Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Feb 1907, p. 3

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Weeks toeal Friends Chafch Service neat Sabbath At the usual hours aa and pm The of the meet at the home of Mrs J Cody Wed Feb at pm The first lesson the Island world the Pacific he given by Miss Ate CM From to on Heating bought a e Institute Public meetings be held the auspices of North York Farmers Institute in the follow lag places Simpsons Hall Feb 1st Temperance Hall Feb and Sou lea Hall Feb Sutton West Hall Feb Addressee on the leading farm top ics of the day will be given by Mr no Campbell Mr C Caston and Meetings at and PM- The Public are cordially Invited to attend Curling Our curlers went to on Tuesday and lost is the first round for the District Cup Competition Following wss the score Newmarket A Brown V Cane Duncan J McCaffrey Ed Todd Luke Doyle A Hoys Dr Clark sk13 J H Bennett Robitoy J Vair Watson J R rough ton J Patterson T Doyle Total Total 22 Majority for Barrie 32 shots The winners for the day were Churchill and Thing for the Town There are now over 250 hands em ployed at the Ofllce Specialty Works the pay roll every two weeks amounts to considerably over 4 Post arrangement could made by which people lock- how the Post Office could have access thereto up to nine oclock In it ore Is done la some Possibly too more people t would take lockboxes were the Works The Mayor and Council will fail in the expectation of citizens of Newmarket if they ne glect to take action to wipe out the perpetual franchise clause in the Met ropolitan agreement This clause was to be ratified before toe Legis lature when It was Inserted in the sgreement corporation to be at liberty to oppose It before the House when up for ratification Now is York County change effected and result in more We Too Mens heavy working Mitts Some bargains in Hardware The February number of this peri odical is to hand and as usual is fall of interesting matter In cluding bis forecast of weather for this month the editor says close these forecasts for February by the Mitt at repeating our belief that the month will be filled with many mingled tropical and violent storms making it upon the whole the most severe and disagreeable month of this win ter Brletlcts If you bare not renewed your sub scription do not be surprised if there is a red mark on your Era next week The regular meeting of the will be held next Tuesday after noon at 3 oclock at the home of the President Only weeks till Valentines Day A new bat was picked up on Main St the other day The S Convention at unite a success Inspector made an official visit to the High School on Tuesday and appeared to be well pleased A big sleighload of young people went out to Mends on Mon day night and had a fine time The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church bold a Social von the 20th of Feb Particulars laterr- Mr house was moved upon its new site The Metropolitan are preparing to build car sheds at the of their station on St Over 0 attended the meeting Monday evening and an excellent pro gram provided Miss Alice Hughes in the chair and Miss Wilk inson presiding very efficiently at the piano Miss Sarah Richardson gave a good paper on Railway development in the North West Miss McCauleys pa per on Conditions in Russia was al so very good while the address by Mr P Pearson on The Strife between Church and State in France was excellent The Misses Thompson rendered a choice duet and Mr Douglas Scott an instrumental selection The pastor congratulate the on providing such an educa- Itlve program Next Monday evening will be So cial and Literary Wise Feeders Use Clydesdale Stock Food Worm Heave Cure and Poultry Food Results guaranteed Sold only at Blnns Hardware Obit us ry The subject this sketch Orsina Clark only daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Clark of Stone Lodge East was born in Merced Co California on the of September The family returned to Canada and have lived on the present farm for many years On September Clark was united in marriage Mr Church The annual congregational meeting was well attended on Thursday ev ening The paator presided and opened the meeting with praise and prayer The different reports indi cate total giving of le gacy S new organ almost paid for Three elders were elected and or dained in December 33 new mem bers added during the year Ten Baptisms Net membership Amount distributed for Missions and benevolent objects Four new members elected to Managing Board vis Messrs Dr Webb B Ross P J Anderson and Tench Messrs and Fas were- reelected for three years It was the most active year in the history the congregation Rev A Campbell is attending in the matter EDITORIAL Walter of Vancouver C Mr Mrs af- Presbytery their marriage removed to San of the call to of Rev H where Mr J Ferguson was pursuing a course in medicine On the day of Dec a son was born to brighten their happy home but on the morning of the to the great surprise her attendants Mrs was tak en with a sinking spell becoming and from she could not be rallied she expired in a short time leaving a babe a husband a father and mother and two brothers to mourn their loss hut not to mourn as those having no hope lor at the age of sixteen wm Buy A new Coal and Wood Cook Stove No hole with tank at Blnna Hardware Band Concert Be sure and reserve Wednesday night of next week for the Band Con cert If there waa no outside tal ent at all the boys deserve the became a Chris- and of the whole and united with the Christian The new leader Mr Haw- Church it Street where she is not only a firstclass her membership until it but a thorough gentleman and was severed by death Band is playing a class of musk Mrs was a moat hitherto attempted by local or- ami earnest Christian as her sanitations We have no hesitation most intimate friends with the 5inK that the Band will surprise church her choice can testify She when they hear them had and an to t Wednesday night serve her Lord her home her church order to make this the best that far excelled the Wft of the season no expense has She most cheerfully I spared in securing the best herself to every good work She talent hi Toronto Miss was a very efficient Bible class is acknowledged to bo and as in greatest Canadian Soprano and the church lor many years and as chosen as soloist at all principal we think of her sweet voice lifted in concerts Mr Owen A is a to her Maker we scarcely re- humorist of renown throughout the litre she now sin in the an- length and breadth of Canada and choir above delighted the audience on his was the leading spirit in appearance in Newmarket some the Society of ago lorn- church and was for sometime Secure your seats at its President all of which 08 Store tonight and avoid the were tokens of the esteem which rush she was held The rem jns were brought from her lite home San Bruno Park San rrmsisco to service held on Sunday Dec in Methodist Church and was lately attended Rev of Newmarket her former- pas- tor conducted the service preaching I tuna the text What I do thou not now but thou know hereafter John Rev Mr Partridge followed in some fortinc remarks Mr Chid leys words concerning the deceased i to have a pedal tor the and even here he said in human words are too poor and cheap to attempt an eulogy of a daughter so lovable and painstaking for her best interests of a sister md and thoughtful for her brothers good of a wife so amiable affectionate ho loyal and true and of a Christian so devout so earnest and so consecrated The gentle hut hie lived is the greatest best possible eulogy She waa laid to rest in the Cemetery Her memory abides with us and what a priceless trea- The memory of the Just is blessed Com GLASSES THAT BEAUTIFY It is announced that the Liberal members of the Ontario Legislature will shortly tender a banquet to Hon W Ross as a mark of apprecia tion of their esteem and in recogni tion of his appointment to the Se nate Word comes from Guelph that Mr Joseph Downey bas severed bis connection as editor of the Her ald of that city He has been iden tified with that journal for the past years in one capacity or another He purposes entering upon some oth er business enterprise If Hansard were abolished alto gether and one quarter of its cost devoted towards the expense the daily newspaper press furnishing reasonably full reports of proceedings and debates the country would know more about what parliament is do ing and the people obtain some con sideration for the money A despatch from Ottawa dated states Mr P is resigning his seat for Richelieu to become Judge at In succession to Judge Charbonneau who will be transferred to Montreal to take the pi ice of Mr Justice Taschercau promoted to be Chief Justice vice Sir Charles The camp site has be come a fixture An agreement has been reached between the Department and Provincial author ities in regard to the title of the land For territory obtained from the Province direct the Militia De partment will pay 25c an acre and from settlers the same lev as would have been payable by the colonists had a license been demanded The member for North Ontario in the Legislature wants to know how the amended jury law of is op erating find this out he has given notice of a motion to ascertain the counties adopting the alternative method of selecting jurors under the amendment referred to also for a return of expenses since June and repeals if any In consequence legal men not be ing ready to proceed with cases in the on Friday the court had to be adjourned over till Monday The real fault so it is said lies at the door of the Crown Attorney He asks that criminal cases be post poned from time to time and then at his leisure can proceed as he likes This knocks all the calculations end ways of legal men having civil cases and makes confusion Meanwhile the court expenses said Mr Justice totals up about per day part of it by direct taxation of the judicial county should give this matter his con sideration and remedy the cause of complaint TUESDAY- The feature of the meeting of York County Council today the ad dress of Deputy Minister Campbell the 4 roads movement By invitation Mr Campbell spoke along the line of practical work referring incidentally to some slight which taken effect in the Roads Act since the measure first Introduced Formerly a fixed sum waa given the municipalities whereas at present the question of outlay is left wholly with the ties individually tiding onethird the cut be same small or great The plan to be effective must receive the of at least twothird the townships in the designated and the plans approved by the engineer though the Litter does not appoint the commissioner to superintend the work unless specially requested by the county Sir Camp bell gave a list of the counties al ready engaged in the work of con structing good roads under the Gov ernment conditions They are with the amount expended to date Ox ford County Wellington County Hastings County Lennox County County Stmcoe County A number of other counties had entered the initial stages and would shortly enter upon active construction Up to and in cluding the ten years ending December in workj and in cash had been expend- on roads and looking around it was bard to see how the money and time had been expended In the event of York County enter ing as was proposed upon the good roads movement he urged the Coun cil to take no more under their charge than could be man aged If it was miles let it be leading roads and nothing would please the Government better than to see a large proportion of money spent in the work of grading and in crowning tbe roadway rather than in work of gravelling It was hoped that the movement would ex ert a most beneficial on the country at large In answer to Councillor Lapp Mr Campbell said that the question of wide tires was a most important one but one thing at a time said the deputy minister Get tbe good roads under way and the question of wide tires can very properly follow In answer to Councillor Mr Campbell also stated that the ques tion of the government aiding the towns and villages to same ex tent aa the townships had not been dealt with and it waa a question bow fsr legislation could go in that direction This morning the council will take up the question in earnest T and George S Henry were elected county commissioners The resignation of J as trustee of Aurora High School was accepted The financial statements of several high schools in the county were presented Tnn l iI MUST BE REDUCED Reductions in k Reductions in y I 1 DRY GOODS GROCERIES This Sale Positively Closes February 28th Do not expect to in on March 1st and buy at the same Price you can buy at now W A BRUNTON THE BEST BAKING POWDER The equalisation committee com- pitted their work and it will be pre sented to the council today Councillor Evans presented the re port of the legislative committee asking that a bill be presented en abling townships to proceed with lo cal improvements along the same lines as railways boundary ot the town of Toronto Junction to the boundary line bo- ween York and Peel miles and the road in tbe township of miles The Vaughan Plank road The Weston and road 27 miles Road Commencing at street on the road between lots and miles Road No commencing at eastern boundary of tbe Town of Aurora thence easterly to the village- antrae thence south and easterly miles The road 7j miles Road No commencing at Yongb Street between lots and thence westerly to the Otb con line and also down the fourth con line down to King station The Queen street road commencing on town line at 3rd con line of King thence easterly to town line between East and King across St to 3rd con line of East thence northerly along the 3rd con line Gwillimburv to tbe road be lt ween tots anil thence east erly village of Albert 13J- miles W C LUNDYS Newmarkets Fastest Growing Dry Goods and Tailoring Our Sale Continues BELHAVBN i This Sale does hot mean a saving a few dollars something you have no seed for but a saving of money on goods you need all tbe year VAL LACE EDGING 10 YARDS FOR CENTS J PURE IRISH LINEN FOR 25 CENTS NEW SPRING PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS HAVE ARRIVED C Step Live Stock Market The Sabbath School pur pose holding an entertainment on Feb Program con- Toronto this week were of readings and music by w School assisted by local talent SYSTEM Chair occupied by Mr I To commence at WEDNESDAY Practically the whole day was en up with a discussion of the pro posed Roads movement The principle of the bill was approv ed only by a small majority members endorsing the idea The members finally approved of roads on which plan will be opted They arc In the main The sick in this vicinity arc on the St the Kingston road Lake Mr 1 Dougherty and mother of were visitors in our burg Good butchers to Medium butchers to Butchers cows to 375 Good ft50 Milch cow to Calves to per Hogs 675 cars in Toronto and 635 at country points GRAND TRUNK Do Yon Wish to California Mexico Florida or the Sunny South be Neither wrinkled aw closed lid Por n native always Sale Register Atknii WEDNESDAY Feb T Watson will have an extensive sale of stock implements furniture etc on lot con King credit except for siftd poaHrvvAt Sale OS sharp TUESDAY Feb 13 Mr A will dispose of his house hold furniture at Brooks Block Mount Albert at a Terms Cash J Kester Shore St and the Weston and The Ken nedy road at subtest Ion Coun cillor was altered to pass thru the Town of Toronto add ing thereby some one and a quarter miles The road at the postoffice on St and running- easterly to Mark- ham Village was at the suggestion of Councillor Lapp extended to the town line between and Pickering a distance of three and threequarter miles Councillor Hill succeeded in having the line extended from Sharon to a dis tance of two and a half miles in addition to the miles already provided for The road was also added to by some four miles Altogether a fraction over eight miles was added to the roads which York County will lake In hand making a total of l tor which the sum of on s ap propriated Deputy Minister Campbells mate was along line of 5000 to a mile A ft ami William Keith were appointed industrial Home com missioners The County Commissioners for year will be Messrs George Henry Mr J has tendered resignation as trustee of Aurora High School Newmarket Markets February Are you to ftcapr be and the winter ln of god flowers If Winter are on dally Br a trip Me ticket are routed via tbe Grand Trunk are a trip aee rerouted via tbe For tickets and full mend Misses Louie and Clara Burnett were visiting in a tew days Whit per bush call on J Tom Agestt last week Red Wheat per bush 0 j Assert Mr has purchased the Spring wheat per farm of Mr A just across It from one he now occupies iRye p 0 Master Ross Walker has returned bosh sg- 0 H The present Road scheme of County tak ing over twelve roads aa St twentysix miles Kingston road nine Tbe Kennedy road beginning on the Kingston road between lot and In the Township of miles The Lake Shore road miles Street from the westerly home to Toronto after spending a per few months with bis grandparents oats per bush Snorta par ton Mr Otto called at Mr J Hay per ton- Davis on Sunday Batter roll per ft Misses Cook of were Eggs par guests at Mr Bakers Potatoes per Mr of Culvers- per AV Toronto delivered a very in- Ducks per address last Sunday morn- ft in the Christian church Mr Kennedy and family are about to take their departure to their home in Scott Tp The Misses Burnett of this place were visiting with Miss eighth line on Sunday Mr Johnson and sister were guests at Mr J Davis one day this week Mr and Mrs T were this 26- 8 Co 0 0 25 13 Toronto Markets Resolution for Get Your Photos AT WILSONS Wishing one and all a Happy and New Year J WILSONS Phono February Whit Wheat per Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat Brown of Goose Wheat week visiting at Mr Barley per 4 i i Joe Peas per bash- Miss Myrtle and Mabel Hill were Oats per oust the guests of the Misses Patterson Buckwheat Mr Moses Hill spent a leys per bush last week with All browser Rev Hay per ton Newton Hill Potatoes per bar Attend the Beet it par Butter Eggs par Dressed Hoge per Chickens per j Dusks ft per ft Km at have CJreulara free J Corner fa Its la 1907 7 0 0 0 66- 1 Oka It- 6 14 18 WANTED A resident afoot for and vicinity tor Fall months to sell trees All We ol the dm our and good essa out of it Arssrts will ACRES OF CHOICE STOCK TO DRAW UPON ttsssi ship is Apply tor fan paritalars la rswcwpetm to CO Bugler was Russell Gilbert was killed ai sentenced by railing from tbe of Kingston to a year in jail for the M C mail box rob- school Fire destroyed a section of Baldwin at A fc A slide buried the T track under tons of earth few del phis Friday sight doing jOlea west London Out the A HA

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