Capita head Albert war IHSURANCK COMPANY CANADA or sector worth J in Samuel too AIM P THE MARKET There not quite the Mate booh at tin- market Tuesday and prices ere not much higher those pa lit other Butter IS to chickens to duck turkey to ir In ten Paint and Varnish cover a of slits in Furniture thats well known Its pretty bard tor the average person the looks tow good of Furniture I Good fudges tell bat every Isnt a good though very person nearly does at some time or other have Furniture to buy IS ONE WAY TO BE mm satisfied to com here to rata a tic for wry la felt rood at it look I ALLAN THEAKER MOUNT ALBERT FREE A ire Concert toe auspices of Bonnie Court No dependent Order will given la Albert on Monday evening next The fol lowing talent Toronto par ticipate Miss Nellie Aw ton So prano Mr Geo Scottish Comedian and Mr Char lee Mr Geo A Mitchell fee Grand Superintendent of Order will ikve on All are invited rz j The Ancient Concert given under toe auaptcea Market Commit- tee an Friday evening last was an W on qua lined in every particu lar The Town Ball was filled to its utmost capacity sand were unable obtain admission The feature Of the program was the sing- ing of a number melodies by a chorus of voices Very c- aolosr were by Love Miss Gertie Walton Messrs John Harrison Downs well and otters The proceeds amounted to Thompson St has removed into our settlement We welcome our old mend to these Only for Detlotous The Peoples Store REACTIONS Is Mens and Boys Heswy Berlin Rubbers Boys and Mens Shoe at that will sur prise It will pay YOU to come LEHMAN SOVEREIGN BANK MOUNT ALBERT Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL A WOOD Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert Wanted Polea for Mouot KtadJv com- euro and to DAVIB60N Albert Hoi born AKER WEST ONTARIO Bail Co fc Ageat For CREAM SEPARATORS FARMERS SCALES old Russell Q rose the Handcuff Monarch We present to- our readers an Russell Grose who known America as the HandcuR Monarch He is the son of Stephen J Grose an old residents Mount Albert end la well known to many as a carnage trimmer Russell Grose is a printer and learned bis trade at the Journal Three years ago he went to Vancouver where he first appeared in public shortly after as an expert at manipulation He has appeared in all iTt M WS cities in America during the past two years and no handcuff be open in a few seconds How he C son of Mr J H French SS SihSS year at the Lytic The home of Mr aad Mrs Frank C of Scott was the- scene There were present about forty guests who the happy pair their hearty congratulation and par took of the sumptuous repast pro vided The bride was attired in pearl grey silk trimmed with Rev Thos Edwards j Theater in Cleveland Ohio this week year Funeral service on Saturday conducted by ReVC T in the McABonite church Interment in Bethel Cemetery The to tto -Mcopanicd- by me trf d where they took the train for Toronto The School Reports HOLT SCHOOL Sen ill Violet Tbompson Eric Thompson Gertie Thompson HI Guy Gertie Flossie Maries Byron Geo Crittenden is into the hotel de Held win and hag assumed the role postmaster Crittenden and family are tied down new home burg miss them even to the old dog Thomas has moved to his new borne the Rev farm in Settlement We recommend him in all respects as a good neighbor His Missis Queen Vina as she is pleased to style herself perhaps as a rival of Queen Anne Theyre j both very loquacious mply qualified to recommend The trammen on this line ore trine to jRoyai tar tt they oS reaU ao en- burst its contents fit and wWt- Our mail carrier ihem up but Baldwin Eras m ing Our local to his own entire glory if thai f his of riting out to the ladys tit tiH who were a huge flirtation Like be depends more upon the of sight than that of in his quarry Unlike of old Sleuths he quite regarding bis clues hi may obtained He is now Kiting from bis labors We him to High Constable Johnnie I frequently observe that of our young muds very lvdtd symptoms of trouble I a at them the of my lye any chaps are about Oh my I they look This is not a malady and is more effect ually treated by Doctor of Divinity than by a Doctor of Medicine Mr Fleming Union St called upon aunt Mrs Ben last week in Only AWARD and Oe per lb At AM J WARE The Daintiest of Cooking L t CALL AND AT M R SUMMERFELDTS MOUNT ALBERT DEPENDABLE GOODS RIGHT moved nearer Albert trip and the farm of Sam Jones on the Pennsylvania several months ago lent many town We wish sne- ror crept our tele- Pr perhaps Ihrgh the bridesmaid and Mr i kins John Thompson Willie Traviss crossing of air currents supported the groom The Ladies Foreign Missionary Society meet at the home ot Mrs Cole on Thursday of this week A full attendance is desired Miss Hagerman la attending We are very sorry to report this I Opening in Toronto week- the ill health of Dr Pearson Bar Oscar returned to The Dr baa been unable to attend to his professional for a fear days past and on Wednesday of thip week he went to Toronto be under skill ed medical treatment The A Lodge enjoyed very pleasant evening on Monday last when D Fisher of Concord was present in his official capacity After the meeting a lunch was served in the Masonic banquet hall and g realty enjoyed by all pre sent A Jolly sleighload of young people attended a social at Mr George Moulds near on Thurs day evening of last week Mr Hill St left for Indian Head on Tuesday last a carload of for Mr David Mrs is in for a Jew days this week J was in Toronto on Tuesday last Mr Arthur Bruce left for his home at Francis Sask after spending a couple of months with friends in this locality We are sorry to lose Mr George Thompson and family from our vill age They are moving back to the farm but we will lire in the hope of seeing them move back to our burg before many summers nave passed Mr John Henry and family intend moving into their farm near Weston next week Mr Ed Morris has pur chased Mr Henrys property at the South end and will move in the near future QTJEENSVfLLE SCHOOL Report of junior Room on Monday to work at type setting Mrs Profit had the misfortune to fall on the sidewalk snaking her up considerably but we hope nothing serious may result SUTTON hi fc antra DOW il J he did not hack Cora but Quaker W Byron Carter City thereby no doubt Sen Maries ww on brotherly lore Some Arthur future congratulation be Cowch Henry Thompson Clarence in order late- W True the hore Hubert Myrtle the our active GEO H WIGHT SON QUALITY HOUSE as ATTENTION I We have still a number of lines of Winter Goods that must be put in order to make room for our Spring Stock We have these goods at mosey saving Prices for our customers are- Mens Fleece Lined Shirt reduced to Mens Fleece Lined Drawers reduced to Men Mocha Wove regular reduced to Mens Mocha Glove regular reduced to Mens Mocha Gloves regular reduce to Mens Two Buckle Snag Hoof Robbers reduced to J One Buckle Snag Proof Rubbers reg reduced to Mens Arctic Over Shoe regular 1160 reduced to Men Cardigan Jackets reg reduced to HEW PRINTS We have just opened up a assortment of English Print THE TO BUY IS WHEN Yon Have Lota To Choose From You Have Time To Make Up Yon Can Boy At Right Price That TIME is Now And Thie is the Store to Buy From GROCERY Hsu for 5c Mat Fig for Iks Rice for SPECIALS Cans of Pea for 25c COMB ON IN ft Pail of Pore Lard Victoria Cross Brand Salmon Cans of Cora for Beat American Coal Oil in gaL lees for tic per gal Glad to greet you at any tinsel WIGHT SON The Leading Merchants A tremendous crowd took In the W Sutton Market on Monday and price ley Daisy Watts Blanche for butter a Rye Ernie Merles Maries dor for eggs and to ft for Cupples content with ibe presert Average Attendance Teacher chickens being the top figures while particularly fine lot of turkeys brought ft In view of the fact that spring Is so near at hand when Ji Boyd SS with ranks with of them Rt has the of the farmers condition of affairs to eat and drink- and sing my song of delight when the robin nest again Mr Andy Miller has No East has been unable to Germanya army bills have creased per cent in the past bog Lost- in- Bull for Sale Pure bred Shorthorn year Lot Con East FOR SALE generally was by the very large crowd predeat all of whom went home pleased with the splendid success that Sutton Market is bow achieving any nourishment for some Mr Lex Cameron has return to Saskatchewan all alone We fuljy take back a as there an unlimited demand for Actually Gores Catarrh J Y Paith in Hyomei is so Strong He Sells it Under MacKinnon Frank Andrews Stanley Mortimer or a carload of them Pegg Howard Rachel Swain seems tobe an unlimited Jr III Annie Tunny George them Kinno equal Sproxton It uv I A da Andrews Present every Lin- stead Addle A Teacher It I one thing to claim another thing to back up the claim by a statement that if it is not proven Stephen Mildred true there will be no charge for the Watson Irss Me- service or the goods Ross is in this way that J Y Eva Scwell FlosMe Lewis sells for he has Stanley Violet to much fslth in its powers to cure Msry Maries forms of and bronchial Katie trouble that he gives absolute II Alms unqualifted guarantee with every Maries Feed fit that if the remedy does not cure Hill Jimmy SeweU the money will be refunded Jr Russell Lancelot Wright Ralph Boa Hillary Ste phens Willie Sawdon Walter Dili Sr Raymond Watson afel- persons nave been buried by an enormous landslide In Algeria France is not opposed to the dis cussion of limitation or armament at the Hague Conference HEW Sale One twoyearold Filly H D also Springers Mount Albert Lost or Stolen Wright Annie SeweU ZEPHYR is on natures way of curing catarrh It contains the concentrated healing oils and gums of the pine woods prepared in such a A Spaniel disappeared form that they can brought into Monday March Reward for your own home It the health recovery on return to the advantages of thr in MISSES LEEK such form that you can be cured of Mount Albert catarrh sad affections of the nose trade We predict a tore as they are real mm Better ask our young concerning that fact Yaw will bo their unanimous verdict I am told that Mr Wolfe shoe and another partner have bought out L Sullivan better known a the Jew The taller goes into real estate business In To ronto He was a popular business man We hope our friend Paul will give up his of the Jews well dub him as great an auto crat a the Czar A man who drinks to drown sor row usually ftnds himself drowned by the sorrow- Reports say Sutton had a bloomin big market on Monday Well done Mr Michael Cain will please accept our congratulations Hope he may celebrate his Golden Anniver sary Ive known Michael many 1 long long years He is a warm- hearted Irishman and as true a Grit as ExMayor Cane himself i I A hound hitch pup or old disappeared from Mr Caarlea Crones premise on Sunday Information of Its whereabout la yean a cert tor now swt need it For for a ban Sawed STOKES to Meant Albert JOHNSTONS FEBRUARY SALE Mr HuU Newmarket oar town a flying visit Friday Mr Herman had the mis fortune to lose a valuable last week by getting it foot fast in the halter Died on Wednesday Feb Mr John Smith beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Clark in her Wthi costing a penny unless it cures work sat A Hyomei Store and dwellingkowe combined be for With Hyomei- can cure lor Barter Shop etc For Ml pjeaaantly and eaaily at apply to with no ot the treatment JONES Albert I Supreme Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Fore tera died at Savannah Georgia rv j The great February Sale at Johnstons winter good than we hold for another season White Unshrinkable Wool Blanket good Urge vise oft lofty finish Reg for Heavy Double Width White Wool Twilled Sheeting two yd wide Reg We yd for 75c Birds Cloth the very best Reg a yard for Me Remnants French Flannels from to yds Regular yd Clearing lea than cost yd About Remnant Dress Goods half price Piece Dress Goods new for this ypw choice tuff Reg yd leas thea sac yd from per yd up Good Print Fast Colors Reg yd for Shaker Flannel nice wide goods and extra heavy natality Reg Be yd for Shaker Reg yd tor be The balance of our Furs lea than coat We stock March 1st so com before the if you want Bargains as we want to make a cl a of everything In Winter Goods by that time GROCERIES Our Grocery rtock replet with oar are as you ail the Very est Johnstons Cash Store Sutton 4 A V