Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Apr 1907, p. 7

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i J THE FRIDAY APRIL ste AURORA I THE ENGUSH SYSTEM The residence of Mr Browning was burnt down last Saturday night Mrs Hannah Elizabeth f left her estate for lie to her eon to the Illness Dr J ot Aurora Church lecture indefinitely HALL April CANNED GOODS Oar Leading Use to Old Homestead Brand guaranteed No and the price most pie lac the Tomatoes Straight 31b tin Pumpkin STRAIGHT Choice Beans a tin OR FOR CENTS We purchased a large in order to give the quality at abort Court After spending the night at the Police Station a tramp was bronchi before Col on Wednesday morning and assessed aad costs He paid the fine and left town China Dept Dinner Sets Seta good for Toilet Sets extra good Us Is Pieces for f vary swat Pitts A SMITH The Leading Brew BROUGHTONS TONIC NERVE TEA PURIFIES THE BLOOD Sand and Gravel For Cement by mail promptly a to Cement Blocks for build lag noses tor sale Come aad see A Aurora A If W At the regular meeting on Monday evening the Recorder was instructs to convey the sympathy of the Lode to the the late the sadden death each a and worthy member greatly Undented Court W was Court Day in New market out there was very little stir His Honor Judge Morgan presided There were only a tew cases on the docket and all bet three or tour were settled out of court The law yers say that thin is a sure sign of good times Brieferg The man with the rake hasnt figured any in public speeches hut he Is preparing to cut quite a figure In the back yard East Council meets at Sharon today Dr Scott and Mr were the only members who put in an appearance at the Public School Board meeting Thursday night The property is valued at sod includes an equity in a lot Au rora Our toller floor mill is doing a good trade but some person seems of Mr H Robinsons success A report was circulated that he purchased some Per fay a Change of All the government of feud consist of only fortysix transfer of political control party to a bother directly fleets oaly the forty six sad A tew great state are purely ornaro Maurice tow In in an not are by a change of employ of to smbaa- aad are fast disturbed by the transfer of power AGENTS TOR Westons Childrens Shoes Century Moms Pine Tailor Garment THE BEE AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Co mans Meats NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE oat hulls from an oatmeal mill to to mix with good chop and thus rob his patrons The report is entirely false a anyone who knows Mr Rob- FIRST MILE POST PASSED an count upon- patronage as a poMti- know that he is not capable of doing such a mean act If the person who started the report can be found out he will hare a sice Mil law costs to settle Mr Robinson is in a position to guarantee the best of satisfaction to his customers KESWICK- Work Resumed Queen St is barricaded and traffic suspended on that thoroughfare The west side of the high bridge over the is being raised to a point al most level the crown of the bridge a cement abutment The roadway will then be filled in by the York Radial Co so as to make an easy trade for that road to cross the tracka Engineers have been at work this week staking out the roadbed and levels Crossbars for telephone and let wires Ex tension to the Lake wetdeUvered here this Week in carload loltrrr company is commencing to get move on but It will have to be a good deal swifter or rad will not be running by the May We are pleased to again see Mr Ag new in our midst after a three mos absence An open meeting of the T is being prepared for Tuesday April Listen for particulars as the meeting Is sure to be attractive The Methodist church was lighted on Sunday evening by acetylene gas The effect and comfort were exceed ingly good Mrs and Miss spent a day in Toronto Miss Alice is visiting her sister Id Mr Jenkins Belleville bud charge of the Christian Endeavor principle on which the sntary of found- ad lb rule the majority tod tbe electa to surrender its power to en man the premier The power Of the la so strictly recog nised that the rule of the house of deprive the minority of all to initiate or shape legislation i When a majority of the of I taw kingdom ha sanctioned a policy represented by political party that l given free band to put Its ley Into operation In all legislature power of the majority Is con trol which It exercise to tax peo ple and spend their mooey See then bow absolute I the power of the prima minister In command of LETTERS BY MESSENGER A Pastel Law of May No Knowledge statement made In an uyt club one evening lately that law prohibit an unstamped letter past a and raring It Inquiry was made poatofflce said evening tbe had been asked William has returned after EL from an attack of grippe I prohibited by Mr J on ha accepted a in the and is moving there and enacted to this week the of private On Sanday a little excitement was rout de- caused by burning out of aa having belonging to Mrs Pollock of transports v n and also Mr R Pollock We are ttou ar pacs orc pleased to learn that Mrs Pollock Bowman will have a sale of bouse- Last Saturday was our first Anniversary it has been a good year a successful year ft year of progress And we here heartily and sincerely thank you for very patronage you have favored with A Fair Deal to Everyone The Right Goods at the Right and Small Profits Quick Re turns hare been tbe watchword we have ever had before us and is to the strict carrying out of axioms that we attribute our to Backed by our promise to re turn your money for any goods you return As to future were aiming for larger for bigger business success for betterment in Values and Qualities for larger Assortments for improved service In every way we are aiming to serve you better to make this store more more a better place for you to shop MARTIN COMPANY NEWMAR KET Sale Register of letters by regular trip and at stated period on all post route A to open hold effects at the residence Queen Dog Tag Tbe 1st of May will soon be hire Owner of dogs should see to it that lioenaes and tags are procured before Mortons store that date A lot of useless curs are kept or harbored about town to the annoyance of many people and the only compensating advantage is the money paid into the Town Treasury It is to be hoped the In spector will see to it that where tbe recovery Is permanent w si The O T are having acetylene tetter and tjiay may be da- Newmarket sale gas lights put in hall which by rival Duncan Auct add greatly to its appearance pi who make the delivery of circulars If young man from Cedar Cor- a do right to deliver I out so 1st one Sun- stamped closed letter Tha law abut day evening lately had waited a lit- out tret milkmen and tie longer be could come by day wto travel along establUbad light thus saving the necessity of wast roads who otherwise a rivals to the State Mr Is the new clerk for the of secoauaodat- tag A reasonable portion of such spray ing must be done on the farms or orchards of each of the parties form ing the association Such associations before receiving any portion of grant shall satis fy Inspector of the Department of Agriculture that the above conditions have been complied with and shall make such reports as snail satisfy j the Minister Agriculture Associations desirous of participat ing in this grant must apply to the Fruit Spmyingi Department not later than the first day May The Minister of Agriculture for On tario has for the two years had under consideration plans tor further assisting the fruit growers the Province Spraying has now P R will rebuild elevator at Fort William recently damaged the Province Spraying has now be- fl Shelley an arau4nr in producing a superior Ml Lottie Leonard of Hamilton of fruit the most important opera- J Normal College spent her Easter tm to be of the year and while widely cation with her parents mind Walking near practised in certain section has not Miss Sylvester of Stoufivllle spent he Jos- vet been given the attention that Over tour thousand persona have law is not complied with the ere- 1 MVim he yet been given the attention that it victims by the hands Rus- is brought into requisition 1 grsndnarents against an who requires in the apple Sections Ttj and in Newmarket dog fight but SquarraUome mood advent the power sprayer Is last year fcllfc Miss ox Toronto is friends here this week they make an awful noise getting ac quainted A comptete list of those who paid tor dog tag last year will be found in the detailed statement of the Town accounts just being print ed for distribution Samp for During the past two seasons the Department of Physics at Ontario Agricultural College has been endeavoring to emphasize the Importance of and ar rangement have been made whereby their services are available to anyone wishing advice in matters relating to drainage They have full equipment for drainage survey work and when requested visit a mans place survey bis land give him a map showing el evations of all parts surveyed to get her with location of drains their grade depth etc There is no charge made for this work except the trav elling expenses one men consist ing railway fare meals and cart age instruments These are very light as arrangements have been made with the railway compan ies whereby he can travel at one cent a mile each way a man living one hundred miles away would have an outlay for railway fare and W cents for cartage and so on to the poet A crowd of recent date that the advantages The Great Northern Railway will especially in the spraying of construct a system In Canada ao- Mr and Mrs Frank To- when calmly faring them da- is not yet appreciat- cording to President Hills are guest at Mr James pronounced Fair View Farm Mrs Phillips is visiting in Toron to the guest of her daughter Mrs Mrs French spent a few days in Toronto Mrs A has returned to home here after spending the winter with her son and daughter in lo We are pleased to have her with us again Mrs and Mrs spent Tuesday with friends at We are pleased to report that Mr John health is neighbors a wood bee last Tuesday to get hi summer supply fuel ready Dr Barker and lady friend of were the guests of Miss Baker last Monday evening Miss of Albert and Mrs Baker of Baker Hill were the guest at the parsonage last Satur day Mr Walter Brent of New Ontario was a guest at Mr John Piphers this week Mr George Martin visited his sis ter Mrs Baker of Burlington last Assembly Notes 1 have put my hand Into the ment that will be equivalent to their For many years the Department of United States system He says they aStnS Advocating have ten million dollars to spend in key I have eaten out of tbe I j more and better spraying Demon- this country paid hi lahad- I estates to The was magical tot Ofthe most effective K Edward on June rcv have been given WaUrloo the with ssnad Irishman f back HI f began to him layr Wheres the you been and Ctoaa Any on who has wi or a rustic can be no for tn origin of tb M dean a whistle A piece f ash about four loch long tne thtcfcn of a finger ail over wiU the handle of a knife the bark dlaeogaged from tks wood and of being drawn otL A notch and cut or two having been mad tb stick the cuticle Is re placed and the Instrument Is complet ed When stripped of Its covering the white wood with Its sap pre sent the very seme of clean Answer Joseph Bonaparte fled to after hundred and bought a noma in Philadelphia where he lived to winter and a mansion in Jer sey wsare be passed hi summer He On morning was much liked In this country bat Committee of House applied sn could not make up hie mind to stay renfedy to the several bills returned to Europe hoping to Italy and died In Florence In OLD April Wedding Two more of our popular young people were united lu matrimony on Wednesday afternoon Mr Brimson and Miss Ella The ceremony was performed by Rev T at the home of the amending the High Schools Act by tbe of go la bride Mr Mrs AttoraeyOcneral proposed that Franca He was always disappointed in presence of the to- the bills be not report and that mediate relatives of the contracting the Committee recommend that mem- country England a It was a but pretty hers of High School Board and m7 secured permission to live wedding The bride was in County Councils convention her travelling suit and hex little and discuss the several propositions niece Miss Florence McDonald Of To- and other cognate questions This ronto wsa flower girl was finally agreed to Those present from a distance wore Mr and Mrs McDonald Miss Crumb The Minister of Education and all Mrs Ross and nephew all of the doctors in tbe House tried to to also Mr Crumb of force a clause in the School Act The bride was the recipient of compelling medical and dental handsome presents as tion and one member said that out esteem and good wishes of children inspected in New The happy couple left by the even- York per cent- had been found ing train to spend the honey- but Premier Whitney told moon across the border line the Legislature they had better go Bra Joins their many friends in add- slow in telling their neighbors just re sults It is now felt that such in formation has been sufficiently diffus ed and another step forward Is pro posed The Provincial Fruit Growers As sociation has within past three years assisted in organizing a large number of fruit growing One of the aims ot these associations has been the cooperative spraying of orchards of their members and it is proposed to assist these and kindred organizations in such spray work With this aim in view the Minister of Agriculture has the for a grant of to be devoted to the assistance fruit growers in the purchase an oper ation power spraying outfits associations already own and operating such machines and these Mill receive the same aid as those organizing during Tbe condi tions under which the grants are available have been made as simple as possible with hope that a de cided stimulus will be given to tbe proper spraying of orchards during this and coming season- Following are the regulations covering tbe pay ment ot the graata The rent consists of a small French nag Some Odd Plan is There are few plants that have not been utilised in one way or another for food paper drugs or in other way Among many not so a ell known may be mentioned the Japan ese wax tree bearing of fruit growing like grapes which contain a species of wax used In making can dles Another tree found In the Pa cific islands and known as the rand nut yields a large quantity of oil while the kernel are strung together on a stick and lighted as a candle The fruit of the caudle tree is be tween three and four feet to length and about ar inch In diameter and of a yellowish color As are seen hanging from the tree they present the appearance of a number of wax candles The plant which grow in India is a erect shrub so called because of some resemblance to in tbw motion of its trifoliate the two side ones rising and falling al ternately for a time and then rest ing Sometimes many of leaves are in motion and sometimes only a tew the greatest activity in the early morning and not att on the wind Shepherds believe the wool on a sheeps back is an unfailing baro meter The curlier the wool tbe finer will be the weather EARLY MORNING DELIVERY Order Called For And Delivered Promptly W CHOWARD Our Grocery Department oilers you the best facilities tor procuring high grade goods at the lowest prices possible Buying we do for spot cash we give our patrons tbe benefit of discounts some mer chant are strangers to Our Tea Department Is a strong feature in connection with this busy store and no value surpasses ours and very few approach Our Black Ceylon at A famous Tea Our Japan Tea at worth We Test this assertion Our Black Ceylon or Mixed Teas st A line of Teas Black Green or Mixed Bought to sell at lb but not up to our value standard to clear at lb OUR PROVISION COUNTER We hare added to this Department a line Pea Meal Bacon Canadas hare you old man Its s present my wit What You tali me ste ilflia bat if ha a to put ray cigar In it will sar bar trouble of rag than op it congratulations and wishing what they ought to do with their many years of conjugal bliss cnlldrera Tbe was held over There ome truth that are lees by Intellect than by the heart and man who I devoid of this heart perception lacking in A grant WO will be made to any choicest product It cost a tittle this quality so wastry five or more larmsra who to perlor you will easily recogaite it worth form a fruit growers association tor Hams Rolls and Breakfast Bacon sliced to please you purctsse and operation of a sow- A variety California Oranges at close prions Cboios ir spraying outfit during the season Lemon a ft Spaafath Onions for Radishes of Tbese association need not onions be incorporated to qualify for this though Incorporation of association be obtain- CROCKERY DEPARTMENT if the lull benefits of cooperation are desired one of largest stocks of Crockery la Meet fruit growing assort- York the Assortment Is and the Prices Lower the lions owning and operating two or Lowest A pleasure to show you our Stock oars before parrssas- i more power sprayers will be eligible lag to draw a grant for each Butter and Eggs or any Produce yon r Leave your Produce here in tbe week Every The number day is Market at this Store ceivang daring present year shall not exceed AN HURRY UP ORDER At least acres of fruit trees TRY US must be thoroughly sprayed during proper season with each outfit- W C HOWARD 1

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