Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Apr 1907, p. 1

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THE LAW J 7 K protect yew from QUACK SPEC TACLE VENDORS Protect Yourself by RESIDENT awl OPTI CIANS WATSON Watchmaker and Graduate Optician WATSONS Jewelry Star A CLOCKS Largs NORTH to to YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER as to freely to aJl other liberty No paper neat York unless paid la advance Copies each ANY ONE CAN SO ONE CAN PUT IT ON RUB IT OFF j aa well as sanitary ara obtained from of ataad of with aatoaUy harder until at last forme part of the wall for the plain auppHea a luxurious most handsome rooms leaving your wail of wall willba glad to tail too AlabasHaa if you will Let us and cutting of wood with on a tint card AGENTS FOR THE ShermanWilliams Paint THE BEST PAINT FOR EVERYPURPOSE PAINTS OILS GLASS ROOFING PLUMBING AND TIN SMITHING G PHONE BIN NS NKWARKET SPECIAL VALUES AT THE Toronto Jobbing Honse j 9 THE BANK OF TORONTO Total Assets 3720000000 Open a Savings Account at The Bank of Toronto by depositing one dollar or more The practice of regular weekly or monthly addi tions to yosnr will sacs dace that will interest you C TAYLOR Manager Newmarket GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED HOAG PEARSON Cedar Posts Cedar Plank- Flooring and Siding Doors Sash and Inside Finish- YOU WANT TO BURN WOOD Try our dry cot in loot WE HAVE DRY BODY MAPLE ALSO OR ANTON COAL THE BEST Newmarket Ont Friday April TERMS41M paw If paid la ar Oof Toronto better Hon J St John Speaker of Legislative Assembly of Ontario died at the Toronto General Hospital on Sunday last This death makes the third among saembcrj of the House the Whitney Government came to power In A ferry for the Grand Trunk Railway to ran between Cobourg and Charlotte launched In Toronto on Saturday Mr R M P P there is trouble among the Conserva tive members the Legislature over the paid to civil servsnts in the Province A hole shout one hundred yarda square waa made in a roadway in High Park on Saturday morning by a of water from a broken wa ter pipe John Squire nineteen of age living at Humbert Ave waa struck about oclock Sunday after noon by a northbound and car near Baldwin street He will recover A mass meeting the Hebrew re sidents of Toronto held Sunday afternoon in the new St synagogue for the purpose of taking steps tor the relief of their In Roumania Ad overdose of a sedative to pro duce sleep cost Martin bis fife He waa an employee the United Factories He was years of age and leaves a wife and seven children A garrison church parade will take place in this city on Sunday May Tne government fa changing the open season for deershooting from Nov I to Nov 15 to Nov to The civil action brought by the On tario Bank against baa Farmer Kills His Owtf Horses A rather peculiar been cleared up by inspector Rogers of the Attorneyenerara Department A Hasting a young farmer living in the Township of Inula County in January last lost two valuable horses which were sup posed to have died of acute indiges tion At least this is what the vet erinary who was called in gave as the came of death Another veter- BOTES From a press despatch dated Schoot Reports No Report for March at however when told of pronounced death j due to arsenic On March Paris green was found in the mangers and on the door was a card on which was written Ml call again j Hastings claimed to have tracked the party this time to the railway track On March another visit was made 1 and thia time the poisoners apparent ly crawled through an opening in the chicken coop The poison was plentifully scattered in the apple the wheat and oat bins and in the maugers The horses however I on this occasion were not sick Detective Rogers was then sent up and upon Investigating the patticu- lara of the case became suspicious at the manner in which the poison waa distributed it was unite evi dent that whoever had done it was well acquainted with the premises Neither of dogs about the house bad given any ahum of strangers about The detective had also learn ed that the young never had any difficulties with any of neighbors with the of get ting into a mixup over stray steer which belonged to a man living some or miles distant from bis home Instead hading out owner of the animal and returning it Hastings had afterwards killed it sod sold April We lorn n J Fielding wiU lure charge of ly Boyd Atabsc the Department of end Tunny Stanley Boyd Canals untU the Premier returns from the Colonial Conference in Etc- Frank Anderson Howard Stan- land ley Mortimer vert on Jr III Annie Tunny Geo In the Telegrams and Downs the salarygrabbers get this I Class Verna instead of punch in the short ribs Walter Tunny A per annnin a pUcc in the Leta Government carries almost as much salary as the portfolio of the hired man on an Ontario farm Go up head Class Birdie Joe Coatee Stuart Peg and Fred Gib son equal I Class Ada Andrews Present every day Residents New Ontario are Birdie Stuart to form a new Province the territory and being be tween Algoma and Manitoba Some- Average attendance Phillips Teacher S No Report for Names in order of merit Bella Cooke Cecil Thtraa note Graham Kate Brodie Annie Grose body wants to be who cannot be so long ss the present party leaders in the Ontario House stand in the way of their ambition The Province of Ontario will be pleased to know that Hon Geo P Graham leader of the Opposition in Love Oldham the Ontario Legislature In an Inter- Jennie Oldham Myrtle view respecting a rumor that the Carl Moorehead Whitney Government might feel Sen HI to pay him a salary replied tie Lapp Bruce Lapp Lawrence the consideration of accept- en a salary become a personal j Jr HI Bert Wesley I could not think of it AH Smaller Sheffield Bessie right P Dont follow the Smith Russel Graham Will Boden Allan Toole Jr Albert Chester Ruth Walter Hoover Lily Millie Long- hurst set down for May and it Is some of the meat- understand that the wish It to go on then There been no settlement in the action being by Mr Arnold against exPresident and this will also be to trial in the near future A change in the Assessment Act being made this session will Increase assessments of farm lands locat ed in towns and incorporated villages A nine year old lad nam Thomas here with his moth er from Saginaw Mich on Friday last running from behind a waggon was caught by a Queen St car and fell under the fender receiving fatal injuries Law before the Privy Council comes high Mr J HcUmuth K has presented a bill to the city for for services in arguing the citys case against the Toronto Street Railway Co About a day Mr Alfred senior member of law Arm of A died suddenly on Friday last The Government Has decided on taking a vote on the propovJ that municipal elections take place the 1st or 2nd Monday in Histoid of January The wii be to municipal councils and not to the electorate generally A rose ball was given at the King Edward last Friday night by the Daughters of the Empire- The ball room was artistically decorated with red and white roses and presented a fine appearance During March the total number of strappings given to pupils of the City public schools figured up to The record shows as high threshings in one school during the month teachers fear if they spare the rod the child will be spoiled Mr Anderson P P for East is ill at the Cottage Hospital on St suffering from heart trouble Three youths stole a bag of oniona from a toight car one even ing last week and wjere with the- stolen vegetables Pressure being brought to bear up on him he finally admitted that be- cause be was unable to give own er of the sod own father any plausible excuse for the disap pearance of the beast he thereupon hit upon the of poisoning his own horses so that his father would consent to his going west in the be lief that his son was a subject of example the Ottawa Opposition leader Advices from Ottawa the close of last week stated that Sir Richard will be Acting Premier during the absence of Sir Wilfred Hon R Scott Acting Gertie Fred Minister of Militia while Hon Mr Moorehead Lome Mainprise is away with the Premier I let Hoover and Mr Acting Minister Jr Harold of Marino and Fisheries Hon Mr j Jennie Lila Toole Fielding will be leader in the Com- Harry Wright moos to the close of the session It present every day Jennie Oldham is understood prorogation will take Bells Cooke Annie Graham Cecil place about the this month George Love Old- ham Bruce Lapp Myrtle Lapp Speaker Sutherland ruled Graham Will Boden Lome Main- hate and revenge in the community Why do not the farmers of Ontario grow more wheat Why do not the people of Ontario buy blended flours containing their own homegrown wheat Manitoba wheat flour makes a bag strong loaf but the bread is coarse and is neither as inviting in ance nor pleasing in taste as that made of a blended flour When it comes right down to quality blended flour makes the best bread and past- in the world Yet many of our own people are using Manitoba flour not aware of tbe facts helping Manitoba tanner to get richer And driving the Ontario fanner to raising less profitable crops Toronto seems to be about the on- j place in this province that really knows the worth of blended flour And it is largely due to the efforts of one man George Weston the baker that this is the case When wheat flour first it be came very popular because it made a big loaf But the bread was coarse At that time Weston was running on ly two ovens He thought there were enough people In Toronto who would the difference be tween quantity and quality and he determined to bake a real oldtime homemade loaf using a blended flour When be finished his first baking he found that the loaf was the tion weight but smaller than a loaf made of Manitoba flour Weston carried his bread to various grocers Mr Boor motion backed by Mr Bordm to have Messrs Fowler and forced to prefer defi nite of misconduct against certain members out order the Op position press sre taking a fling at Sir Wilfred Laurier tor In all such ln- prite Average attendance Spauldlng Teacher HOLT SCHOOL Sen HI Gertie Thompson Thompson Brie Thompson stances as have been insinuated there w is a proper course open to them but they have not taken advantage of their privileges On the contrary have interjected their motions to rules We quite agree with the Hamilton Times when it We dont believe that there are many citizens who will blame Sir Wilfred lor the course he took A deputation of rural school trus tees wartcd upon the Minister of Ed ucation not long ago and entered a strong protest against policy which is being gradually introduced in this Province providing for training in the public schools The Weekly speaking of tins ten dency says Farmers are almost solidly against the whole militarist policy which Is being strongly advo cated Ottawa The local member for North may take a hint from this as to how farmers re gard his bill allowing County to vote county taxes to supply recreating literature to officers In camp the rank end file would not get even a glimpse of the pictures on the cover Better have the money for road Improvements or other practical purpose without a oar jxitty and EOlnS to twp on for of wort of work fmorU d ftoidoy OUT asked them to offer it to their cus- Municipal Committee of the tomers and it it was not sold that Legislature has refused to reopen he would take it back The next the question of restricting light and day every loaf was gone and the power companies in the construction grocers had orders for twice as of power houses In resiUentls dls- much In a week he had to start of city and now the City new ovens and it waa not long declares the Legislature un- he was selling loaves a der Whitney is Just as cranky toward j week This Is whst blended flour Toronto as it wss in the days of did for one baker Of course others Ross and Hardy Rev G Connolly A and iiin wife left tbe city last to go ss missionaries of the Methodist Church to Japan An Informal ga thering took place at Victoria Hall on the eve of their departure to bid them farewell seeing the success of George Weston naturally adopted blended flour To day per cent of the bread baked in Toronto is made of blended flour There is no doubt but what blended flours milled of Ontario wheat with aome not only make the best bread and pastry but yield Jennie aged who has i more bread etc to barrel living with a Celestial the Flowery Kingdom tried to commit suicide in the Salvation Army Home on Esther St on Thursday last by turning on the gas She By blended flours it would create a demand tor Ontario wheat induce farmers to grow more wheat and keep all the money spent for wheat and flour right here in was discovered insensible and her re- thus adding to the value of Is still doubtful I tario farms Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable A happy home Is the most valuable possession that is witbin the reach of mankind but you cannot enjoy its comforts you are suffering from rheumatism You throw aside busi ness cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic palna also by Chamberlains Pain Balm One ap plication will give you relief and Its continued use tor a short time will bring sbout a permanent cure For sale by J and all druggists Midland Out April entire Georgian Bay lag Works destroyed by fire on Saturday afternoon The manufactured a line of hoisting ma chinery The is thought to have started in the moulding shop Ladies and gentlemen who take Mil lers Compound Iron Pills grow younger in appearance and in Sold by Norman Rogers Co Wallace Jon III Gertie Traviss Guy Rut- ledge Flossie Maries Wat Is Arthur Lepard Walter Couch Watts Jennie Cronin Millie Thompson Sen Daisy Watts Gertie Hop kins Traviss John Thompson Jun Jetty Rutledge Blanche Rye Cora Thomp son Sen Stanley Maries Pearl Rye Arthur Couch Henry Thompson Clarence Tunney Howard Smart Ernie Maries Maries Walker Hubert Tunney Sen I Evan Traviss Allen Cup- pies Ralph Cupples Jun I Ben Myrtle Foun tain Hugh Dorothy Fountain Dora Lepard Gordon Hopkins Rich ard Thompson Willie Carter Present day Guy Flossie Maries Millie Thompson Gertie Traviss Stanley Maries Er nie Maries Walker Ralph Cupples Allen Myrtle Foun tain Average attendance DeTereaux Teacher SUTTON REPORT To senior class Harry Etta Maud Green wood Jean Lou a loari Florence Maurice Nel son Stanley Brooks Merlin George Wilfred Taylor To junior class Miriam Mc Laughlin Velma Flossie McLaughlin Edith Lillian Mulr Bessie Cbstpontler Joyce Maxjorte Barnbsvm Mart- oca Patrick Harry Kaiser Morrison teacher For the A Resuscitated Cult BY A BANKER The writer of this series of articles made it an unvarying rule to avoid therein all reference to matters with the exception the few concluding words to limit to natural phenom ena or to topical and other matters of interest In view however of the wide publicity accorded by tbe press to the startling opinions expressed by a well known Free Church Minis ter which have been designated the New Theology he ventures to aak the indulgence of the editor and of his readers if for once he makes sat exception to that rale this article to a very of this resuscitated In the first place the title of this unorthodox cult is a misnomer for it is neither new lor down tha centuries from the time of St Paul- Thess to the present dsy there have been those in the Profess ing obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ set forth in the Holy Scriptures vis His Godhead His supernatural birth the atonement made by Him on the cross for tin His resurrection snd ascension nor can a creed which put a aside a personal God and which merges Him With mankind and with the universes and all they contain he termed theology For in the view of these theorists the Majesty Heaven Almighty Creator the Lord Jehovah who is from everlast ing to everlasting is but an imman ent principle and intangible essence pervading all things and thus there Is no real distinction between human ity and dci Of course a religion which thus de throne the Almighty refuses to ac cept the Holy Bible as other than ordinary manmade book the Old Testament being considered a ro mance of the earlier ages of world the Gospels a fanciful record of events which did not take place snd the Epistles but the opinions ordinary men which may be accepted or not at will But how melancholy and how un satisfying a creed What a cold and cheerless faith must this be How to the belief the earnest Christian who knows that his Hea venly Father is ever watching over him and that His angels are charged to keep him from harm And when the time comes when be must cross the cold stream of death Instead of the dismal and apprehensive uncer tainty and perhaps remorseful dismay which those must experience who are about to plunge into that sullen leaden stream in a state of utter and hopeless darkness and trep idation they who have received and believed the Bible as the Inspired Word of God who have accepted the Son of God as their Saviour and their Redeemer are as certain as it is possible to be certain of anything that in virtue of the expiation made on the cross by Him their sins are forgiven and that therefore there is no record on high against them To these this dreaded stream has no ter ror tor they know that angels will convoy them to the presence of their loved Redeemer and that He will welcome them into joys such as the heart of finite man is sltogetber un able to conceive New life for a quarter Compound Iron Pills Sold by The Norman L Rogers Co Many put the into collec tion and then complain that the church is cold Millers Worm powders are a won derful medicine for allmente of child ren Sold by The Rog ers Co Babys Friend Before I got Babys Own Tablets my baby was troubled with colic and vomiting cried night and day and I was almost worn out Rut af ter giving htm the tablets for a few days the trouble disappeared and you would not know it was same child he is so healthy and goodna tured now This is the grateful testimonial of Mrs George Howell Sandy Beach Que and it tells oth er mothers who are worn out caring for cross sickly children how they can bring health to the little one and ease to themselves Babys Own Tablets promptly cure the minor ail ments of little ones and there are no cross sickly children in the homes where the Tsblets are used Sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at cents a box from The Dr Williams Co Brock ville Five thousand people in Italy are homeless as the result of the moving of a mountain in the Province of Many young ladies who were sup posed to be going into decline have been restored health and vigor by the use Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by The Norman

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