Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Apr 1907, p. 5

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-wiit-i- V jroatt J and to A Parlor Aurora on Court solicitor tor I Bo Ontario Cemetery In which have prevailed arts payment lor the care lot Cemetery decided that no to care tor lot in the Cemetery Owner who may care lor their own All other Iota oared for shall bo done un der the supervision of the Company for which a fee cent per lot per annum will be charged In advance All application for coring for Jot to- be made to the Secretary This the sort stand that mould hare been when the company was first formed the grounds would have been more rapidly improved had this been the case J A UP Money to At A J J I Frank Bolton at The I 1 Miss TEACHER OP At the OBo NEWMARKET MARBLW0RK8 Monuments and Head Stones JAMBS CASSID Mow It Figures Out In York County wet paid Home of the County Printing Commit- Exhibition Special Commies loners Administration Justice Special Committee re Rail- war Creasing 8188Q Special Com re Police atagieUate 84800 a of 888083 or an average of for every member the council in addi tion to their mileage and feet lor amending County Council Now wait till 19f7 wee how the the Council with a tarter ol member will compare with i Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing 3 of Our OSBORNE A SONS Next to will the late ElemoeJ Draper of North baa been entered for probate MS of between hi widow Mary Ann and hi He owned a farm in North bury at Executor lor probate the will the late of Vwforf of Whitchurch The la valued at and Include farm of SO acre worth daughter Ann Jane recti hi George and Arthur and the widow Mary By the will of Jane Earl ft Sutton j estate at A bequest of in made the church Sutton the bet ance to four brother etfcht nieces and two nephew She owned a house In Sutton at and a mortgage Boyds oyh Dr PrmOD Fire dAmage to A Co tore at Winnipeg amounting to 000 CTIH WRITE OR METALUCRpOFiNG topontoc rvo A John Leigh an old and well resident York County died San- day night At the of hie eon-rA- J Chubb Mr Leigh bad lived at the for twelve fear He was bora la England and years ago on the day of hi marriage set sail Cor He settled in KingTownship and started a career as a farmer and builder near Twelve year ago he retired and made his home In the Junction Mr Leigh took An active part in the municipal politics of King Town ship and for years was the town ship assessor Mr Leigh was in his year and urvived by one son and two daughter J Leigh- building inspector of Toronto Junc tion Mr Walter Scott of King Township and Mr John Page Vaughan The wife the deceased died four years ago and another daughter Mrs S J Chubb died a few years ago He waa a Liberal In Politics Product It beats all records how the price of farm produce keep up Last Sat as high as was said for butter and for eggs Two pair of chickens sold for We regret to report that aome lightfingered gentry were ok the mar ket last Saturday and abstracted two pound rolls of butter from Mrs Fair banks basket while her beck was tamed The ruling prices were follows Batter to Eggs to do Dressed chlckcaw Dresses to It A to Apples ft to Apple to W per barret Potatoes 8VW bag Veal o We Dud to It ft Live t Live Turkeys 10 to lie Hides to per to 18 Sheepskins to Kip as to Tallow Young Pi 8 Hogs live the Thii brand on a bag or barrel is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat milled by the best millers in Ontario Ask your grocer for a Bonded Flour look tor the above brand wherever you buy Made in Ontario 4 Continued By Amount paid Treasurer Arrears of Taxes Rebates on Farm Lands Rebates by Order ol Council J As required by the Municipal Act each voucher been examined ami stamped and the Minute of Council searched for authority tor psy- of same The Treasurers is in the hands of the Mayor for issued by the London Guarantee and Accident Co The Treasurers Books Vouchers Accounts ha been examined and the annexed statements to be correct We have also examined the Accounts of the High sad Public School Boards Newmarket March J GEO Clerk Treasurer School Account i from j Model e Br Paid teachers Mate etc Aid other Balance ftfSJ ABeMartatB18 e to til KM I e 1488 Audited March J A GEO Aafltor pot the Era 350000 Seals Captured I With Vegetables has been eventful season in the history of the seal fishing industry The practical nature the educa tional work carried on by the Onta rio Agricultural and Experimental Union through its system of co-opera- experiments Is now well known and appreciated in Ontario Thous and of farmers and fruit growers are taking part in these experiments and are profiting by the experience The scope the work Is being somewhat enlarged this year by in cluding in the work testa with a few of the garden vegetable This it hoped will help to draw Attention to the vegetable garden as an ad junct to the farm home Arrangement have been made tor furnishing seed tor two or three thousand tests with beets and lettuce and it is probable that other garden crops will be added to the list next year The three varieties selected tor each experiment are among those which have given the best results in the ex tensive vegetable experiments con ducted in the College gardens at and are most likely to give satisfaction In the farm gardene throughout the country Any person in Ontario who wishes to join inthe work nay choose any one of the and send In his for the seeds and in- for conducting the same An will be sent by mail tree charge but each Applicant must agree to try to follow the directions tar nished and to report the results of his experiment at she end of the season whether or no A circular giving full for the experiment and blank forma upon which to report the restarts will be provided with each lot Of seed will be filed la the order in which they are received until the becomes all to tLh 9p an avocation like which there Is not another in the writes a cor respondent of the Post Be tween March and April a brief six weeks seals valued at fully a million dollars are captured by the twentyfour steamer and the four thousand men engaged in this pursuit Suffered for Five Years with Kidney And Liver Trouble l suffered tor five years with kid ney and liver trouble which caused severe pains serosa the back and a blinding headache I had dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a ca thartic I was cured by Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and have been well now for sir months say Mr Arthur Strick land of Chattanooga For ale by J and all druggist Col Vidal been appointed pc torGeneral of the Militia and Lessard a fGuelph has bad four serious fires within a week The East About mid night Sunday evening It the Exhibition ground dred yards of open horse sfeedr were burned The origin of the fire is but many the were oh fire Twe Right Hon British Ambassador- to Wash ington to this city and the public in connection therewith were events the past week Under the Lords Day Act it is dtfrstood that Crown Attorney Dray- ton will soon enter action against the three leading Railway Companies running into this city at the in- stance the Lords Day Alliance The applications for stable room at the Woodbine are coming in fast a full month earlier than last year or indeed any previous year Last year a dozen or more applications had to be refused and the owners are get ting in on the ground floor this j It is out that the floor area of the Eaton store is about acres taking all the stories and the number of employee The Succession Duties Act pro- 1 that no duty shall be levied on any estate the aggregate value Of which does not exceed The Ontario Educational has taken quite a fondness loz Toronto teachers It elected Dr senior principal of the Toronto Institute as Pres ident for Mr DOAn an old Sharon boy principal of school for Secretary and Mr J Hendry of fesse Ketcfaum school for Treasurer A dynamite cap explosion occurred In the Union Station last week Baggageman Hampel picked op the cap off the floor and rapped it on the edge of a trunk he was wheeling on a truck The cap exploded and blew off the top of Hamper thumb and tore part the flesh cat two fin ger It to have been dropped by some miners James MeCreckeryOor years a watchman of several large downtown building had a sudden call to the great beyond about It oclock on Thursday evening of last week He was sitting in a waitingroom at the Board of Trade hotel filling hi pipe when he fell over and expired He leaves a widow two daughters A live electric light wire which fell from a pole on Ave a few night ago- was picked up by Albert Gould a young man of and he received a shock that he was for about tea min ute Dewart K for who waa sen tenced to the Central Prison lor a year on a charge ot shooting went to Ottawa last to make application tor a pardon fir his client on the ground of el renins nee He waa by those who had told that his bank was robbed and that his and mister were nearly he ran out he saw the using knives and bis lather nd the whole street in an uproar the only thing he could do was to shoot The A the Ontario Educational was concluded last week with a that war ray well attend ad The convention wan voted one of tte t held the attendance over one thousand The receipta of the Provincial Sec retarys Department for the month of March amounted to a compared with 81782880 in the same month of For the first three months of the year the revenue were For the corresponding period last year they aggregated The large increase is attrib uted to large number of compa nies incorporated John Smith James McOulre and Anderson were remanded by Col a few days on a charge of and robbing Arthur Turnbull Everybody knows the character John Smith hot they did not expect and Anderson would be found such company Open cars were put in on the Street Railway lines during the warm days of week The draft created by the cars moving at considerable speed made it quite sug gestive of colds and pneumonia Another those make rich quick scheme ha recently been unearthed According the circular It is called the Turt System and is operated by requeating persons to deposit In the Farmers Bank and then the system be sent per post reader better wait the outcome of police inquiry before hi The Jury awarded to the father and to the mother of the fifteen Tea old lad naaed who waa killed by a King St trolley last October Chief Justice Si William is presiding at London r Sir Robert Cranston Royal Victorian Order and from to Lord of Scotland and previous to that of the city for some a visitor to this city He la old and vigouou in U he Thi is his second to On ThursdAy noon ot week he was given a civ ic reception by the Mayor and at the City Hall Sir Robert is widely known as managing direc tor of the limited company which controls the temperance tels of Scotland and England His father was the real founder of the temperance hotel as it succeeded in the old country today SUM BRUSHES AT THE Leading Hardware Store WHILE THEY LAST Dos Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at 10 Dos Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Dos Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at 85c Dot Whisks Regular goods selling at Dob rushes Regular goods selling Dob Toilet Brushes Regular good selling 85c ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US ATI SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT CAN SAVE MONEY BUYING FROM US 8800 MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PR1CEI PATH TOR SAME J A W ALLAN COMPANY EWMARKET SPRING OVERCOATS IN DARK GREY ARE MOST POPULAR THIS SEASON LENGTH pi See Our and Styles C F WILLIS NUT TO MAIN STREET I MADE IN CANADA BY A C COM PRICES and TERMS EVERYBODY BU FBI TI There should be on every horn LOOK FPU NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING MONTREAL P in OTTAWA I I Piano for Sale In A I condition Only been in use one year A Chippendale right Check tion Art Panels and Br AJello Sons Lon don For particular enquire at Era office Agents Wanted A business for men women who are willing to work to all useful household novelties- Ap ply to Box tfT A OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sal at TV fc

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