amount to one hun dred thousand dollars but no details can be secured as to the amount of insurance held A heavy thunderstorm at on put the telephone arid electric light systems out of commis sion Watch duality Watch Prices In buying a Watch buy as good a Case as you can af ford but first get a Move ment will be Accurate- Pick the Case and let us decide on the Movement and you will own a Watch and a Time Keeper We have some Special prices on Gold Filled Watches Repair Work a Specialty fi CO end Opticians HINA AURORA Mr and Mrs Ed Yule of Alexan dria are visiting arts Yules parents here Mr and Mrs George Lemon Miss Bush spent a couple of days last week in town visiting some friends Sir and Mrs Lust of are visiting friends Mr is very much pleased with the town and is thinking of buying and making his home here The Sunday School of the Disciples Church here intend holding their an- picnic to Morton Park on Fri day Mr and Mrs J Willis returned from Jacksons Point on Tuesday where they have been spending the past two weeks Mrs H Proctor returned from Edmonton on Thursday where has been visiting this past month Mr Geo Lemon has had a cement floor laid in his stables will be quite an improvement Miss is home on two weeks leave of absence Miss Sis- man will soon have completed her three years course in Roosevelt Hos pital New York Cricket is quite the game in Auro ra this season Last Saturday Au rora wori from St of To ronto by spacious cottage of Col Lloyd Mr and ilrs BWaine of Buffalo also Mr Will speeding several weeks ihui Miss Ethel Banks wax the of Misses a few Hiss Walker anil Mi Leir Rich ardson are spending a with Miss Fiaukie at Bide Miss Ada and her sister together with a friend of London cause over from Jacksons Point on took tea at Maud Perkins of has been with Mrs Jackson for some returned to the this week Miss Bell and jtfaa Mabel who have spent the past- six wtfk with Mrs at Donnybri ok for horn- last It was the lb Inilfffi the other day- wife of the Hon r of Educa tion The Hon gentleman and fami ly are spending their holidays at Orchard Beach a usual Mrs Louder of Roachs Point met with an accident on Sun day while out a drive her nerves Nothing is anticipated Taken a- a whole sea son has been cooler and the water of Lake rougher thin season for some years This accounts to some extent for the of the fish catches this summer An at least a one was overheard on the day of the Co at Jacksons Point last week A Dress Muslins 6o Dress Muslins Dress Muslins White Shadow Muslins 30o tor lip Black Teffeta Silk Waists size 32 only Regular Art Muslin tor Voiles 40 inches wide in Blue Brown Grey reg for yd Our output in Boots has doubled in the past year Why we keep the Best Makes iies and Guarantee Every Pair So 1 Powdered Lemonade Tin Jelly Powders for Vinegar Bottle W A BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKINGPOWDER picket It is hoped that it may not end in anything beyondvery sore Miss Alice Nelson of Aurora and Miss Tinder a lady friend were vis iting with Miss Viola this week Mr Tar a is visiting his HALL dude in a duck pants tan boots loud Mm Lloyd necktie hair parted in the middle and smoking a cigarette an approaching lady If you was me and was you what would you do Greeting him with a smite that all she said the In miller has been busily engaged the past days improving his and when completed will add much to the ap pearance of the village strike is on at the Montreal replied uld take off that lidVi ls tin fling fi i eW- The company increased the lake part try hay on one rlv pray to of mm for per cent additional It was decided Judging from the description the tocioscthe mltnVM any further increase The of operators who quit work ALL GOODS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT ONLY AUGUST 1907 Employees v five hundred people took a i went up Jacksons Cane on Wednesday the weather int for such an outing lit appointed for the Vrfriii- jo us of the work had full made for trie enter A who went and during the evening the dancing tfi well patronised with Military Hand was day and the music appreciated Hu Sports had a list of oil in the afternoon and Tail short the Lake which the enjoyed A of the da the that everyone was having a Mat and groups of ftralllng ffi ftrt peals of laughter id the popularity of the The last car for home left at Considering the Wy notice the was a succeix Pillowing a list the Boys Race MeHaie ft Potter If Mrs Hunter 2nd Mrs 2nd Ladles Mrs up Kate- ft ndJ Run arid Richards Run and High Jump Hunter Traviss and of War married vs single men the married men v The and Pickling Sea son is with us Make sure of the BEST RESULTS by using only Pure and best quality of Vine gar etc WE feELL ONLY PURE SPICES Leave us your orders Mr had a big loss with fire Friday morning His house and contents were burned to the ground Dan merely escaped with his life Mr Joel Woodcock got his shingle mill burned last Saturday with a loss of about firitclav shingles Mr J and Mr are busy repairing school house which will look very nice when finished- The people in thin neighborhood arc junt Mr- P and wife at Mr Anon Webster is making it pretty hot for some of girls Wielding leli will soon be Kep close watch for them Johnnie fays the are so thick upon their farm that he almost gets lost in them Mr and his mother arc homo on a visit Mr J Phoenix is a nurse man referred to spent one day at Orchard Beach fast week- He swaggered as if lie owned the of Cobalt It is reported that Mi Watson has sold all the lots between and the upon Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week were Export cattle to Butchers cattle best to which cottages will next senvon opens Mr Jackon medium to W50 cdm- also disposed the he to purchased oh to two gentl- to To ion to Orchard Beach cows to 4 fast becoming a WM to 485 Lambs to per cwt Grasshoppers In North Township especially bordering on the tcd Lake shore have done much damage to growing crops The season has and Newmarkets Dry- Goods Tailoring House this is the SPOT for Real GENUINE BARGAINS ALL SUMMER GOODS REDUCED Pure Bleached Inch Table Linen regular for Our Fall Dress Goods have arrived Shadow Plaids Tweeds and Plain Cloths Our Black Dress Goods are still in the lead Dont forget to call and see our stock of Mens Suitings Overcoatings for the Fall trade W LUNDY The Leading tailor Shop been so dry that the pests have left the meadows to the barley and cornfields Rev A Belfry wife and thoir two children left Zephyr Villa on Monday for a lew days visit with relatives at before returning to their home in Mr and Mrs liar her ended their outing at tlie Reach on Friday last returning to Hamilton Several more collages will he erect ed here next spring Some lots have been sold lately lor nearly double the original price Newmarket Markets Aug White Wheat per tush 76- ft Red per hush Goose Wheat per per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Potatoes per bag per 6S 0 0 20 MONTREAL capital all paid up rest undivided profits j total assets if lb by The Norman Co Chickens per lb 10 0 00 ftDd Loni New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Branches at Newmarket and Queensville CO ROSS China Dept Clearing out our DINNER SETS at CLOSE PRICES Over to choose from FANG Y CHINA A of ter Seta Lemonade Sets and both China and Glass A SMITH Be Grocer PHONE tt OKCHAKD BEACH Those who the Union Church had a great treat both in sermon and music Rev McCartney from Pennsylvania who is spending a week or so at Mr preached morning and contributing a fine solo In addition to a mixed of Toronto sang solos at mtwt Mrs of Newmarket wai the of Mrs over Sunday i Mra Edgar Jackson and baby of Montreal arrived at on and will spend a month with Mrs J Jackson Mr and Mrs and Mian of Toronto were guests of Mr Mrs at over Miss and Miss Trebilcock are spending this week at Mr Roachs Point of Richmond HiUspent the weekend with Mrs McCordlck Rev J and wife together with a number of friends were calling on the campers at Orchard Beach on Monday Jean Davidson of week at Mrs Mr and Mrs Elliott of Toronto Among the holiday visitors tills week we noticed Miss Win tors tela of at the parsonage Rev Leonards Miss Leonard has secured the school on the side line and will make her home at Mr Wilsons during teaching days Miss Bennett of Acton is engaged per bush at the Jameson- school for the Peas per bush ante of the year Miss Pollock having per ton Toronto Markets Aug White Wheat per bush 0 Red Wheat per bush Wheat per bus 82 Wheat Wj FARMERS Rye per hurt Barley per bush 11 resigned Potatoes per bag SO Mr Jenkins recommenced his du- Butter roll per CO Eggs per do 22 Dressed Hogs per tits on Monday morning the interior of the house having been thoroughly renovated Painted and kalsomincd Chickens per It Inside and painted outside Turkeya- Mr Love of West spent Sabbath with friends around our berg and his daughter Miss accompanied him home on Monday Flanagan of Newmarket the past week with her cousin Mrs Fred Webster Mr Roy and Miss Edith Burling of Milton are spending a holiday sea son with their cousin Miss The family of our grocer Mr was made happy on Saturday evening by the homecoming of a son who has been absent years Mr John Wisconsin arrived In Toronto at the home of his brother Frank oh Friday evening last and was accompanied by Mr and Mrs here who remained over Sunday pvlth him and among his friends and relatives at the Sunday were Dr A of Mid- Mr Charles and Miss of Aurora Mr Foster and family are the Mr Watson week Master Is averted what might have been a serious accident The Threshing Season is at hand You need the Best Coal Jacket Once tried always used 0 We have it phone EVES North End Flour and Feed Store ICECREAM FOR and Lawn Parties m now Ottoweka the On I Special Attention to This Work SPOONS AND DISHES Free With Any Order SIMPSONS ADMINISTRATORS to Creditors Pursuant to Sec of Chap notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Walker lata of the Township of East bury laborer deceased who died ion the day of October 1006 at Winnipeg are required to file with the undersigned solicitor tor the administrator of said estate on or before Sept their Christian names and addresses with full particulars of their claims In writing verified by declaration as Immediately after said date the ad will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate those entitled having regard only to those claims of which he then shall have notice Dated August j A WILLIAMS Solicitor for Administrator The Reliable Store KESWICK P New Prints English Canadian The newest patterns and the best shade have arrived NO Millers Worm Powders for sallow skin old or young Sold by Norman Rogers Co It P New Papers Sea be fore latest designs la the Beat Wall Papers Paints- The Williams better MISS HILL is prepared to fill all orders far Millinery In the OPENING ON AND SATURDAY APRIL W COLE j