Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Feb 1907, p. 5

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ft rtiVi Tboev Hock la A Set as lag tool pUoe ilSboppin TOIOKTO Mr Joseph Gould been in the United or over eight years oil work for the ears with bis flrt accident man be will also beat work ins with a heavy block go rami between another and jammed it tario i some bone were not broke IF AUCTIONEER- Bolton una ground that the road was oot of I pair The Council succeeded In the action out of court my- www Court- The trespass case of Hopper pending Cor two or three weeks before J McKay and Jackson J was decided on j Saturday Papers bad been to County Crown Attorney for and on his recommends on the case was dismissed with costs The decision rested upon the set that in law the premises complainant are not wholly enclosed J Settled for Last December Mr Bell King Tp was accidentally injured seriously while drawing water from the pond at that ha died a Inter The wijlbw took Action against the township of King on the Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES the laaucd at private residence If Mired- NEWMARKET IS Monuments and Head Stones- JAMES Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing 3 of Our Specialties TBB Oppoatts Boyds Livery running a to all trains Orders Mspbone for all parts of the Towi prompt attention A BOYD Old Stand DP Dl Vain St ITELEQRAPHY Taw to ftsfcooi I aTOBassto lor J J at Grand Trunk Railway North IN sad A- Lis sad a I the widow and The Sapper On Thursday o last week Mr Schmidt Manager of the Specialty Co who Is also Hon President of the Town Band entertained the hand boys and re- the vocal soloist The Oyster Supper at Simpsons Restau rant The supper was serred In el egant style over SO were present and roost delightful time was en joyed Speeches songs and music away the time so rapidly that it was after midnight before the gathering separated Mr Scott made the speech of the even ing it being filled with puns on the band boys and Mr Thompson was preeminently the vocal soloist The evening was productive of a splendid social and harmonious feeling among the boys and they are determined to stick together which will result we are confident in lug a Band that the citizens will be proud of but one that cant be beat by any Town Band la Canada Produce Fair market last Saturday Prices as follows Butter to per Eggs to per dozes Dressed to lb Dressed to pair Dressed It to lb to lie pec Dressed Turkera It to Its lb Beef to per lb Dressed Pork to to eta Dressed Veal lb pet lb Apples to SO per basket Apples per barrel to Potatoes to per bag Onions 25 to Live chickens to 10c Hens 6 to per lb Live Ducks to lb Live and 10c lb live Turkeys fl bo 10a Ptceons pr Hides per lb Calf skins to cents per lb to SI Tallow Pork live west eta Stove wood Per load load Injured On Friday Jan Spencer sow of sir Everest of thi town arrived stoma been injured In a coll Moo On at at Falls the CPA mile west of Xiohdoo No to collided with a freight train The freight bad Into the to let the pease past Tile switch closed and the signal were clear but the end of the not pwt train far into th The or the pasaeosrer the van of train which tore cab off of train Mr Alee and end of the Mr Everest fireman In the a the toft tow WBA and wa stfttwo of for a a base ted Jds The are not fas tee judge to do any lMvestratlasj but are ssktng him to these matters to the constable Bit demand lot fees is incomprehensible to the ordinary lay salad Councillors Evans and acting for the legislative gave notice to introduce a bylaw re questing the legislature to to local municipalities the power to pass legislation prohibiting the carrying of firearms A clsuse appended permitting the issue ol licenses Col addressed the council with respect to the formation of a firth squadron for the Guards T J Woodcock were appointed auditors for civil and criminal accounts afternoon session was held the members of the legislature Friday Councillor on Friday Intro- a motion to petition the lesi- Iftture to amend the Act to to vote at municipal election law hitherto been that tenant ihousth rentloa land and paying therefor were unable to their votes took place over a notice motion by Councillors Foot and SbSSiinsT that the reinstate fcection chapter individual landowner from the duty of cutting weed on the rcadway alone their farm Barker and other the change while Councillor Patterson Norton and Henry thought thai the law as at present effective Councillor motion con- the of George Murray who wan objected to expense to recovery of a referred to the finance commit tee of the wood roads bylaw wen It for the ex penditure of some Im proving road us York County Messrs Henry Warner and VTateon are a committee re the of Queenstreet westerly and P coupon were appointed preventative to the Industrial Exhibition Association Councillor Evans will Introduce a notfcoe of motion council power to effect local on the are voted to railway P a at The seven ages man Baby Willie will William old Bill If you nave a rough disposition man- a tongue will be sharpened up on If duties and desires were syn onymous wed all look like a lot of little Your Doctor Can or no about but why go to all the trouble ami inconvenivnce of looking him up and then of having filled when you can step into drug store and obtain a bottle of SHILOHS CURE for a quarter Why pay two to five dollars when a twentyfive cent bottle of will cure you not do as hundreds of thousands of Ca have for the past thirty- four years let SHILOH be your doc tor whenever a Cough or Cold cure you and all back up this with a The time you have a Cough or cure it with SHILOH putting give evry pear Look for the trademark The Daisy RubbePeopfe At Bcrfio Ontario I pais lata the moun tains of while and the Back Hot a man on titter side or wormdsd for five yiarfc lbs each on the they mat- each other the village and they sat al most aide by Sldtla the log church on Sunday Tley with knives in their at hand At any there be bloodshed The wss not a atrsager to fends but she was not a hater She bad the of one amid peaceful surroundings bad a shout that awed the grim menu rnlneera who sent for her to teach the at Cove The Doanes and the were on that They bad met the school- bouse on each side each man with his Winchester across his srm and talked It over When they rode In different direc tions they had looked st each other but not a snout had been uttered or shot fired Schooling wss a part of patriotism In week the schoolmistress heard the story of the fend hut she bad r to become a partisan When a month one pest and she was In the hope thst she might be the bumble Instrument of ranking the truce a permanent peace abe precipitated the very calamity praying might be avoided children of the and were In the same classes but they no more than oil snd water Down to the fiveyearold child they had beard the story of the feud snd waa a self constituted champion One of she boys finally re sented a word from one of the drew a made an at tack The teachers screams celled In who happened to be passing and be disarmed the boy had been sway In North Carolina this his first meet ing with the achooUnistresa He the Kentucky mountaineer strength and fear lessness bat he had In which there were good nature and sen- Be had grown from youth to during the truce bad neither sought to make peace nor provoke hostilities Having disarmed it boy he stood staring the girl blushing unable to sly a word Next day there were muttering from the and chuckles from the There were those who nought to upon the Incident Three days as young Doane r to town be passed two of the snd they crowded him off highway There would nave but for the gentleness of the teacher Her tsars and smiles turned the knives and for the time Then a foe crept In against which ahe could not guard James was just past his twentyfirst birthday It was tbe same with David Both young men came to call upon her with that free dom from restraint found among the primitive Each fell In love with her ere waa aware of having created any feeling at oil When she found that the demon jealousy been aroused In young breast wanted to return to her home let the feeling die out but the people would net hear of It They were tak ing sides again to renew the yet they insisted on regarding her as a neutral figure and also remain ing Down in her heart Tilda was just a bit glad of this While she would not admit It to herself she was learning to love the young man with the mild blue eyes and gentle face The dozen families Chestnut Cove had taken The partisan ship soon extended to others miles away In a family feud you ere for or against For a man there can be no neutrality Next came arming and and threats All knew that these were the preface to deeds of violence It needed an overt act and the killings would begin As the excitement Intensified young ceased hie visits to the school mistress She bad not seen for week when one afternoon as she walked alone up the mountain side to gather the ripening chestnuts she him hiding behind a bowlder Even as she stood there looking and wondering he aimed fired his rifle and quickly disappeared among the Twen ty minutes later she knew that a horse ridden by one of the partisans had been killed in Its tracks The girt could nave told but she dldnt Even when the Hacketts charged her lover with the crime and had him arrested In Jail tor examination she spoke no word ex cept to him From that hour was thinking and planning Her face was still gentle but noticed that it had taken on a new look of do- almost of heroism Of a certain Wednesday tow the of the sod every on of was there- Each ev ery one of It waa there Keen for five miles around was there When the Justice saw the of the crowd fiat had gathered he adjourned the esse from his office to tee big room I what the Robbers be flimsy neednt be clumsy to be staunch reednt cost mora to be better than you ve been 4 a Doane taw nasi l asked to S4salttt bat fcapt but one There wasao sebss The seboo bad been need as a witness but no one Mr wast her would be She bad down in the of a stable ajbe bad talked with the of- long snd eerneetrj on the way Before going to court he had sn errand for her This purchase he had carried into court with the girt at his heels and had pieced It on a table When the took her place every one felt that something remarkably un canny was surod The had demanded warrant and had a wit ness He perjured himself when be said that he ssw James do the snooting run away justice wss sympathiser be Then the girl wss called to the stand to tell her story She told It in such a wsy that even tbe believed but the Justice shook his head There waa an uneasy stir st this and men muttered to each other It wss then that Tilda rose up returned to her place be side the to the brown paper off the purchase made by the stabla Men looked stm again and drew in their breath It was a keg of powder with out The then took from her pocket a candle and lighted It pUced it on desk two feet away Not a man la thst room moved so much ss s foot No one rose no one spoke no one look ed elsewhere but straight at girl Men I want to talk to you for a few minutes she began in gentle tones though every word audible back to the door Then gave a history of DoaneHsckett feud as she had gath ered the pertlculsrs She named the killed and wounded and the living She pictured the misery and heart aches She spoke In withering scorn of ambushes of cowardice of the burning of buildings and the maiming of animals There had been warrants and summonses many times before Partiality had been shown by Justice there had been perjury without stint She scored the ss well as the She scored the gray haired women on either side and no one Interrupted her The sheriff was there but he did not advance upon her Justice sheriff and the were looking at that lighted candle and keg GRANITEWARE V J A W ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET JACKS FOR HIRE PHONE man Is Innocent said the girl pointing to her lover At tbe hour named he wss miles was there ssw Is be to have Jus- No one answered- The name of the was blowing In the draft the window toward the keg Saw reached out and picked it up held It quite over the keg said Only sixteen people have been kiU- In this feud lasting fifty years That Is too slow work Hare are 200 of us We are or we are Why not all die together and end the trouble and bring peace to a neighborhood that been La turmoil for naif a century Men cringed chilled and chat tered the candle swept back and forth over the heedless keg So It last ed for two minutes then girl blew out the light and stood with fold ed arms The prisoner Is said the Justice at last The tiptoed out then the Doanes and Joan of the mountains was Isftall alone In big room She down snd laid her head on the table and wept And by and by an arm stole softly around her and her tears ceased It is now the general conclusion of scientists that light is simply the re sult of vibrations or wsvee which oc cur In a hypothetical substance known as the ether substance supposed to permeate all space and all objects snd to he coextensive with the universe According to this theory when the ether Is caused to vibrate s certain rate It gives rise to the sensation of light in proportion to the rate of vibra tion or in other words the length In this way the various colors are produced red having the longest wsve length violet the shortest wave length of any of the colors that Is there are more waves or vibrations a given time In the case of violet than In tbe case of red light Briefly In relation to this peculiar phenomenon the theory is thst colored bodies owe their color to the fact that they exert a selective on the waves or rays of light which fall upon them allowing some to pass on and so gire the effect of color while others are absorbed or destroyed a an An looking for wot took his stand In s at ibe gate of a By and came up to the Are there say drillers M said Pat stepping forward He got the Job at once but be had been working long at when It broke down The foreman is anything hot pleasant mood then Where man did you In the was Pat s repry 1 BANK MONTREAL CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST 11000000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS aw DEPARTMENTS Payable Times a Year on Dairy Balances GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTS Newmarket and C ROSS Ordered Clothing The holidays are over we have a few Fall Saltings left to dispose of at REDUCED PRICES Come see them make a selection F W TOOB TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum For Coughs and Colds ii SECRET DISEASE For twsntrflvs years have devoted our Uvea to the treatment of diseases to men- Our records show that during that time we have actually cured thousands We believe this should be sufficient proof to moat any man as physicians we must be successful Not a dollar need be paid for or treatment If you fait set cure on bank Oct honest treatment When you writs come to us you will be dealt with strictly professional manner WOT A DOLLAR BE PAID If you are suffer- from lost vitality or weakness from any cause come to us sad we will cure you Men who are nervous mental physical and bank rupt the result of errors or producing- weakness despondency failing memory etc should come to us at once and we will drain upon your system and restore strength vitality and Our experience and every electrical known to the medical world enables us to effect step thai power after InvesBsatswu carina method Our for Blood and Bala cut- submit to the will curs all railing- out of the bone eruptions and other symptoms of at these complaint Come be cured by our treatment Patients that we treated twenty ao have never a relapse if have or or PROSTATIC or any dis ease come to for scientific and reliable are complete with the latest and best electrical and medi cal appliances and alt are known to the world for the tr of these diseases If unable to call rev sum ion see Dw KENNEDY Shelby Street Detroit Mich

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